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Cailin 05-06-2013 07:22 PM

elliptical, running on the tradmill and the stair climber- arm weights after. I've decided I'm going to start my conditioning/training for an 8k WWP run in september... holy shit.. May the force be with me.

femmeInterrupted 05-06-2013 07:31 PM

Busy day, but we got a 6km power walk in just before sunset :)
Loving the warm weather, and love ending the day with a great walk-- awesome transition into the evening!

JAGG 05-06-2013 07:33 PM

I wore the eliptical out. Didn't hurt. :)

WingsOnFire 05-06-2013 07:41 PM

I am wanting to clear out our spare room so I can set up my Pilates workout bench. My workout since moving into our apartment has been walking the ever "ooh look a shiny!" short attention span Peppa... She loves to have both her mommy and her Daddy walk her all the time..

Dang dog makes everyone fall in love with her instantly..

Hollylane 05-09-2013 07:35 AM

So far today, 1 mile with Eider. Out of curiosity, I turned on the pedometer app on my phone. I discovered that Obi has been going easy on me at top speed of 2.5 mph. Eider had me up to 3.2 mph average.

Hollylane 05-09-2013 10:07 PM

1.5 miles with Eider tonight at the park, and .5 with the Obster around the neighborhood. My gams and my dogs are tired!

MissItalianDiva 05-10-2013 01:31 PM

Jillian Michaels 30 min shred level 3

My new elliptical just got here this am so I did 60 min on that...wow I love the Ifit workouts

Hoping before the day gets out to start the Insanity workout again...we will see

girl_dee 05-10-2013 08:09 PM

went for a brisk walk around the place this morning.. twice

this evening i stopped in at the Fitness Center and tried all the weight machines and the glider thingy.

felt great!

always2late 05-10-2013 08:22 PM

Today was the end of week 5 in my 10 week challenge. I am so amazed at the progress I've made! I'm still modifying some of the more extreme high impact exercise because of my back, but I'm able to do so much more than I was when I first started! I'm trying to talk a friend into doing the next challenge (it starts in June). She's hesitant because she had back surgery several years ago...I've invited her to come try out a class with me, so that she can see the modification exercises and decide if she's comfortable doing them. I hope she takes me up on it. My "tight" jeans are now loose, I have so much more energy, and I feel great!

o222Good 05-10-2013 08:43 PM

Loving my living room gym! Did bench presses, bent over rows, hyperextensions, biceps, triceps, and shoulders. About 40 minutes all together. I'm keeping it at sixty seconds between reps.

I've been reading an eBook called "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" by Tommy Venuto. I find it very motivating and sensible.

Venus007 05-10-2013 09:26 PM

I sat down and got up from a chair 15 times very slowly, as slowly as I could. It was much harder than I thought it would be.

Hollylane 05-10-2013 10:49 PM

1.5 miles with Chessie (formerly Eider) this morning, and this evening, despite getting whiplash at work today and spending the afternoon at urgent care (don't ask, it is just too stupid to explain).

Rockinonahigh 05-10-2013 11:40 PM

I have been still working out as much as I can,I have been haveing problems with my neck,right shoulder and down on the right side of my spine like sharp burning pain.Think of it being a cross of the vulcan nerve pinch and a hot branding iron at the same time...bad enough to make me puke.So I got an appointment with my ortho and pain doc for an MRI I had yesterday,I found out I have spinal stenosis in several vertabra so no i'm waiting for an appointment for injections for a quit fix till we can discuss a better soloution such as laser treatment so I wont be needing more injections.Rideing the bike is good,walking briskly around the long blocks of my neighbor hood along with as much stretching as I can do safely.Hopefuly next week things will be diffrent pain wise so I can get on with the planed program.So glad to read about how you all are doing as it gives me some ideas to put in the plan..happy weekend ya'll.

femmeInterrupted 05-11-2013 07:49 AM

Stir Crazy and Still Crazy
Two days of no walks because of the rain
(yeah, I coulda geared up-- but it was just on the side of miserable cold,so I didn't)
Today I'm gonna go walk my ass off!
10KM for the walk


I'm busting out my roller-skates! (hot pink wheels!)
The street cleaners have come through and cleaned the streets up from a winter of sand/salt...

Bèsame* 05-11-2013 07:51 AM

love the hot pink skates! You go my friend:)

Originally Posted by femmeInterrupted (Post 797016)
Two days of no walks because of the rain
(yeah, I coulda geared up-- but it was just on the side of miserable cold,so I didn't)
Today I'm gonna go walk my ass off!
10KM for the walk


I'm busting out my roller-skates! (hot pink wheels!)
The street cleaners have come through and cleaned the streets up from a winter of sand/salt...

girl_dee 05-11-2013 08:32 AM

Walking and 20 reps on the Nautilus stuff!

Hollylane 05-11-2013 09:07 AM

I was planning on taking a breather today, but it looks as though Chessie is going to win, and I see a brisk walk in my future...

DapperButch 05-11-2013 09:20 AM

My ass has finally started working out.

I had to join a gym to do it. First time joining a gym; in the past when I have worked out, I have used home equipment. Joined with a friend at work (work gym), so I am following through. The gym is not that great at work, but I am looking only for a cardio machine and some free weights and they have those, so I am good. It is cheap, too.

Worked out 3 days in a row last week and I will use my eliptical today at home (like right now).

BullDog 05-11-2013 10:15 AM

I woke up stiff and sore so decided to do some stretches and faux Tai Chi on the deck (don't know how to do the real kind). That was so inspiring that I ended up doing some charades. Belle would call out what I should be and then I would do the charade. I was a car, airplane, tree quaking in the wind, etc.

Then I read this thread. Very inspirational! I went out in the back yard and did "wind sprints" (more like fast walking). We have a huge backyard so I think I did pretty good. Wally ran along for part of it and howled. Bella went down to one side of the yard and watched. Belle clapped from the deck. Day 1. Lol.

Bèsame* 05-11-2013 10:29 AM

Femm Derby... let's go find outfits! ! Lol

Originally Posted by femmeInterrupted (Post 797016)
Two days of no walks because of the rain
(yeah, I coulda geared up-- but it was just on the side of miserable cold,so I didn't)
Today I'm gonna go walk my ass off!
10KM for the walk


I'm busting out my roller-skates! (hot pink wheels!)
The street cleaners have come through and cleaned the streets up from a winter of sand/salt...

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