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scootebaby 12-09-2010 07:54 PM

i had been a smoker since i was 16...4 weeks before Mothers Day 2008 i started taking Chantix...2 days AFTER Mothers Day i smoked my last cigarette....up till recently i would get cravings--really bad when highly stressed--but they passed pretty quickly. I didnt have any bad side effects,i.e bad dreams,suicidal thoughts or things they warn about Chantix.....prior to that i had tried everything...patches,pills,hynotherapy,even nicotine suckers,but they didnt help for very long.

i dont endorse many things but Chantix really worked for me!

Good luck to everyone trying to kick the habit!

Strappie 12-09-2010 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Sam (Post 244438)
i hope it works out for you and everyone else.

i stopped cold turkey 8 weeks ago, so i could have top surgery.

i smoked since i was 12, 31 years. i quit once for 8 months with zyban, then again in 2007 before my son was born for 4 months.

i hate to say it, my graphs are healed and after confirmation tmo, i will probably start smoking again.

i didnt want to quit, but now nearly 9 weeks and 9 lbs later, i still feel that maybe i should stay smoke free.

i dunno, but good luck everyone!!!

AWESOME Sam... I do wish you all the luck and I do hope you remain a NON Smoker after surgery. My mom and sister both took zyban. My sister did very well while my mom had to stop taking it. I did something to the inner lining of her stomach which now she has to take meds for the rest of her life. Zyban has so bad side effects in my opinion.

GOOD LUCK Sam!!! Good luck with surgery too!!

Strappie 12-09-2010 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by scootebaby (Post 244463)
i had been a smoker since i was 16...4 weeks before Mothers Day 2008 i started taking Chantix...2 days AFTER Mothers Day i smoked my last cigarette....up till recently i would get cravings--really bad when highly stressed--but they passed pretty quickly. I didnt have any bad side effects,i.e bad dreams,suicidal thoughts or things they warn about Chantix.....prior to that i had tried everything...patches,pills,hynotherapy,even nicotine suckers,but they didnt help for very long.

i dont endorse many things but Chantix really worked for me!

Good luck to everyone trying to kick the habit!

I have a few friends taking "Chantix" and they swear by it... You are right about the side effects. They all experience them in some way or another. I personally don't and have never liked taking "pills" of any kind not even for a headache. I am super happy for you that you are on your way to a healthier life.... KEEP IT UP!!!

Strappie 12-09-2010 08:17 PM

So everyone's asking about my update...

Well as I told you all before I am gradually doing this with the help of the e-cigarette mine is by ProSmoke.

It's an alternative to smoking. E-cigarettes are electronic devices that vaporize nicotine, water, and flavor to simulate the feel and look of cigarettes. Unlike nicotine gum or the nicotine patch, the e-cigarette actually functions much like a regular cigarette. The nicotine is still delivered to the lungs, but in vapor form, rather than smoke which contains carcinogens and tar. ProSmoke E-cigarettes do not burn like a typical cigarette, yet feel the same and contain nicotine. And btw nicotine is OPTIONAL. You can get them without the nicotine.

So any ways.... back to my update. I had been doing very well on Sunday and had smoked only 4 cigs on Sunday till it broke.. lol well it didn't break the charger I had was not functioning properly. So I have a replacement in the mail. Thankfully they guarantee these things and are sending me an entirely new Kit. They pay shipping and handling to me and for the old kit I had to send back, nice customer service! Anyways... I broke down and bought cigs, Yikes... so I am waiting for them to show up in the mail. I should have it Friday or Monday.

I will give you another update when I get the Kit again!!

Sam 12-09-2010 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by Strappie (Post 244466)
AWESOME Sam... I do wish you all the luck and I do hope you remain a NON Smoker after surgery. My mom and sister both took zyban. My sister did very well while my mom had to stop taking it. I did something to the inner lining of her stomach which now she has to take meds for the rest of her life. Zyban has so bad side effects in my opinion.

GOOD LUCK Sam!!! Good luck with surgery too!!

thanks. i am 6 weeks post op today

and my graphs are healed.

and the pack is sitting on the coffee table un opened still.:seeingstars:

i wish you all the best.

girl_dee 12-09-2010 08:55 PM

hang in there.. its worth it in the end!!

Just_G 12-10-2010 10:45 AM

Day 5, operation Cold Turkey: I paced on my deck last night...trying to talk myself out of going to buy a pack. I succeeded! I actually went in the house, went to bed, and slept for 11 hours straight!! I have to say that it is really nice not to be coughing and hacking when I wake up and roll out of bed in the morning. I didn't know I would notice such a difference so fast!

True test is this weekend....being around friends that smoke and drink....and when I don't smoke and drink with one in particular, she is almost offended. I am going to do my best to say no...to the beer and smokes! I just have to remember how wonderful I feel when I wake up every day!

God give me the strength!!! (please)

girl_dee 12-10-2010 11:05 AM

Yay for you G !!!!

maybe that feeling will be stronger than any smoking urge...

girl_dee 12-10-2010 11:07 AM

White House: Obama still trying to kick the habit

By DARLENE SUPERVILLE, Associated Press – Thu Dec 9, 3:49 pm ET
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama apparently hasn't had a cigarette since March, but the White House stopped short Thursday of declaring that he has officially kicked the habit bedeviling millions of Americans.
"I have not seen or witnessed evidence of any smoking in probably nine months," White House press secretary Robert Gibbs replied when asked at his regular media briefing about Obama's habit.
Has the president quit smoking? Gibbs wasn't ready to make that declaration.
"For that nine months, yes," he said. "I don't want to be flip. I think the president would be the first one to tell you that it's a struggle."
The update on Obama's continued fight against the addictive powers of nicotine followed Thursday's release of the latest U.S. Surgeon General's report to warn the public about tobacco's risks, including how it immediately begins to poison the body.
About 46 million adults, or one in five, still smoke. Millions more are regularly exposed to other people's fumes.
Gibbs said he thought Obama was still chewing nicotine gum to help him quit.
Smoking "is not something that he's proud of. He knows that it's not good for him. ... He doesn't like children to know about it, obviously including his," the spokesman said. "He has worked extremely hard and I think he would tell you even, when in the midst of a tax agreement and a (nuclear arms treaty) and all the other things that accumulate that, even where he might have once found some comfort in that he's pushed it away."
"He understands its dangers and, I think, has done a lot of extraordinary work to wrestle with that habit as millions of Americans have," Gibbs said.
After his first medical checkup as president in February, the White House physician reported that Obama was the picture of health, except for a slightly elevated cholesterol level, tendinitis in his left knee and occasional smoking.
The doctor, Navy Capt. Jeffrey Kuhlman, said Obama should continue with "smoking cessation efforts," or the use of nicotine gum.

justkim 12-10-2010 11:14 AM

In January it will be 4 years for me... I told myself I would quit before I turned 40... did it! I would like to say that since that time I have craved and caved only once... I only took a drag and that was enough for me... I realized that they really do taste like poop... My sense of smell is crazy now... I am usually the first one to say, "Can you smell that?" then I get the weird looks from those around me... You will notice the difference in how things taste, something you use to enjoy may not be so pleasing now these are just a couple of things you will notice... Good luck everyone! You can do it!

Daktari 12-10-2010 08:51 PM

Good luck to all trying or aiming to give up. You can do it!!

I said I'd give up at 40 and didn't. Bad move! I carried on and was diagnosed with COPD - a directly smoking related disease - approximately 5 yrs ago, not long after I was 40 infact.

I'd tried several times to give up tobacco but never succeeded, I tend to fall down on the 'will power' thang and have always hated being denied something I want....who doesn't? :groucho:

Earlier this year after what was the worst chest infection I've ever had - me and my girl thought I was going to die, I started taking the tablet we know here in the UK as Champix. I don't think I would have done it without the Champix but oh man fear is a great motivator too and I had my first tobacco free day on 26th April 2010. I'm still going over 8months later!


...Yup there's that 'but'. I still have COPD and pretty damaged lungs which will never go away. I can arrest the disease but I can't heal it by stopping sadly but my daily hacking cough left me from day one of being tobacco free which was weird.


...despite having a respiratory disease I have started cycling again, it's hard but I'm starting to be able to get up 'inclines' again. I also bought and am still learning to ride a unicycle.....the abs workout of the century which is exhausting and leaves me gasping for breath but I'm loving it.

Take heart all you quitters there is life beyond smoking. It's life Jim, just not as we know it! :winky:

Just_G 12-12-2010 09:51 PM

Well, I made it 6 days! I even had several beers with friends tonight and not once did I want to go have a smoke! That is huge for me!

However......yes....however; with news of my uncle passing, a fight with a close friend, and my unwillingness to say no, I caved and had a smoke tonight. Just one.

It's a new week and I will not kick myself for this; rather, I will make this something that makes me stronger so I do not cave next time in a stressful situation.

I can do this..I am not perfect....I will faulter, but I will over come this urge. I know I can do it. It is time for healthy BEFORE the new year gets here!

CherryFemme 12-12-2010 11:57 PM

I've tried many things, the patch, that nasty gum, and even cold turkey. OMG I nearly killed myself.

What is your remedy??? Or Your Game plan?

What a great thread!

I am not an addicted smoker, but I am an addict-- to the gum.

Before you laugh or think I am kidding, I would like to state my case:

My ex bought the gum in 1999 in order to stop smoking. She hated it and said she was going to throw it out. I was horrified because the gum was $75.00. I decided to chew the gum rather than to waste it. (Yes, I am very cheap) Now, 10 years later, I have a full blown addiction to the gum and if I do not chew it in the AM with coffee or after a meal or when I am stressed out-- I fall apart. Seriously. This is a nicotine addiction and I have shame I cannot stop. I wish I could say I did not like the taste, but I rather like burnt toast and when I chew it, the gum reminds me of my cooking.

Now that I am out about my "problem"-- I would like to stop. The gum is expensive and I know that I should stop.

I have tried the fake e-cig that Strappie mentioned, but I have never smoked cigarettes, so it did not help. I have tried the patch once and it was useless.

What scares me is the new information about how the gum increases oral cancers. I am also concerned about stomach cancer since I do not spit the gum out; I always end up swallowing it. (oh the horror!)

Thank you for Just G and Sam for their stories of "cold turkey". I have only tried to do that twice-- but perhapse it is time for me to try again.

I also like Wonder Woman's suggestion of hypnotherapy. I never thought about that as an option. (I have tried to get chantix, but the non-smoking clinic did not take me seriously...even when I explained to them I chew + swallow up to 20 squares of 4mg nicotine chews a day.)

Great idea for a thread, Strappie--
Thank you all for the great suggestions and I look forward to watching everyone's progress!


girl_dee 12-13-2010 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Incubus (Post 245095)
Good luck to all trying or aiming to give up. You can do it!!

I said I'd give up at 40 and didn't. Bad move! I carried on and was diagnosed with COPD - a directly smoking related disease - approximately 5 yrs ago, not long after I was 40 infact.

I'd tried several times to give up tobacco but never succeeded, I tend to fall down on the 'will power' thang and have always hated being denied something I want....who doesn't? :groucho:

Earlier this year after what was the worst chest infection I've ever had - me and my girl thought I was going to die, I started taking the tablet we know here in the UK as Champix. I don't think I would have done it without the Champix but oh man fear is a great motivator too and I had my first tobacco free day on 26th April 2010. I'm still going over 8months later!


...Yup there's that 'but'. I still have COPD and pretty damaged lungs which will never go away. I can arrest the disease but I can't heal it by stopping sadly but my daily hacking cough left me from day one of being tobacco free which was weird.


...despite having a respiratory disease I have started cycling again, it's hard but I'm starting to be able to get up 'inclines' again. I also bought and am still learning to ride a unicycle.....the abs workout of the century which is exhausting and leaves me gasping for breath but I'm loving it.

Take heart all you quitters there is life beyond smoking. It's life Jim, just not as we know it! :winky:

I hope everyone that reads this gets even more encouragement to quit.. Someone very dear to me was just diagnosed with COPD and thankfully is not smoking but unfortunately it may have taken that diagnoses to get to that point. :(

It is VERY hard to watch those you care about go through the repercussions of this addiction.. very. It's also hard to watch people smoke killing their lungs consciously when my lungs are in such bad shape..and I was never a smoker. I know it's so not about me but it's hard on my heart.

Daktari 12-13-2010 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by sassy_girl (Post 246586)
I hope everyone that reads this gets even more encouragement to quit.. Someone very dear to me was just diagnosed with COPD and thankfully is not smoking but unfortunately it may have taken that diagnoses to get to that point. :(

It is VERY hard to watch those you care about go through the repercussions of this addiction.. very. It's also hard to watch people smoke killing their lungs consciously when my lungs are in such bad shape..and I was never a smoker. I know it's so not about me but it's hard on my heart.

Thank-you sassy_girl. I really do hope that others are inspired to give up if only to avoid being diagnosed with an unpleasant lung disease that can be avoided just by giving up tobacco. Sadly nothing scares a smoker though. It took something pretty cataclysmic to force my hand and make a serious decision to quit instead of 'play at it' like I had done previously. 33yrs of smoking and then COPD had me on course for my own personal oxygen tank before I hit 50, now I'm on course for riding a 29" wheel unicycle before I'm 50! :jester:

Daktari 01-01-2011 01:43 PM

How's everyone doing? How did the quitters cope with the holiday season? Is anyone giving up tobacco as a New Year resolution?

Despite lots of parties with cigarette smokers and joints being passed around I'm pleased to report I remained a non-(tobacco)smoker.

Keep up the good work to all those in the early days of giving up and good luck to those who've made the resolution and are on day one. It gets easier, it really does!

WickedFemme 01-01-2011 03:08 PM

my sweetie gave me the e-cigarette for the holiday and I'm trying it... I've cut down smoking by about 50% or so since and am smoking less and less everyday. I'm hoping to have completely given up cigarettes by the end of this month or sooner. Good luck everyone!

Daktari 01-01-2011 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by WickedFemme (Post 257508)
my sweetie gave me the e-cigarette for the holiday and I'm trying it... I've cut down smoking by about 50% or so since and am smoking less and less everyday. I'm hoping to have completely given up cigarettes by the end of this month or sooner. Good luck everyone!

Good work WickedFemme! When I was cutting down in the run up to giving up totally I found just being conscious of every cigarette I had and often chose not to have the one I was about to light but wait for the next time I wanted one. Also developing a very positive 'self-talk' about giving up really helped in preparation too. Good luck throughout the month.

WickedFemme 01-01-2011 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Incubus (Post 257512)
Good work WickedFemme! When I was cutting down in the run up to giving up totally I found just being conscious of every cigarette I had and often chose not to have the one I was about to light but wait for the next time I wanted one. Also developing a very positive 'self-talk' about giving up really helped in preparation too. Good luck throughout the month.

Thanks Incubus! developing the consciousness around the habit has certainly helped. I even counted how many drags I took of a cigarette the other day... something I have never even thought about... hmmmm
I'm certainly thinking it through. This is good advice you offered here - thank you!

Daktari 01-01-2011 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by WickedFemme (Post 257515)
Thanks Incubus! developing the consciousness around the habit has certainly helped. I even counted how many drags I took of a cigarette the other day... something I have never even thought about... hmmmm
I'm certainly thinking it through. This is good advice you offered here - thank you!

You're very welcome WickedFemme. I'm happy to pass on any handy hints and tips that I helped me. It's one of the hardest habits to break as we all know. I started my own quitting smoking thread on one of the UK based B/F sites and posted pretty much daily for the first two or three months and found that writing it down every day in public helped keep me motivated.

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