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Andrew, Jr. 04-23-2010 10:21 AM


Soon 04-23-2010 10:31 AM

Some of my coping strategies this week
The other night I floated in the thermal pool at the gym and read trashy celebrity magazines...

Today, I took the day off and slept until 11 AM! Totally needed to do that!

I have *some* work for the weekend but nothing like previous ones this month.

Right now, I`m enjoying a cappuccino and trying not to think of work or anything stress-related!

Thanks to all for sharing experiences and strategies.


AtLast 04-23-2010 12:37 PM

Meditation and self-hypnosis have been key to my combating stress effects on my body & mind (especially chronic physical pain). Sometimes its simply a matter of complete quiet for just 15 minutes.

The increases in pain (frequency & level) I have experienced this past couple of years seem to correlate with financial concerns that I know so many of us have had. Just plain stressful! I have felt the effects personally, but also with friends and relatives that I care deeply about. So, it has felt kind of like a balloon payment without the means to make it!

Yes, I see things getting better for some folks (and myself) and that feels good but do know people that have been hit do deeply, they will never recover financially. There is a big difference when one has to deal with this past the ages in which we actually can recoup losses.

JustBeingMe 04-23-2010 12:37 PM

OMG my stress level is so high today. I feel like my chest is going to kick the breath out of my lungs. I feel so overwhelmed with what's happening in my circumstance that I am just going to lose my fucking mind over it. It needs to end and be over with already. Jesus H. Fing Christ how much more can one tolerate? My hair isn't totally grey yet, but I am sure it's turned more grey over the past couple of months than it has in two years. I feel like pulling it all out cause I am so stressed out. Damn, I haven't taken ativan in a year and I think I need to again. Yep, time to find a doc that will prescribe it to me....that's the hard part.

Andrew, Jr. 04-23-2010 02:43 PM

To relieve stress, I go outside. I take hikes with Dino. I also am known to picnic with Dino. Just the 2 of us. Nothing beats it. :paw:

I also pray & meditate. This includes lighting candles and burning incense. It is just how I do it. It is my ritual. This brings me comfort and peace.

Boots13 04-23-2010 04:12 PM

Yes, I am stressed over aging. Rediculous, but true.
- I have a climb in June. I always worry that I'm not in shape
- I look old. Really old. What the hell happened ?
- My foot, my knees, my back, my shoulder have declared war,
we are currently engaged in mortal combat, I'm losing...
- How come I cant read shit without my glasses ?
My eyeballs must be waging the same war as my knees...

Yes...Vanity, thy name is Boots. I hate this getting old shit. I want my pain free body back.

CrankyOldGuy 04-23-2010 04:35 PM


tendonitis in my elbow making even the simplest tasks impossibly painful

lawn mower-frigging start already!

hoping to relieve some stress this weekend...:whip:

Martina 04-23-2010 04:37 PM

Tomorrow morning is D-DAy for my project. I have the presentation on a thumb drive. I have copies printed out. As i rehearse tonight, if i see anything wrong, oh well . . . .

I have "only" about five hours work tonight and then a FULL NIGHT'S SLEEP if i am not too nervous. i am setting two alarms.

i can't wear the heels i want with my outfit (which pretty much sucks anyway) because of the injured knee. But again, oh well . . . .

i can report that the knee feels better today.

Have a good Friday night all. i am still neck deep in paper.

Gemme 04-23-2010 06:50 PM

stress stuff
If I don't work to turn my stress outward, by working out or sparring with someone or writing or having myself a good old-fashioned crying jag, I tend to turn it inward.

I have always clenched my teeth and jaw and it hasn't caused me issues yet (other than my teeth being ground down and growing in an obvious pattern due to it) but TMJ is probably not far down the road.

My neck and shoulders also bear the burden of my stress. They get so darn tight and it's quite painful sometimes as I had a car accident years ago that reversed the curvature of my neck with the impact. My need to stay out of the chiropractor's office is very strong.

If I let myself sit with something too long, I tend to turn a molehill into a mountain and then figure out the most difficult way around the mountain and proceed to work my way through things that way. It's not healthy, positive or productive.

Meditating and yoga do absolutely nothing for me. I get bored and then I start thinking and that's not good. I need something physical but adaptable to my needs. For me, those don't fit.

Martina 04-24-2010 01:11 PM

To those who sent me kind wishes and were pulling for me, my presentation went very well. Only a few more weeks of classes, and I will have my clear credential. Thanks so much!

morningstar55 04-24-2010 01:22 PM

im guessing i will be stuck in Atlanta for i am guessing a couple days........ due too.. a air brake alarm, that wont stop making its loud squelching nose, seems it may have a short in it due to rain leaking inside the dash, cuz my breaks are fine.... and top it off Peter bilt place here is closed on weekends.... ggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR ,:annoyed::annoyed:
SOO NOW HAVE TO HUNT A PLACE that myabe open.
when it rains it pours i guess.

AtLast 04-24-2010 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Andrew, Jr. (Post 90732)

To relieve stress, I go outside. I take hikes with Dino. I also am known to picnic with Dino. Just the 2 of us. Nothing beats it. :paw:

I also pray & meditate. This includes lighting candles and burning incense. It is just how I do it. It is my ritual. This brings me comfort and peace.

Yeppers, picnics do wonders!!!

JustBeingMe 04-27-2010 11:42 AM

Stressed? Uhm,, ya can add me to that list, but keeping it private so I don't get on my :soapbox: about it.

MsTinkerbelly 04-27-2010 02:37 PM


PearlsNLace 04-27-2010 02:55 PM

I wake up in the middle of the night, my heart is so fast I cant count the drumming against my temple. My body, wich is usually near vampiricly cold, is flush with heat and I fight the covers. Anything, nothing, races across my mind.

I wrestle control over my breathing. Will my heart to slow. I demand my brain to focus on peaceful images, and drift to a hard one sleep.

30 minutes? Sometimes 2 hours? repeat the process.

Camping this weekend helped. Celebrating a triumphant success with friends was a victory dance against the odds, surrounded by trees and friends. Sunday night I slept like a rock.
The restless night returned last night like a clueless, unexpected house guest returning with even more unwanted gifts.

I know that money is bothering me. There are very basic bills that simply never seem to get caught up. I breath uneasy as I write this. I know, that soon, its going to get easier. That day is not today. But there is food. I am loved. I think I may be able to pay my portion of the rent, with fingers crossed. The work is hard, and I need the rest, but I need the money so the rest can come.

I know that the dissaray of my house, compounded by fatigue and illness, grates at my peace and serenity.

The rain is dripping comfort on my garden of flowers and weeds. I will breath in the clean night air and pray. I will seek the comfort and solace of my beloved, and I will try to let the pressures I feel dissapate.

Andrew, Jr. 04-27-2010 04:26 PM

My health is stressing me. Big time. Anxiety is kicking in full force.:darthluke:

Rockinonahigh 04-27-2010 05:35 PM

On friday I have a job fair to go to and my back is still spazzing some, so I hope the chiro can give me some releaf.With two pain patches and a dose of tylenol I can get thrue the day relativly pain free.Corse if I would get off my lazy butt and go to the chiro in the first place it would prolly already be better,just trying to watch my pennys.If I land a job most of the stress im haveing from trying to make it on disablity will end..im glad they( disablity has me on a work ticket so I can do this).Yes,I know they will take a portion of my disablity ceck from my wages...like .50 cents for every dollar made.THey coulsdgive a guy a bereak.

ruthie14 04-27-2010 05:59 PM

My old job stressed me out and now my new one stresses me out. shit.. Can i catch a break... please!! All this stress is taking a toll on my body. The last job was so stressful my dr told me I had to quit. Wait till she finds out how stressful THIS one is. She will want me to leave this one right now! Gotta get out of childcare... no one cares anymore.

JustBeingMe 04-28-2010 11:33 AM

Dear Universe,
Please bestow your blessings upon those that are stressed out and it would be much appreciated NOW PLEASE.
another stressed out one.

Sam 04-28-2010 11:52 AM


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