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MissItalianDiva 01-25-2011 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 272119)
1-25-11 Question

Is there really such a thing as "the generation gap"? Why or Why not?

Well yes and no. Of course there are years and even generations between people but I am not sure I would or can fall into the "generational gap" claim.

I believe experience and life mold people into who they are and while I do believe chronological age and even years can influence a particular situation, I don't believe like most things in life it is definitive in value.

I have met many people beyond my years who I have wondered what rock they are sitting under or how they have lasted this long in the world. I have also met people my age and even younger who are without a doubt wise beyond their years and who I even consider to have an "old soul" or to have been born in the wrong generation, if you will.

I suppose this explains my stance. I realize it is not definitive either way but I don't like boxing ideas or questions. Black and white thinking is rarely effective in my opinion.

The_Lady_Snow 01-25-2011 03:58 PM

It could also be cultural
Not sure about this, I think the more we evolve in technology the more a gap could exist. My kids are of the easy way to network era, writing a letter is foreign. It's just gonna happen the biblical ideals are what I see as being watered down.

Dunno if I made sense.

Soft*Silver 01-25-2011 05:16 PM

I do alot of sitting and thinking in Rose Cottage. Sometimes I feel like a monk facing a wall. Just facing that wall and mulling the world and not stopping on any one thing until something snaps a synaps and I figure out something.

youth IS wasted on the young

older people really DONT understand the young

its SUPPOSE to be this way

anything else I could say would dilute it

The_Lady_Snow 01-25-2011 05:22 PM

Who said it was supposed to be this way?

I see older folks living life to the fullest, with that zest and hunger the "youth" are supposed to only have.

I see youth going nowhere, no desire to see outside of their 50 mile radius.

My parents may not get me, but some folks their age do.

I'm not coming up with a concrete answer it could be it's on individual basing, dunno.

Blade 01-25-2011 08:05 PM

I think it depends on the person and at varying stages I can see a gap, even in the same person that I didn't see it in maybe even only a few years ago.

I thought there was a huge gap when I was 16 or 20 between myself and Nannie. She just didn't get it. As I aged that gap got a little smaller and in the past 10 years, well I use to tell Mom, Nannie has gotten so cool in her old age.

When Pa died in 02, we talked Nannie into getting a computer. She couldn't do a lot with it but she did learn to email and simple stuff like that, no she didn't surf the net. I just thought it was way cool that she even would want to learn about the computer at 81 yrs old.

Mom and I have always been close, but it seems the last few years I feel a gap as she is aging. Chuckling...she's getting more like Nannie was in her 60's.

I do see a gap though, in folks in general. I see a gap in the "younger" folks as well as the "older" folks, maybe that is because I'm sorta in the middle now and have friends and family on both sides and have to adjust accordingly almost daily.

Maybe I'll think of more later

Blade 01-26-2011 06:01 PM

Question #4 1*28*11

What's the difference between legal and right?

Soft*Silver 01-26-2011 06:27 PM

it isnt right to take the life of another person

by law, people who kill can get the death sentance

its against the law to not pay your debts and you can go to jail for it

buts its perfectly alright for the government to be so much in debt

its immoral for a man and a woman to live in sin so they must be legally married
but legally 2 men or 2 woman must remain immoral

JustJo 01-26-2011 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 272819)

What's the difference between legal and right?

Wonderful question...and for me it's the difference between bureaucracy and conscience.

The powers that be have determined the laws...so it's perfectly legal to ignore hungry people, to walk past someone who is hurt or struggling, or to not think about how the schools are failing children in poor communities.

It isn't right to do those things...but it's perfectly legal.

The_Lady_Snow 01-26-2011 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 272819)
Question #4 1*28*11

What's the difference between legal and right?

One's governed

The other is a choice.

MissItalianDiva 01-26-2011 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 272819)
Question #4 1*28*11

What's the difference between legal and right?

Well something that is legal doesn't necessarily make it "right" but this is going to vary based on one's values and beliefs or even culture. For instance it is legal to eat pork but for me it just is not "right"

Sometimes what is right and legal is such a fine line that the two often are blurred so close together it is not visible to the naked eye...just my opinion though.

sylvie 01-26-2011 07:34 PM

legal vs right..

what is 'right' for me is based on my beliefs & upbringing - and how things make me feel.. it isn't always right for the next person, however.. for me, what is right is something i choose and something i firmly believe in, rather than having to abide by what is legal..

and there are many an instance when i feel what is legal, isn't necessarily right..
i swear this made much more sense in my head, LOL

Blade 01-29-2011 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 272819)
Question #4 1*28*11

What's the difference between legal and right?

What is legal is governed or enforced by laws, doesn't mean it is right. What is right I think is more on a personal level. IMO it is sorta like let your conscience be your guide kind of thing.

An example would be my ex use to get high in front of our son, that aint right. Later as a teenager they'd get high together, that aint right either. But to some it may be. Maybe I feel that way cuz I don't get high. OR maybe because I believe there is a line you draw between parenting and being your child's friend. To me teaching your child to do something illegal is not right.

Gemme 01-29-2011 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 272119)
1-25-11 Question

Is there really such a thing as "the generation gap"? Why or Why not?

Absolutely. Each generation has different traits and skills and mannerisms that are specific to that generation, and of course, there are world events that occur that help to put each generation in a frame of reference.

Baby boomers, generation X, generation Y...with the increase of technological advancements, I see a loss of humanization that can be marked with each generation.

Blade 01-30-2011 08:00 PM

Question # 5 1-30-11

How do colors and music change our moods?

Blade 01-31-2011 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 275125)
Question # 5 1-30-11

How do colors and music change our moods?

Well I can tell you as I passed the orthodontist office while ago, the colors brought laughter to me. He has painted the whole building in pastel colors. The house is one color the trim is another color and each window shudder is a different color. I thought what the heck has moved in there? I think colors do have effects on our moods and sensitivities. I also think the colors we dress in point to our moods sometimes and also may have an effect on the way others perceive us and their mood or attitude toward us.

Music.......now that is a whole other story. Music can lift me up, jack me up and even sometimes tear me down. There is nothing like music I like all music as long as I can understand the words and they aren't vulgar. Music can make me silly, sad, stupid, all sorts of things music can do to me. There has probably been a song written about every imaginable thing in life, I don't see how they keep coming up with new ones but I'm glad they do.

As Elvis said....I learned very early in life that: 'Without a song, the day would never end; without a song, a man ain't got a friend; without a song, the road would never bend -- without a song.' So I keep singing a song.

girl_dee 01-31-2011 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 275125)
Question # 5 1-30-11

How do colors and music change our moods?

i cant answer about the colors, but music stimulates the heart.. music with a beat less than the heartbeat slows us down, higher beat, higher the mood...

I love it.

Gemme 02-08-2011 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 275125)
Question # 5 1-30-11

How do colors and music change our moods?

Colors have the ability to change one's mood incredibly. Look at fast food restaurants. You'll see lots of reds, oranges, yellows and browns. Those colors tend to stimulate appetites. You'll see lots of soft greens and blues in doctor's offices as those tend to calm folks. Children like red and bright yellow, so you'll see lots of them and other bright colors where they are.

Music is like air for me. A song has the ability to get inside my bones if it means enough to me. Music can right a wrong, make a bad day good, and allow us to let go of small stuff and maybe even some big things too. Music moves us because it's a story folded neatly in melody. We all can relate to a good story.

The_Lady_Snow 02-08-2011 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 275125)
Question # 5 1-30-11

How do colors and music change our moods?

Colors not so muchh

ahhh music, now music can in so so many ways.

princessbelle 02-08-2011 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 275125)
Question # 5 1-30-11

How do colors and music change our moods?

I am somewhat of a "color-freak". Color is a huge part of my life and i tend to pick up color or aura's from people so if i "feel" a dark or cloudy or a sort of liquid with sediment color, it does affect my mood especially if i know this person.

I also soak in and notice the colors around me often. Even in buildings and other people's homes and they do affect my mood.

Music? oh gosh yeah....let me listen to a sad song and tears drip off my chin. Give me some ACDC and i'm dancing and sliding around in my socks all over the house.

Rock on!!!!

Blade 02-08-2011 07:53 PM

QUESTION #6 2/8/11

Why do we eat after funerals?

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