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Gemme 11-10-2009 08:13 PM

Cuntles and Crafty Crap
Do cuntles come in different colors? Fabrics? I think I could do something neat with mine....:D

I have notebooks with tons of pieces of paper (notebook and not) with meandering thoughts and the beginnings to some truly lovely works of art (I just KNOW it!) as well as rolling carts with drawers filled to capacity and then some, so it's hard to open said drawers...boxes filled with newpaper and magazine articles and bits of paper cut out in the shape of a single word or phrase or just a picture...as well as large shopping bags stuffed high in the corners of my closet with who knows what inside.

I prefer the term "sentimentalist", thankyouverymuch. ;)

QueenofQueens 11-13-2009 01:48 AM

I just flew in from Glendale...
...and boy, are my cuntles tired!

Working, mostly relentlessly except when I procrastinate, on flash for a Friday the 13th tattoo party tomorrow and on a bunch of new stuff for my etsy shop. I'm trying to integrate the facets of my work into a more cohesive presentation.

I'm kind of an aesthetic and creative magpie, I need to see something new everyday and work in different mediums all the time. I like the way the different mediums inform each other but I've discovered that it can be difficult for people to relate my hither and yon process.

So, in an effort to make my work a little more accessible, I'm trying to tie some motifs and techniques together. So far, so good, I think. I'll post a link to pics when it's all done.
Is anyone else expansive in what they do? What helps you navigate it?


Tommi 11-16-2009 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 1834)
This probably wont be helpful or even interesting to anyone but I would like to tell a tiny tale about our recent cross-country move.

I had been trying to purge huge amounts of stuff because of the premium space on our 26-foot Penske. Cutting loose furniture, mementos, books, clothing, you name it.
When it came to my art supplies, I became frozen.
All of the little found objects that I had been saving for the "maybe one'days", the little pieces of nature, the stacks of journals with writing, sketches, and such.
Paper sack of bird feathers? CAN NOT THROW OUT!
Dozens of plastic doll faces? CAN NOT LET GO!
Sequins? String? Fabric? Those clearance jewelry molds?! NOPE! NOPE!

Jack was very understanding.

But imagine my giggly embarrassment as people showed up to help load the truck and toted 13 boxes of "art supplies" out of the house, multiple torsos, heads, and arms made of paper mache, 3 easels, and a gaggle of canvases in various stages of completion.

(and feel free to confess your sins too, Quockers.) :P

Signing up...and will be back..LOVE IT> thatnls Queenie of Queens.

I can relate so well..I have the same love for my stuffff. and when I moved from and "our 4 bedroom big house" , to a simple bachelor pad years back...I had some of the same trepidation about my pieces of broken glass, 50 lumps of sculpting clay that will be something someday, canvases and frames I had collected from garage sales I was going to repair and paint over, from 1" sg. to 10ft X10ft.

What made my friends and the movers have that pained look were the crates of rocks from all my travels.

I'll be back, The people that pay me expect me at work today..Pffft..later gator's

Tommi 11-16-2009 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Diva (Post 3023)
I'm fairly convinced that only The Blaswarth (aka Qwok) has The Cuntles.....there is no cure. :D



Diva 11-16-2009 09:12 AM

Ok.....I'm so excited!!

I have come up with a plan for The Girl Room!!!!!

Currently, I have a sweet, white bookcase in there, holding a few cloth bins. I'm going to take those out, move the bookcase to my kitchen, where the it will NOW house my cookbooks, which, in turn, will free up space on the shelves in my laundry room for other things, which will free up counter space in my kitchen.

THEN, I'm getting 2 new sets of stainless metal shelves: a 5' and a 3' for The Girl Room. I will put the cloth bins on that, as well as some metal ones (I believe Medusa suggested this) from The Ikea (which we love!) and move the desk to the wall where the white shelves USED to be, putting the new shelves on the desk wall.

Somehow, I know You have all followed me on this. That makes me happy. :D

~Diva :musicnote:

violaine 11-16-2009 10:17 AM

i drew a raven a while ago using pencil and ink. the bird was not outside sitting on a branch in a tree; he was looking inside at you, and came very close to your space. my passions have always been photography and writing, because image tells a story and story summons an image. i've not pushed charcoal around in a while, and i think i may need to pay attention to a need for that sensation, consciousness, and talent. i love to finally see the work emerge- when it was there just before- only the time wasn't right to see. organic forms: sometmes i see patterns and connections to the photography work, charcoal, and writing. math can be like poetry to me. i've also loved math, and used to tutor algebra and calc in college, which is using both sides of the brain for sure.

WildOrchid 11-16-2009 11:35 AM

I just pulled out my pencils after being in hybernation for the last year.In the process, I found some drawings that I didn't think much of at the time but now, they are very compelling. Food is my first love, making it beautiful no matter how simple the dish.

QueenofQueens 11-22-2009 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Diva (Post 6383)
Ok.....I'm so excited!!

I have come up with a plan for The Girl Room!!!!!

Currently, I have a sweet, white bookcase in there, holding a few cloth bins. I'm going to take those out, move the bookcase to my kitchen, where the it will NOW house my cookbooks, which, in turn, will free up space on the shelves in my laundry room for other things, which will free up counter space in my kitchen.

THEN, I'm getting 2 new sets of stainless metal shelves: a 5' and a 3' for The Girl Room. I will put the cloth bins on that, as well as some metal ones (I believe Medusa suggested this) from The Ikea (which we love!) and move the desk to the wall where the white shelves USED to be, putting the new shelves on the desk wall.

Somehow, I know You have all followed me on this. That makes me happy. :D

~Diva :musicnote:

I'm so excited for your reorganizing scheme. I cannot deny, however, that I'm wounded. Wounded by the fact that the snakey headed one has been given credit for my suggestion of Ikean metal bins. *snf*
I mean, jeezus, Blas, the thread is only two pages long.., I said it right over there. *glances at the starboard side of the thread then over at mine own metal shelves and bins*

Ah well, time heals all wounds. Indulge my penchant for collecting and tell me about your cookbooks, please?



Originally Posted by violaine (Post 6415)
i drew a raven a while ago using pencil and ink. the bird was not outside sitting on a branch in a tree; he was looking inside at you, and came very close to your space. my passions have always been photography and writing, because image tells a story and story summons an image. i've not pushed charcoal around in a while, and i think i may need to pay attention to a need for that sensation, consciousness, and talent. i love to finally see the work emerge- when it was there just before- only the time wasn't right to see. organic forms: sometmes i see patterns and connections to the photography work, charcoal, and writing. math can be like poetry to me. i've also loved math, and used to tutor algebra and calc in college, which is using both sides of the brain for sure.

Yes. It seems to me a magical circumstance when such seemingly disparate subjects inform and enhance one another. The light shed as a result, though only appearing in flashes, is both brilliant and humbling. :)

Diva 11-22-2009 07:36 PM

Ohhhhhhhhhhh my Blaswarth!!!!!!!!!!! I bow down before You, begging Your forgiveness!!!! :bowdown: (That's all I'm askin', I promise! <giggle> )

I shall build a small and organized shrine to You in The Girl Room!

The bookcase has been moved.....the cookbooks are placed upon it, as well as my 3 little teapots. I have this HEINOUS recipe box that I have had since 1974....the lid has fallen off....a teething dog has splintered the front edge of it in the past (I'm not sure how I have not impaled myself!) and it is overflowing with recipes. So off and on, I am taking those recipes and putting them in a notebook. OH! And I also found a little filebox full of my Mom's recipes ~ in her delicate handwriting....my God that brings tears to my eyes! ~ and I'm putting them in their original form in the notebook, too, so they will be safe.

I have moved the desk from under the window in TGR to the opposite wall. To reflect the light, I will hang a huge 3' x 4' maple~framed mirror over the desk next week (when I have some help). Then the shelves will go up to house my bins....which will be full of my craftesque paraphernalia.

Life is good. I have a Blaswarth. :2femme:

Diva 11-22-2009 07:45 PM


I have a bunch of Paula Deen cookbooks and even more Martha Stewart ones.....I have a Julia Child cookbook, several 'specialty group' cookbooks ~ You know...the kind that have Aunt Ruby's potluck casserole recipes in them? Yeah. Those ones.

I have a Michael Chiarelo, several obscure baking cookbooks, Joy of Cooking, Fanny Farmer, a McCall's cookbook, Thyme & Monet, The Commander's Palace cookbook and more....and of course, I would be remiss if I didn't mention my all~time FAVORITE (not really) cookbook: The White Trash Cookbook.

It's true. Really, I don't have that many, but I do love what I have!

Legendryder 11-22-2009 08:18 PM

Ms. Paula should dump her hubby and marry me. I could listen to her talk all day long. rofl Of course, I would be eating good too.

Ursy 12-31-2009 07:08 PM

Hey folks :)

We've just moved recently too (I'm not going into the stuff I had to get rid of, it's still too traumatizing) - but now, in our new house, I have room for a >> studio <<!

Gonna start thinking about getting on Etsy too... I wonder if being in Australia would be a disadvantage though?

I've also been getting into Henna tattoos. It's really fun drawing on people!
Some pix here

Now that the festive season is winding down, I'm hoping to get the time to do a bit of creative stuff before I have to go back to work :)

Oh, and Happy New Year everyone! xxoo

Bit 01-02-2010 09:35 AM

Happy New Year, Ursy! A studio sounds wonderful. Do you have the kind of furniture you want for it?

I've seen your henna work and it's lovely!

Ursy 01-02-2010 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Bit (Post 29528)
Happy New Year, Ursy! A studio sounds wonderful. Do you have the kind of furniture you want for it?

I've seen your henna work and it's lovely!

Awww, sweet Cathie! xoxo
I'm never totally happy with my henna work - it's always so hard to NOT drag my hand through what I've already put down, you know?

I think I have most of the furniture... I was very lucky in that when I went to Ikea, the very type of shelves I was after were on special. The only thing that I regret now is that I didn't get more of them. But oh well, can't be too greedy!

Bit 01-02-2010 09:45 AM

Oh, I love Ikea! They do have great storage furniture.

I haven't noticed any evidence of a hand-drag in your henna work, so you must be doing okay, darlin.

Ursy 01-02-2010 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Bit (Post 29530)
Oh, I love Ikea! They do have great storage furniture.

I haven't noticed any evidence of a hand-drag in your henna work, so you must be doing okay, darlin.

And oh, their meatballs.... *swoon*

Though I imagine that they're not totally healthful-wholesome, but damn they're good, along with that cream sauce you can get *swoons again*

And you don't even need an allen key to assemble it!

Bit 01-02-2010 09:53 AM

I forgot about the meatballs! Wow, it has been WAY too long....

Hudson 01-02-2010 09:55 AM

Ursy crochets a mean rat is all I'm sayin...

Ursy 01-02-2010 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Hudson (Post 29535)
Ursy crochets a mean rat is all I'm sayin...

Lol. Yeah, that was one sweet rat! :)

Does said rat have a name, Hudson?

Queerasfck 01-02-2010 10:12 AM

Recently apretty bought a baggie full of small (about thumb size) plastic crawling babies. I asked her what she was going to make with them and why she needed them. There are just some things I don't understand I guess, she said they were for her "found art" project. Hopefully, they won't show up in some kinda baby wreath.

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