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Tommi 04-16-2011 05:11 AM

Mirror in the corner
For you, to be there for yourself, come through the pain in the darkest hour.
Join the survivors who have walked through hell and damnation to be here and now.
Stay in the present, and know there are those who care, and want to share the light

miss entycing 04-16-2011 09:04 AM

Miss Scarlett 04-16-2011 10:29 AM


For the protection and safety of everyone in the path of today's storms and their aftermath

Tommi 04-16-2011 11:21 AM

Moving On
For those in the shadwows of darkenss.
Find a peaceful place and rest your mind, body and soul. Take strength from the candles lit by so many caring and loving people, and know you are safe.
Tomorrow a new door will open and you must go through. May the sun kiss your cheek, the soft breeze dry your tears, and friends surround you in a loving embrace.

Tommi 04-16-2011 10:35 PM

A quiet get-away for just a few days
Candles and quiet places, just what is needed to ease hard times, hard feelings from other times and spaces.


1PlayfulFemme 04-16-2011 10:42 PM

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month....

I light my candle tonight for all that have been violated. For those that are Survivors, who have healed their wounds as much as possible and for those that have not yet begun the journey of healing. For those that didn't live to tell their stories, and for those that feel silenced by the actions forced upon them. For those who can't stop talking about it, and those that don't want to stop talking about it. My prayer for peace within for each of us whispers into the Universe.

Turtle 04-17-2011 01:06 AM


please join me in warming up by the campfire tonight - wishing peaceful transitions

JakeTulane 04-17-2011 08:32 AM

Let the light of the fireflies guide you to where you belong. Knowing without fear that you are following the right path. Knowing that this is your journey. That there is no need to fear, because the fireflies will guide you home. I will keep everyone in My daily meditations.. that you find your fireflies within.. that will guide you all through your self-journey.

Miss Scarlett 04-17-2011 11:39 AM


Tefilat Haderech

Ye-hi ratson mil'fa-ne-cha Adonai elo-hei-nu vei-lo-hei avo-teinu
sheh-toli-cheinu l'shalom v’ta-tzi-deinu l'shalom
v'tad-ri-cheinu l'shalom v'ta-gi-einu lim-choz chef-tseinu
l'chayim ul-simcha ul-shalom
V'ta-tsi-leinu mikaf kol oyeiv v'oreiv v'listim v'cha-yot ra-ot ba-derech
u-mikol mi-nei fur-a-niyot ha-mit-ragshot lavo la-olam
V'tish-lach b'racha b'chol ma-asei ya-deinu
v'tit-neinu l'chein ul-chesed ul-racha-mim
be'ei-necha uv-einei chol ro-einu, v'tishma kol tacha-nu-neinu
Ki Eil sho-mei-a t'fi-lah v’ta-cha-nun a-tah
Ba-ruch a-tah Adonai sho-mei-a t'fi-lah

May it be Your will, Eternal One,
our G-d and the G-d of our ancestors,
that You lead us toward peace,
emplace our footsteps towards peace,
guide us toward peace,
and make us reach our desired destination
for life, gladness, and peace.
May You rescue us
from the hand of every foe, ambush, bandits
and wild animals along the way,
and from all manner of punishments that
assemble to come to Earth.
May You send blessing in
our every handiwork,
and grant us peace, kindness,
and mercy in Your eyes
and in the eyes of all who see us.
May You hear the sound of our supplication,
because You are the G-d who hears
prayer and supplications.
Blessed are You,
Eternal One,
who hears prayer.

miss entycing 04-17-2011 12:28 PM

for those who are leaving light for me, just know that it's finished now...
the blessigs left here for me kept me sane, and still standing.
my love to you my Planet family.. i shall not ever forget the kindness shown here.
my blessings to light to all of you..
happiness and light will come to you all tenfold.
for those keeping me sane via phone as well, and thru spirit, i love you too.

and to you my sister, SD, my brother in law T, and little spirit,
for driving 6 hours to save me, to hold me.. i love you.
words will never express how much it meant.
brightest blessings, and as always i leave my light burning for all of you.


DamselFly 04-17-2011 01:33 PM

for animals....
i burn incense for a good incarnation of the soul of Stroll, a mother who died giving birth to her foal yesterday evening/
i burn incense for her foal. may he live and grow to be strong, healthy, and happy! he is a fighter to have made it this far!
i burn incense for all animals in distress. may they receive relief from their suffering and live in comfort and ease, for they are sentient beings also!
namaste. :vigil:

DamselFly 04-17-2011 01:41 PM

for my housemate...
i burn incense for my housemate. she has been up 24 hrs, much of which was spend trying to save Stroll, her mare, and then saving the orphan foal. she took him to get a blood transfusion. may her strength and hope not give out; may she not despair; may she find some surcease from her troubles!
namaste. :vigil:

DamselFly 04-17-2011 01:47 PM

for those caught in the path of wildfires....
i burn incense for those caught in the path of wildfires! may they escape the damage done by flame and smoke!
the smell of smoke is very strong outside our house. may we not get caught in a woldfire! may we also escape the devastating flames and smoke!
namaste. :praying:

DamselFly 04-17-2011 01:51 PM

for all who suffer...
i burn incense for all who suffer in any way! may your suffering be eased; may you find peace; may you rest in comfort and ease!
namaste. :candle:

DamselFly 04-17-2011 01:56 PM

in thanks
i burn incense in thanks for all who have found some lessening of their suffering! may they continue in their Way, knowing that suffering (dukka) is but part of samsara, and that there is cessation of suffering! may they rest in comfort and ease!
namaste. :praying:

1PlayfulFemme 04-17-2011 02:11 PM


Today I light candles for the survivors of the tornadoes that whipped through the Southeast, and for the ones that did not survive. I light candles for their families and loved ones who try to make sense of their losses.

Andrew, Jr. 04-17-2011 03:43 PM

My thoughts and prayers are for the sick, term. ill, poor, needy, homeless, hungry, hopeless, animals/pets, nature, and all of us here. May we all find our own inner peace.

God Bless Us - Each and Everyone.

Happy Palm Sunday!

Much peace and love to all,

Daywalker 04-17-2011 04:20 PM

Niece Update:

She had a Rejection that has been stablized.

I brought her Orange Juice this morning.

She is almost up to 100 pounds now!

She and I have much more in common now than ever.

AND, she is lending me her Wheelchair for the Robert Plant Concert.

AND, she is letting me bling it up with blue lights for the occasion.



Lighting Candles for Everyone!


JustLovelyJenn 04-17-2011 07:15 PM

Today I light my candles for my dear friend who is going into surgery tomorrow. Shes fighting cancer... May the Goddess see her safely through this newest battle.

Andrew, Jr. 04-18-2011 07:22 AM

My thoughts and prayers are with those couples who want children and cannot, the sick, the poor, the needy, the homeless, the unemployed, the underemployed, the hopeless, and all who are here today. May all of our silent prayers be heard & answered by God.

Let us all go forth in peace and love today,
praising Jesus,
as did the crowds who welcomed Him to Jerusalem.


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