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bigbutchmistie 12-05-2010 01:39 AM

If you really knew me you'd know :

That when Im feeling lonely I cant sleep doesnt matter how tired I am.. :(

Starbuck 12-05-2010 02:10 AM

If you knew me

If you knew me, you'd know:

That I am extremely loyal to my friends; I'd even travel for them.

That I have two very best friends & that I don't know what I'd do without them.

That my faith is very important to me.

That honesty is very important to me, so don't lie to me.

That I love sports, especially baseball, college football, and even little league world series coverage.

That despite wanting to act to appear tough on the exterior, I am and can be very sensitive.

That I have a history of cutting.

That I have a hard time dealing with anyone yelling at me, or any other sudden loud noises.

P.T.S.D. (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Sucks rhinoceros testicles!

I'm an animal lover: dogs, cats, horses.

I prefer dark beer over white whine over red whine.

I have a Bachelor of Science Degree with a Major in Nursing...but I not longer work in my field, I'm too burned out.

That I have a hard time telling friends "no" and therefore overextend myself.

Despite the fact that I know I'll be hurt, I continue on my current course of action.

JustLovelyJenn 12-05-2010 01:15 PM

If you really knew me, you would know....

.... I'm really a night owl, and getting up for work at 5 am every day is very hard for me.

.... I take responsibility very seriously

.... Sometimes I take it so seriously that I make decisions that are bad for my mental health.

.... I feel guilty for things too often.

.... I need to be checked for depression, PTSD, and a lot of other things, and have been putting it off for years.

.... I can no longer put it off.

.... I love to be outside

.... Standing on a porch, looking over the countryside, with a warm cup of coffee is my favorite start to any day.

.... I will stick by my friends through A LOT.

.... I consider my ex's friends... most of the time.

.... I could list a million of these, but will save some for later.

sharkchomp 12-05-2010 03:34 PM

if you knew me then you'd know.....

I have a very real fear of mice, rats and lightning

I love to fish even if I'm not catching anything. But then I'm motivated to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

A vacation isn't much of a vacation if I don't get to fish.

I love my dogs so much I would sell all of my fishing rods, reels and gear.

I would do anything for my friends - even consider selling my fishing rods, reels and gear for them lol

I love football! When football season is over I'll watch all kinds of sports. I also go into a kind of depression when football season ends.

I hate scary/slasher movies but I like sci-fi movies.

I have to have popcorn when watching a movie at the theater.

I hate to cook. I mean I really hate it, so I respect it when someone cooks for me and I feel it's truly an act of love.

I'm a kinky motherfu... but I rarely talk about it unless I really trust someone.


little_ms_sunshyne 12-05-2010 04:02 PM

If you *REALLY* knew me you would know that-

I seldom sweat the small stuff

an Im sorry goes a long way

it takes alot to get me angry but when I do...RUN! ;)

I read a new book every week.

I am a TEXTAHOLIC! (I dont know why I always have somethin to say)

I dont like raw tomatos

Mayonaise is my worst enemy! So yucky!

Like pickled jalapenos and bacon on my burgers almost always!

bigbutchmistie 12-05-2010 04:19 PM

If you really knew me you'd know :

Im a clean freak when it comes to my body

I cant stand hair on my body at all

I love cologne and smelling good all the time

bigbutchmistie 12-08-2010 08:52 PM

If you really knew me :

You'd know my heart breaks for my co worker who recently lost her parents due to a murder/suicide

If you really knew me you'd know how I wanna fix her pain. And hurt cause I cant.

If you really knew me you'd know Ive already told her to call me when she needs to scream, cuss, or just plain not say anything at all

scootebaby 12-08-2010 09:07 PM

if you REALLY knew me..

you would know i really am an ass---most of the time a loveable and funny one

you would know i would do anything for those i truly love

you would know that my son turned my whole life around

you would know i have a short memory for bad things done to me,but a hell long memory for words spoken to purposely hurt

you would know that i keep a lot inside

you would know i really do have :passinggas: issues sometimes and WILL blame it on others

you would know i gave up smoking 2.5 yrs ago--which shoulda made me healthier but somehow i began to fall apart

you would know that i am posting a lot tonight so my sweetie can stalk me (she gets so pissy when i slack)

JustLovelyJenn 12-08-2010 09:23 PM

If you REALLY knew me....

... you would know that most of my confidence is just for show

... you would know that I LOVE music and never stop singing or humming.

... you would know that I am a very passionate person.

Soft*Silver 12-08-2010 09:26 PM

if you really knew me you would know I take out my old horse brushes sometimes and smell them and remember the last horses I used them on. I love the smell of horse...

If you really knew me you would know that I get worn down pretty quickly to off handed teasing. I am pretty sensitive to it and dont tolerate it well. And if you tell me I cant take a joke, I dont need you in my life.

Following that ...if you really knew me you would know I have learned that I dont have to take less than what I need in life, or settle for what they want to give me when they think they know better than I do. Truly. And not regret walking away at all

If you really knew me you would know that dying my silver hair was one of the hardest decisions I have had to make but was also a right decision. And it achieved its purpose. It knocked me out of my depression

If you really knew me you would know I was spirally down a very seriously dark depression and had to do something drastic. It was this or go to clown college. And CC wouldnt take the dog so I became a red head...

little_ms_sunshyne 12-08-2010 09:44 PM

If you really knew me you would know that...

-I am a pleaser

- I am a a submissive who likes to take control

- I only say what I mean

Gráinne 12-28-2010 07:21 PM

If you really knew me:

-You'd know no one gets between me and my NFL games (well, someone special, sure)

-You'd know my children are my light and life. They're #1.

-You'd know my days of settling for crumbs are over.

-You'd know I'm only allowing positivity into my life now.

-You'd know I don't need a lot of money spent on me to have a great time.

-You'd know I'm a transplant to the South

-You'd know I want a piano for my home more than anything.

Julie 12-28-2010 07:27 PM

If you really knew me:

You would know that I adore the word "Cunt."
You would know that I use this word often!
You would know it is the perfect word I choose for those I do not care for!
You would know that I often refer to myself as such.
You would know that I really am often... Simply a Cunt!

violaine 12-28-2010 08:44 PM

i have seen all of these on property where i have lived:


bigbutchmistie 12-28-2010 09:16 PM

If you really knew me :

You'd know, I cry at romantic and sad movies

It takes alot to get me mad.

When I get mad, I usually "vent" then Im fine

I dont believe in couples going to bed mad at each other

little_ms_sunshyne 12-28-2010 09:21 PM

If you really knew me you would know that:

~ Regardless of what I release into this cyber world I am pretty shy

~ I have a tiny freckle on my bottom lip

~ I am very family oriented

~ to date me you have to get through my 1 yr old nephew...If he likes you then you are as good as gold :)

~ I cook for those I love

~ I make decisions with my heart more than my brain (which is not always a good thing)

~ I still wish on shooting stars and fallen eyelashes

bigbutchmistie 12-28-2010 09:26 PM

If you really knew me :

You'd know how much I love to kiss... Long, slow and passionately..

If you really knew me

You'd know its been YEARS since Ive had that quality kiss to blow me away...

If you really knew me

You'd know it drives me crazy that its been that long

Venus007 12-28-2010 10:20 PM

If you really knew me, you would know. . .
-I don't like to be touched suddenly and roughly (e.g. poking, tickling, pinching) you many think it is funny, I may accidentally break your finger or hurt it without meaning to.
-I am extremely private about some things in my life, and may not tell you everything.
-It takes me a long time to trust and I do not trust anyone absolutely or completely.
-Although I often appear to be a bad ass my heart is quite tender.
-I would rather be alone with my animals that with most human company.
-I only look like someone's nice mom, the places I have been and the things I have done and do no one "nice" does or has done.

Girl Friday 12-29-2010 01:21 AM

if you really knew me you'd know:
  • that I dissolve into tears over ASPCA.org commercials
  • that I know the difference between worth and value and that wealth has nothing to do with money
  • that I struggle to accept the fact that I can't fix everything
  • that I love pomegranates
  • that life is healthier when I take nothing personally
  • that I would drink coffee 24/7
  • that I have learned to love my own company

sylvie 01-07-2011 08:02 AM

if you really knew me - you'd know

- that i always make wishes when it's 11:11
- that i'm a true klutz, and suffer from foot in mouth syndrome, often =)
- that i am always willing to laugh at myself & can always take a joke
- but that i am horrible at telling jokes, talk about a groanfest LOL
- that i'm a very laid back person
- that i create sylly words, and could almost make my own language
- that i enjoy deep, soul poking conversations...

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