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cuddlyfemme 04-25-2011 07:14 AM

Good Morning Singles! I hope E/everyone had a wonderful day and Easter. My Easter was spent in the air.
Welcome, Layne and Buchoroni! Its good to see you both here.
I have to do laundry today but first I have to go get quarters and go to the grocery store.
Time to start getting stuff done around here. Tommi's posts of everything Hy's done always makes me feel so lazy lol
Have a good day E/everyone!

butcharoni 04-25-2011 07:44 AM

thanks....GOOOOOD LUCK on the interview,,,,,
will you be home more often?:shocking:

Zimmeh 04-25-2011 08:38 AM

Good Morning Violane,

I thought that video looked familiar and thank you!

How was your Easter? I spent it doing nothing and I took a long power walk lastnight.

Have fun today,



Originally Posted by ZimmygLrL (Post 326220)
Katie Perry's ET video with Kanye West


This is one freaky video, but very interesting.



was not crazy about the animal scenes. a movie, the cell, came to mind at one point with a costume worn by katie perry.

Zimmeh 04-25-2011 08:41 AM

Good Morning Butcharoni and Layne,

Welcome to the Singles thread! We love to laugh and tease each other.

Have a wonderful day!



Originally Posted by butcharoni (Post 326573)
stopping in to say hello,,,have been out of the picture for awhile,,,,


Originally Posted by Ripcurl552005 (Post 326612)
Hello I'm Layne

New to BFP looking to make new friends & ?? How do you post an actual picture?

Hope everyone had a good Easter if you celebrate it.

~ Layne

DomnNC 04-25-2011 09:00 AM

Good morning everyone!

Rip, jules and Butcharoni - welcome to the thread, always good to see new faces.

Ruthie - awesome quote, good to see you again and you did the same thing I did yesterday, grilling steaks for Miss Scarlett and myself as well as my parents.

Cuddly - good to see you back home safe and sound, hope you had an awesome trip!

Zimmy - hope you hear something back from your interviews.

Violaine - pleasure to see you as always, Xanadu was a cool house eh?, I hope you had an awesome weekend!

Mstar - good luck on the interview, hope you get the job!

Legendryder, Janstevie - good to see you in the thread!

BBM - good to see you again, hope you had a great weekend.

Miss Scarlett - you sure are pushing about the not eating frog legs thing, I shall have to find a place for sure now, grins evilly.

Tommi - Miss Scarlett would love to ride that horse I'm thinking.

I hope you all have a most awesome day!

Zimmeh 04-25-2011 09:06 AM

Good Morning Domn,

Thank you and I am not holding my breathe about the hotel job, the lady I had my second interview with, gave me the vibe like she didn't like me. The one thing that she kept bringing up was the fact that I had all of my retail experience and asked why I didn't go back to working at the hotels when I moved to Orlando from Daytona Beach. I explained to her, that when I moved to Orlando, I went to work as a student worker for the college, since I didn't know my way around. I am going to call the manager back for Teavana this afternoon and ask about my application and thank her.

How are you doing? Did you have a wonderful Easter?



Originally Posted by DomnNC (Post 326700)
Good morning everyone!

Rip, jules and Butcharoni - welcome to the thread, always good to see new faces.

Ruthie - awesome quote, good to see you again and you did the same thing I did yesterday, grilling steaks for Miss Scarlett and myself as well as my parents.

Cuddly - good to see you back home safe and sound, hope you had an awesome trip!

Zimmy - hope you hear something back from your interviews.

Violaine - pleasure to see you as always, Xanadu was a cool house eh?, I hope you had an awesome weekend!

Mstar - good luck on the interview, hope you get the job!

Legendryder, Janstevie - good to see you in the thread!

BBM - good to see you again, hope you had a great weekend.

Miss Scarlett - you sure are pushing about the not eating frog legs thing, I shall have to find a place for sure now, grins evilly.

Tommi - Miss Scarlett would love to ride that horse I'm thinking.

I hope you all have a most awesome day!

cuddlyfemme 04-25-2011 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by DomnNC (Post 326700)
Good morning everyone!

Rip, jules and Butcharoni - welcome to the thread, always good to see new faces.

Ruthie - awesome quote, good to see you again and you did the same thing I did yesterday, grilling steaks for Miss Scarlett and myself as well as my parents.

Cuddly - good to see you back home safe and sound, hope you had an awesome trip!

Zimmy - hope you hear something back from your interviews.

Violaine - pleasure to see you as always, Xanadu was a cool house eh?, I hope you had an awesome weekend!

Mstar - good luck on the interview, hope you get the job!

Legendryder, Janstevie - good to see you in the thread!

BBM - good to see you again, hope you had a great weekend.

Miss Scarlett - you sure are pushing about the not eating frog legs thing, I shall have to find a place for sure now, grins evilly.

Tommi - Miss Scarlett would love to ride that horse I'm thinking.

I hope you all have a most awesome day!

Hi Domn! I hope you're having a good day. It was a nice trip but it was hard to leave (had to keep reminding myself that my kitties are down here). Maybe one day I'll be able to afford to live in the DC area again

sweetfemme247 04-25-2011 10:35 AM

hello everyone, I havent been here in along time, hope all is doing well

butcharoni 04-25-2011 01:36 PM

want to thank everybody for their kindness,,,,,wishing everbody a GREAT week....

cuddlyfemme 04-25-2011 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by butcharoni (Post 326823)
want to thank everybody for their kindness,,,,,wishing everbody a GREAT week....

You are very welcome! I hope we see you around the thread :)

morningstar55 04-25-2011 07:21 PM

............... hey ya everyone...........
well the interview i thought went ok....... they got all my info and have to do a back ground check and the DMV reports..... etc.
he said dont go quiting my job now.... cuz it will take a couple weeks or so..... and that they just put on some new drivers , whom are on a trial run , soooo ........
ha couple of them thought it was kinda funny cuz i went there in my panther truck.... lol .. I told them i was on my way out of town and made a pit stop for the interview .. lol They seem like it that i can go into canada... and that i had NO violations or accidents to report.
tomorrow im going to check out another job deal .. that goes thru a temp agency, i have some ?? for them .....
anyways........... its pouring on and off here..... my truck is going to be down for a few days. so guess i have some home time to spend here. yay.

Miss Scarlett 04-26-2011 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by DomnNC (Post 326700)

Ruthie - awesome quote, good to see you again and you did the same thing I did yesterday, grilling steaks for Miss Scarlett and myself as well as my parents.

Miss Scarlett - you sure are pushing about the not eating frog legs thing, I shall have to find a place for sure now, grins evilly.

Tommi - Miss Scarlett would love to ride that horse I'm thinking.

OMG those steaks and that entire dinner was so yummy! somebody actually cleaned her plate - took a while but she did!

:frog: :eek: am not pushing that at all...not even at a snail's pace...LOL

Hey now...i don't have an appropriate riding habit...:innocent:

cuddlyfemme 04-26-2011 04:45 AM

Good Morning Singles! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day so far. 4 kitties woke me up at 4am because they decided that it was time for breakfast.
Miss Scarlett- Dinner sounds yummy!
Domn- Leave Miss Scarlett alone ;) She would never eat frog legs, she's much more a Godiva and Steak kind of Femme
Morning Star- What type of job are you applying for?
Zimmy- Hows the job search coming along?
Tommi- Don't let Domn pull you into his "stunts" ;)

I'm off to give the kitties their after breakfast treat (now tell me they aren't spoiled lol). Have a terrific day everyone!

morningstar55 04-26-2011 05:31 AM

good morning single thread dwellers and peekers
hope everyone had a decent sleep and some are staying safe from all these storms , guess spring is coming in like a lion ey??

CF ..... im applying for some local driving jobs, today im going down to talk to a temp place here that hires drivers for ?? id like to get more info from them. plus.... im thinking of checking out about training in shipping and recieving depts and getting info on that. I seriously want off the road. well at least long distance stuff. :)

frog legs....... i had them before... there ok, nothing to wirte home about , cept that i had them. lol

a fellow lady Panther driver is in town and parked up the street, and snoozin at the moment. but in a lil bit im pickin her up and were going out for breakfast....... im taking her to a place here called Pano's... they have such awsome food there..... and great prices. I mean where else can i go and get steak and eggs for $6 .. :) lol ..... fresh and i do mean fresh squeezed OJ , unless i made it at home. .. this place use to be open 24 hrs .. but since they remodled there open late but not all night... i like taking friends visiting here for eats, cuz its NOT a chain and its a buffalo local place to eat.:) here's the link below, great great place. :)

cuddlyfemme 04-26-2011 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by morningstar55 (Post 327230)
good morning single thread dwellers and peekers
hope everyone had a decent sleep and some are staying safe from all these storms , guess spring is coming in like a lion ey??

CF ..... im applying for some local driving jobs, today im going down to talk to a temp place here that hires drivers for ?? id like to get more info from them. plus.... im thinking of checking out about training in shipping and recieving depts and getting info on that. I seriously want off the road. well at least long distance stuff. :)

frog legs....... i had them before... there ok, nothing to wirte home about , cept that i had them. lol

a fellow lady Panther driver is in town and parked up the street, and snoozin at the moment. but in a lil bit im pickin her up and were going out for breakfast....... im taking her to a place here called Pano's... they have such awsome food there..... and great prices. I mean where else can i go and get steak and eggs for $6 .. :) lol ..... fresh and i do mean fresh squeezed OJ , unless i made it at home. .. this place use to be open 24 hrs .. but since they remodled there open late but not all night... i like taking friends visiting here for eats, cuz its NOT a chain and its a buffalo local place to eat.:) here's the link below, great great place. :)

That would be great if you could get a job close to home and not have to be on the road so much. I remember truck drivers that I talked to when I was doing their paperwork, telling me how much they missed home and wanted a job where they were't on the road all the time. Good luck with your job interviews!!! Enjoy your breakfast!

Isn't frog legs some sort of French food?

Zimmeh 04-26-2011 07:47 AM

Good Morning CF,

I never heard back from the Peabody Hotel, which like I told Domn, she kept bringing up all of my retail history and not looking at what my jobs were in the hotel industry. I used to do Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable for the hotel in Ocala and I worked seven weeks straight at the hotel in Daytona. I just don't understand why some people are afraid of giving you a chance. What most of these people don't realize, is that it will take me less than a week to learn a new computer system and that I am very persistent in my job. It goes back to what I have been saying all along, most managers are afraid that I might take their jobs and I am not the only one who is saying this.

How are you this morning?



Originally Posted by cuddlyfemme (Post 327216)
Good Morning Singles! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day so far. 4 kitties woke me up at 4am because they decided that it was time for breakfast.
Miss Scarlett- Dinner sounds yummy!
Domn- Leave Miss Scarlett alone ;) She would never eat frog legs, she's much more a Godiva and Steak kind of Femme
Morning Star- What type of job are you applying for?
Zimmy- Hows the job search coming along?
Tommi- Don't let Domn pull you into his "stunts" ;)

I'm off to give the kitties their after breakfast treat (now tell me they aren't spoiled lol). Have a terrific day everyone!

Zimmeh 04-26-2011 07:49 AM

Good Morning Everyone,

MS, good luck on the job interviews! I am thinking that if I cannot find a job here in Florida, I may have to move out of state.

Domn, Are you trying to get Tommi to help you out against us femmes?

Miss Scarlett, Don't worry, if He tries to get you to eat a frog's leg, just put it on his plate.

Tommi, Hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend and didn't hurt yourself cleaning.

I am off to start applying for more jobs!


Dakota 04-26-2011 08:35 AM

Good Morning everyone! Hope everyone has a great week!

XochitlAzteca 04-26-2011 01:50 PM

I'm so NEW to THIS
I'm lost... I'm new to this. HELP! LOL

Zimmeh 04-26-2011 02:13 PM

Welcome to the Singles thread and BFP, XochitlAzteca.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask us and we will help you out the best we can.

Hope you are having a wonderful day!



Originally Posted by XochitlAzteca (Post 327454)
I'm lost... I'm new to this. HELP! LOL

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