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SoNotHer 12-19-2011 02:20 AM

And he can do that by refusing to appoint the fox to watch the hen house. No USDA appointments for Monsanto types. ;-)


Originally Posted by DapperButch (Post 488533)
Yeah, well, she needs to push her husband a bit more on this issue!

Sachita 12-19-2011 03:12 PM

regardless of the words or facade they project, I have never known the government to be for the people. I see some attempts to do the right thing but it all boils down to another agenda. Some play the game better then others but all in all its a game.

My son said to me the other day that if I thought I pissed people off with all my ranting about animal care and food safety. I honestly don't care the people that want to listen can listen and those who don't cant get pissed off, ignore me or anything else. I find it difficult to even be around people who are not conscious enough to care. This is the honest truth. I listen to southern small talk and the lack of respect for our animals and planet and I just want to take a machine gun and put them out of their misery. lol As I get older I become more passionate and I feel that if my ranting reaches even one person and they think before they buy or they stop shoving artificial crap down their childs throat, just one person then I have made change and that is worth it to me. We simply can not stop talking, sharing, giving and asking people to consider the big picture. Not ever.

I don't waste my time donating to BS charities and the local food coalition, which I removed myself from is all fed by government propaganda, red tape and control. If anything is going to get done when it comes to food safety then it will be grass roots and each one of us helping even one person change the way they think. You'd be surprised how much can get done. So if I can influence a dozen mothers, teach them to buy and prepare organic then those dozen mothers are supporting the local food system and taking money out of the chemicals companies because their kids dont need it. I live in an area that is not receptive to these things. Its not the major metro areas where being green is cool. Here you have to fight with the store managers to get them to carry even one organic item.

Andrea 12-20-2011 08:03 AM

My honey and I watched the Future of Food last night. Now we are questioning if there could be any foods that have not been touched by GMO. How do we know our garden seeds haven't been contaminated? :|

Sachita 12-20-2011 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by Andrea (Post 489463)
My honey and I watched the Future of Food last night. Now we are questioning if there could be any foods that have not been touched by GMO. How do we know our garden seeds haven't been contaminated? :|

Now is the time to buy non=gmo organic seeds and learn how to save your seeds to replant. Its been done this way for 100's of years. If you live in a farming community where GMO crops are close by then you may have a problem.

I think that you will see more and more people setting up cold frames and controlled environments to protect food. I'm lucky that there are no major crops and planting close by because its hilly but its still a concern.

A woman who lives a few hours north of me discovered that the huge corn fields surrounding her little place are all GMO and heavily sprayed. She is organic. How bad does that suck? Because round up and all those chemcials run off into the water systems.

persiphone 12-20-2011 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Andrea (Post 489463)
My honey and I watched the Future of Food last night. Now we are questioning if there could be any foods that have not been touched by GMO. How do we know our garden seeds haven't been contaminated? :|

the only way to really know is to have the DNA tested. gmo products will have a marker gene that's clearly identifiable, but how does the average person do this? here's a link to a testing supply house:


persiphone 12-20-2011 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Sachita (Post 489479)
Now is the time to buy non=gmo organic seeds and learn how to save your seeds to replant. Its been done this way for 100's of years. If you live in a farming community where GMO crops are close by then you may have a problem.

I think that you will see more and more people setting up cold frames and controlled environments to protect food. I'm lucky that there are no major crops and planting close by because its hilly but its still a concern.

A woman who lives a few hours north of me discovered that the huge corn fields surrounding her little place are all GMO and heavily sprayed. She is organic. How bad does that suck? Because round up and all those chemcials run off into the water systems.

bees will infect your plants by carrying gmo pollen around. since bees travel up to two miles or more there is no real way to know unless you test your stuff. this is also why there's no such thing as organic honey. and lots of gmo sites are secret, which is another huge problem.

Sachita 12-20-2011 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by persiphone (Post 489601)
bees will infect your plants by carrying gmo pollen around. since bees travel up to two miles or more there is no real way to know unless you test your stuff. this is also why there's no such thing as organic honey. and lots of gmo sites are secret, which is another huge problem.

Hopefully new regulations will be enforced at some point. Hopefully it won't be too late. :(

persiphone 12-20-2011 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Sachita (Post 489774)
Hopefully new regulations will be enforced at some point. Hopefully it won't be too late. :(

well bees are a whole other source of food related contention for me, with a whole slew of OTHER issues surrounding the world's bee hive populations and the honeys extracted from those hives both politically and ethically. regulations that are currently in place are openly defied regularly by other countries (like China) who dump toxic honey in our ports illegally. this stuff ends up in our processed foods....like Honey Nut Cheerios for example. never buy honey in a plastic bear. it's pretty certain to be mystery honey of unknown origins...likely China....full of chemicals and antibiotics that aren't even legal for use in the states.

and of course bees inadvertently compound the gmo problems in agriculture by spreading gmo DNA via pollen. then there's the whole hive collapse syndrome which no one seems to agree on what THAT problem is. clearly, it's a combination of a multitude of factors....a bee parasite, monoculture, pesticides, herbicides, hive applications of antibiotics, and i suspect....gmo pollens aren't helping.

Greco 12-30-2011 08:32 PM

The Future of Food

There is a food revolution happening in America today. People are seeking out farmers' markets, organic produce and good restaurants. At the same time, our food supply is increasingly controlled by multi-national corporations.

Over the past 10 years, with the advent of genetic engineering and the massive expansion of pesticide companies, like Monsanto, into the seed business, the very nature of our food system has radically changed with potentially disastrous effects on our food security. Patenting of life is now permitted, no labeling of genetically modified organisms (GMO's) in food is required, research is conducted on these issues by universities beholden to the "agri-corps" who fund them, and the major regulatory agencies are run by former execs from these very companies.

All the while, the average citizens remain blissfully unaware that they are eating GMO food and supporting the aggressive "corporatization' of their food sources. In fascinating and accessible terms, 'The Future of Food' illuminates the major issues ultimately affecting us all -- some surreal, some futuristic, many frightening.

Yet, 'The Future of Food' is a hopeful film, featuring insightful and moving interviews with farmers, agriculture and business experts and policymakers. It sees a future in which an informed consumer can join the revolution by demanding natural, healthy food sources that insure environmental integrity.

more to come, Greco

Greco 12-30-2011 08:41 PM

The Future of Food: What Every Person Should Know with Deborah Garcia

What should every person know about the food they ingest.
The documentary "The Future of Food" changed the way we
think about food(and continues to do so) by answering this
very question.

But, just how has food actually changed? Do we need to
worry about genetically modified foods? What about
artificial foods? Learn all this more as Kurt Olson, host
of the Educational Forum, sits down with Deborah Garcia
the award winning creator of "The Future of Food."

Deborah Garcia, the filmmaker of "The Future of Food".


Greco 12-30-2011 09:06 PM

Planting the Seeds for Change

We are all connected.

Vandana Shiva is one of the world's most powerful voices for
global environmental justice and cultural and ecological diversity.

She is the founding director of the Research
Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology
in New Delhi. Vandana Shiva is also the author of
numerous books including Stolen Harvest:
The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply.
Series: "Walter H. Capps Center Series" [8/2004]

I had the honor of hearing this Lady speak in a meeting
of activists for anti-nuclear plants. She is beyond

There are strong women of Light in our midst.


Greco 12-30-2011 09:13 PM

Center for Food Safety

Greco 12-30-2011 09:19 PM

One Solution

How to Avoid Foods Made
with Genetically Modified
Organisms [GMOs]

Print out this information, share it with all of your community.

This is one action we can all take.


Greco 12-31-2011 12:00 PM

2012 Awareness Taking Action
Here is another link that offers much information articles radio
shows that provide solutions and avenues for action/activism.


Have a great New Year, Greco

DapperButch 12-31-2011 02:50 PM

Genetically Modified Food
Follow up to Greco's posting.


Follow link ("send a message to the FDA today"), to petition for food labeling on the above page.

Sachita 01-02-2012 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by greco (Post 495429)

We are all connected.

Vandana Shiva is one of the world's most powerful voices for
global environmental justice and cultural and ecological diversity.

She is the founding director of the Research
Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology
in New Delhi. Vandana Shiva is also the author of
numerous books including Stolen Harvest:
The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply.
Series: "Walter H. Capps Center Series" [8/2004]

I had the honor of hearing this Lady speak in a meeting
of activists for anti-nuclear plants. She is beyond

There are strong women of Light in our midst.


I love her

DapperButch 01-06-2012 10:08 PM

Scary, but not surprising
In vitro meat


Lady Pamela 01-06-2012 10:24 PM

I don't know about anyone elses prefrence. But the newest meat being created right now is deffinately not for me.
I will become a veggie/fruit eatin fool first!

Take a look!


DapperButch 01-11-2012 07:46 PM

7 foods you shouldn't eat
Stole this from Sparkle in the healthy weight loss thread:


SugarFemme 01-11-2012 08:28 PM

How funny...I've had this as my puter screen saver:)



Originally Posted by Sachita (Post 496836)
I love her

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