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-   -   Where is your slice of heaven? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1183)

moxie 04-14-2010 08:22 PM

I would have to say that what I would consider to be my slice of heaven are places where all the thoughts I have in my mind become quiet and I am just being and living in the "here and now" of the time and place. I have been in two such places.

Portland (OR) Japanese Garden

The Art Institute of Chicago

Cowboi 04-14-2010 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Oiler41 (Post 85568)
I've always been partial to the Smokey Mountains, and Cades Cove in particular. Something draws me there and I really can't pinpoint what, but it is a place that I find peaceful and restful. I love it there.

I like the mountains in general, but the Smokies have always topped the list.


It is beautiful at Cades Cove! I have good memories of my trip there.

Rook 04-14-2010 09:41 PM








UofMfan 04-14-2010 10:19 PM


Hack 04-15-2010 05:45 PM

Bumping this thread because I like it.
More slices of heaven....

Election Night 2002 in Michigan.

An apartment overlooking the canal in Delfshaven.

Watching fireworks on spring holiday from the balcony at the above-mentioned apartment.

A stretch of nearly-deserted beach in DeHaan, Belgium.

Sitting on the terrace of a cafe in DeHaan on a sunny day, having a late breakfast, an amazingly pretty girl sitting across from me smiling, her dog at my feet and sharing the best omelette ever.

Any stolen kiss.

Any stolen kiss in a doorway in the rain.

Reading Sock Monkey books with my nieces.

Farmers markets.

Gemme 04-15-2010 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Hack (Post 86149)
More slices of heaven....

Election Night 2002 in Michigan.

An apartment overlooking the canal in Delfshaven.

Watching fireworks on spring holiday from the balcony at the above-mentioned apartment.

A stretch of nearly-deserted beach in DeHaan, Belgium.

Sitting on the terrace of a cafe in DeHaan on a sunny day, having a late breakfast, an amazingly pretty girl sitting across from me smiling, her dog at my feet and sharing the best omelette ever.

Any stolen kiss.

Any stolen kiss in a doorway in the rain.

Reading Sock Monkey books with my nieces.

Farmers markets.

Your whole list is lovely, but my favorites are underlined.

Andrew, Jr. 04-16-2010 03:57 PM

Sock Monkeys

Reading and giving all of my nieces and nephews and great nephews sock monkeys and their books. Perfection.


PS: I just love the KIA commercials with the giant sock monkey in it jet skiing, riding the bull, in the car, dancing, and so on...just makes me smile. I had my nephew call me and tell me that when he saw it he thought of me. :smelling-flower:

Ms. Tabitha 04-16-2010 04:11 PM

My slice of Heaven.....




cinderella 04-16-2010 05:05 PM

Never found one...still looking...

miss entycing 04-17-2010 01:32 PM

what a lovely thread!
Lake Lure, NC- in the gazebo
I spend lots of time there, have for years- it heals me.

camping at Eleven Mile Canyon, Colorado

Estes Park, Colorado

in our journals
we leave things for eachother... writings and such.

Julien 04-17-2010 02:19 PM

My slice of heaven would be in her arms.

Nerds 08-16-2010 03:09 AM

my retreat
I have a secret place - a place I used to go to when I was growing up when things got rough.
Even if the place is just a memory today it still gives me comfort. I close my eyes and I am back in the forest where I grew up. I sit on the ground leaning against a fir tree looking out on the small lake. I see the dragonflies hovering silently over white and yellow waterlillies. I feel the warmth of the sun on my face and I smell the warm earth around me. I hear the birds sing happily above or rustling in the dead leaves nearby in search of food. I hear bumble bees passing by. I see the rings on the water after fish jumping. On the other side of the lake there is a beaver lodge, and if I am quiet at dusk I see them swimming around to find food. Maybe if Im lucky I see a fox or a moose.
I sit absolutely quiet not to disturb any of them in the hopes that one day, maybe they will accept me as part of them and not be afraid of me.

Kenna 08-16-2010 03:58 AM

curled up in bed and being grateful for this beautiful, peaceful home to come home to, after spending the night in the hospital horribly sick (it knocked me off my ass, in the fetal position and was completely unexpected). I'm safe and cared for here (by several dear friends and one that stuck by me every bit of the way)... that safe place is a slice of heaven.

Lady_Wu 08-16-2010 07:23 AM

Floyd, VA
My slice of heaven is a very,very small town in VA called Floyd. I think that it is the most wonderful place on earth. If I could find a place to live there, I'd be there now! Floyd is so small that when I left Va, about 10 years ago, they had just gotten their first traffic light. The town is a weird blend of Mew-Age Hippy and Redneck that somehow works beautifully. Farm supply stores sit right beside artisan craft store on the main street. Two world-renown restaurants that hold showcases for local singer-songwriters plus famous singers use only local produce in their mainly vegetarian dishes. A Wintersun apparel store located there holds wonderful sales from which I've bought my favorite clothing. A food co-op has delicious foods, teas, beauty products, etc.
One of the coolest things about Floyd consists in the fact that they have their own currency! They are Floyd notes. From what I've gathered, one Floydnote=one hour of work, or whatever is negotiated between employee and employer. Most of the local businesses take Floydnotes as payment. One can even redeem them at the local bank in town for "real" money.
Floyd also hosts every year a world-renown artisan, song-writer, whatever festival called FloydFest. Local mingle with celebrities as they look through artisans booths, listen to music, munch on all types of food from food kiosks, or just stretch out and enjoy the Virginia sun. Used to cost 75.00 for the entire two day fest. I'm sure the cost is considerably more by now. I always told myself I would go but left before I did.
Yes, if only I had a craft or a way to live there, I would. I DO hope to at least get back there for a Wintersun sale one day. I'd make,week[end out of it ,but there's no place to stay! I hope Floyd remains a small town as in my dreams!
Lady_Wu, feeling nostalgic

aurora 01-23-2011 04:46 PM

Heaven is here on the farm with Syr Bebo and Sassy...and all the critters. There is no better place on this or the other side of the veil.

lionpaw 01-23-2011 06:38 PM

My slice of heaven would be on the pathway overlooking Lake Washington by the University of Washington.....

DomnNC 01-23-2011 06:57 PM

My slice of heaven is in heaven. After that, it's riding my motorcycle, it's the most freeing thing in the world to me. One day I'll ride it to my special place where I go to center in Townsend, TN and thru Cades Cove in the Smokies.

ravfem 01-23-2011 07:43 PM

It's at the ocean....

been years since i've been there, but just recalling the overwhelming sense of calm & peace i felt while being at the shore, standing there alone, just listening & watching the ocean..... it makes me content.

i know i came from the ocean, because she feels like my physical home.


Gemme 01-23-2011 08:04 PM

My slice of heaven is inside me, in my mind. Happy memories, feats, feasts and a sundry of moments captured are at my disposal in addition to the neverending soundtrack that runs in the background.

sylvie 01-24-2011 08:54 PM

i am at peace in nature..

any scenery, be it the ocean, the mountains, the wilderness..
the breathtaking views, the ability to just relax and take it all in..
the fresh air, the distant soothing sounds, no traffic, no hustle & bustle, no telephones ringing or tv blaring..

just me, my dreams & soaring imagination.. ♥


Also, there is one place i would go to, mostly as a teen and in my early adult years, which involved some deep woods hiking and climbing up some rocks..the view was magnificent, so serene & peaceful and not a soul in sight.. it had caves that i explored, and one huge rock had a dip in it just the right size for me & my dog Teiko (the only one i ever shared this place with) and we'd lay there sky gazing, and taking in the silence, so relaxing.

i haven't been there in about 9 years now, so this spring, i will hike up that mountain again.. though without my Teiko around, it just won't be the same, but she will be with me, i know it!

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