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bigbutchmistie 11-09-2010 04:34 AM

Dont you hate it when you wake up for no reason in the middle of the night and cant go back to sleep and have to work the next day ? :( ugggh this sucks

Miss Scarlett 11-09-2010 05:39 AM

Don't you hate it when you are in the middle of a phone call, your phone suddenly dies and the message on the screen reads "Entering Service Area"? Especially when you are sitting in your home.


Scorp 11-09-2010 07:03 AM

I'll Tell You What I Hate...
- When someone spills something on the kitchen floor at work and doesn't wipe it up. You don't see it, and slide in it and almost take a header...(which I almost did this morning) idiots...

- When someone leaves an empty papertowel roll and doesn't replace it with a new one.

- And, since I'm talking about that, when someone doesn't replace the toiletpaper roll and leaves a measly piece on the roll and it's not enough to wipe your....nevermind....

- When you're looking forward to having your frosted flakes, or captain crunch for breakfast and you go to get the milk out of the fridge, and there's a drop left in the carton. So much for my breakfast of champions!

- When you're having an erotic dream and your alarm clock goes off...

- When you're at the movies and people either behind you or in front of you decide to have a conversation during it. Shut the frig up already!

- When you're in the bathroom at work and the fire alarm goes off...

- When the cream in your coffee is spoiled and you don't realize it after you take your first sip and you see all that nastiness float to the top.

- When you're in the shower and someone turns on the water and it gets cold and almost makes you go into shock.

- When you go to use the toothpaste and the tube is deflated with nothing in it.

- When you walk into a bathroom stall at work and there is pee all over the seat. I mean c'mon people you're a bunch of damn slobs. WTF!? Makes me wonder how people live at home...Nasty bastids...

- When you're at the grocery store and you're just about to get into a line when someone comes running and pushes you out of the way to get in front of you....Now, I'm ready to roll over them with my carriage (cart) inconsiderate fuckers...

- Folks that text while driving and/or on their cell phones and start to gradually come into your lane and almost take you out. (That's when my road rage kicks in and let me tell you it's not pretty).

Scorp 11-09-2010 09:56 AM

Or when it suddenly goes into "airplane mode" for no damn reason and you don't know when you're receiving texts and/or phone calls until you realize it hours later!

Originally Posted by Miss Scarlett (Post 224020)
Don't you hate it when you are in the middle of a phone call, your phone suddenly dies and the message on the screen reads "Entering Service Area"? Especially when you are sitting in your home.


bigbutchmistie 11-09-2010 10:03 AM

Dont you hate it when :

Your hungry and you dont know what sounds good?

When someone drive under the speed limit in the fast lane holding up traffic for miles GET OFF THE ROAD!! LOL

When the barber/stylist cuts your hair too short?

When you want an ice cold Dr Pepper from the fridge when you get home and you forgot you drank the last one the night before :)

scootebaby 11-09-2010 11:34 AM

dont you just hate when......
people post EVERY little thing about their lives?

someone passes you on highway just to get in front of you and slow down

or you try to pass their slow ass and they speed up just enough so you cant get around

when you say something a million times,something happens you ask why and their answer is "i didnt know" or " i didnt hear you"

when nothing you eat satisfies your craving

people live double lives and invite you in without making you privy to this info

when yo go to the bathroom to "read" work really hard and realize it was for nothing?:fart:

orrrrrr when you finally get sound asleep and you :fart:, its so bad it wakes YOU up

you go to the bathroom,not noticing the roll is empty till AFTER you have done your business

Jess 11-09-2010 11:39 AM

Don't ya hate it when,
the dogs who just HAVE to be outside supervising while you stack wood

take a big ole dump in the middle of your path while you weren't looking...


JustJo 11-09-2010 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by scootebaby (Post 224143)
you go to the bathroom,not noticing the roll is empty till AFTER you have done your business

This was not me honey....just sayin' :giggle:

Don't you hate it when...

You've tossed and turned for hours, just doze off...and the alarm rings.

People text or call late at night or early on a weekend morning...just cuz they're awake doesn't mean I am.

The clerk at the grocery store throws your food into the bag, or drops heavy stuff on top of the bread or fruit....grrrrrr.....we were gonna' eat that ya know!

People work in customer service who really shouldn't.

Gemme 11-09-2010 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by bigbutchmistie (Post 223942)
when your back hurts for days on end and no one is around to rub it

Or you have an itch right...where...you....can't....reach. And neither can the wall or cooking utensil and you can't remember where you packed your actual back scratcher?


Originally Posted by scootebaby (Post 224143)

you go to the bathroom,not noticing the roll is empty till AFTER you have done your business

This is why I prompty changed Organic's location for toilet tissue to underneath the sink instead of in the hall closet. :blink:

Ravin 11-10-2010 10:27 AM

Don't You Hate It When..

You Stub Your Toe And Theres No Blood Just A Lot Of Pain..

scootebaby 11-10-2010 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Ravin (Post 224777)
Don't You Hate It When..

You Stub Your Toe And Theres No Blood Just A Lot Of Pain..

:eyebrow: uhhh would blood make it less painful or more enjoyable???:blink:

Ravin 11-10-2010 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by scootebaby (Post 224831)
:eyebrow: uhhh would blood make it less painful or more enjoyable???:blink:

At least it would have been somewhat satisfying with the blood and pain.
But nope I just got the pain..

bigbutchmistie 11-10-2010 07:02 PM

Dont you hate it when your standing in public somewhere and someone walks up to you and says, HEEEEYYYYYY I havent seen you in ages, and you play along cause you really dont know who they are ? LOL

Or a woman from your past runs into you and you cant place her. You met during your one night stand days OOPS :) LOL

bigbutchmistie 11-10-2010 10:29 PM

Dont you hate it when you get a phone call from someone close to you who you have known for years and they tell you that you can change being gay? WTF? Can you change being straight? I am FANTABULOUSLY ME! And Im wonderful :)

Dont you hate it when people white lie?

Dont you hate it when you are laughing so hard you start snorting?

Dont you hate it when you do all the work to get a girl's number and you wash the jeans with it in there?

nicetgurl_30 11-10-2010 10:55 PM

I hate it when....
I hate it when my friends breakup with their partners then want to spend times me and play "sleep-over" wait maybe I don't hate the sleepover part. But I do hate always being "go2gurl"

I want my turn again! She says as she throws tantrums w ice-cream in both hands.

Gemme 11-10-2010 10:59 PM

Don't you hate it when you did everything on your list.....except laundry....and now you have no clean undies? :blink:

little_ms_sunshyne 11-10-2010 11:02 PM

Don't you hate it when you wake up ONE minute before your alarm rings!!!!!!!!!!! BLAH!!! And then you think how awesome 60 more seconds would have been lol

Kobi 11-10-2010 11:15 PM

Don't you hate it when the cat
wakes you at 4 am by doing an
admirable reenactment of Riverdance all over the bed.
And when you look at them with one eye,
and ask what they are doing,
they look back as if to say,
"I was bored and now that your up, you wanna play?"

Miss Scarlett 11-11-2010 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by Kobi (Post 225245)
Don't you hate it when the cat
wakes you at 4 am by doing an
admirable reenactment of Riverdance all over the bed.
And when you look at them with one eye,
and ask what they are doing,
they look back as if to say,
"I was bored and now that your up, you wanna play?"

My cat's version of Riverdance is mostly all over me - especially the little number I like to call the "Bladder Dance". And I think our cats have been exchanging emails. Either that or its just a cat thing. Then again it could be a lot of both!

Guy 11-11-2010 08:52 AM

Don't you hate it when cashiers at some stores ask for your phone number when you make a purchase? :thinking:

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