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Tommi 01-07-2011 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by shadows papa (Post 261161)
Tommi thanks for the additional info on the BMI. I'm not and never will be a huge proponent of using this scale but I am a nutrition wonk and LOVE learning new things!

Same here, I checked out Gemme's link, and will follow up on it. :hamactor:

JustJo 01-07-2011 06:04 PM

Thanks for the BMI link Tommi....I came up much higher than I like. Of course, it says for my height a range of 119 to 152 is normal...and I know that the lowest weight I've had as an adult (living on fish and salad and working out 2 solid hours a day) was 155.

For me, a weight of about 175 is fabulous...I feel good, I look good, clothes fit well, my diabetes is under control...and, yes, I still have a big butt! :cheesy:

Weight is such an individual thing...I think as long as the numbers are good (blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure, etc.) then the rest is just a matter of where I feel good.

sylvie 01-08-2011 09:12 AM

today and tomorrow i work split shifts, but, i am going to do a work out tonight after work even if its just a walk, or maybe i can do something here at home..
i am home between shifts right now, i walked home from work this morning, and will be walking back to work again shortly, so that is 'some' activity..

but, i walk everywhere, so i guess it is considered activity that my body is used to.. since i walk to and from work everyday..

a site i really like is sparkpeople, you can keep track of everything there, has a blog feature, forums you can join, can even keep track of activity you did, how much water you drink, and gives you goals you can set etc..
the link is sparkpeople .. incase anyone wants to try it.. it has a lot of great articles as well..

my days off are monday and tuesday again.. im going to take the time to get on those WW sites and learn about the whole points thing, thats been suggested to me by a few people, and they really swear by it..

my goal today is to drink lots of water, ive got 3 glasses into me so far, so i'm doing well.. i've cut out all soda pop, finally.. i kept saying i was going to, and then i would allow myself a can a day but, i found (for me) it was encouraging me to want more.. soda pop really makes me feel blah, and prevents me from losing the weight i want to lose as well, so i knew it was something that i needed!

Zimmeh 01-08-2011 09:22 AM

When I stopped drinking soda and when I craved one, I would keep a natural fruit soda called, Izze soda. It is fruit juice and sparkling water.

Have fun at work!



Originally Posted by sylvie (Post 261553)
today and tomorrow i work split shifts, but, i am going to do a work out tonight after work even if its just a walk, or maybe i can do something here at home..
i am home between shifts right now, i walked home from work this morning, and will be walking back to work again shortly, so that is 'some' activity..

but, i walk everywhere, so i guess it is considered activity that my body is used to.. since i walk to and from work everyday..

a site i really like is sparkpeople, you can keep track of everything there, has a blog feature, forums you can join, can even keep track of activity you did, how much water you drink, and gives you goals you can set etc..
the link is sparkpeople .. incase anyone wants to try it.. it has a lot of great articles as well..

my days off are monday and tuesday again.. im going to take the time to get on those WW sites and learn about the whole points thing, thats been suggested to me by a few people, and they really swear by it..

my goal today is to drink lots of water, ive got 3 glasses into me so far, so i'm doing well.. i've cut out all soda pop, finally.. i kept saying i was going to, and then i would allow myself a can a day but, i found (for me) it was encouraging me to want more.. soda pop really makes me feel blah, and prevents me from losing the weight i want to lose as well, so i knew it was something that i needed!

RockOn 01-09-2011 12:57 AM

response to JustJo's post
JustJo, I am the same way about Big Macs. I have to order 2 to make it worth my while. One only leaves me with the "wanting" feeling. Not that it really helps but I do take out the middle piece of bread. I do it because I am not that fond of bread and it really only serves as bland filler for me.

JustJo 01-09-2011 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by ZimmygLrL (Post 261555)
When I stopped drinking soda and when I craved one, I would keep a natural fruit soda called, Izze soda. It is fruit juice and sparkling water.

That's a great suggestion Zimmy! I love soda and miss it, but know that I can't drink regular soda...and diet soda isn't great for me either. Last time I was in AZ my work buddy turned me on to Zevia soda also...sweetened with Stevia, so no sugar, no artificial sweetener...and stevia actually has a stabilizing effect on diabetics' blood sugar levels. It's expensive, and I need to order it.....although I just discovered Amazon will deliver it free.


Originally Posted by Brock (Post 262068)
JustJo, I am the same way about Big Macs. I have to order 2 to make it worth my while. One only leaves me with the "wanting" feeling. Not that it really helps but I do take out the middle piece of bread. I do it because I am not that fond of bread and it really only serves as bland filler for me.

I am convinced that Big Macs are addictive Brock....there's something about them! I do like your idea of taking out the center bread for those times when I do cave in and get one though...at least I can feel a tiny bit virtuous, even as I'm cheating!

I pretty much blew it yesterday....had such a busy day of shopping that I didn't get my walk in...so my exercise was pushing shopping cart and dodging people in WalMart, walking in BJ's, and carrying in bags. Not great. I also ate too much...and was just getting ready to be all hard on myself when I remembered that the last time the WW points thing worked for me, I took one day a week "off." I followed the points 6 out of 7 days, walked at least 5 out of 7....and it worked. So....yesterday was my day off....and I don't even have to feel bad about it! :)

Cheers to you all!

RockOn 01-09-2011 08:36 AM

JustJo ...
JustJo, make sure you scrape all the dressing off the middle piece of bread and back in to the burger when you remove it. It makes the experience so much better. :)

Damn, it is 8:30 a.m. ... our city is preparing for an ice storm ... and all I can think of now is a couple of Big Macs. Must get a couple as soon as they start serving burgers at 10:30 a.m. - forunately I have less than a mile to drive.

Gotta have ... the craving has hit! LOL!

sylvie 01-09-2011 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by ZimmygLrL (Post 261555)
When I stopped drinking soda and when I craved one, I would keep a natural fruit soda called, Izze soda. It is fruit juice and sparkling water.

Have fun at work!


ooo Zimmy, interesting, thank you! ive not thought of that..
i know what i 'was' doing was allowing myself a can when i truly, truly craved it .. which seemed to work for about the first week but, then i kinda fell off the wagon and so i'm thinking i just need to stop it altogether..

one day i was watching Dr Oz (I LOVE DR OZ!!!) and the program had a bit in it about diet soda, and i learned that diet soda although low in calories really isn't great and a lot of people cannot lose weight while drinking it, kinda screws things up.. wonder if i could find the article on his site somewhere...
ANYway, i've been a diet pepsi drinker, so i know i really need to quit it! lol..

finding something as an alternate for when i really crave it would be a great idea, thank you! i'm going to look for something like that.. because i know if i drank mostly water and then had a craving, a small glass of something would be enough to curb my realllllllly wanting that diet pepsi, eh! hehe..

sylvie 01-09-2011 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Brock (Post 262147)
JustJo, make sure you scrape all the dressing off the middle piece of bread and back in to the burger when you remove it. It makes the experience so much better. :)

Damn, it is 8:30 a.m. ... our city is preparing for an ice storm ... and all I can think of now is a couple of Big Macs. Must get a couple as soon as they start serving burgers at 10:30 a.m. - forunately I have less than a mile to drive.

Gotta have ... the craving has hit! LOL!

omg, i haven't had a big mac in ages, LOL.. *pushes that thought out of my mind fasssst*
ice storms suck Brock, i remember a bad one we had this way some years ago, knocked electricity off for a week ! stay warm and safe !

sylvie 01-09-2011 08:57 AM

tomorrow is my really big day - ive been workin alot the last 2 days, but im sooo pushing myself into getting seriously seriously serious (lol) about this..
ive been doing great for drinking lots of water - think ive got that down, and it *is* helping for curbing the appetite some..

my doctor gave me a prescription for a medication called xenical (i think its called that) and i havent picked it up yet, but she says its very, very safe to use when i talked to her about my worry with my appetite.. i hate feeling like im hungry after ive eaten something healthy, lol.. she said that if i stopped taking this medication i wouldnt gain my weight back, like you would with diet pills, that these arent diet pills.. she explained it to me, however i want to do a lil research on it first to be sure .. but in the meantime, maybe drinking all this water will help and i wont need the medication at all, i'd much rather not take anything..

i am starting off at the gym tomorrow, i can DO this.. =)
i feel extremely motivated to do this, actually! it's a great feeling!

JustJo 01-09-2011 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by sylvie (Post 262151)
one day i was watching Dr Oz (I LOVE DR OZ!!!) and the program had a bit in it about diet soda, and i learned that diet soda although low in calories really isn't great and a lot of people cannot lose weight while drinking it, kinda screws things up.. wonder if i could find the article on his site somewhere...
ANYway, i've been a diet pepsi drinker, so i know i really need to quit it! lol..

Hi sylvie,

I'm so glad you posted this! I was hunting for a link that I (thought) I had put in the diabetes thread...but now I'm not finding it....grrrrrrr....

Anyway, there have been studies that show that diet soda (and artifical sweeteners) while having zero calories themselves, actually increase your cravings for sweet foods...and also change the way your body processes the calories it receives from other sources and makes you more likely to store them as fat.

I'll keep looking for the article...

JustJo 01-09-2011 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by JustJo (Post 262162)
Hi sylvie,

I'm so glad you posted this! I was hunting for a link that I (thought) I had put in the diabetes thread...but now I'm not finding it....grrrrrrr....

Anyway, there have been studies that show that diet soda (and artifical sweeteners) while having zero calories themselves, actually increase your cravings for sweet foods...and also change the way your body processes the calories it receives from other sources and makes you more likely to store them as fat.

I'll keep looking for the article...

Okay, this isn't the one I was looking for, but it covers some of the same idea....

sylvie 01-09-2011 09:24 AM

Ohhh Jo, thank you!!
yess, thats pretty much what was being said on Dr Oz too..
i was so focused on the fact of reading labels and thinking that low calories and no fat was a good thing, always.. sooo not the case..
and in all honesty, as much as i love my diet soda.. *ahem* and i hate admitting this, i always feel so blah and sluggish after drinking it..
my energy level is sooooooo awesome if i go a day or some days without it..

TY again for the link! i have a lot of stuff to get myself properly on track tomorrow, but the last couple of days ive been well behaved and at least eating okay and getting the water intake..

i admit though, i'd realllllllllllllllly LOVE a diet pepsi right now LOL..

Toughy 01-09-2011 09:26 AM

info on xenical.............. http://www.drugs.com/xenical.html

basically it blocks fat from being absorbed.....which means any and all fat you eat gets pooped out almost immediately......get ready for some seriously abnormal stools and gas.....close proximity to a bathroom is a requirement...

here is the side effects part from above: http://www.drugs.com/sfx/xenical-side-effects.html

I know folks who tried it and lasted maybe two weeks before they stopped taking it......because of the gastrointestinal problems.

Safeway grocery stores sell stevia.....there are a couple of different brand names....so does Trader Joe's and Whole Foods...it should be in most big chain grocery stores where you find sugar.

JustJo 01-09-2011 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Toughy (Post 262168)
info on xenical.............. http://www.drugs.com/xenical.html

basically it blocks fat from being absorbed.....which means any and all fat you eat gets pooped out almost immediately......get ready for some seriously abnormal stools and gas.....close proximity to a bathroom is a requirement...

here is the side effects part from above: http://www.drugs.com/sfx/xenical-side-effects.html

I know folks who tried it and lasted maybe two weeks before they stopped taking it......because of the gastrointestinal problems.

Safeway grocery stores sell stevia.....there are a couple of different brand names....so does Trader Joe's and Whole Foods...it should be in most big chain grocery stores where you find sugar.

Hey Toughy....thanks for posting this. I was interested to see that xenical is the stuff that's marketed as Alli.

The company I work for (a wellness company) has a whole system of health coaches and programs for us....and the weight loss program provides Alli to anyone who wants it free....however, they specifically do not allow diabetics or others with any kind of chronic condition to take it through their program. When I asked why, the nurse hemmed and hawed a bit, then said...."well, it's pretty tough on the body. We don't recommend that anyone who isn't in ideal health take it."

That was enough for me!

sylvie 01-09-2011 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Toughy (Post 262168)
info on xenical.............. http://www.drugs.com/xenical.html

basically it blocks fat from being absorbed.....which means any and all fat you eat gets pooped out almost immediately......get ready for some seriously abnormal stools and gas.....close proximity to a bathroom is a requirement...

here is the side effects part from above: http://www.drugs.com/sfx/xenical-side-effects.html

I know folks who tried it and lasted maybe two weeks before they stopped taking it......because of the gastrointestinal problems.

Safeway grocery stores sell stevia.....there are a couple of different brand names....so does Trader Joe's and Whole Foods...it should be in most big chain grocery stores where you find sugar.

ohh, wow, thank you Toughy..
see this is why i want to research anything, my doctor is very much a pill pusher, and i'm very much against taking medication for no good reason..
i really, seriously appreciate the link, don't think i'll be trying that , seems the water is curbing it and if i can get over a one or two week period i'm sure the appetite problem will start to get easier. (least i hope so)..

lipstixgal 01-09-2011 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by JustJo (Post 262171)
Hey Toughy....thanks for posting this. I was interested to see that xenical is the stuff that's marketed as Alli.

The company I work for (a wellness company) has a whole system of health coaches and programs for us....and the weight loss program provides Alli to anyone who wants it free....however, they specifically do not allow diabetics or others with any kind of chronic condition to take it through their program. When I asked why, the nurse hemmed and hawed a bit, then said...."well, it's pretty tough on the body. We don't recommend that anyone who isn't in ideal health take it."

That was enough for me!

I was thinking about trying that Alli maybe not so good idea huh?? I have asthma and firbro and a multitude of other things going on so maybe I will just diet and exercise to lose the weight!!

sylvie 01-09-2011 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by JustJo (Post 262171)
Hey Toughy....thanks for posting this. I was interested to see that xenical is the stuff that's marketed as Alli.

The company I work for (a wellness company) has a whole system of health coaches and programs for us....and the weight loss program provides Alli to anyone who wants it free....however, they specifically do not allow diabetics or others with any kind of chronic condition to take it through their program. When I asked why, the nurse hemmed and hawed a bit, then said...."well, it's pretty tough on the body. We don't recommend that anyone who isn't in ideal health take it."

That was enough for me!

yeah the hemm'in and haw'in would be enough for me as well..
i was happy with the fact i wouldnt gain weight back and they werent like a diet pill, but really dont want to cause other problems to myself either.. i want to solve my problem, not create 2 or 3 more lol !!!

sylvie 01-09-2011 10:26 AM

i friended some of ya's from this thread, that i didnt have already as friends, hope tis okay .. kinda like havin' gym pals or walkin' buddies haha.. =)

Sachita 01-09-2011 10:49 AM

I got this www.loseit.com its free. I put it on my iphone and love it. I suck at writing my food journal but this I can enter right away, put the amount of exercise and track my progress. I'm normally awful at this.

You can invite friends to support you.

I'm eating healthy but no diet foods for me. screw that! I decided I would eat a huge piece of crusty fresh baked bread everyday and I just do it but try and keep my meals healthy. The most important thing is tracking and I know if I stick to a 2 pound a week weight loss I'll reach my goal. If my calories happen to go over I just exercise more to balance it out.

just have a look. I think you'll like it and if you have a smart phone its very cool.

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