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Galahad 08-06-2011 04:04 PM

Today I removed my blog from public. I was searching for a castle and found my blog name, clicked on it since I couldn't remember anything about it, and it was some porn pages, not anything of mine. Since I work with kids, I didn't want to take chances.
I wonder if that will protect my old posts now or if I should delete the whole thing. There really is no such thing as private on the internet.

TIMBERWOLF 08-06-2011 04:26 PM

Just say no to blogs . I don't read them or have one.I can see having one if it was private and you were putting your thoughts down that only you could see because i feel as this would be inter reflection. But then you could do that on MS Word on your own computer and that way no one could read it.

Galahad 08-06-2011 11:51 PM

I really like reading blogs. I have some of the most incredible writers on my blog reading list. Some blogs are deep and touching and make me think outside my narrow world. Some, like the English dog bloggers are just silly and fun. I follow political writers, feminist, trans, butch, femme, science, clothes, sex, and politcal writers. Some people vent and some reach out to try to help the world. I read blogs written by people from all walks of life and places in the world. I learn so much about people and the world through blogs. I can't imagine not having blogs to read. After I take down the nude art and key phrases like orgasm or beautiful women I wont have any problems with odd followers.

Medusa 08-09-2011 07:18 AM

Did anyone see the news story this morning on the couple who are going through a divorce and the husband made a blog called "My Psycho Ex Wife" where he ranted about his ex wife?

Well, the two share two children and apparently the judge in their custody case ordered the guy to remove the blog.

A violation of his first amendment rights or protecting the children and ex-wife from undue harassment? What are your opinions?

Softly 08-09-2011 07:35 AM

Where do they draw the line between free speech and slander? I'm for free speech, say whatever you want but be prepared to face the consequences when said person finds out

Its hard to ignore when someone is talking shit about you but when it gets to the point that it can ruin your career, relationships, mental health, whatever - I think legal action should be taken.

Dominique 08-09-2011 07:46 AM

Hello Dear Softly.....and good morning to everyone else too.:tea:

I love to blog. And do. But I don't think I'd have much of an audience here
about the things I blog about, so I'll just continue. Freedom of speech
is NOT a constitutional right, and Don't ever think it is. Many guidelines on that expression FREEDOM of speech.

And yes Softly, you are correct. There is a very fine line between liable and slander.

I think I want to read this thread, Softly's post just caught my eye.


tapu 08-09-2011 11:22 AM

I have a blog: tapu~tapu. I write memoir and nonfiction on it.

I can't imagine what anyone gets out of trashing people on a blog. Like anyone cares to read something like that. Well, I guess if you know the people you might get some kind of kick out of reading it? I don't know.... Maybe this is a situation where writing an oft-suggested "letter you won't send" is in order.

My blog is not the most interesting in the world, but if you read and comment, I will answer. Ask Linus!


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