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Lady Pamela 04-23-2010 02:10 AM

Pulled a card for this thread today!



using emotional force
getting in touch with your feelings
letting your heart lead the way
empathizing with others
expressing deep feelings
responding viscerally

developing intuition
trusting your inner voice
responding to messages from within
experiencing direct knowing
enhancing your psychic awareness
getting in tune with yourself
going with your gut reaction

experiencing intimacy
feeling an attraction grow
falling in love
establishing a bond with another
developing a relationship
getting close to someone
going to a deeper level

proceeding with love
expressing affection
opening yourself to others
responding sympathetically
letting your love light shine
giving to those in need
getting rid of negativity
forgiving and forgetting


The Ace of Cups shows is a symbol of possibility in the area of deep feelings, intimacy, attunement, compassion and love. In readings, it shows that a seed of emotional awareness has been planted in your life although you may not yet recognize it. When the seed sprouts, it could take almost any form. It might be an attraction, strong feeling, intuitive knowing, or sympathetic reaction. On the outside, it could be an offer, gift, opportunity, encounter or synchronistic event.

When you see this Ace, examine your life to see how its loving energy could work for you. This card often means that love is the essence of the situation. It may or may not be romantic love. Look for ways in which you can begin to connect with others. Do you have someone to forgive, or do you want to ask for forgiveness? Can you set aside your anger and find peace? Would you like to drop your reserve and let your feelings show? The Ace of Cups tells you that your time is coming.

This card also suggests inner attunement and spirituality. Cups are the suit of the heart, and the Ace stands for the direct knowing that comes from the heart. Trust what your feelings are telling you. Seek out ways to explore your consciousness and your connections with Spirit. Allow the power of your emotions to guide you in a new direction. Embrace the love that is the Ace of Cups.

Miss Scarlett 04-23-2010 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by Ghost Huntin' Daddy (Post 89220)
A shadow person is just that...a shadow with a human form. The one I saw was definitely human and was headed for the kitchen. The home owner didn't tell me about this until after I told her I saw it. I only saw it thru one crack of the door, but she has seen it travel the length of the hallway and into the kitchen. There are also shadows that you can catch out of the corner of your eye or just black blobs that can manifest.

I see these all the time and not necessarily out of the corner of my eye. Sometimes I catch them in a mirror or other reflective surface; sometimes head on. The most vivid one was seen in the house I lived in after I started high school. (That was the house that had lots of stuff going on in it - the heavy footsteps upstairs that were just as loud after we put down the carpet; lights on in rooms no one had been in; finding closet & cabinet doors open; open windows; open drawers; dog freaking out and being afraid to go into a room; someone looking out an upstairs bedroom window when no one was home....) I was standing in the kitchen washing dishes one night and saw the reflected shadow of a man in a hat walk into the room and down the stairs towards the den - the same area the dog freaked out about a couple of times. When I turned I saw him for a split second before he vanished.

Ghost Huntin' Daddy 04-23-2010 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Scarlett (Post 90515)
I see these all the time and not necessarily out of the corner of my eye. Sometimes I catch them in a mirror or other reflective surface; sometimes head on. The most vivid one was seen in the house I lived in after I started high school. (That was the house that had lots of stuff going on in it - the heavy footsteps upstairs that were just as loud after we put down the carpet; lights on in rooms no one had been in; finding closet & cabinet doors open; open windows; open drawers; dog freaking out and being afraid to go into a room; someone looking out an upstairs bedroom window when no one was home....) I was standing in the kitchen washing dishes one night and saw the reflected shadow of a man in a hat walk into the room and down the stairs towards the den - the same area the dog freaked out about a couple of times. When I turned I saw him for a split second before he vanished.

I know it must of been quite disconcerting at the time, but all I can say is COOL!! LOL A full apparition is the holy grail of paranormal investigators!

Ghost Huntin' Daddy 04-27-2010 10:47 PM

I know most of you here have had some kind of experience with the other worldly events, but if you just bought a house with every last penny you saved, and 6 mos later you find out its haunted, what would you do? :chasingzombie:

Spirit Dancer 04-27-2010 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by Ghost Huntin' Daddy (Post 93828)
I know most of you here have had some kind of experience with the other worldly events, but if you just bought a house with every last penny you saved, and 6 mos later you find out its haunted, what would you do? :chasingzombie:

Stay and have a pow wow, it can be worked out to live with the spirits.
Juyst my .02

Lady Pamela 04-27-2010 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by Ghost Huntin' Daddy (Post 93828)
I know most of you here have had some kind of experience with the other worldly events, but if you just bought a house with every last penny you saved, and 6 mos later you find out its haunted, what would you do? :chasingzombie:

First of all I would make sure it isn't just impressions.
Second I would make sure I wasn't doing things to allow or create the happenings within it..which is easily done for some.
Third I would do a cleansing...If that is not helpful then,
Forth, I would call in a qualified group to cleanse and purge it of its contents,

There have been some houses that due to what has happened or where they are built..they hold much...in the event that all does not work..but usually it does....I would leave.

Ghost Huntin' Daddy 04-27-2010 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Lady Pamela (Post 93833)
First of all I would make sure it isn't just impressions.
Second I would make sure I wasn't doing things to allow or create the happenings within it..which is easily done for some.
Third I would do a cleansing...If that is not helpful then,
Forth, I would call in a qualified group to cleanse and purge it of its contents,

There have been some houses that due to what has happened or where they are built..they hold much...in the event that all does not work..but usually it does....I would leave.

But you sunk your whole life savings into this and you have no means to leave.
The reason I ask this is because I am helping someone now who is at their wits end. She's very frightened. Has done all she can to try and cleanse the house, but it only proved to increase the activity. She has gone to a hotel with her dogs to get sleep on occasion.
I'm just curious as to what everyone else would do in the same situation.
Thank you for your response Lady Pamela!

Lady Pamela 04-27-2010 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Ghost Huntin' Daddy (Post 93858)
But you sunk your whole life savings into this and you have no means to leave.
The reason I ask this is because I am helping someone now who is at their wits end. She's very frightened. Has done all she can to try and cleanse the house, but it only proved to increase the activity. She has gone to a hotel with her dogs to get sleep on occasion.
I'm just curious as to what everyone else would do in the same situation.
Thank you for your response Lady Pamela!

The first thing I will tell you is fear allows things to manifest. When fear is present you actually open doors to create things without even realizing your doing it.

She needs to work on not allowing her fears to override her thoughts and emotions.
She can not rid something if she is always trying to fight it and fear it.

She needs to be stern but not provoke things..this is not only dangerious at times but it also keeps such things active.

She needs to simply believe that she is cleansing..her dought negates the cleaning process...understand?

Ghost Huntin' Daddy 04-28-2010 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Lady Pamela (Post 93862)
The first thing I will tell you is fear allows things to manifest. When fear is present you actually open doors to create things without even realizing your doing it.

She needs to work on not allowing her fears to override her thoughts and emotions.
She can not rid something if she is always trying to fight it and fear it.

She needs to be stern but not provoke things..this is not only dangerious at times but it also keeps such things active.

She needs to simply believe that she is cleansing..her dought negates the cleaning process...understand?

M'Lady...I'm already helping her thru that...ty. Again, Im only asking what you guys would do if it was happening to you and all your money was put into this house.

Lady Pamela 04-28-2010 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by Ghost Huntin' Daddy (Post 93881)
M'Lady...I'm already helping her thru that...ty. Again, Im only asking what you guys would do if it was happening to you and all your money was put into this house.

Well she only has a couple options..one to put the house on the market or the other to stay and work it out.

I personally would stay and never allow anything to force me away. I would seek outter help as well as put myself into check...but some ppl are not able to do so.

Ghost Huntin' Daddy 04-28-2010 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by Lady Pamela (Post 93883)
Well she only has a couple options..one to put the house on the market or the other to stay and work it out.

I personally would stay and never allow anything to force me away. I would seek outter help as well as put myself into check...but some ppl are not able to do so.

TY again Lady Pamela :flowers:

Miss Scarlett 04-28-2010 04:32 AM

I agree with Lady Pamela about fear. Your friend definitely needs to overcome this before she tries anything else with the house. Fear and negativity are as empowering to hauntings as they are to humans (think bullies).

GHD, is this haunting truly malevolent or just annoying? Is your friend's fear amplifying her perception?

I have been in a similar situation. A house I rented on the west coast of Scotland was haunted - actually the entire village was haunted. Since housing was at a premium there we were stuck. But having grown up in a haunted house I had some experience, understanding and a reasonable lack of fear though not caution. So I took the time to try to understand what our ghosts were all about and, just like back home, and we learned to live with each other.

I don't fear ghosts, spirits, etc., but I do respect them and am cautious until I understand what they are all about.

Miss Scarlett 04-28-2010 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by Ghost Huntin' Daddy (Post 93828)
I know most of you here have had some kind of experience with the other worldly events, but if you just bought a house with every last penny you saved, and 6 mos later you find out its haunted, what would you do? :chasingzombie:

6 months later? Makes me wonder if her haunting came with the property or moved in after she did.

Andrew, Jr. 04-28-2010 07:00 AM

You also could have a spirit attached to you. :tarot:

Rockinonahigh 04-28-2010 10:41 AM

When I bought this house I must have looked at at least a dozen places,the real estate ppl must have thought I was nuts.I really wanted this old victorian house that had been empty for years..it had been tied up with family issues of some wanting to sell and some not.I finaly got to take a look at it,it was a beutiful place but in some rooms and a couple of places in the yard gave me a real bad case of the sweats and nausea so I passed on it ans several places for on reasoin or the other.This place was blank,nothing was in it..nor feelings,sounds, smells, zip nothing...clean as can be.So we did the deal with the bank then got the keys.While we were moveing in my son ask about all the pennys laying around on the floors,in the cabnets,in the washer and dryer ect.I said I had no idea..so he picked them up.Well by now we have just stoped picking them up cause they just keep poping back up one ot two hear and theire..then one night I was in the den on the puter and the door to the hall was wide open then slowly started closeing then stoped part way,I figure the door was out of balalnce so I put a level on it and it was true as can be.I have stood by the door with a candle to see if the ac or a draft could cause this..no way.One day it stsrted to close and I simply ask ....please dont do that...Id like it open.By now it dosent happen much anymore,but my fur kids sometimes look around the room like they see something but arent upset about it.What ever it is or came from I have no clue..or even if it is anything but my over active imaganation.

Andrew, Jr. 04-28-2010 11:13 AM

My home (the community) is built on top of a landfill. Prior to that it was a farmer's cattle yard. I am not sure of what was where years ago (slaughter house, main house, etc.). When photographs are taken by certain people you can see orbs, demonic figures in the background, and other strange things. In certain homes the owners will abandon their home never to return. Some people think the homes are haunted, or something is wrong structurally. In my neighborhood on one side of the street every home is filled with children, and none on the opposite side.

When my home was being built, I did certain things that the construction workers thought was odd, but I didn't. For example, I had it blessed, I use Holy Water all the time all over the yard, garden, and inside and outside. I buried a St. Joseph sideways because of my strong dislike of one neighbor who was abusing her children. She was caught by the law, and her children are now safe. Every year I write the House Blessing over my front door during Ephanie (sp??). It is amazing to me to see how evil passes over my home, and continues on down the line of homes. That is why I always tell people I don't wish evil on anyone but I also don't wish them well. I believe in Karma. I would rather be on the side of Karma than not.

I also believe in rituals. No matter one's faith, it all boils down to simple things. There is a saying by Og Mandino that I often use "Do All Things With Love." That is my motto in life and for living.

Ghost Huntin' Daddy 04-28-2010 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Scarlett (Post 94051)
I agree with Lady Pamela about fear. Your friend definitely needs to overcome this before she tries anything else with the house. Fear and negativity are as empowering to hauntings as they are to humans (think bullies).

GHD, is this haunting truly malevolent or just annoying? Is your friend's fear amplifying her perception?

I have been in a similar situation. A house I rented on the west coast of Scotland was haunted - actually the entire village was haunted. Since housing was at a premium there we were stuck. But having grown up in a haunted house I had some experience, understanding and a reasonable lack of fear though not caution. So I took the time to try to understand what our ghosts were all about and, just like back home, and we learned to live with each other.

I don't fear ghosts, spirits, etc., but I do respect them and am cautious until I understand what they are all about.

Hello Miss Scarlett. Just to explain, this isnt a friend. This is someone who follows my team on Twitter. She was calling out for help, but no one was answering her, so I jumped in. I asked her a bunch of questions that are pretty standard for paranormal investigators to ask. She's not being harmed at all. It seems the dogs are barking and howling at her bedroom closet door and when she opens it to check, they run out. She's found her dishes taken out of the cupboard, clothes removed from the drawer. What sent her over the edge was hearing a gun shot inside her room. Which I'm sure is pretty damn scary.
I'm very much aware of spirit attachment, people that can cause telekinesis to happen, or objects that may be haunted, etc. Since she is in Minn., I can't get to her, so I have contacted a team near her and they will be contacting her for an investigation.
The questions I ask here are usually based on things I run into in my travels just to get different points of view. As an investigator, I have to be prepared for just about anything, so I either keep up with different scenarios from other investigators, read more information about it, or go to my psychic buddies to get advice. I will not give clients or ppl asking for help a made up story or try to guess. If I dont know, I will redirect them to someone who does!
Thank you for sharing your story! :)

Ghost Huntin' Daddy 04-28-2010 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Rockinonahigh (Post 94201)
When I bought this house I must have looked at at least a dozen places,the real estate ppl must have thought I was nuts.I really wanted this old victorian house that had been empty for years..it had been tied up with family issues of some wanting to sell and some not.I finaly got to take a look at it,it was a beutiful place but in some rooms and a couple of places in the yard gave me a real bad case of the sweats and nausea so I passed on it ans several places for on reasoin or the other.This place was blank,nothing was in it..nor feelings,sounds, smells, zip nothing...clean as can be.So we did the deal with the bank then got the keys.While we were moveing in my son ask about all the pennys laying around on the floors,in the cabnets,in the washer and dryer ect.I said I had no idea..so he picked them up.Well by now we have just stoped picking them up cause they just keep poping back up one ot two hear and theire..then one night I was in the den on the puter and the door to the hall was wide open then slowly started closeing then stoped part way,I figure the door was out of balalnce so I put a level on it and it was true as can be.I have stood by the door with a candle to see if the ac or a draft could cause this..no way.One day it stsrted to close and I simply ask ....please dont do that...Id like it open.By now it dosent happen much anymore,but my fur kids sometimes look around the room like they see something but arent upset about it.What ever it is or came from I have no clue..or even if it is anything but my over active imaganation.

Honestly I doubt its your imagination if the door has somewhat ceased to move. Some spirits will listen if you're firm enough. Sometimes if its a child, they may just do it for a giggle...lol.
Thanks for sharing!

Ghost Huntin' Daddy 04-28-2010 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Andrew, Jr. (Post 94227)

My home (the community) is built on top of a landfill. Prior to that it was a farmer's cattle yard. I am not sure of what was where years ago (slaughter house, main house, etc.). When photographs are taken by certain people you can see orbs, demonic figures in the background, and other strange things. In certain homes the owners will abandon their home never to return. Some people think the homes are haunted, or something is wrong structurally. In my neighborhood on one side of the street every home is filled with children, and none on the opposite side.

When my home was being built, I did certain things that the construction workers thought was odd, but I didn't. For example, I had it blessed, I use Holy Water all the time all over the yard, garden, and inside and outside. I buried a St. Joseph sideways because of my strong dislike of one neighbor who was abusing her children. She was caught by the law, and her children are now safe. Every year I write the House Blessing over my front door during Ephanie (sp??). It is amazing to me to see how evil passes over my home, and continues on down the line of homes. That is why I always tell people I don't wish evil on anyone but I also don't wish them well. I believe in Karma. I would rather be on the side of Karma than not.

I also believe in rituals. No matter one's faith, it all boils down to simple things. There is a saying by Og Mandino that I often use "Do All Things With Love." That is my motto in life and for living.

Andrew...since you're a christian, it would be good to bury a St. Benedict or St. Michael The Archangel medal at the 4 points of your house after doing a cleansing. This seems to work wonders for ppl. Also, after the cleansing...pour salt across your doorways and outside your windows. Just a suggestion! :vigil:

Andrew, Jr. 04-28-2010 02:01 PM


I already have done what you posted. I use Kosher salt, and I have St. Michael by my front door. I thank my faith for this ritual of mine. Like my motto, I try to do all things with love. Some folks just don't understand that principle. One day I hope and pray that they do.

The one thing I find highly amusing is that people don't think Christains can be into the paranormal. I always say the Catholic religion was based on pretty basic paranormal stuff. Why is it that most Catholics wear silver medals? Hmmm. It isn't having other idols to worship. It is understanding life here as it is now. And giving respect to my faith.

I experienced something a few months back. It was about dusk. I was heading inside the house via the front door. Rosie had scutted all the furkids in, and was looking back at me to see if I was ok. I had just stopped in my tracks. And she saw what I saw as well as all of our furkids. It was a strange black mist swirling around from the front garden bed onto our front porch. No sooner than it hit the cement front porch is went right out to the steps, and went towards our neighbors house, and vanished.

I am not sure of what it was. Grymph thought it was a vortex of some sort. Rosie believes it is part of a hex that some have cast upon me, my home, my animals, and her. It left because of the Kosher salt, Holy Water, and the religious icons that are scattered all throughout the house. Now, you have to remember I use Holy Water pretty consistently. There isn't a spot that isn't sprayed with it. I believe in it. I always have. The same with lighting white candles and burning incense.

Now for my neighbor's house, she will find herself missing time, her electronics go on and off all day/night long. Her religious icons (read crusifix) falls off the wall all the time. She has a bathroom that she decorated with angels. The light stays off in the bathroom. It will not work. No matter what. It won't. Her clocks are battery operated. They never work. Never. Her electric fans, only 1 works. It is in the basement. That is it. None in any other room. She ended up moving. It was too much for her.

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