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LeftWriteFemme 02-28-2011 06:51 PM

If she is in your bed..........she might be interested in you

proximitywithoutintimacy 02-28-2011 07:00 PM

Haha, thanks!

Well, it's a really funny story how it happened, but to sum up? My good friend, who is her good friend... told me to "go for it."

Only, this girl I like... doesn't know I'm friends with her friend. Did that make any sense? :hamactor:

I've heard that if she gives her number, instead of asking for yours, it's a good sign she's interested... I guess I'm just nervous because she's pretty much one of the most gorgeous girls I've ever met. Mhm.

She asked for my FB, first, though... is that normal these days?

Gayla 02-28-2011 07:07 PM

I'm probably not the best authority on what folks do these days but I would that her asking you for any kind of contact info is a good sign. :)

Set the nerves aside, breath, and call her!

And then come back and tell us what happens!

Julie 02-28-2011 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by proximitywithoutintimacy (Post 292478)
She asked for my FB, first, though... is that normal these days?

Facebook Breakups are HORRID (so I have been told)
Don't give her your FB name.

Kobi 02-28-2011 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by InfiniteFemme (Post 292489)
Facebook Breakups are HORRID (so I have been told)
Don't give her your FB name.

Geez Julie she hasnt had a date yet and you already got her worrying about nasty FB breakups.

Prox....call her, ask her out. Saves a lot of time and energy.

Let us perves know how it goes. Photos are optional.


Julie 02-28-2011 07:21 PM

Well, I was just doing the right thing and giving a girl the heads up!

proximitywithoutintimacy 02-28-2011 07:29 PM

Oh, but you see, I don't have FB - hence why she then gave me her phone number, written in eyeliner on a receipt ;) Well, she had a friend write it for her, but still :lol2:

And, I've already been texting her since last night... I'm trying to keep it casual, but I'm also being sweet - I complimented her on her show the other night ;)

She's definitely the type to ask me out, first, and I'm completely shy... though I'm proud of myself for approaching her and talking to her, because I NEVER DO THAT. :nailbitin:

Kobi 02-28-2011 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by InfiniteFemme (Post 292505)
Well, I was just doing the right thing and giving a girl the heads up!

Valid point.

And seeing a nasty breakup was the impetus for FB....it is a fair warning.

Julie 02-28-2011 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by proximitywithoutintimacy (Post 292515)
Oh, but you see, I don't have FB - hence why she then gave me her phone number, written in eyeliner on a receipt ;) Well, she had a friend write it for her, but still :lol2:

And, I've already been texting her since last night... I'm trying to keep it casual, but I'm also being sweet - I complimented her on her show the other night ;)

She's definitely the type to ask me out, first, and I'm completely shy... though I'm proud of myself for approaching her and talking to her, because I NEVER DO THAT. :nailbitin:

I just photo stalked you!
No issues... She will be smearing her eyeliner on more than just paper soon!
Keep us POSTED!

Kobi 02-28-2011 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by proximitywithoutintimacy (Post 292515)
Oh, but you see, I don't have FB - hence why she then gave me her phone number, written in eyeliner on a receipt ;) Well, she had a friend write it for her, but still :lol2:

And, I've already been texting her since last night... I'm trying to keep it casual, but I'm also being sweet - I complimented her on her show the other night ;)

She's definitely the type to ask me out, first, and I'm completely shy... though I'm proud of myself for approaching her and talking to her, because I NEVER DO THAT. :nailbitin:

Its not Melissa Ethridge right?

proximitywithoutintimacy 02-28-2011 07:36 PM

You photo-stalked me? Should I be concerned? :sunglass:

I'm actually going to let things happen and try really hard not to overanalyse anything - something I have a tendency to do A LOT. This girl has major points with me already because the friend who told me she was great, is someone I trust with my life. And I don't say that about just anyone.

proximitywithoutintimacy 02-28-2011 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Kobi (Post 292521)

Its not Melissa Ethridge right?

Haha, no! This one's local ;)

theoddz 02-28-2011 07:38 PM

When she tells you (and REALLY means it!!) that she wants to be there to take care of you when you've got a nasty pneumonia, not to mention asthma, and you're coughing up some of the ugliest loogies that could ever find their way under a microscope, wheezing like a pipe organ and look like bloody hell warmed over (wild bed head, unshaven, baggy bloodshot eyes, wearing a threadbare old pair of boxers and a t-shirt with holes in it, etc.)....... :cough:

....ya, she's into you. :winky::heartbeat:

~Theo~ :bouquet:

Julie 02-28-2011 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by proximitywithoutintimacy (Post 292524)
You photo-stalked me? Should I be concerned? :sunglass:

I'm actually going to let things happen and try really hard not to overanalyse anything - something I have a tendency to do A LOT. This girl has major points with me already because the friend who told me she was great, is someone I trust with my life. And I don't say that about just anyone.

Nah don't be concerned... I am simply a Photo Ho!
Just breathe Proxy!
In through your nose - out through your mouth...
Counting 1, 2, 3.... Breathe.

proximitywithoutintimacy 02-28-2011 07:44 PM

I know, right?

Thanks for the prompts... I'm pretty sure I need them. Gah, I can't believe girls make me this nervous :|

proximitywithoutintimacy 03-01-2011 02:02 PM

So, my friend tells me that this girl dates a lot of people... which makes me... curious. But, she also says that she didn't tell me I was cute just to "be nice." I guess it's one of those things I have to try not to overthink, and just see if she texts me again.

Also, she's older than me, which is a good thing :)

There's just something about her I can't explain. I like it.

Corkey 03-01-2011 02:17 PM

I know this may come off snide, and I really don't mean it to, have you thought just to ask her?
I say this because my wife when we first were dating said the same thing to me. Turn it around and see it from a different perspective.
Good luck.

proximitywithoutintimacy 03-01-2011 02:35 PM

I don't necessarily want to do that, mainly because I don't want to put any pressure on the girl. I figure, if she's interested in me, she'll let me know. Until then, I'm just going to relax and let things happen the way they do ;)

You didn't come off snide at all, no worries :)

justpjhere 03-01-2011 07:10 PM

id say when she shows up at in the morning on your day off with your favorite coffee and said i thought you might like coffee...lol

MysticOceansFL 03-01-2011 07:41 PM

If you've been talking with the same person for awhile and are friends and she "on her own actions gives you her number an says give me a call" thats a sure sign for sure.

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