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RockOn 03-27-2016 04:15 PM

- tendency to cut and run, accept my losses

- when I have had enough, I do "aloof" very well (counselor told me about that years ago)

- intolerant of inconsiderate people (loud, rude, obnoxious, etc.)

- the passive-aggressives annoy me tremendously, I tend to want to pull a verbal fight out of them :( ... deeply ashamed of that one

- I was trusting to a fault years ago, now I have no trust resources left, I used them up ... wish it weren't true but today I always think I am being lied to (even when I am not)

okay, enough for now but I am sure there are lots more

girl_dee 05-22-2017 03:33 AM

i wear my heart on my sleeve, i need to keep it in my pocket

homoe 05-22-2017 06:25 AM

I'm to jaded...................

AmazonDC 05-22-2017 06:54 AM

I work entirely too much and forget skmetimes to take care of Me... need My grl here for that part.lol

Kätzchen 05-22-2017 06:58 AM

I think being cynical or jaded is a pretty nice 'fault' to have around, some days.

<<<<~~ somewhat cynical, somewhat jaded. 92 percent sweet and thoughtful (my other equally troubling 'fault').

Mel C. 05-22-2017 10:35 AM

I have a low self esteem which leads to being easily offended. Sometimes being offended leads to lashing out. Lashing out leads to feeling guilty and beating myself up, which causes low self esteem and the cycle begins all over again.

NavyButch 05-22-2017 02:56 PM

I trust way to easy and quickly- absolutely a fault- and something I work on constantly.

Logicaly 05-22-2017 03:11 PM

My confidence isn't always what it should be, making social interactions very hard for me some times. I have had a long struggle with social anxiety, it has much improved but it is always there, holding me back in some way.

akiza 05-22-2017 03:12 PM

some friends said that i'm distant true but i call that i'm introverted and shy and not wanting to talk much;defensive and angry true too but i've got reasons to be like that friends males who like to tell me stupids love declarations wtf? judgementals homophobic youngs in my high school yes,not nice because i refuse boyfriends no fuck buddy,dreamer,silencious and don't show much my feelings but emojis are nice lol ^^ when i exprime myself on line i've maybe forget others things ^^

Soft*Silver 05-22-2017 04:06 PM

well, I still have denial that I am physically limited, so I dream up projects to do and then need help finishing them. And sometimes there just isnt someone to help finish them so I will push myself to do it and end up hurting myself.

I use to be very athletic and buff...then the car accident happened and I gained weight, lost muscle, developed weakness, and battle balance issues. It makes me VERY angry to this day, even tho its been a decade since the accident

girl_dee 05-22-2017 04:24 PM

i tend to want to run and exit before i get hurt, and have missed and nearly missed out on some great connections because of misplaced fear

Glenn 05-23-2017 03:36 PM

I smoke so much that anyone who lives with me, including me, will probably be dead in a year:cigar2:.

cathexis 05-23-2017 06:19 PM

Cynical, distrusting, get scared often then lash out, wound too tight requiring major surgery to loosen up, a hermit, smoke, too fat, out of shape, didn't age well (ugly for the past 20 years), hide from people, push people away when they get too close, and low self esteem. Want anymore? Sure I could think of 'em.

Stronghealer 05-23-2017 06:22 PM

too many to name

Stronghealer 05-23-2017 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Stronghealer (Post 1145488)
too many to name

procrastinator,love to hard,impatient with myself and others at times.

gotoseagrl 05-23-2017 08:39 PM

~ Being fearful of history repeating itself sometimes & of things in general
~ Worrying too much about what other people think
~ Being gullible sometimes even when I shouldn't be
~ Being more shy than most people
~ Trying too hard at certain things
~ Too passionate
~ Right-brained which fights with OCD of my left brain
~ Hypersensitive & tend to hyperfocus on certain things
~ I keep my running shoes on

Bèsame* 05-23-2017 10:18 PM

my mouth doesn't engage with my brain

Gayandgray 05-23-2017 10:40 PM

I tend to give my friends the shirt off my back if they need it, yet when I'm the one who needs help they are always too busy. I think I'm too damned giving.

IrishAmazon 05-23-2017 11:02 PM

I am overly afraid of judgment.

So shy that just the thought of speaking to anyone because I want to makes me not only turning very beet red, and then turning tail, because no I can feel my heart jumping out of my chest.

I won’t talk about anything that actually has value to me. If it’s good it’s because it/you may leave and not come back, no matter how much I want you to know I won’t tell. Instead I will give you some other honest but much less personal complement. If it’s bad it is truly bad and I need to not be weak and deal, the worse it is the more I will regress from everything and everyone.

Someone told me quite a while back that I should speak less so people don’t know how stupid I am, I have yet to bounce back from that. I am afraid he was right.

girl_dee 05-29-2017 02:33 PM

i should come with a warning label.

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