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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Generic Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:sunglass: Sunglass Sunglass
:typewriter: Typewriter Typewriter
:detective: Detective Detective
:seeingstars: Seeing Stars Seeing Stars
:cigar2: Cigar Cigar
:moonstars: MoonStars MoonStars
:glasses: Glasses Glasses
(w) SadRose SadRose
:goodluck: Good luck! Good luck!
:police: Police Police
:praying: Praying Praying
:fart: Fart Fart
:blueheels: Blue High Heels Blue High Heels
:cherry: Cherry Cherry
:candle: Candle Candle
:bunchflowers: Flowers Flowers
:hamactor: overacting overacting
:confused: Confused Confused
:byebye: Bye! Bye!
:wine: Wine Wine
:sock: Sock Sock
:vigil: Vigil Vigil
:sushi: Sushi Sushi
:fastdraq: FastDraw FastDraw
:hangloose: Hangloose Hangloose
:jester: jester jester
:mohawk: Mohawk Mohawk
:koolaid: KoolAid KoolAid
:rubberducky: RubberDucky RubberDucky
(f) SingleRose SingleRose
:blink: Blink Blink
:readfineprint: ReadFinePrint ReadFinePrint
:canadian: Canadian Canadian
:canoworms: CanOWorms CanOWorms
:firetruck: Firetruck Firetruck
:fireman: Fireman Fireman
:freetoaster: Free Toaster! Free Toaster!
:pirate-steer: Pirate Steering Pirate Steering
:blush: Blushing Blushing
:passinggas: Passing Gas Passing Gas
:eatinghersheybar: Eating Hershey Eating Hershey
:tarot: Tarotwitch Tarotwitch
:rrose: RedRose RedRose
:phonegab: talking your ear off talking your ear off
:chocolate: Chocolate Chocolate
:tea: Tea Tea
:rainbowAfro: RainbowAfro RainbowAfro
:| Say What? Say What?
:eek: EEK! EEK!
:dozey: Dozey Dozey
:beatnik: Beatnik Beatnik
:bow: Bow Bow
:hippie: hippie hippie
:clover: Luck Luck
:toothache: toothache toothache
:curtain: curtain curtain
:army: Army Army
:twitch: Twitch Twitch
:balloon: Balloon Balloon
:flowers: flowers flowers
:bobby: Bobby Bobby
:chef: Chef Chef
:doh: Doh Doh
:bouquet: Bouquet Bouquet
:dimbulb: DimBulb DimBulb
:princess: Princess Princess
:bolt: Bolt Bolt
:nixon: Nixon Nixon
:batman: Batman Batman
:reader: Book Book
:married: married married
:drool: drooling drooling
:gimmehug: GimmeHug GimmeHug
:eyebat: EyeBat EyeBat
:brainsucker: Brainsucker Brainsucker
:king: King King
:deal: Deal Deal
:pipe: pipe pipe
:deepthoughts: DeepThoughts DeepThoughts
:cold: cold cold
:hrmph: hrmph hrmph
:sigh: sigh sigh
:bigcry: Bigcry Bigcry
:bucktooth: Bucktooth Bucktooth
:duct: Duct-tape Duct-tape
:baby: Baby Baby
:bandana: Bandana Bandana
:bomb: Bomb Bomb
:pirate: Pirate Pirate
:missing: missing missing
:blues: Bluesad Bluesad
:nerd: nerd nerd
:tease: tease tease
:worried: worried worried
:brightbulb: BrightBulb BrightBulb
:hammer: hammer hammer
:cowboy: Cowboy Cowboy
:bowdown: Bowdown Bowdown
:cigar: Cigar Cigar
:veggie: Veggie Veggie
:shocking: Shocking Shocking
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:poc-blush: POC Blush POC Blush
:poc-smile: Smile Smile
:poc-confuse: Confusing (POC) Confusing (POC)
:poc-hmph: Hmphf! (POC) Hmphf! (POC)
:poc-love: Love and hearts (POC) Love and hearts (POC)
:poc-lol: LOL (POC) LOL (POC)
:poc-bleah: Bleah! (POC) Bleah! (POC)
:poc-eyeroll: Eyes Roll POC Eyes Roll POC
:poc-sleepy: Sleepy Sleepy
:poc-angry: Angry POC Angry POC
:poc-shocked: Shocked (POC) Shocked (POC)
:poc-sad: Sad (POC) Sad (POC)
:poc-headshake: Head Shake POC Head Shake POC
:poc-huh: Huh? (POC) Huh? (POC)
:poc-cool: Cool POC Cool POC
:poc-scared: Scared (POC) Scared (POC)
:poc-rant: Rant (POC) Rant (POC)
:poc-nod: Nod (POC) Nod (POC)
:poc-biggrin: Big Grin (POC) Big Grin (POC)
Reunion Specific Smileys
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:flyingmonkey: Flying Monkey Flying Monkey
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:2butch: 2Butch 2Butch
:daddy: Daddy Daddy
:onebutch: Butch Butch
:flashy: Flashy Flashy
:3butch: 3Butch 3Butch
:boxers: Boxers Boxers
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:spruceup: Spruce Up Spruce Up
:1femme: 1Femme 1Femme
:3femme: 3Femme 3Femme
:waitinggirl: Waiting Waiting
:whine: WhineGirl WhineGirl
:2femme: 2Femme 2Femme
:4femme: 4Femme 4Femme
Hello Kitty
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:hk15: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk23: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk31: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk7: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk20: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk28: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk36: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk4: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk12: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk1: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk17: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk25: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk33: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk9: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk14: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk22: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk30: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk6: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk19: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk27: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk35: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk3: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk11: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk16: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk24: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk32: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk8: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk21: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk29: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk5: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk13: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk18: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk26: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk34: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk2: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
:hk10: Hello Kitty Hello Kitty
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:bluebat: Blue Bat Blue Bat
:vampire: vampire vampire
:2nddaywalker: SecondDaywalker SecondDaywalker
:batty: bat bat
:daywalker: Daywalker's Smiley Daywalker's Smiley
:vampirebat: Vampirebat Vampirebat
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:openprez: Opening Presents Opening Presents
:bday: Happy Bday Happy Bday
:birthdaycake: Birthday Cake Birthday Cake
:birthday2: Happy Birthday Happy Birthday
:bestwish: Best Wishes Best Wishes
:surpriseparty: Surprise! Surprise!
:bday2: Happy Birthday from Us! Happy Birthday from Us!
:pinata: Pinata Pinata
:birthday: Birthday Birthday
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:huhlaugh: HuhLaugh HuhLaugh
:p Stick Out Tongue Stick Out Tongue
:o Embarrassment Embarrassment
:superfunny: ROFL ROFL
:cheer: Cheer Cheer
;) Wink Wink
:) Smile Smile
:cheesy: cheesy cheesy
:D Big Grin Big Grin
:rolleyes: Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)
:cool: Cool Cool
:winky: Winky Winky
:cheerleader: cheerleader cheerleader
:pointing: Pointing Pointing
:happyjump: HappyJump HappyJump
:simplelaugh: Crackmeup Crackmeup
:clap: Clap Clap
:thumbsup: ThumpUp ThumpUp
:freak: Freakout Freakout
:spit: Spit Spit
:piratelaugh: PirateLaugh PirateLaugh
:rofl: ROFL ROFL
:pile: Pile Pile
:giggle: Giggle Giggle
:cracked: CrackedUp CrackedUp
:lol2: LOL2 LOL2
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:mad: Mad Mad
:beatcomputer: BeatComputer BeatComputer
:argue: Argue Argue
:badmood: Badmood Badmood
:explode: Explode Explode
:annoyed: annoyed annoyed
:angry: Angry Angry
:slapfight: slapfight slapfight
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:superman: Superman Superman
:shithappens: Shit Happens Shit Happens
:nothingtoadd: NothingToAdd NothingToAdd
:yeahthat: Yeah.. That! Yeah.. That!
:newbie: I'm New I'm New
:welcome: welcome welcome
:loveBFP: I love this place! I love this place!
:Howtoimg: HowToAddImg HowToAddImg
:new: New New
:wtf: WTF?? WTF??
:sarcasmalert: Sarcasm Alert Sarcasm Alert
:readrules: Read the rules Read the rules
:olive: Olive Branch Olive Branch
:greendollar: greendollar greendollar
:callme: Call me! Call me!
:dots: dots dots
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:missu: Miss you Miss you
:watereyes: Watery Eyes Watery Eyes
:crybaby: Crybaby Crybaby
:sorry: I'm Sorry I'm Sorry
:blah: Blah Blah
:( Frown Frown
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:threadjack: Thread Jack Thread Jack
:yesno: Yes! No! Yes! No!
:congrats: Congrats Congrats
:threadneedspics: This Thread is Useless without Pictures This Thread is Useless without Pictures
:wallbreak: BangBreak BangBreak
:seconddoh: SecondDoh SecondDoh
:overreaction: Reaction Reaction
:badscore: Bad Score Bad Score
:getout: Get out! Get out!
:thefinger: THE finger THE finger
:raspberry: raspberry raspberry
:kettlepot: KettlePot KettlePot
:dontfeedmods: dontfeedmods dontfeedmods
:fyi: FYI FYI
:rant: Ranting Ranting
:whoop: Whoop-dee-doo Whoop-dee-doo
:eyebrow: Eyebrow Eyebrow
:nyahnyah: NyahNyah NyahNyah
:goodscore: Good Score Good Score
:closetopic: Topic Closed Topic Closed
:thud: Thud Thud
:insane: Going insane Going insane
:firefox: I-heart-FF I-heart-FF
:2cents: 2cents 2cents
:popcorn: Popcorn Popcorn
:furious: furious furious
:mob: Mob Mob
:crap: Crap Crap
:censor: censored censored
:deadhorse: deadhorse deadhorse
:soapbox: Soapbox Soapbox
:goodpost: GoodPost GoodPost
Smileys Doing Stuff
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:buzz cut: Buzz Cut Buzz Cut
:accountant: Accountant Accountant
:flyaway: Flying away Flying away
:cowboihorse: Cowboi on horse Cowboi on horse
:wateringgarden: Watering Garden Watering Garden
:girlonatv: Girl-on-ATV Girl-on-ATV
:scooter: Scooter Scooter
:garbageboi: Throwing out the Trash Throwing out the Trash
:ninja: Ninja Ninja
:mountie: mountie mountie
:beachkids: Kids-at-beach Kids-at-beach
:hospital-snoopy: hospital-snoopy hospital-snoopy
:lovelinux: LoveLinux LoveLinux
:marketbicycle: Shopping bicycle Shopping bicycle
:darthsmiley: Darth vs. Smiley Darth vs. Smiley
:bully: Bully Bully
:knighthorse: Knight on Horse Knight on Horse
:tiredcomputer: TiredComputer TiredComputer
:surprisebday: SurpriseBday SurpriseBday
:chemist: Chemist Chemist
:pendulum: Pendulum Pendulum
:hanging: Hanging Smiley Hanging Smiley
:badcook: BadCook BadCook
:cough: Sick Sick
:ambulance: Ambulance Ambulance
:jam: Copier Jam Copier Jam
:groupphoto: Group Photo Group Photo
:tinfoil: Tin Foil Hat Tin Foil Hat
:carride: Car Ride Car Ride
:walking-poodle: walking-poodle walking-poodle
:bbq: BBQ BBQ
:givingarose: Giving Rose Giving Rose
:thinking: Thinking Thinking
:hypno: Hypno Hypno
:darthluke: Darth vs. Luke Darth vs. Luke
:bingo: Bingo! Bingo!
:linecook: Line Cook Line Cook
:bringcoffee: Bring Coffee Bring Coffee
:flying: Flying Flying
:tanning: Tanning Tanning
:toypony: Toy Pony Toy Pony
:harley: Harley Harley
:scarytv: Scary Movie Scary Movie
:chef2: Chef 2 Chef 2
:danglecarrot: Dangling Carrot Dangling Carrot
:beerfunnel: BeerFunnel BeerFunnel
:bananasplit: Banana Split Banana Split
:toondance: Dancing Cartoon Dancing Cartoon
:motorbike: Motorbike Motorbike
:cookielove: Cookie! Cookie!
:builder: Construction Construction
:girleating: GirlEating GirlEating
:blowingitup: Blowing it up! Blowing it up!
:gossip: gossip gossip
:beerbros: BeerBros BeerBros
:bath: bath bath
:coffee: coffee-news coffee-news
:theisland: TheIsland TheIsland
:weightshock: weight weight
:knit: knitting knitting
:drunk: Drunk Drunk
:shark: Shark Shark
:smelling-flower: Smell-Flowers Smell-Flowers
:writer: writer writer
:dance2: SingleDance SingleDance
:movieguy: movieguy movieguy
:alarm: Alarm Alarm
:quickdraw: QuickDraw QuickDraw
:cooking: Cooking Cooking
:help: help help
:knitboy: KnitBoy KnitBoy
:fan: Fan Fan
:pacman: pacman pacman
:toast: toast toast
:titantic: Titantic Titantic
:boink: boink boink
:artist: Artist Artist
:ohm: Ohm Ohm
:eating: Eatin' Eatin'
:computer: Computer Computer
:beddybye: beddy-bye beddy-bye
:pcthink: PCThink PCThink
:gotmail: YouGotMail YouGotMail
:barmartini: BarMartini BarMartini
:knitgirl: KnitGirl KnitGirl
:computer2: computer2 computer2
:formalbow: Formal Bow Formal Bow
:woodchop: woodchop woodchop
:laundryday: LaundryDay LaundryDay
:lawnmower: Lawnmower Lawnmower
:nurseshot: NurseShot NurseShot
:cuttree: CutTree CutTree
Scary and Scared Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:hiding: Hiding behind sofa Hiding behind sofa
:chainsaw: Chainsaw Chainsaw
:runforhills: Run for the Hills! Run for the Hills!
:alieninjar: Alien in Jar Alien in Jar
:nailbitin: Nail Biting Nail Biting
:analprobe: Anal Probe Anal Probe
:scared: Scared Scared
:spider: spider spider
:zombie: Zombie Zombie
:chasingzombie: ZombieChase ZombieChase
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:junesmiley: June's BlackPoodle June's BlackPoodle
:goat: Goat Goat
:frog: Frog Frog
:doghead: DogHead DogHead
:dog: Dog Dog
:playingcat: cat playing cat playing
:bulldog: Bulldog Bulldog
:unicorn: Unicorn Unicorn
:smladybug: Small Ladybug Small Ladybug
:duck: QuackyDuck QuackyDuck
:flyingpig: Flying Pig Flying Pig
:ballcat: Cat with ball Cat with ball
:fishswim: Fishie Fishie
:schnauzer: schnauzer schnauzer
:sugarglider: Sugar Glider Sugar Glider
:tiger: Tiger Tiger
:rollcat: Rolling Cat Rolling Cat
:dogwalking: Walking Dog Walking Dog
:bigladybug: Big Ladybug Big Ladybug
:ellyphanty: Dancing Elephant Dancing Elephant
:antler: Antlers Antlers
:penguin: Penguin Penguin
:cluck: cluck cluck
:badger: badger badger
:wolf: wolf wolf
:floatbee: Floatbee Floatbee
:cat: Cat Cat
:paw: paw paw
:batmoose: BatMoose BatMoose
:pursebee: Beewpurse Beewpurse
:sheep: sheep sheep
:elefant: elefant elefant
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:countpetal: Love me, Love me not Love me, Love me not
:stillheart: heart heart
:lips: Lips Lips
:rose: rose rose
:love1: love1 love1
:heartbeat: heart-beat heart-beat
:cupid: cupid cupid
:sparklyheart: SparklyHeart SparklyHeart
:loveletter: loveletter loveletter
:awww: Awww Awww
:kissy: lips2 lips2
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:asswhip: Ass Whipping Ass Whipping
:bullwhip: Bullwhip Bullwhip
:flasher: Flasher Flasher
:stiletto: Stiletto Stiletto
:smileywhip: WhippingSmiley WhippingSmiley
:bedfuck: BedFuck BedFuck
:tongue: Tongue Tongue
:sado: Sado Sado
:backdoorsex: BackdoorSex BackdoorSex
:bdsmslave: BDSMSlave BDSMSlave
:spank: Spanking Spanking
:leatherdad: LeatherDaddy LeatherDaddy
:perv: Perv Perv
:bondage: Bondage Bondage
:whip: whip whip
:fuck: fuck fuck
:ballngag: Ball-n-gag Ball-n-gag
Angels and Demons
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:grindevil: GrinDevil GrinDevil
:girldevil: GirlDevil GirlDevil
:sadangel: SadAngel SadAngel
:devil: Devil Devil
:fallenangel: Fallen-Angel Fallen-Angel
:innocent: innocent innocent
:angel: Angel Angel
:seesaw: seesaw seesaw
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:golf: golf golf
:snooker: Snooker-PoolTable Snooker-PoolTable
:cards: cards cards
:outfield: Outfield Outfield
:kungfu: KungFu KungFu
:fudd: HunterFudd HunterFudd
:downhillski: Downhill Ski Downhill Ski
:trampoline: Trampoline Trampoline
:waterski: Waterskiing Waterskiing
:soccer: Soccer Soccer
:putting: Golfing Golfing
:footballpass: Football pass Football pass
:weightlifter: Weightlifter Weightlifter
:basketball: basketball basketball
:sumo: Sumo Sumo
:heavyweight: Weightlifting Weightlifting
:hockey: Hockey Hockey
:poker: Poker Poker
:bicycle: Bicycling Bicycling
:football: Football Football
:caddyshack: Golf with gopher Golf with gopher
:horseriding: HorseRiding HorseRiding
:fastcycling: Fast Cycling Fast Cycling
:fencing: fencing fencing
:fishingboot: Fishing for a boot Fishing for a boot
:riding2: Riding2 Riding2
:olympics: Olympics Olympics
:playingchess: Chess-playing Chess-playing
:redcard: Redcard-soccer Redcard-soccer
:training: Training Training
:baseball: Baseball Baseball
:skateboard: Skateboard Skateboard
:sailing: Sailing Sailing
:fishing: fishing fishing
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:england: England England
:jollyroger: JollyRoger JollyRoger
:australia: Australia Australia
:puertorico: Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
:usa: USA USA
:kiwiflag: New Zealand New Zealand
:cherokee: Cherokee Cherokee
:israel: Israel Israel
:leatherflag: Leather Flag Leather Flag
:canada: Canada Canada
:palestine: Palestine Flag Palestine Flag
:euflag: European Union European Union
:aboriginal: Aboriginal Aboriginal
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:smileyXmasTree: SmileyXmasTree SmileyXmasTree
:snowman: SnowMan SnowMan
:cc: CandyCane1 CandyCane1
:grinch: Grinch Grinch
:present: Present Present
:fireworks: Fireworks Fireworks
:stocking: HolidayStocking HolidayStocking
:rabbi: Rabbi Rabbi
:thanksgiving: Thanksgiving Thanksgiving
:eatthebunny: Eat the bunny Eat the bunny
:amsmiling: I AM Smiling! I AM Smiling!
:santa1: Santa1 Santa1
:mistletoe: Mistletoe Mistletoe
:hijab: hijab hijab
:driedel: Driedel Driedel
:rudreindeer: RudolphReindeer RudolphReindeer
:turkeyday: TurkeyDay TurkeyDay
:snowysmiley: SnowySmiley SnowySmiley
:fathersday: Father's Day Father's Day
:wwii-veterans: WWII American Flag WWII American Flag
:2driedel: 2driedel 2driedel
:xmascandle: Xmas-Candle Xmas-Candle
:sermon: Sermon Sermon
:snowballfight: Snowball fight Snowball fight
:wreath: Wreath Wreath
:anothersnowman: AnotherSnowman AnotherSnowman
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:groucho: Groucho Groucho
:papac: Ultimate Nerd/PapaC Ultimate Nerd/PapaC
:scorp: Scorp Scorp
:3stooges: 3 Stooges 3 Stooges
:caveman: Caveman Caveman
:chaplin: Chaplin Chaplin
:ymca: YMCA YMCA
:jack: Jack Jack
:indiangirl: Indian girl Indian girl
:admin: Admin Admin
:linus: Linus Linus
:supermanbooth: Superman Phone Booth Superman Phone Booth
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:drummer: Drummer Drummer
:guitar: Guitar Guitar
:bandkiss: KissBand KissBand
:hendrix: Hendrix Hendrix
:crowd-surf: BodySurf BodySurf
:americanIdol: American Idol American Idol
:breakdance: Break Dance Break Dance
:rockband2: Rock Band 2 Rock Band 2
:bellydancer: Belly Dancer Belly Dancer
:choir: choir choir
:beatles: Beatles Bobblehead Beatles Bobblehead
:harp: Harp Harp
:ballerina: Ballerina Ballerina
:grandpiano: Grand Piano Grand Piano
:tango: Tango Tango
:bluesbrothers: Blues Brothers Blues Brothers
:rockband: Rock Band Rock Band
:violin: Violin Violin
:party: party party
:danceparty: Dancing4 Dancing4
:dance1: DanceTeam DanceTeam
:musicnote: MusicNote MusicNote
:rainsing: Singing-in-rain Singing-in-rain
:listening: Listening to Music Listening to Music
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:farmeggs: Eggs Eggs
:farmtruck: Truck Truck
:farmer: Farmer Farmer
:farmcow: MooCow MooCow
:farmducklings: Farm Duck Farm Duck
:farmbull: Bull Bull
:farmtractor: Tractor Tractor
:farmtree: Tree Tree
:farmchicken: Farm Chicken Farm Chicken
:farmwife: Farmwife Farmwife
:farmshotgun: Farm Gun Farm Gun
Differently Abled
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:aslIloveyou: ASL I Love you ASL I Love you
:wheelchair: Wheelchair Wheelchair
:mobilewheelchair: Wheelchair in motion Wheelchair in motion
:aslpeacelove: ASL Peace/love ASL Peace/love
:deaf: Deaf Deaf
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:weedsmoke: Smokin' joint 2 Smokin' joint 2
:smokejoint: Smokin' joint Smokin' joint
:cannabis: Cannabis Cannabis
:flyingweed: Flying Flying
:hatsmoke: Smokin' w/ hat Smokin' w/ hat
:peacelove: Peace and love, man! Peace and love, man!

All times are GMT -6. The time now is 08:58 PM.

All information copyright of BFP 2018