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Spirit Dancer 06-17-2010 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Passionaria (Post 132973)

http://www.freewebs.com/dpsiermac/img/hummingbird.gifTo the East the place of new beginnings, to the south innocents and trust, the west the place of the dream time, the bear and herbs, to the North, the place of the Thunder beings, Grandfather - Creator, Grandma Moon, Father Sky, Mother Earth, to the four legged ones, the winged ones, the creepy crawlies, I come to you tonight, as an imperfect human being to pray for some people I care about. A lot of us have health issues, some chronic, some acute, some on the verge of unfolding, some life threatening and we're all trying to find our way, in the best way we can. To heal, to keep on. To get up again, and try. Mostly to have faith that there is some rhyme or reason to the burdens we carry. To live any way, to love anyway, to help our families, and try create beauty anyway. Have mercy on us, help us to be kind to each other, offer a hand up, not a foot down. Grandma Moon, I love you please hear my voice, help us find the keys, that bring out healing. In a dream, over hearing a conversation, in the sweat lodge, in the river, whispered on the wind. Bless us, help us to heal. To all my relations............

Our ancestors hear your prayers, as we circle this life
the energy flows through us all. Thank you for the beautiful words you've
shared here. Blessings, prayers and healing light to you,..:praying::vigil:

Tommi 06-18-2010 07:51 AM

A candle for the today that becomes tomorrow. May we share the light together, and touch another wick. Sometimes a darkened journey without a map is seen with the light of so many around, Sharing my flame.....as we meet on the path of life, if only on this screen.
:candle::candle::candle::rrose::candle::candle: :candle::rrose::candle::candle::candle: :rrose:

Scota_Parisi 06-18-2010 04:05 PM

I offer up a candle and a prayer for the fiance and family of my co-worker and friend Jason. His cancer had returned so fast and unyielding, what was supposed to be three months was only one week. Hadn't seen him as much since I changed jobs a year ago. Just... wow.


2myladyblue 06-18-2010 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by Tommi (Post 133093)
A candle for the today that becomes tomorrow. May we share the light together, and touch another wick. Sometimes a darkened journey without a map is seen with the light of so many around, Sharing my flame.....as we meet on the path of life, if only on this screen.
:candle::candle::candle::rrose::candle::candle: :candle::rrose::candle::candle::candle: :rrose:

:vigil: Thank you Tommi. :vigil:

My ex called me this morning after she called 911 for her friend, Amy. Amy is diabetic & she's very lucky to have a friend check in on her every day. But this morning, she was found on the floor, injured & unconscious. They've run all the tests and given her IV insulin, but she still hasn't regained consciousness...it looks like diabetic ketoacidosis...possibly a coma.

Today, I'm lighting a :candle: for Amy in the hope that she pulls through this.
I'm also lighting a :candle: for her family who live far away & can't be with her.
And another for my ex, who has been traumatized and is terrified she's going to lose her best friend. :vigil:


JakeTulane 06-18-2010 04:45 PM


:candle: :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle:

:vigil: :vigil: :vigil: :vigil: :vigil:


Canela 06-18-2010 05:19 PM

For Katelyn

I light a candle today for a little friend named Katelyn.

She was 10 years old and battled leukemia for some time...then God opened up His arms and welcomed her into them.


Rest in peace little one...you're in very good hands.

miss entycing 06-18-2010 05:31 PM

for you...
I light a candle for Olga... my Grandma-in-law.
She's lived a beautiful, full life, and I hope her final journey is peaceful, and she sleeps well....
always surrounded by love, light and angels.

JakeTulane 06-19-2010 08:13 PM

I am lighting a candle this weekend in memory of My Dad on this Father's Day weekend. We lost him to cancer 3 years ago this past April. This is always a tough time as his birthday was a few days ago. I am at peace in the knowing that he is with My Grandmother and Grandfather.. and is watching over Myself, My Mom and My siblings. Guardian angels, all. I miss you Dad, and I am trying My best to make your proud.




Spirit Dancer 06-19-2010 08:38 PM

Today I light my candles with healing nad peace in mind

Mini Diva
Lady Pamela and Family
Entycing Femme and Damon
M and S and family

Spirit Dancer 06-19-2010 09:14 PM

Another lit for Jake and his family for peace and health :candle:

2myladyblue 06-20-2010 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by 2myladyblue (Post 133444)
:vigil: Thank you Tommi. :vigil:

My ex called me this morning after she called 911 for her friend, Amy. Amy is diabetic & she's very lucky to have a friend check in on her every day. But this morning, she was found on the floor, injured & unconscious. They've run all the tests and given her IV insulin, but she still hasn't regained consciousness...it looks like diabetic ketoacidosis...possibly a coma.

Today, I'm lighting a :candle: for Amy in the hope that she pulls through this.
I'm also lighting a :candle: for her family who live far away & can't be with her.
And another for my ex, who has been traumatized and is terrified she's going to lose her best friend. :vigil:


Amy has regained consciousness!
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.


IttyBittyFem 06-20-2010 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by 2myladyblue (Post 134262)
Amy has regained consciousness!
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.


Thank you Blue for posting this. Amy and all that love her, have been in my prayers. The update is much appreciated.

Passionaria 06-21-2010 02:55 AM

Today I light a candle in Thanks, for protecting me. I see clearly now, why......

:candle::candle:Thank you:candle::candle::candle:

Sam 06-21-2010 10:53 AM

May she rest in peace. :candle:

2myladyblue 06-21-2010 03:28 PM

:vigil: For the young man I spoke with today who was distraught at recently being diagnosed HIV+.
:praying: May he find the courage to face his diagnosis & make his way back to the community health centre & start antiretrovirals soon. :vigil:

cuddlyfemme 06-21-2010 03:56 PM

I light a candle for Syr Damon's grandmother who passed away yesterday. Also for Entycing Femme and Damon for them to have a safe trip

Spirit Dancer 06-21-2010 04:24 PM

Today I light mine for gratitude
for those who've lit candles for Syr and our family
for doctors and nurses.
I'm grateful and as we turn to the next phase of treatment
my heart is full with the out pouring of love here.
Thank you all


Andrew, Jr. 06-21-2010 04:40 PM


Today I am lighting a candle for my eldest female cat, Sophie. She is between 18 to 22 yo. She is my beloved angel who kept me going for so long. I have had to make the hard decision to put her down. This is for the best. Sophie has many health problems, and now is no longer eating. She was once stocky, and is now maybe 2.5 - 3 pounds with fur. Yes, she was a rescue of mine. We found each other. Both of us were abused, and needed each other to survive. And survive we did.

I named Sophie because she was so feminine. We slept together, ate together, and loved each other when others did not know how too. And when I took her to the Asst. Living places, Sophie was a hit! Rosie fell in love with Sophie immediately. Just a lovebug. She had her spot on the corner of the deck where she sat for hours at a time watching the birds, squirrels, and such.

Sophie lived with all of her siblings with nothing but love in her heart. Thank you. Thank you for your love, and your kisses, and our conversations. You are a lady.

I honor Sophie, and the love she brought to me, and my family of choice.


waxnrope 06-21-2010 07:37 PM

I light this :candle: for my friend who's mom finished her journey this morning. May the grieving be love. May the loss be gentle. May the memories be sweet.

waxnrope 06-22-2010 06:12 AM

I light a candle for Mrs. Strutt's dad who faces bypass surgery tomorrow. May he awaken to the love that accompanied him to the hospital, to the operating room.

There is much gratitude in my heart this early morning. For friends who have helped me in the going to my sister on Thursday. For the steady stream of friends who have traveled to visit or just dropped by to wish me and my sister well. For friends who have nurtured and supported me over the last couple of weeks during my own difficulties. Even for my job and the people whom I serve. And, never to be forgotten, for the critters in my life who bring love and much laughter.

Another expression of gratitude and candle lighting is for Spirit Dancer's Syr. That hy has improved enough to go on to the next stage of treatment, that food and drink are less of a stranger, and that Spirit Dancer has had some opportunities for rest. May we all be blessed to one day have a devoted partner as she.


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