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-   -   Talk about your exercise experience today (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6401)

Ginger 05-11-2013 10:35 AM

I went to the gym three times this week, which is typical for me. And I did my usual routine: three sets of 15 reps on 13 machines.

On days off, I use my exercycle at home. I'm about to get on it now, watching some cable series.

Other exercise in store for the weekend: Carrying laundry and groceries. Walking.

I'm thinking of going to a movie tonight, something scary or suspenseful so I'll tense up and get some isometrics in, even unconsciously.

Mopsie 05-11-2013 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by IslandScout (Post 797121)
I'm thinking of going to a movie tonight, something scary or suspenseful so I'll tense up and get some isometrics in, even unconsciously.

^^^ This cracked me up! :D ^^^

Joness 05-11-2013 10:44 AM

My Exercise for Today
Morning hillwalk ended up as Breakfast in a lovely vegetarian cafe instead of a walk then had a lovely ACTUAL walk in Crombie Country Park with my favourite walking buddy :-) heard a Woodpecker, seen theeeee biggest Geese in Scotland and laughed so much my tummy hurt and teeth went dry. It rained like a Monsoon, so much so, even my Boxers got soaked. All in all an actual Brilliant day. POW!! Exercise for the day done!! :cowboy:

Chancie 05-11-2013 12:05 PM

I asked for a referral for physical therapy and I have seen a physical therapist twice.

The first time I saw her, she gave me two exercises, which I did eight times, instead of twenty times. :|

The second time I saw her, after I reported my perfidy, she assigned three additional exercises, which I have done several times since Wednesday, phew.

nycfem 05-11-2013 07:03 PM

2 hrs at the gym

1st hour: Arc Trainer, level 25 intensity, watched the usual silly t.v., stuff I wouldn't watch if I wasn't half preoccupied with exercise: a man eats a giant omelette as part of a contest, and "the news."

2nd hour: abs, free weights, yoga, stretching

As I left the gym, right outside I saw Jill (the gym obsessive) standing with a trainer, whose name I forgot- an African American short haired muscular petite woman who Jill is friends with, and the woman trains her. It was fun to see them in their street clothes. I love to muse about these people I see all the time but barely talk to, especially lesbian looking powerful women ;)

It was a great day at the gym, very empty, just the way I like it.

Hollylane 05-11-2013 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Hollylane (Post 797070)
I was planning on taking a breather today, but it looks as though Chessie is going to win, and I see a brisk walk in my future...

Chessie won. I took him to Sellwood Riverfront Park for a brisk walk and a swim. It was so much fun!

Glenn 05-12-2013 12:26 AM

Filled up a huge, rolling, city garbage container full of litter from the woods. I made over a dozen trips back and forth carrying it. I did alot of deep knee squats, and bends, trying to get each piece of broken glass up, so the animals would'nt hurt their feet. I intend to do alot more of these exercises from now on since I see no one else has been doing them in the woods around here...

Gráinne 05-12-2013 11:27 AM

I did a strength training workout this morning at the gym. Some arms, but it's mostly squat heavy. I have gimpy knees, so I know it's best, but difficult to get through all the sets! At the least, it makes me feel accomplished.

Gráinne 05-12-2013 06:05 PM

And me again :). I went to our complex's pool and did water jogging for the first time this season. It was cold (pools just opened this week) but it felt good. I like the feeling in my muscles afterwards.

nycfem 05-12-2013 07:08 PM

50 minutes Arc Trainer, watched the second half of the documentary movie "The Devil in Daniel Johnston" about a bipolar talented musician and artist. it was good but depressing. Jill, the woman who is always at the gym, was trudging up that stair master when i arrived and still when I left! She wears that very skimpy yet proper gym clothing that perfectly fit people can get away with paired with either a baseball cap or the type of hat you wear when it's cold outside. The second choice is kind of odd to me. It looks nice but it's a little weird. Here we both were, Sunday evening, on Mother's Day, walking in circles. She has no love for me, and I imagine that my fat, poorly dressed self is probably distasteful to her, but I still feel a a bond with her anyway, because we are both there, and it's an extra thing I can do while I work out, to muse about WTF her deal is. Why is she always there! Is she training for something?

Then I did ten minutes of stretching and went home.

easygoingfemme 05-13-2013 10:47 AM

Chilly bike ride this morning. Wore three pairs of pants and four shirts. Was riding along the river with a strong headwind and I think it was only 40 degrees out. Training with a friend for a century ride.

Will row later today, probably 30 minutes.

Have a cycling sprint/intervals training session with a group scheduled for tomorrow night.

Mopsie 05-13-2013 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by easygoingfemme (Post 798100)
Chilly bike ride this morning. Wore three pairs of pants and four shirts. Was riding along the river with a strong headwind and I think it was only 40 degrees out. Training with a friend for a century ride.

Will row later today, probably 30 minutes.

Have a cycling sprint/intervals training session with a group scheduled for tomorrow night.

WOW - you rock!

Btw - what's a century ride? *curious*

easygoingfemme 05-13-2013 12:15 PM

Btw - what's a century ride? *curious*[/QUOTE]

Century ride = 100 miles in one shot.

Daktari 05-13-2013 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by easygoingfemme (Post 798100)
Chilly bike ride this morning. Wore three pairs of pants and four shirts. Was riding along the river with a strong headwind and I think it was only 40 degrees out. Training with a friend for a century ride.

Will row later today, probably 30 minutes.

Have a cycling sprint/intervals training session with a group scheduled for tomorrow night.

Awesome! Good luck on the century. :goodluck:

Those bloody headwinds; feels like whichever direction I go at the moment there's a headwind :|

Today's exercise has been nothing more than a mile ride, to town and back, and a few sit-ups. I'm determined to have my 6-pack back by the end of the summer but sadly after recent shoulder damage to the already twice operated on shoulder I can't do planks right now.

DapperButch 05-13-2013 05:35 PM

Newly back in the game. 30 minutes elliptical and 20_30 minutes working on arms. Yay for muscle memory!

Ginger 05-13-2013 06:12 PM

Usual gym routine tonight.

nycfem 05-13-2013 06:40 PM

50 minutes Arc Trainer, watched Judge Judy. Was next to a fierce Asian muscular petite older woman. She is a regular and does a lot of weight lifting. I've never seen her smile or talk to anyone. Once I asked her if I could take the free weights she had near her, and she told me in a direct, no-nonsense way that she was still using them. I asked if she could give them to me when she was done, and she said yes and did. Then I had the free weights another day when she likely wanted them, but instead of pining away for them like me, she grabbed a big weighted ball and started hefting it around with her usual focus. She's the type who doesn't need to be dependent on anyone for anything.

After the Arc Trainer today I stretched for twenty minutes and lifted some weights.

On the way in today I saw Jill walking towards "out" but maybe not actually going out because she was dressed too skimpy to actually be going out. She was talking to someone, maybe a guy, in a jovial way and smiling with him. So I smiled and looked right at her, a bit challenging, like a dog. She caught my eye for that second (because I was a familiar object looking right at her), and I smiled and said, "Hi." She had already been smiling and returned a quick hi. It was quite a boring exchange, but for some reason I love boring exchanges. The gym is a dull soap opera, but it makes the smallest differences in the gym days all the more exciting for me.

Glenn 05-13-2013 07:38 PM

Well, today my routine consisted of raking and mowing around "The Great Gatsby", a big ol house I share with a femme lawyer . I'm kinda sore after being on my feet most of the day filling up the big rolling garbage container full of leaves, then, rolling it about a block into sections of the woods that need mulch. It's more eco-friendly and cheaper than buying over forty leaf bags. I did this back and forth today about seven or eight times, and am not even half done.

Sweet Bliss 05-13-2013 08:05 PM

Hello all!

Does anyone do something like Callenetics or fluidity? (looks easy, but trust me, it's NOT) Or super low key type of stuff like a gentle yoga or tai chi??

Or TTapp?? (this one will kick your arse)


girl_dee 05-13-2013 08:17 PM

a nice long walk and 20 reps on the nautical stuff, only i skipped a couple of machines

for the first time i went into the Fitness Center with other people working out.

HUGE step for me! i usually just walk until the place is empty.

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