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durrrrrrrr 11-22-2011 06:44 PM

should of, would of, could of

ayup, I have regrets.

not spending more time with my Mother, but at the age of 13, why would I been thinking she was going to pass away.

Regret, not speaking up to my Dad sooner then what I had. but , i did, finally.

not letting people get close to me, my heart, when I was younger ( 20's )

some others, may have been regrets at the time, but I am where i am right now because of those choices, and everything is alright.

Strappie 11-22-2011 06:47 PM

Still to this day and everyday since that day I said the 2 powerful words to my mom as a young teen... "Fuck You".... She never said a word to me about it.. because she knew I would regret it till the day I die.... God Mom's are so smart!!

I don't regret much at all ... Because it's the path I've chose to take there for it's not a regret.... I just regret those two powerful words.

Leigh 11-22-2011 07:07 PM

Yes I do have regrets and I will probably have them for awhile, however I wil no longer let them dictate to Me who I will be in future years :thumbsup:

smouldering 12-06-2011 03:04 PM

I do have some regrets but I think the biggest one that I have would be with my mom.. I regret not spending more time with her, I feel guilty that she had a stroke that caused her health to deteriorate rapidly until she passed in March, A part of me feels like if spent more time with her, i might have been able to prevent the direction her health took.. This is something that will pain me and i will think about until the day i die..

ruby_woo 12-06-2011 03:25 PM

I'm already regretting not spending more time back home with my family. We used to be a close-knit family, but it's hard to feel close to everyone when you're 2000 miles away and in a different country.

Strangely, not sure if I regret not finishing college or not. If I hadn't finished college, I may not have moved to San Francisco where I had a great and hilarious three years, I may not have met my partner...Hmm.

cuddlyfemme 12-08-2011 07:16 AM

I regret hurting a close friend, verbally
I regret not finishing college...maybe (key word "maybe') finding a job would be easier
I regret not being closer with m family

Gemme 12-08-2011 10:14 PM

The regret well runs deep for me.

LipstickLola 12-08-2011 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Gemme (Post 482873)
The regret well runs deep for me.

Double Ditto :(

kannon 12-08-2011 10:45 PM

Maybe a few.

Honey 12-08-2011 11:06 PM

Hahahaha...Holy crap! That is f'n twisted !! Nice !

kannon 12-08-2011 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Honey (Post 482894)
Hahahaha...Holy crap! That is f'n twisted !! Nice !

I regret this incarnation, or should I say reincarnation, which the bibilical interpretation means "made flesh"


always2late 12-09-2011 12:43 AM

I honestly believe that all the things we do, all the people we let into our lives, lead us to where and who we are now, so I try not to regret. When I look back on my life, there is very little I would change....even the bad things. Because they made me all the stronger for it. Even the times I regret being married to my son's father for all those years before I figured myself out...I tell myself that if not for that time, I wouldn't have my beautiful son. If there is one thing I COULD change, it would be deciding to go back to school sooner...but I'm going now, so I guess that's what really counts.

WingsOnFire 12-09-2011 01:17 AM

I regret that I have spent so much of my life running at warp speed. Having gone through the 6 days of hell we went through I am now realizing what its like to have your world turned upside down with all sorts of fuckery.. Thats ok, because it also showed me that I need to slow down and take better care of myself.

Today for the first time I really... really.... allowed Damon to take control of things. I have always been the strong one through out my life.. I have a tendency to put on tough armor and try to do everything myself.. This has been a source of contention for me in my journey.

But after being semi taken advantage of by work today and another situation Damon has put his foot down and will be the buffer between me and the world of chaos. I dont regret always trying to help everyone else.. however, I now realize that I need to come first.

I DOOOOO regret having to have this damn packing changed.. it hurts!

Gina 12-09-2011 09:04 AM

Which one?
Someone once said - which would you rather live with: Regret or Guilt? I am thinking I regretted some things and can live with it. Guilt on the other hand, is another matter...

WolfyOne 12-09-2011 10:22 AM

Perhaps the only regrets I have was hurting others
Learning from those regrets helped to mold the me I am today
I went to the school of hard knocks and just had to do things my way
I have over the years, learned to listen more, so when I'm relationship ready,
I'll be able to share instead of it being my way or the highway
No more running away for me when Ms Right and I finally meet
I'm thankful to my last ex for opening up my eyes in order for me to open my ears

Delish 12-09-2011 10:38 AM

Most recent regret....dating a liar -sigh-

Soon 01-11-2012 10:17 PM

Regret: assuming the worst, instead of hoping for the best.

Kenna 01-11-2012 10:34 PM

Yeah.... after my dad passed away, my brother asked me to move closer to him and his girls. I regret not taking him up on his offer...I really miss them bad. After being separated from him for most our lives... I shouldn't have answered " this place is a ghost town, I can't find a job here". ...when in fact I had made a selfish decision to move some place else but should have put my family first. If I had...then I could be watching my nieces grow up now.

Thamca74 01-11-2012 11:29 PM


I regret not being a better partner to my ex girlfriend. She was my soulmate. I am not just saying that-- no one will ever "get" me like she did. I miss her so much but know that to much has happened to go back. (glad to get that off my chest)

I also regret not going back to school -- I am not sure that I have it in me now to even care to try. That is a very mild regret. I think there are some regrets that you can easily live with.

Wish I would have spent more time with my son when he was young instead of putting it off. If you have young kids-- be warned : the time sneaks up fast....All of a sudden one day you get home from work and the damn kid is a man.. true story. Life is full of regrets and guilt. BUT darn it, I did what I thought was right at the time.. Life goes on. Live and learn

Gráinne 01-11-2012 11:39 PM

I regret if my words or actions hurt another person, that's true. But whatever I've done has taught me something, so I try not to regret. If I chose differently, I wouldn't have the same friends (or family) as I do now.

I've made mistakes, but I've also had great experiences, and it's been quite a ride.

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