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Kätzchen 01-06-2013 04:33 AM


“Dawn in Mongolia was an amazing thing. In one instant, the horizon became a faint line suspended in the darkness, and then the line was drawn upward, higher and higher. It was as if a giant hand had stretched down from the sky and slowly lifted the curtain of night from the face of the earth. It was a magnificent sight, far greater in scale...than anything that I, with my limited human faculties, could fully comprehend.”

Haruki Murakami

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

Jean_TX 02-11-2013 04:19 PM

A quote that I try to live by:

If you want to think about what’s important in life, think about death. As some wise soul once noted, nobody on their deathbed ever said, “Gee, I wish I had spent more time at the office” or “Gee, I wish I had won another award.”

(Originator unknown)

homoe 02-11-2013 04:29 PM

I can resist anything but temptation!

~ocean 02-11-2013 05:00 PM

"Liars share with those they deceive , the desire not to be deceived." Sissela Books

Kent 02-11-2013 05:21 PM

Is there a "quote" thread yet?
The truth shall set you free...

Kätzchen 02-14-2013 07:09 PM

"The question of race was like the power of the moon in my house. It's what made the river flow, the ocean swell, and the tide rise, but it was a silent power, intractable, indomitable, indisputable, and thus completely ignorable. Mommy kept us at a frantic living pace that left no time for the problem. We thrived on thought, books, music, and art, which she fed to us instead of food (pp. 94)" ~ James McBride, The Color of Water (2006).

Jean_TX 02-23-2013 03:19 PM

From a book by Michael Palmer:

I can't make myself be happy, but I can always make myself not be miserable.

Cid 03-31-2013 10:28 PM

Whatever follows "I am" will come looking for you."
Pastor Joel Osteen.

I love that. If you say "I am tired" that's what you'll feel. If you say "I am gaining energy every minute. That's what you'll attract. Gotta love that!

Kätzchen 04-01-2013 08:27 PM

"Being happy is not the only happiness,"

-- Alice Walker


Kätzchen 04-07-2013 03:07 PM

A heavy heart, Belovèd, have I borne
From year to year until I saw thy face,

And sorrow after sorrow took the place
Of all those natural joys as lightly worn
As the stringed pearls, each lifted in its turn
By a beating heart at dance-time. Hopes apace
Were changed to long despairs, till God's own grace
Could scarcely lift above the world forlorn
My heavy heart. Then thou didst bid me bring
And let it drop adown thy calmly great
Deep being! Fast it sinketh, as a thing
Which its own nature doth precipitate,
Which thine doth close above it, mediating
Betwixt the stars and the unaccomplished fate.

Sonnets from the Portuguese, XXV
-- Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861)

Kätzchen 05-08-2013 08:33 PM

"Originally the pottery wheel and the dancing scene were intended to be two separate scenes. But instead of stopping at the end of the pottery scene, a shirtless Patrick and Demi segued into dancing an erotically charged dance together to the strains of The Righteous Brothers' Unchained Melody... The Electricity between them dancing following the pottery scene was so electric that Jerry said, "We don't need love making - this is the love scene," -- Bruce Joel Rubin

(In, Patrick Swayze: One Last Dance, pp. 127, Simon Spotlight Entertainment, 2009).

Kätzchen 05-10-2013 02:29 PM

“You understand Teacher, don't you, that when you have a mother who's an angel and a father who is a cannibal king, and when you have sailed on the ocean all your whole life, then you don't know just how to behave in school with all the apples and ibexes.”

Astrid Lindgren, Pippi Longstocking

Kätzchen 06-04-2013 09:33 PM

A Turn to the Right
A Little White Light

Let there be a season when no one rakes,
When all that has ever fallen can drift
with ordinary wings. Mithras, I hear you
out in the open, humming our favorite tune
through a leaf and a comb.
Lead us as if we were righteous
into the blue light of heaven,
where no one will forgive anyone
just in case it's condescending,
and we will love each other
to the withered toes.

-- Carolyn Reynolds Miller, from Rising and Falling (Lynx House Press: 2001).


Kätzchen 06-13-2013 12:03 PM

Yesterday, I spent part of my day reading literature authored by Michel Foucault and Antonio Gramesci:

Foucault, because he's got a way with understanding complex social anomalies: "...There is notone but many silences, and they are an intregal part of the strategies that underlie and permeate discourses,"
(In, The History of Sexuality 1: An Introduction, 1984).


and Gramsci, because of his doctrine of Hegemony: "...the rule of one class over another is not dependent on economic or physical power alone but on persuading the ruled to accept a system of beliefs belonging to the ruling class (James Joll, UK, 1977).


Kätzchen 07-11-2013 10:05 PM

"It is not possible to make a mistake," -- advice for a shy friend.

(found scribbled onto the bathroom stall door at Powell's Bookstore)

Asari 08-08-2013 03:01 AM

“He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

Cin 08-08-2013 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Kätzchen (Post 810908)
and Gramsci, because of his doctrine of Hegemony: "...the rule of one class over another is not dependent on economic or physical power alone but on persuading the ruled to accept a system of beliefs belonging to the ruling class (James Joll, UK, 1977).

This needs to be put on a bumper sticker, or maybe written in the sky on a continuous loop around the world.

Kätzchen 08-09-2013 07:45 AM

"If only the sun-drenched celebrities are being noticed and worshiped, then our children are going to have a tough time seeing the value in the shadows, where the thinkers, probers and scientists are keeping society together," -- Rita Dove.

Kätzchen 08-11-2013 02:45 PM

Found an interesting comment, made by a poster on an NPR article this morning, about that family from Arizona who were rescued at sea. Don't know if this will make anyone else smile, but I found myself smiling while reading the comments section. (Link to NPR article found ~>>> HERE)


Originally Posted by E Brittingham
People are incapable of understanding that not everyone wants to live in a subdivision, eat at the "Olive Garden", and waste their lives in front of the TV. When I left college and decided to wander the country tending bar where ever I wound up, everybody said I was crazy. When I opened my first restaurant, at 26 years of age, on little more than entirely unproven confidence in my own ability and about a third of the money I needed to do it right, everybody said I was crazy. When I sold the place 5 years later and bought open ended "Around the World Fare" tickets for myself and my girlfriend and took off without any idea where we'd wind up or when we'd be back, everybody said I was crazy. When I came home and decided to buy a fire damaged Victorian era house and strip it to the frame and rebuild it without a day's experience in construction, everybody said I was crazy. Now, I live in one of the nicest houses in town with my beautiful wife and daughter and, everybody thinks I've lived a fascinating life. You just have to shrug off the constant nay saying of doughy-bodied know-it-alls and hope that you are smart enough to survive by your own wits. The Gastonguay family obviously is not. But, good on them for taking a chance, even if it was motivated by religious lunacy.

Kätzchen 09-27-2013 04:13 PM

Burned Forest
~ Nichita Stãnescu

Black snow was falling. The tree line
shone when I turned to see -
I had wondered long and silent,
alone, trailing memory behind me.

And it seemed the stars, fixed as they were,
ground their teeth, a stiffened nexus,
an infernal machine, tolling
the halted hours of conciousness.

Then, a thick silence descends,
and my every gesture
leaves a comet tail in the heavens.

And I hear evey glance I cast
as it echoes against
some tree.

Child, what were you seeking there,
with your gangly arms and pointed shoulders
on which the wings were barely dry -
black snow drifting in the evening sky.

A horizon howling, far from view,
darting its tongues and anthracite,
dragged me forever down the mute row,
my body, half naked, sliding from sight.

In distances of smoke the town afire,
blazing beneath the planes, a frigid pyre.
We two, forest, what did we do?
Why did they burn you, forest, in a toga of ash -
and the moon no longer passes over you?

From the book "Bas-Relief with Heroes"
english translation by Thomas Carlson and Vasile Poenaru.


Scots_On_The_Rocks 09-27-2013 05:02 PM

"There is in each of us an ancient force that takes and an ancient force that gives. A man finds little difficulty facing that place within himself where the taking force dwells, but it’s almost impossible for him to see into the giving force without changing into something other than man. For a woman, the situation is reversed. ... These things are so ancient within us that they're ground into each separate cell of our bodies. We're shaped by such forces. You can say to yourself, 'Yes, I see how such a thing may be.' But when you look inward and confront the raw force of your own life unshielded, you see your peril. You see that this could overwhelm you. The greatest peril to the Giver is the force that takes. The greatest peril to the Taker is the force that gives. It's as easy to be overwhelmed by giving as by taking."

~Paul Muad'Dib Excerpt from the novel "Dune"


DMW 03-03-2014 10:18 PM

Lupita Nyong'o

*Anya* 04-26-2014 11:52 PM

My daughter and I were talking today about the damage parents do, wether we want to or not, and she told me about this poem. I think it is so good:

This Be The Verse


They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.

But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another’s throats.

Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don’t have any kids yourself.

Philip Larkin, “This Be the Verse” from Collected Poems. Used by permission of The Society of Authors as the Literary Representative of the Estate of Philip Larkin.

Source: Collected Poems (Farrar Straus and Giroux, 2001)


Kätzchen 10-17-2014 11:03 AM

Antonio Gramsci's doctrine of Hegemony:

The rule of one class over another is not dependent on economic or physical power alone,
but on persuading the ruled to accept a system of beliefs belonging to the ruling class (James Joll, UK, 1977).

Amulette 02-13-2015 02:27 PM

“In life, unlike chess, the game continues after checkmate.” ― Isaac Asimov

Kätzchen 02-24-2015 12:30 AM

A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it: It just blooms.


Talon 05-06-2015 12:38 PM

If you look at how our society and culture shape personal development,
I believe you will agree with the following conclusion: there is a conspiracy at work in our society aimed at alienating you from your true self. The alienation from your true self begins at birth.

Many well-intentioned parents are encouraged to place their infant on a feeding schedule. The child is fed when the plan dictates, not when the child's biology requires. If a child needs to cry or rage, he or she is often discouraged from such displays because of the parent's social or personal discomfort. At school, the active child must learn to repress his or her excitement and assimilate into the passive learning environment that characterizes most educational approaches today. We are cajoled, manipulated, and sometimes coddled away from our core self in order to fit some idea of what society says we should be. We are conditioned to fit into the social norm, which too often means fragmenting and splitting ourselves into pieces so we can gain social approval. Some social critics have referred to this conditioning as creating a hypnotic trance. We are asleep, dreaming we are awake.

We have contributed to our problem by buying into these myths. We are simultaneously victims and perpetrators of this psychological crime. We disown many important and vital parts of ourselves to fit in and be what we think we should be. We collude with society and our parents and join the fatal conspiracy. We become as much to blame as our parents, well-intentioned caregivers, grandparents, teachers, mentors, lovers, spouses, colleagues, and bosses. We alienate our true self over and over again, often to the point where our true self is unrecognizable. We don't know our self except through the roles that we play.

~Allen Berger, Ph.D.

Kätzchen 05-25-2015 02:08 PM


torchiegirl 09-09-2015 08:15 PM


"Let us cross over the river, and rest under the shade of the trees"

~Stonewall Jackson


C0LLETTE 09-09-2015 10:00 PM

' Always get married in the morning. That way if it doesn't work out, you haven't wasted the whole day."

Mickey Rooney

C0LLETTE 09-09-2015 10:08 PM

"Dick Clark really didn't make rock 'n roll safe for America, as many people think."

Annette Funicello

C0LLETTE 09-09-2015 10:16 PM

" The truth is that the only time I'm happy is when I'm doing absolutely nothing. I don't understand people who like to work and talk about it like it was some sort of goddamn duty. Doing nothing feel like floating on warm water to me. Delightful, perfect.”

Ava Gardner

C0LLETTE 09-09-2015 10:19 PM

"“Deep down, I'm pretty superficial.”

--- Ava Gardner

One of my all time favourite quotes by anyone...including Lincoln, Gandhi and Shakespeare.

Daisy Chain 09-10-2015 01:59 AM

`I don't care what you think about me, I don't think about you at all` CoCo Chanel

Kätzchen 10-23-2015 10:33 AM


Kätzchen 11-28-2015 12:21 AM

"Consciousness even in my sleep changes primary colors," ~ Czesláw Milösz (1963).

Glenn 05-17-2016 10:25 AM

There are three kinds of people on Earth:
Those who make things happen.
Those who watch things happen.
Those who ask what happened?

Kätzchen 10-16-2016 08:44 AM


not2shygrrl 10-16-2016 02:01 PM

"Politics in the true sense, have to do with the prosperity, peace and security of the people."

* Henry Ford *

not2shygrrl 10-16-2016 02:17 PM

“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” *Henry Ford*

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