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NJFemmie 12-19-2009 04:03 PM

Great post Jenn.

One of my exes had an incredible gift - almost exact as yours. It was quite scary and mind blowing how she would walk up to a total stranger (because she felt that pull) and start telling them things only they would know and passing on messages. Her gift was so powerful and so accurate - she had a way of changing any skeptic's mind.

I've "seen" so many things and experienced such some strange oddities in my life - sometimes you do have to laugh about things - not a "ha-ha that was funny" kind of laughter, but a way to shrug off the overwhelming feel of it all. (And sometimes it is kinda funny, lol). Being too serious about it, for me, would probably drive me to insanity.

LadyFlamezzz 12-19-2009 05:09 PM

I'll share a story too
First though i want to say I believe we are all gifted with sight into the other realms , we just have to be open to it. As someone said below as a child she saw more than as she grew older. I think because of everyday stress of just dealing with life and the many obstacles we tend to put that vision behind us as we grow older. Just to deal with life in general. I believe in ghost spirits entities demons incubus succubus dark shadows that float in to our peripheral vision so often. I also believe in lost energies souls that still roam for a number of reasons be it a traumatic death or what have you. We are based of energy. That is the core of all of us, to me that's the soul. anyway on to my story, I can get very long winded on this topic,lol

When my mom passed several years ago. I got the call to come NOW her blood pressure was falling. I missed her last heart beat by three minutes. My normal reaction was to run to her hold her in my arms and scream with my head buried beside her's on her pillow...when this occurred i saw a tunnel surrounded by a white light. The room filled with a white mist much like a cloud had come down and encompassed the room and the air chilled a bit, " I notice things like this naturally like many of you do" I believe in my heart that she waited to release her soul to follow that tunnel until I arrived. I know she is happy and pain free now and she still although crossed over as they say visits me often...the mist will fill a room i am entering and i just know it's her all the other apparitions i have seen in my life never presented with a mist.

I have read tarot since i was 14 i am now 51, I never charge for such a gift...and my insight flows freely no visions of whats to come I just know... I read people's vibrations well, I can tell a fraud a mile away with my eyes closed,lol

Incubus are the real lil devils,lol < they are so naughty>

Good thread Andrew...and Blaze i recall that accident well "the one with the bike'...glad you came back to you!

I do want to add I believe it is the higher power which gives the gift of sight to us and hearing the others...It's not to control or have another God before "me" anyway....Just to expand on the numerous possibilities for people and their future "choices' tarot is a tool used by myself as a guide for people. Much like counseling someone , accept i can cover more area because the cards tell me about the past as well as the future and what it MAY hold...any one can alter their future with one simple step in the opposite direction they are on at present. it's not worshiping the devil!
oopsy i got a little long winded i warned yall !

Andrew, Jr. 12-19-2009 06:40 PM

Thank you Lady Flamezzz. I appreciate you sharing your story. I find it very odd when other people question those who have a gift. Maybe it is jealously. I don't know. I learned years ago not to judge. It is something that my late Grandmother taught me and most recently my Godmother retaught me. Being human we all judge, but it is not our place to do so. It is God's and God's alone.

Yes, I agree with you about how we are all energy. We are. And when I talk about having different levels, planes, or vibrations of reality - I think until you experience what we do, you will not understand. For example you being able to see the mist. For me, being able to sense pain in someone. At NIH, when I walked the hallways, I knew when someone was going to die. And I knew when they did. Instantly. And those who roam the hallways who died from a traumatic death...they were always around. Some were searching for loved ones, and some were searching for someone to help them cross over.

Laughter is the best medicine. True today as it was yesterday.

LadyFlamezzz 12-19-2009 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Andrew, Jr. (Post 23453)
Thank you Lady Flamezzz. I appreciate you sharing your story. I find it very odd when other people question those who have a gift. Maybe it is jealously. I don't know. I learned years ago not to judge. It is something that my late Grandmother taught me and most recently my Godmother retaught me. Being human we all judge, but it is not our place to do so. It is God's and God's alone.

Yes, I agree with you about how we are all energy. We are. And when I talk about having different levels, planes, or vibrations of reality - I think until you experience what we do, you will not understand. For example you being able to see the mist. For me, being able to sense pain in someone. At NIH, when I walked the hallways, I knew when someone was going to die. And I knew when they did. Instantly. And those who roam the hallways who died from a traumatic death...they were always around. Some were searching for loved ones, and some were searching for someone to help them cross over.

Laughter is the best medicine. True today as it was yesterday.

Andrew it's really okay when someone questions anything , i think that is the way some of us learn the best. You have to draw it out for me sometimes. I have learned or am trying to NOT let what others "opinions" are effect me when they are in a negative sense but sometimes i learn as well when others 'question" something especially in the world of paranormal activity. Being sensitive we endure almost a grieving emotion when people approach us in a negative way, It's not that we are not tough as nails we are. We just feel "I think" deeper than some people.

For example I hate to admit this but when folks really detest me for some reason ,it will bring me to my knees with emotion I feel this for them NOT me , It's so sad when people feel like that. I think you made a comment , I'm not sure though about being a teacher and or healer in some respect...with that gift , you have to be open to all. In order to see everything your suppose to see to help them. Even the shitty stuff !
I enjoyed posting thanks for having me :].....hope i made some sense...:wateringgarden:

Andrew, Jr. 12-19-2009 10:49 PM

Lady Flamezzz,

Part of my problem is oral communication. I do better one on one. In real time I am very quiet and shy. Online I am more "vocal".

I don't mind the questions people ask of me. What I do mind, is when they have a negative or evil intent like to trip me up. And yes, that is when it makes me drop to my knees. It makes me feel such a sense of horrible sadness for them, not me. I am very blessed. Blessed more than most.

Alot of people detest me. I have no clue as to why. I really don't. I am just me. I don't care to be in any click. I am my own man. I enjoy my life as it is. I will never be a super hot shot corporate exec. or own a chain of restaurants or have facial hair to shave off. Please. I am grateful to wake up with air in my lungs, and have the medicines I need so I don't have any more heart issues, control my diabetes, and lessen the seizures I have. Every site has the same trolls.

When you are a teacher or healer as you put it, our gifts are used as we see fit. When I look into someone's eyes, and I see the joy in their energy, or the depression they have, it just makes me go to St. Jude's Shrine to pray. And I do. I go every week sometimes 2 or 3 times a week if something is bothering me. It just gives me comfort.

You are always welcome here. I think the world of you and your hubby. :stillheart::wateringgarden:


Andrew, Jr. 12-21-2009 06:53 PM

Does anyone want to talk about anything in particular? Karma, Demons, Angels, Children & the Paranormal?

Andrew, Jr. 12-22-2009 07:58 PM

Predictions for 2010
So does anyone have any that they want to share?

Andrew, Jr. 12-23-2009 07:10 PM

BUMP de BUMP BUMP:skateboard:

Andrew, Jr. 12-29-2009 08:35 PM

Did anyone watch "Psychic Kids" tonight on A&E? :police:

Andrew, Jr. 12-29-2009 10:47 PM

Ok, let me start. At a very young age I saw things, and knew things. As I got older, I could finish other people's sentences. If someone, including strangers, would walk by, I could pickup on their emotions. I can tell if someone is lying or not. I am a sensitive or empath. I also pick up on things that most people would never guess. For example trolls. They are everywhere. Good and bad. They feed off those who are weak. Or those who are sick. In the end, they die horrible deaths.

My Grandmother also was gifted. She saw things and would do certain things because of what she felt she needed to do. She always fed the homeless, and tried to dress the poor as best she could. She never missed a Sunday in Church. She was very religious. In fact, she only missed going to Church when she was sick. That was her day to connect with God. She was religious about putting out Kosher salt on the 4 corners of her property to protect her family from harm. She also pour Holy Water everywhere in her home, and cooked with it from time to time. She swore it helped her family from getting sick and dying. She read her Bible each and every day. And there was a Bible in every room of her home.

When my Grandmother had open heart surgery, about 2 weeks later she had an out of body experience. In fact, she had several. Now you have to remember she only had a little education. Maybe 3rd or 4th grade. However, in one of these experiences she was able to name the medicines, the doctors, the residences, and the ambulance driver and tech. She saw angels, and heard music, Jesus washed her feet and legs, and saw things that I can't even begin to put into words. I do believe in Heaven.

My adopted family- father, when he was dying from lung cancer, he was able to talk to us. He told us about the angels in the room, the beautiful music, and crystal light, nothing we would ever see here on earth. Then he died.

Anyone else want to share something with us?

Tara201 12-31-2009 12:04 PM

Hi Andrew....

I've enjoyed reading this thread...

I'm sure I'll have more to report after Jan 11th...
I'm going on a ghost hunt from the 8th - 11th and guess who's gonna be there?


I'm so excited and looking forward to this trip with a friend of mine who also shares interest in the paranormal...

I'd be glad to share more when I get back :)
Thanks for starting this thread...I'm very interested...

Andrew, Jr. 01-16-2010 07:46 AM


How was it? Do tell us about your adventures.

Rockinonahigh 01-16-2010 12:20 PM

Andrew..I will have to think about what and how to reply to this subject.I beleave whole heartedly to much of what has been said hear,but it hits very close to home and for me,hard to deal with.I'm already ecentric enough without adding more to the way I see things in the world and how I deal with it.I will say this,my gran was very clairvoiant and a healer and much more..said I had the gift but needed to be careful with it.My mother forbid her to teach me how to deal with how I felt or what I saw going on.I will post more later.

Andrew, Jr. 01-16-2010 12:42 PM

Hi Rockin,

I think anyone who has this experience, blessing, whatever you want to refer to it as, is passed down from one generation to another. I know for myself I was given it from my Grandmother. I just loved her so much, and was totally devistated when she died. For me, I also think being an Aspi adds to this demension. I take it quite seriously because of what I have witnessed. I don't mock those who are into ghost hunting, or have beliefs in the paranormal. It isn't something that I take lightly.


Andrew, Jr. 02-03-2010 10:48 AM

Hi All
Do you believe in curses and hexes?

Blade 02-03-2010 03:26 PM

Does anyone watch Children of the Paranormal? It was on
A & E last night. Really cool show!

Andrew, Jr. 02-04-2010 09:03 AM

YES! I enjoy that show so much. I also enjoy Chip. I think the world of that man.

Andrew, Jr. 02-11-2010 10:50 PM

Bump de Bump Bump


Princess4u 02-19-2010 10:10 PM


gosh i am overwhelmed with so many questions, thoughts and many other things I dont know where to begin. I have always had a strong feeling that there is more to this world than meets the eye. I have had several questionable occurances in my life which may or may not have been paranormal. I suppose my most important question is....I have a need to seek guidance from someone with gifts and wisdom not ordinary ppl are capable of. Could you please explain how to find someone who is trust worthy and not one of those who play on the needs of others. I know some of the readers may ask...Princess, have ya tried church? Yes I have and continue to do so...i have always believed that GOD is everywhere I have my own beliefs about organized religion. I cant quote scripture but consider myselfl a good person. Which is more than I can say for some of those who do quote scripture and judge others....but I feel that sometimes you need a healthy combination of worship and those with "gifts."

Also, not knowing much about mediums or psychics....I have a fear that they can see more than I would want them to...like my past...things that have happened in my life..that I hold very personal. could you explain perhaps how typical reading my progress for someone who has never been? Thank you for you time and for the thread.


apretty 02-19-2010 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Andrew, Jr. (Post 27893)
I also pick up on things that most people would never guess. For example trolls. They are everywhere. Good and bad. They feed off those who are weak. Or those who are sick. In the end, they die horrible deaths.

like, real trolls?

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