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CherylNYC 02-14-2019 03:30 PM

So far Kamala is my first choice. She's tough, she's driven and she's comfortable with power. I think her history of aggressive prosecutions as a DA would have been angering had I lived through it, but it makes her a much more serious threat as a Presidential candidate. It makes her more attractive to the middle, and I don't care if that means she loses points on the left. If the next Pres is a Republican we can kiss our civil liberties, reproductive rights, and our environment goodbye.

cathexis 02-15-2019 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Martina (Post 1239944)
Look at those young folk. If they would only vote.

We need "get out the vote" campaigns like in the '70s-'90s. Aggressive voter registration like before would be nice. I'll stand next to Walmart with a clipboard. What happened to our organizers? Guess they burned out like us protestors. Burnout started with "next gen".

Really need this generation to pick up the baton.

Martina 02-15-2019 02:07 PM

Dems refused to fund the ground game last time, especially in the cities. Blame Clinton's campaign.

Martina 02-16-2019 08:58 PM

I heard Biden's eulogy for Rep. John Dingell on cspan, and it confirmed my willingness to vote for Biden should he get the nomination. He is a mainstream Dem with all that baggage, but he really does care about working people and unions. I think he would be a far braver President than his old boss, who I think would be braver if he had it to do again.

I like Biden. He has suffered in a particular way that I have suffered -- losing a loved one to glioblastoma. I know that's part of why my heart is more open to him. But the way he talked about the dignity of work and of being able to care for your family . . . . I know he understands that in both success and failure.

charley 02-19-2019 07:24 AM

Bernie Sanders
Watching news this morning, Bernie Sanders has thrown his hat in the ring to run for President.

From my little Canadian pov, I think I like Bernie the best, having listened to what he says, since he cuts through everything and tells it like it is. I always have the greatest respect for those who dare "speak truth to power". Pls be reminded that we have medicare here for everyone, which is, in fact, nothing less than a reflection of "democratic socialism". Considering how Republican "capitalist" beliefs are spread across the U.S., I am not sure he has a chance.

Insofar as Kamala Harris is concerned, she recently stated that she is not a "democratic socialist". Personally, I think she is playing the political game of trying to win the middle ground so as to win (reminds me of Hillary)! As such, she has lost my personal interest.

This will be one scary election run-off to see who will be chosen by the Dems to run for President.

dark_crystal 02-19-2019 08:14 AM

I like that Bernie announced upon the heels of Schultz trying to blackmail the Dems over nominating him-- bc i, too, am a troll.

Now we are going to get to see who moves to the center to placate Schultz.

And any Dems who want to give Schultz the finger have only 1 way to do it: get behind Bernie. Schultz said specifically who he was most worried about.


i like that Russia pushed his narrative to spoil Hillary/help Trump last cycle-- bc now all of their trollery bites them in the ass. Bernie's message is very visible and the Russians helped. Now their tactics become our asset.

It's beautiful.

Andrea 02-19-2019 09:25 AM

Just set up my recurring donation to Bernie's campaign. :awww:

Anyone else think a Bernie/Joe combination would be ideal?

Seems like everyone else has some baggage I can't get around.

MsTinkerbelly 02-19-2019 09:51 AM

I will vote for whichever candidate runs against the burgermeister, but I really hope it won’t be Bernie. I would rather see old man Biden winning than Bernie. I know that puts me in the minority, but there you go.

I think that I still have such resentment that Bernie waited so long, and did so little, to help his base accept Hilary as the candidate, that I just can’t see him pulling our fractured party (let alone our country) together.

Of course I have been wrong before........

CherylNYC 02-19-2019 11:33 AM

I am strongly against Sanders or Biden as Presidential candidates or as running mates. I'm against them for the same reason I would be against Hillary if she threw her hat in the ring today. They are all too darned old!

Bernie Sanders is 77 years old now. He would be 79 in 2020 and 83 by the end of a four year term. If he were to win a second term he would be 87 years old. Biden is just one year younger. Ronald Reagan was clearly experiencing dementia in his second term. He was nearly 70 when he was sworn in, which is 10 years younger than Sanders would be. The risk of dementia and disease is only part of it. The job of U.S. President calls for someone more vigorous and energetic than an 80 year old can possibly be. No insults intended, but I am not supportive of someone who I'm convinced couldn't sustain the energy needed for this job.

Apparently, this is a popular subject. I googled Biden's and Sanders' age just to be sure, and 'age' was the second and third suggested google search for each of them respectively.

Martina 02-19-2019 11:47 AM

When I saw that he had announced, I yelled, "Bernie!!!!"

I love the man. I couldn't be happier that he's running.

C0LLETTE 02-19-2019 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by CherylNYC (Post 1240902)
I am strongly against Sanders or Biden as Presidential candidates or as running mates. I'm against them for the same reason I would be against Hillary if she threw her hat in the ring today. They are all too darned old!

Bernie Sanders is 77 years old now. He would be 79 in 2020 and 83 by the end of a four year term. If he were to win a second term he would be 87 years old. Biden is just one year younger. Ronald Reagan was clearly experiencing dementia in his second term. He was nearly 70 when he was sworn in, which is 10 years younger than Sanders would be. The risk of dementia and disease is only part of it. The job of U.S. President calls for someone more vigorous and energetic than an 80 year old can possibly be. No insults intended, but I am not supportive of someone who I'm convinced couldn't sustain the energy needed for this job.

Apparently, this is a popular subject. I googled Biden's and Sanders' age just to be sure, and 'age' was the second and third suggested google search for each of them respectively.

Maybe you don't really figure out who you really are or what you believe in until you are in your 90s. Wouldn't that be a kick in the ass.


Dance Bernie, dance.

cathexis 02-19-2019 03:33 PM

Bernie is too old, and Sanchez is too green. The MW is probably going for Biden. There no really good choice. It's too bad that Bernie didn't groom someone. Want a "Democratic Socialist," but don't see anyone in the wings.
The Country has gone way to the right since 45 was elected, maybe before.

Martina 02-19-2019 04:22 PM

It's so rare for me to respond to a candidate, to feel much about their candidacy. So so rare. I think a lot of people feel that way about Bernie. It's not just that he stands for the right things, it's his clear good intentions, his decency, his determination, his humor. He's like a hundred people I have known except he is in politics, which rarely attracts the good guys. Obama is a decent man, but he did not stand for what I do. I was moved that an African-American could get elected, but because our politics didn't align, I was not super enthusiastic.

Bernie just lightens my heart and gives me hope for my country. I don't care how old he is. That he is willing to take it all on again is enough for me. He's Bernie. A national treasure. I will support him until he wins or concedes.

Andrea 02-19-2019 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by MsTinkerbelly (Post 1240900)
I will vote for whichever candidate runs against the burgermeister, but I really hope it won’t be Bernie. I would rather see old man Biden winning than Bernie. I know that puts me in the minority, but there you go.

I think that I still have such resentment that Bernie waited so long, and did so little, to help his base accept Hilary as the candidate, that I just can’t see him pulling our fractured party (let alone our country) together.

Of course I have been wrong before........

Perhaps I am misunderstanding. Hilary won the popular vote. The only reason Dear Leader won was due to the electoral vote. Do you believe Bernie could have changed that outcome?

Martina 02-19-2019 07:06 PM

The votes Clinton lost that cost her the election were African Americans in Milwaukee and Detroit and white women who had voted for Obama in Pennsylvania. The African Americans didn't come out. The Pennsylvania women voted for Trump. These were never Bernie Sanders voters.

While a number of Bernie voters did not vote for Clinton, there is no analysis that says that they cost her the election. Not going to Wisconsin even one time cost her the election. Not funding the ground game cost her the election.

You can say Jill Stein won 130,000 votes in those states, but most of those were never going to be hers. The campaign didn't expect them to be. Stein under performed. The votes Clinton counted on -- African Americans and middle class women -- didn't happen. Those last few weeks she campaigned in fucking Texas, where she never had a shot, and ignored the three states that cost her the election.

Martina 02-19-2019 07:23 PM

I was just googling to make sure I was right about something I said in the last post and saw that Bernie made commercials supporting Clinton that they never aired. They did not run out of money. Just too stupid and arrogant.

Martina 02-19-2019 07:32 PM

Also, just saw this in an article about how she lost Michigan (undermining their own ground game, largely):

"Sanders threw himself into campaign appearances for Clinton throughout the fall, but familiar sources say the campaign never asked the Vermont senator’s campaign aides for help thinking through Michigan, Wisconsin or anywhere else where he had run strong."


dark_crystal 02-19-2019 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Andrea (Post 1240897)
Just set up my recurring donation to Bernie's campaign

Me too! He raked in 4 million today, which is a record.

Martina 02-20-2019 10:31 PM

Didn't it end up being almost $6 million? *All proud of Bernie*

Orema 02-21-2019 03:25 PM

I’m starting to look forward to the primaries. Thank goodness the Democrats will put forth a somewhat diverse selection. And I think from here on, the Democratic primaries will be more diverse than what we’ve had. That’s an important and good change for me.

I’m open to a lot of people in the primaries. Warren, Harris, Koblachar, Holder ... and I’m looking forward to hearing from Buttigieg, Castro, Beto etc. in the debates.

I think we’ll end up with the “same old same old” as the 2020 democratic nominee, but getting this country to accept a woman, LGBTQ person, or PoC as the top dog is a process.

Still, I’m feeling hopeful and looking forward to the Democrats debating and I’m wondering who will be the moderators.

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