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-   -   What are you still young enough to do???? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6452)

easygoingfemme 03-26-2013 08:18 PM

Play on playgrounds
Dress like a teenage boy
Ride my bike all day and then eat like a teenage boy
Go rock climbing
Roll down the windows and sing along with the radio in the car
Stay up late dancing
Stay up late "dancing"
Wearing underoos
Walk down the aisle at the store with whatever sound-making decorations they have out and press every button.
Learn, always learning.
Love a lot.
Plan for my future.

Blade 03-26-2013 08:43 PM

Walk threw the toy department...especially at Christmas time and push every button on all of the toys that make sounds...horns sirens whatever...I'm a toy button pusher.

clay 03-26-2013 09:21 PM

I am still "young enough" :

that I can fall in love deeply again.

stare in wonder at the bright full moon...

wander aimlessly in my mind...gazing into the expanse of the indigo night sky dotted with twinkling stars...

get sweaty palms when I am waiting for her arrival...

have my heart go pitty patter when she calls and I answer the phone..and she says softly..."hey you...it's me"...

love a good p-nut butter and jelly sammich...

find joys in the simplest of things in life...

that my heart isn't jaded & cynical...I DO believe in "happily ever after" and falling in love...again..

that age is JUST a number...and I am "experienced, seasoned, and know what I want in life and still go after life with gusto.

some cartoons still are a pleasure to watch....

that I enjoy blowing bubbles at the beach or flying a kite is so much fun....

I still LOVE to open a brand new box of Crayola crayons and inhale deeply...

I love to dance like no one is watching...

be kissed goodnight or sung to sometimes to go to sleep....

being able to have and enjoy a crush or two...and know the innocuousness of it...

like to lick the batter bowl and beaters....after I have made a cake...

drink juice from the jug....

steal her kisses when she isn't looking...

Blade 03-27-2013 08:47 AM

stay up all night long

Amber2010 03-27-2013 09:15 AM

I am still young enough to beat pretty much any kids in games on the internet. Ok even off the internet. I really kick my kids butts in the WII and it doesn't matter which game. even at my age when we do that one on WII that tells you your age I am always younger then the kids. giggles
Love all the games though I am not only a gamer but love the websites and learning new stuff on it from Word Press, Flicker and even am the Coordinator on our website where I am employed. Yep we can learn anything at any age. :)

WolfyOne 03-27-2013 09:20 AM

I'm still young enough to get on a bicycle and go riding
I'm still young enough to take road trips anywhere I choose to drive
I'm still young enough to enjoy life through the eyes of a child and hang out with them as they play
I'm still young enough to go for long walks with or without someone
I'm still young enough to care deeply for others
I'm still young enough to dream of things to come

Ascot 03-27-2013 11:09 AM

I am young enough still to do everything of which I can possibly conceive. My body, however, might have other ideas.

TheMerryFairy 03-27-2013 02:06 PM

I am still young enough to pick at easter candy before my meal.

I am still young enough to sing and dance because it feels good without caring about what other people may think.

I am still young enough to find the fun in everything I do.

princessbelle 03-27-2013 05:18 PM

I am still young enough to cry at sad movies, sad stories or when someone else is crying, i cry with them.

I am still young enough that when i get really excited, i clap my hands hard and fast and squeal with happiness.

I am still young enough to watch cartoons on Saturday mornings and color in a coloring book as often as i have time.

I am still young enough to believe in all people, to look for the good.

I am still young enough to go running barefoot through the yard and worry bout steppin on honey bees!!!!

Amante 03-27-2013 05:41 PM

I am in my mid-50s. My girlfriend is in her mid-60s. And we're still young enough to do whatever we want, for as long as we want. No post-menopausal loss of libido HERE, that's for sure! ::lascivious grin::

Blade 03-28-2013 11:24 AM

play video games

JAGG 03-28-2013 12:03 PM

Get excited about a fireworks show.

Watch a parade .

Play kick ball.

Drink the flavor ice stick before its too frozen.

Take off running out of the grocery store and ride the cart all the way to my car.

Play catch in the street.

Eat dessert first.

Enjoy a lady bug that lands on me.

Run through the sprinklers.

To sit at the kids table at holiday gatherings. :)

TheMerryFairy 03-28-2013 03:01 PM

I am still young enough to get curious

Daktari 03-28-2013 03:47 PM

Ride a unicycle
Play on kid's play parks
Cycle 100+ miles a week (in warmer weather nowadays, my days of distance cycling in the wind and cold are over due to physical stuffs)

TheMerryFairy 03-28-2013 03:58 PM

Exploring the great outdoors prepared but without hesitation to take an opportunity that presents itself.

wahya 03-28-2013 06:49 PM

I found out yesterday while playing with my grandson (7) at the park that i could still play tag and he could not catch me. Even while running up the slide to get away from him..Lol

Enchantress 03-29-2013 01:47 PM

Age is a mindset ...
I am absolutely still young enough to ...

Enjoy the freedom of flying on a swing. Especially with my head tilted backwards, so that I can see the world upside down.

Dye Easter Eggs.

Watch Looney Tunes (the original) on Saturday mornings.

Revel in the glee of toy stores.



Delight in a snow cone from a vendor on a hot Summer day.

TheMerryFairy 03-29-2013 02:08 PM

I am still young enough to watch and enjoy disney movies!

JAGG 03-29-2013 02:25 PM

Color in a coloring book.

Catch butterflies.

Eat too much watermelon.

Drink out of the hose.

Build a tent with blankets in the living room and sleep in it with a happy 9 yr old.

jcisbutch 03-29-2013 05:59 PM

im still young enough to do anything i feel i want to do....

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