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girl_dee 10-24-2011 07:55 PM

About a year ago I went to see this guy in a small concert. We all laid down on the big wooden floor and just listened, the vibration was so loud in my chest I thought the room was shaking! It was incredible!

Ebon 10-24-2011 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Cajun_dee (Post 445753)

About a year ago I went to see this guy in a small concert. We all laid down on the big wooden floor and just listened, the vibration was so loud in my chest I thought the room was shaking! It was incredible!

Wow I bet that was intense. That's pretty cool.

girl_dee 10-24-2011 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Ebon (Post 445759)
Wow I bet that was intense. That's pretty cool.

it was, the room was in the basement of a Energy and Yoga center so being that close to the Earth and in that sort of setting, wow. My throat was sore and I got a headache it was so strong, but wow was it worth it!

Ebon 10-24-2011 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Cajun_dee (Post 445789)

it was, the room was in the basement of a Energy and Yoga center so being that close to the Earth and in that sort of setting, wow. My throat was sore and I got a headache it was so strong, but wow was it worth it!

Did it help you spiritually? How did it feel after besides the headache and the throat being sore? Did it help you overcome things or remove blocks? You don't have to get into detail if you don't want to I'm just really curious. I meditate to binaural beats sometimes and it helps me focus better.

girl_dee 10-24-2011 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Ebon (Post 445792)
Did it help you spiritually? How did it feel after besides the headache and the throat being sore? Did it help you overcome things or remove blocks? You don't have to get into detail if you don't want to I'm just really curious. I meditate to binaural beats sometimes and it helps me focus better.

It's funny you ask. I cried and cried after the show, I cried and cried the next day, then for days. I think I had a mini breakdown and let go of all I had been holding on to, faced the truth about some things and became more focused on my decisions. I had clarity and as much as it hurt at the time, I needed it. Removing blocks is a great way to put it, and now that I think about it, I really didn't want to go and didn't understand why I was going to begin with. Boy was I glad I went! The guy who does the tuning does not follow a script, he follows the beat of what he feels, so all of us in sync fed his rhythm, it was very cool!

Does that answer your question ?

Ebon 10-24-2011 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Cajun_dee (Post 445799)

It's funny you ask. I cried and cried after the show, I cried and cried the next day, then for days. I think I had a mini breakdown and let go of all I had been holding on to, faced the truth about some things and became more focused on my decisions. I had clarity and as much as it hurt at the time, I needed it. Removing blocks is a great way to put it, and now that I think about it, I really didn't want to go and didn't understand why I was going to begin with. Boy was I glad I went! The guy who does the tuning does not follow a script, he follows the beat of what he feels, so all of us in sync fed his rhythm, it was very cool!

Does that answer your question ?

Absolutely and that is wonderful. Thank you for sharing.

Passionaria 10-24-2011 10:04 PM

Simple but it works for me ......
:candle: Great thread Ebon! I love hearing all the ways people use to attune themselves. Honestly, right now my best meditations and self realizations come to me free floating in water. The deeper the better. There is something I have with trust in water, that frees my emotions and helps me get to my core. It soothes me, when I am upset or off balance the water brings me home to clarity. It's even better under the moonlight.......

Ebon 10-26-2011 05:18 PM

Tried to use the black tourmaline to meditate and astral project by putting it on my third eye. As soon as I put it on my head I got a headache. Then I found out today that it totally blocks the 3rd eye and it goes on the base chakra. :|

1QuirkyKiwi 10-27-2011 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by Ebon (Post 447492)
Tried to use the black tourmaline to meditate and astral project by putting it on my third eye. As soon as I put it on my head I got a headache. Then I found out today that it totally blocks the 3rd eye and it goes on the base chakra. :|

Try these two books: The Crystal Bible: A Definitive Guide to Crystals: The Definitive Guide to Over 200 Crystals (Godsfield Bible Series) [Paperback]
The Crystal Bible: v. 2: Featuring Over 200 Additional Healing Stones. By Judy Hall. My Cousin has used these books for references for his patients when doing Reiki.

Amazon sell them.....I hope this helps!

Ebon 10-29-2011 04:42 PM

Soft*Silver 10-29-2011 04:45 PM

catch whatever precipitation you can, where you are, this weekend. The water can be used with oils during the year....

Ebon 10-29-2011 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Miss_Tia (Post 450038)
catch whatever precipitation you can, where you are, this weekend. The water can be used with oils during the year....

Full moon?

Soft*Silver 10-29-2011 05:09 PM

no, in prep for Samhain. Present the water mixed with your choice of oils on your alter on Samhain...

Ebon 11-03-2011 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Miss_Tia (Post 450067)
no, in prep for Samhain. Present the water mixed with your choice of oils on your alter on Samhain...

Happy New Year.

Have a question. Has anyone had a past life reading done? It seems like a lot of people were Cleopatra. Has anyone ever had an experience where they actually saw their past life.

Soft*Silver 11-03-2011 09:57 PM

I have become acquainted with several of my past lives, via meditations, readings and better still, actual moments of recognition of the people involved.

I did a two year study at my university on eastern spirituality. During that time, I worked at understanding the universe and all of its domains. Earthly and otherwise. Past lives were an important part of this research.

My daughter grew up around this. She came to Know about past lives as easily as other children know about communion or baptism. It is no wonder she has become a past life reader. She has always had the knack to See. When one isnt shamed nor denied their gifts, they develop and flow....

One of my most important lives involved two samarai brothers. I have met both, at different times, this life. As in all life, we gave each other lessons and gifts with this meeting. Some easy. Some very hard. I loved them both, and have walked away from them both, in all our lives.

if people are being told they are cleopatra, then perhaps they are seeing archetypes and not actual past lives. Archetypes surfaces to give us lessons and to make us observe something about ourselves. Pay attention and See. Look thru your third eye. And be patient. The lessons or Knowledge will come.

Ebon 12-14-2011 11:20 PM

It's amazing how life experiences teaches us so much about ourselves and people in general. Life is changing for me and at the same time I can see that I have learned so much from this last chapter in my left. My next chapter has already been visualized and I know it will come to fruition, I just have to do the work on my part of course. I'm actually excited about the adventure and experiences that I will have. I will go into them with an open heart and mind. I need to get to the next level in my journey of consciousness. I hope everyone is well.

Light & Love


foxyshaman 12-15-2011 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Ebon (Post 486241)
It's amazing how life experiences teaches us so much about ourselves and people in general. Life is changing for me and at the same time I can see that I have learned so much from this last chapter in my left. My next chapter has already been visualized and I know it will come to fruition, I just have to do the work on my part of course. I'm actually excited about the adventure and experiences that I will have. I will go into them with an open heart and mind. I need to get to the next level in my journey of consciousness. I hope everyone is well.

Light & Love


So Ebon, what do you see as your next level in your journey of consciousness? What does that look like? What tools do you envision enabling you to move to the next level?

My journey right now is trying to integrate and utilize what I have learnt about myself and my spiritual path in the last year. I have worked on the soil of my soul diligently in the last year. In the spring/early summer I saw myself as a field freshly plowed, exposing the deep rich soil of my soul. Bare, black and holding my breath, almost with excitement of the potential of growth. The summer passed, much has changed. I now am in the Dark of the Year and see hibernating within me small seeds of change. My Spirit knows a Mighty Oak grows but from a single small Acorn. What will I look like as I continue to grow.

The Celebration/Ritual I am holding on Dec 22 is called Dreaming the Dark. There are three parts to choose from for the attendees... Aspecting, Joiking and Drumming. Each has an important part to play. For each needs the other. The Spirit we are Aspecting is Eros...Love... the spirit born of Night and Choas.

So, as you move Ebon, and others, into the new chapter, new phase, out of the Darkness of the Season, I do wonder what it is we envision for our change. How will we manifest and change ourselves... for better or worse?? What does Eros have to teach me. What can I learn from the parents of Love... Night and Chaos?? Which parent am I more drawn to?? How much of Eros can I bring into myself??

We hear so often... it is all about Love... and the Darkness that lives within me begs me to question that. Before Love what was there??

I am talking in circles. Trying to formulate my own ideas. I am comforted by the Change. I am held by Change. I am called forth to stand and be strong in Change. I am asked to embrace Change. I am required to wear Change.

Ahhhhhh I love this time of year. Reflection. Introspection. Inspiration. Dreams.

Ebon 12-15-2011 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by foxyshaman (Post 486477)
So Ebon, what do you see as your next level in your journey of consciousness? What does that look like? What tools do you envision enabling you to move to the next level?

My journey right now is trying to integrate and utilize what I have learnt about myself and my spiritual path in the last year. I have worked on the soil of my soul diligently in the last year. In the spring/early summer I saw myself as a field freshly plowed, exposing the deep rich soil of my soul. Bare, black and holding my breath, almost with excitement of the potential of growth. The summer passed, much has changed. I now am in the Dark of the Year and see hibernating within me small seeds of change. My Spirit knows a Mighty Oak grows but from a single small Acorn. What will I look like as I continue to grow.

The Celebration/Ritual I am holding on Dec 22 is called Dreaming the Dark. There are three parts to choose from for the attendees... Aspecting, Joiking and Drumming. Each has an important part to play. For each needs the other. The Spirit we are Aspecting is Eros...Love... the spirit born of Night and Choas.

That sounds wonderful.

So, as you move Ebon, and others, into the new chapter, new phase, out of the Darkness of the Season, I do wonder what it is we envision for our change. How will we manifest and change ourselves... for better or worse?? What does Eros have to teach me. What can I learn from the parents of Love... Night and Chaos?? Which parent am I more drawn to?? How much of Eros can I bring into myself??

We hear so often... it is all about Love... and the Darkness that lives within me begs me to question that. Before Love what was there??

Honestly I think we need to experience some sort of Darkness to learn and grow from. We can also grow from love but I think the important thing to remember is for me personally is to come from a place of love. It took me a long long time to get here but the more I do it the happier I feel and the better my life is.

I am talking in circles. Trying to formulate my own ideas. I am comforted by the Change. I am held by Change. I am called forth to stand and be strong in Change. I am asked to embrace Change. I am required to wear Change.

It's the only thing that is constant. Some trees remind me of life. Like the leaves die and fall off every year then grow back when the season is right. It's like life experiences, we must let go of the old to let our new experiences happen.

Ahhhhhh I love this time of year. Reflection. Introspection. Inspiration. Dreams.

That is absolutely beautiful. That's exactly what I am hoping for. I really feel like I am fertile soil and I've planted my seeds. I'm just waiting for them to grow, working on my garden self as I go along and seeing where the Universe takes me. I try not to look at my bad times as dark times, I try to look at them as harder learning experiences. I'm going through one of them right now but I know, as always I will be fine. Just trying to figure out the lesson in all of this.

girl_dee 12-15-2011 10:22 PM

regarding crystals,

In my treatment room ( I do bodywork, Reiki and hypnotherapy) I keep several quartz crystals on the windowsill. I have rose quartz which I keep in my bra and a bracelet of amethyst. I keep a variety of these under my treatment chair as well. Sea salts in tea candle holders around the room and each day before I start i clear the room by burning candles on a makeshift alter, white on the left and black on the right, I channel all negativatey out so I can start with a clean room.In between clients I do a cleansing of sorts. I also keep quartz crystals over the door at the clinic and here at home.

Today a gentleman came in for a foot treatment. As I worked the energy was spinning and the room was hot as Hades! After we chatted a bit he told me that he is a level 3 Reiki practitioner and afterwards he felt wonderful and clear. At the end of each treatment I sweep the meridians and roll the chakras, the gold I keep seeing in my head was the brightest color I've ever seen, just amazing!

Ebon 02-06-2012 09:55 PM

Light and Love everyone.

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