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WolfyOne 03-26-2010 05:18 PM

Thanks for sharing your story and the pics, Medusa. I keep saying I'd like to go to a pride parade here, but didn't want to go alone. I always used to go when I lived in Chicago. Sometimes I'd even take a road trip to Mpls because they have a wonderful parade there every year with festivities in the park to follow. I always like to experience new places for pride parades. Too bad, so many are held on the same weekend. Imagine how much more exposed we'd be as a community if they were held throughout the summer everywhere.

AtLast 03-26-2010 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by WolfyOne (Post 73733)
Imagine how much more exposed we'd be as a community if they were held throughout the summer everywhere. [/SIZE][/FONT]


Oh, how I like this idea!

:LGBTQFlag: The Summer of PRIDE!!!

SuperFemme 03-26-2010 05:55 PM

Your story made me cry Parade Princess. Your heart? Is bigger than any hate group OR halo. :bouquet::cheer::badscore:

WolfyOne 03-26-2010 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by SuperFemme (Post 73745)
Your story made me cry Parade Princess. Your heart? Is bigger than any hate group OR halo. :bouquet::cheer::badscore:

I certainly agree with SF on this

Greyson 03-26-2010 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 73690)
We hid the pictures from you, Greyson ;)

Loved the pics! Thanks. :glasses:

Gemme 03-26-2010 07:11 PM

This is one thing I have yet to experience....Pride in a small town. I look forward to seeing it in the future after having seen how lovely it was in Orlando.

Loved your pics, Medusa!

Corkey 03-26-2010 07:17 PM

Our Pride is June 12. Will take plenty of pics.:LGBTQFlag:

Goofy 03-26-2010 09:55 PM

What an incredible story Medusa. Thank you so much for sharing it!

Soon 03-26-2010 10:04 PM

Thank you so much for sharing your words, thoughts, pictures of this day!!

Ashton 03-26-2010 10:53 PM

Dusa...Good on ya purty lady!!

TexasCowboi 03-26-2010 11:58 PM

Love it!

we should get a motorcycle contingent from the planet into the parade!

Butterbean 03-27-2010 01:20 AM



Jess 03-27-2010 08:13 AM

Our little town won't host a pride. But we will have a "cornhole toss" at the fire dept down the street weekend after next. The girl and I can't wait to see what the hell that is.. LOL!

We are probably this areas version of the gay men in the big house. As far as pride events go, we'll have to travel to Roanoke or Winston-Salem or Greensboro to be around other queers. I'm sure we will hit a couple events this summer and who knows, if another couple of queers find themselves transplanted here we may one day have enough for a parade. Heh, our "town" is like two blocks, it would only take a couple car loads of queers to tilt the balance!

Thanks for your stories!

Medusa 04-20-2010 01:23 PM

I was wondering if anyone living in a small town has had trepidation about attending Pride events or parades.

I'm out at my job and in my town but I was wondering today if other people worry about bringing too much attention? Or jeopardizing their employment if they work for biggots?

SuperFemme 04-20-2010 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 88832)
I was wondering if anyone living in a small town has had trepidation about attending Pride events or parades.

I'm out at my job and in my town but I was wondering today if other people worry about bringing too much attention? Or jeopardizing their employment if they work for biggots?

Since we moved here, hell yes.
I am not trepidatious about myself, but rather my youngest child.

He makes friends at school, they come for a sleep over and then someone figures out our familial structure. No more friend.

So I worry, because we've been told by other parents that we flaunt ourselves by attending school functions. They petitioned to have our son removed from his performing arts school.

So with great trepidation, we go anyhow. Because what lessons are we teaching if we don't?

Rockinonahigh 04-20-2010 02:10 PM

I dint live in a small town but me going to a pride hear wouldnt bother me any nor my son,who is grown,he works for a big company and they know about me being queer as heck and it never caused him any probs I know of.I ask him one about this subject and his reply was...I didnt care when I was a kid and shure dont now..go hve fun.Alas wed had a pride last year but didnt say a thing about it till the day before so I couldnt go cause I had commitments I couldnt change.
I would like to go to conway if my back was on a good streak but have to play it by ear cause because of the back issue I shouldnt drive that far alone incase it pops out while there.Be glad when they fix it...soon I hope.When and how do I get to conway if I can go.

Medusa 04-18-2011 08:54 AM

I realize this is an old thread but read this article this morning about how there are more suicides among youth in conservative areas. Thought it was poignant:


princessbelle 04-18-2011 09:07 AM

That is so sad Madusa. I've sat here thinking about this and it brings tears to my eyes. I live in a city, not that small, but in one that is not gay friendly at all. It is risky to even put a rainbow sticker on my car. This has always made me feel unsafe....but, geeze, what about these kids living here..

How do i, as a gay adult having to basically hide for risk of having my house burned down or worse....how do i reach out to these kids.

I wore purple that day it was all over the net and walked around the mall. Actually made eye contact with one young man and he smiled. I knew he knew. But, i pray that is not the extent of my "help" to these kids.

There isn't a gay "place" that anyone goes to aside from these tiny hole in the wall gay bars and you read about people being beat up on the way to their cars and such.

Since i'm a nurse, the opportunity has come up a couple of times that i've had seeminly young gay patients and tried to let them know i was here if they needed a friend...but it's never went past that.

I honestly wish there was some way i could reach out to these young kids and be there so they could just talk and be heard without calling so much attention to myself and my family that we are harmed.

K....just venting and thinking out loud. TY for bumping the thread

Medusa 04-18-2011 09:11 AM

Those little things like wearing purple are so important, Belle! Even if it makes one Gay youth feel better, it's worth it.

I'm doing a little hand-holding session with the LGBT group at one of the colleges here later this week and our main topic will be how to comfort/offer visibility/offer safety to the youth out there who have nobody.

The CAR group here is also working on a youth space in Little Rock which looks to be amazing :)

princessbelle 04-18-2011 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 322454)
Those little things like wearing purple are so important, Belle! Even if it makes one Gay youth feel better, it's worth it.

I'm doing a little hand-holding session with the LGBT group at one of the colleges here later this week and our main topic will be how to comfort/offer visibility/offer safety to the youth out there who have nobody.

The CAR group here is also working on a youth space in Little Rock which looks to be amazing :)

That is wonderful. I need to dig a little deeper and see if there isn't something at our college i could do and at least volunteer a day or two to lend an ear.

Please post some tips on what your meeting brings light to. I'm so eager to help. I just need some ideas....thanks again.

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