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-   -   Heaven and Hell. What do you think? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=732)

Allison W 03-09-2010 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Ryobi (Post 36737)
Heaven and Hell

When I was a kid (under 10), I asked my Grandpa about Heaven and Hell. I wasn't sure what to fear or what to hope for. He put it in terms that I have never forgotten and think of often to this day. (He was a wise man, and he read a lot. I'm not exactly sure where credit of thought lies.) This is what he told me:

Heaven and Hell are like two rooms that are exactly the same. In both rooms there are huge banquette tables filled with the most wonderful feast you can imagine. Food doesn't go bad, and there is an endless supply, open for the taking. In both of these rooms, the people don't have elbows. In Hell, the elbowless people are angry and starving, only being fed what they can selfishly mash their faces into. In Heaven, the elbowless people are happy and helping. They're feeding eachother.

In my daily life, I try to feed. And in-turn, get fed. There are days that I'm angry and starving. Those days have become far and few between in my personal growth. I have learned how to get my ass back to Heaven.

How do you view Heaven and Hell? How does it apply to your daily life?

I'm an atheist, admittedly, so my views on the two are perhaps similar to AJ's. Specifically, that while notions of heaven may provide (some, limited) comfort to the grieving or dying, notions of heaven and hell are still dangerous--due to the way that so many foolish, short-sighted people have used heaven to justify doing foolish, short-sighted things on the supposed grounds that this life doesn't matter anyway and the afterlife is all we have to be concerned about, and the way that so many (mostly the same) foolish, short-sighted people use the notion of hell to fearmonger.

No, I'm not talking about all believers--but those people are out there, even today, with horrific, even lethal, consequences.

That said, your grandfather's story sounds like an apt description of--or perhaps recipe for--heaven and hell on Earth. Taken as a metaphor for the effects of kindness and selfishness, respectively, in the real world, it is very wise indeed.

adorable 03-09-2010 05:58 PM

I believe in Heaven and Hell on earth. That we all have free will but that God will lead us if we will follow and turn our will over to him. I find that the older I get, the stronger my faith becomes. I think it's because I get closer to my Truth in each passing day. I am damaged and imperfect. I struggle with things that other people seem to do with ease. When I decide to give, I give what I have as completely as possible. That is all I can do. Just try.

"Faith without works is dead." I try to live that faith. It is so difficult to do. At the end of the day I have to answer to myself. I need to live with me, my heart and I make sure that God & I know the truth ~ even if no one else does. People may never understand me EVER but I like to think God at least tries. lol.

I get lost in religion and hocus pocus of it all....to believe that the good somehow get rewarded and the bad get punished in some sort of an afterlife - I don't see the point. Good works are returned 10 fold on earth. Bad deeds come back with Karma. What you reap is what you sow.......

IrishGrrl 03-09-2010 06:01 PM

Since I dont feel like a long post let me just get to the jist of it..

I think it's all bullshit.

Soft*Silver 03-09-2010 06:09 PM

I worry naught about what lies beyond. I worry Now what I am presently part of, and if I am doing all I can to make this world a better place, to do as little harm as others and to be a responsible human. If there is a hell, I will be so disappointed in that kind of God. He is no better than a slum lord....

Andrew, Jr. 03-09-2010 06:31 PM

I do believe in Heaven and Hell. I think that how you live your life here will determine your after-life. It is something that always have thought and believed in. It is my hope, desire, and prayers said that this is my truth - nobody else's, mine alone. I believe that there are tiers in Heaven and Hell. Like the famous saying, you reap what you sew, that determines your after-life tier.

Odarlin 03-09-2010 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Boots13 (Post 39076)
And when the shit hits the fan and I'm half a breath away from oblivion I need to know that while I am struggling,
fighting, thinking, reacting clawing my way to survival, I can also call out from the depths of that immediate hell and hope the hand of something greater is poised to dispatch a little mercy....I want Heaven to be funky, vast, exploding
with life, light, knowledge, love and painless...make it painless.

And why do I think Heaven is inexplicably tied to Divine Intervention?

I want heaven to be directly connected to the hand of something greater than I. That "recovering Catholic" part of me needs to believe in that small detail. But NOT for the reasons of doing good, or the threat of molten
punishment, but more so wanting to know that the people and pets that I love, who have passed before me, are in a kinder, pain free place.

And after all that I'm where I usually end up after thinking about it...I'm less inclined to be guided by thoughts of Heaven or Hell and more apt to live my days contemplating Hope, Divine Intervention, Karma, blessings, Love and Right Action.

Compassion is extraordinary. The rest is details...

But, but... that's where the devil dwells!:runforhills:

(Love this post. :farmer: )

BornBronson 04-29-2010 04:58 PM

Too much Beck?
Yes,I believe in a Heaven and a Hell.What they are exactly is something we'll all have to wait and see.

I have been reading the bible,but i'm pretty careful what i read.I don't go to church,cause i don't think i'll find all the answers i'm looking for there,either.

All I can do is study these things called the ten commandments.I do believe someone very wise wrote them.Someone who was trying to tell us how to get along with our fellow human beings.And if we break them,we will only be punishing ourselves.In my heart I see the truth,I can't escape that.I don't have all the answers,but I don't think anyone here on earth really does.If you go by the truth,speak the truth,and hear it when it is spoken,then you can't go wrong.

Oh nice,now I have a headache.

lipstixgal 06-05-2010 04:56 PM

I'm Jewish so I don;t believe in heaven or hell but an afterlife at least that is what the Rabbi says!!:blink:

Kobi 06-05-2010 05:43 PM

I am a recovered Catholic.

I do not believe in heaven or hell because this would mean the Creator distinguishes between good and bad, right or wrong. Judgement, I believe, is a humanmade concept designed to enslave people to a certain train of thought and behavior i.e. religion.

I believe the Creator made an incredbily complex piece of machinery in developing life and living as we know it. I believe the Creator judges nothing but marvels at what humankind has made of the miracle of life.

I do believe in an afterlife, where we return to the whole and are once again made whole.

lipstixgal 06-15-2010 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Kobi (Post 123463)
I am a recovered Catholic.

I do not believe in heaven or hell because this would mean the Creator distinguishes between good and bad, right or wrong. Judgement, I believe, is a humanmade concept designed to enslave people to a certain train of thought and behavior i.e. religion.

I believe the Creator made an incredbily complex piece of machinery in developing life and living as we know it. I believe the Creator judges nothing but marvels at what humankind has made of the miracle of life.

I do believe in an afterlife, where we return to the whole and are once again made whole.

Kobi that's what the Jews believe in an afterlife!!

Ebon 06-15-2010 03:52 PM

What I believe about Heaven and Hell as it pertains to death. When we die we go through a life review, depending on the type of person we have been and the way we have treated others depends on how the life review goes. It could be Heaven (if you've had good intentions) or it could be Hell (if you have bad intentions and didn't learn from them). This will all be judged by ourselves. Just my belief.

Passionaria 06-15-2010 04:05 PM

Well, I can say three things for sure. I know heaven and hell exist on earth, as I have been to both places. I know there are forces of dark and light, as this a world of duality, and that our minds judge them based on belief systems. I also know that there is a spirit world, and that is a place there, akin to paradise because I have been brought there in the dream time. That's all I know for sure.


2myladyblue 06-15-2010 08:11 PM

I'm all for theosophical conversations....(& not at all for dichotomous religions)

Originally Posted by Ryobi (Post 36737)
In my daily life, I try to feed. And in-turn, get fed. There are days that I'm angry and starving. Those days have become far and few between in my personal growth. I have learned how to get my ass back to Heaven.

How do you view Heaven and Hell? How does it apply to your daily life?

Great idea for a thread, Ry! And I like your Grandpa's explanation...it seems to have had a profound impact on your life.

I don't believe in heaven or hell, per se... except to say that I believe we make our own (kinda in a What Dreams May Come sorta way). So, it doesn't apply to my daily life, really. I mean, I believe in being a "good" person & living my life to the best of my ability & helping when I can, but I don't believe that I (or anyone else) will be "punished" by any higher power. I believe we reward & punish ourselves everyday.


cinderella 06-15-2010 08:27 PM

To me (my cynical version), heaven is when you receive an orgasim by the one you love, and hell, is when you don't.

Sam 06-15-2010 08:35 PM

I have been told many a times that i'm going to hell with gasoline drawers on.

i often wonder if either exist.

Passionaria 06-15-2010 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by cinderella (Post 131308)
To me (my cynical version), heaven is when you receive an orgasim by the one you love, and hell, is when you don't.

:threadjack: AMEN sister!!!

go back to your regular programming now.......TYVM AHH look at that baby face, SMOKEY!

Converse 06-15-2010 09:17 PM

Can’t think of the name of that movie… someone will I’m sure. But the premise was this… You die, then you go to this town looks kinda like vegas but the slot machines always pay. And while you are there you are assigned an attorney who argues your case in court- and the case you have to prove- is that while on earth you lived your life without fear taking charge. If you won you got a free ticket to heaven, if you lost well then back to earth to start all over again.

No hell, just a need to do it right while you are here.

Toughy 06-15-2010 10:03 PM

I don't believe in heaven or hell. They belong to the mythology of those who follow the monotheist God of Abraham.

I object to all good things being heaven and all bad things being hell. I'm tired of your ideas of polar opposites being the truth.

I'm not a happy human. The President of my country just told me to pray to a singular God for help, hope and guidance............He said God................

thanks Mr President for your inclusiveness and decidedly lackluster response to BP and corporations in general. Thanks ever so much for validating the idea that money has more value.......is a more ethical view.... than people.

BornBronson 06-29-2010 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by BornBronson (Post 95273)
Yes,I believe in a Heaven and a Hell.What they are exactly is something we'll all have to wait and see.

I have been reading the bible,but i'm pretty careful what i read.I don't go to church,cause i don't think i'll find all the answers i'm looking for there,either.

All I can do is study these things called the ten commandments.I do believe someone very wise wrote them.Someone who was trying to tell us how to get along with our fellow human beings.And if we break them,we will only be punishing ourselves.In my heart I see the truth,I can't escape that.I don't have all the answers,but I don't think anyone here on earth really does.If you go by the truth,speak the truth,and hear it when it is spoken,then you can't go wrong.

Oh nice,now I have a headache.

Sometimes I need to come back to my words.No,it's not a headache.It's the truth that hurts,when you fight it.

I thought our president was a Muslim.Regardless,he believes there is a God.Good for him.

I still want him OUT of office.

apretty 06-30-2010 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by BornBronson (Post 141578)

I thought our president was a Muslim.

your posts intrigue me to no end.

this time, i'm wondering how you came to the conclusion that our president is muslim?

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