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musicman 02-01-2014 04:29 PM

I remember when you didn't have to lock your doors at night
I remember when you knew and grew up with the same neighbors you had for years
I remember being able to go into any neighbor and ask for help if you needed it.
I remember playing with slinky down the stairs.
I remember the school allowing us to watch Canada against Russia hockey game in 1972
I remember when the local papermill blew it's whistle every night at ten pm. That was when the kids under 18 had to be in their houses.

Apocalipstic 02-02-2014 01:16 PM

I remember the monster living in my house.

Orema 08-26-2014 05:00 AM

I remember when a quarter would buy a pepsi and a bag of chips with change left over, or a gallon of gas, or a pack of cigarettes.

I remember "ladies day" at the movies and ladies would get in for a fraction of the price.

I remember my mama's friends calling her to let her know someone Black was appearing on television.

I remember when making long-distance phone calls on Chistmas was a big deal.

homoe 08-26-2014 02:23 PM

I remember when...
Candy bars costs a nickle (you could get a bigger one for ten cents)

Soda only came in glass bottles or cans and you'd pay a deposit and then cash them back in for money when you were truly broke..lol

Blade 08-26-2014 05:56 PM

I remember Daddy sending me to the store with $1 for a gallon of lawn mower gas, a pack of Salem's, and I could have the change.

I remember Sunday evenings with Walt Disney and Wild Kingdom

I remember when a cigarette salesman would see us in the store and ask if our parents smoked and would give us sample cigarettes to take home to them. Umm no they never made it home.

I remember "be home before the street lights come on"

I remember, "the people down the street were hippies and we needed to walk on the other side of the street not on the side their house was on.

I remember vinyl records...33 1/3

I remember when I was the remote control

I remember our first experience with cable TV. There was a box under the TV and a little hand held box with a keypad they were attached with a cable like a phone cable.

I remember riding in the back of Pa's truck and driving years before I was old enough.

I remember when my Dad could beat up your Dad LOL

Around the World (at night under the yard light)
Mother May I
123 red light
I spy
and many more

Blade 08-26-2014 07:36 PM

Do you remember when school started in September and ended in May

Do you remember Clarence the cross eyed lion

Do you remember The land of the lost and Johnny Quest

Do you remember Tom Landry and Bum Phillips

EnchantedNightDweller 08-26-2014 07:56 PM

Do you remember when teachers used a chalkboard? Now they use a Promethean board - a large screen connected to a computer. It's actually amazing!

JDeere 08-26-2014 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by EnchantedNightDweller (Post 931146)
Do you remember when teachers used a chalkboard? Now they use a Promethean board - a large screen connected to a computer. It's actually amazing!

Yep I do! One of my teachers used to scratch her nails on it, if we misbehaved!:glasses:

Daktari 08-27-2014 07:22 AM

Do you remember handwriting classes with a mandatory fountain pen in school?

I remember Mrs.Kershaw in 1st juniors (age 8/9) teaching us. Also remember getting a wooden ruler across the hand for mucking about in class.

Orema 08-27-2014 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Daktari (Post 931224)
Do you remember handwriting classes with a mandatory fountain pen in school?

I remember Mrs.Kershaw in 1st juniors (age 8/9) teaching us. Also remember getting a wooden ruler across the hand for mucking about in class.

Fountain pens weren't mandatory when I was a child, but on a similar note many of our desks had a hole in the upper-right corner for an ink well.



Luckily, my hand never met the ruler!

Daktari 08-27-2014 07:51 AM

I'm really glad I learned to write in such an old school way and still carry a fountain pen.

We had similar desks at secondary [UK>US: high] school only the frames were metal and the seat flipped up. I loved those desks. I made sure my name was on the inside of the lid in my class home room. :cheesy:

Blade 10-19-2014 07:30 PM

Do you remember when you'd walk to the store, picking up bottles knowing that when you got to the store you'd have picked up enough bottles for a drink or candy bar and some penny candy

Gayandgray 02-18-2016 10:34 AM

I remember the days of just one rotary phone and it was in the kitchen. It had a really long cord and my sisters and I would stretch it to the max going going down the hallway to talk in private. I remember pay telephones, no such thing as a cell phone, Being sent outside to play and playing hide and seek, red rover, dodge ball, tag. Riding bikes and building forts in the woods. Only going out to eat on special occasions. The teacher could pull your hair and hit you with a paddle or ruler for misbehaving, and being afraid to go home because as soon as Daddy got home, you were gonna get hit with the "switch"! I remember records, no cd's or cassette tapes till I was older. I remember 8 track tapes. I remember my mom washing our mouth out with a bar of ivory soap she kept in the kitchen for saying "bad words" (cussing). I remember being told to get up and change the tv channel. I remember wearing saddle shoes and Buster Browns. I remember having pen pals and writing lots of letters. Man I miss the old days:koolaid:

meridiantoo 02-18-2016 11:42 AM

Not over 50, but close....47
Playing with my hula hoop, lemon twist and skateboard for hours

Outside play wasn't only encouraged, it was mandatory

Shag carpet

After school special movies

Pre-MTV, Pre-Walkman, reel-to-reel home movies, when cars just had radios, vinyl records, bootleg copies you cherished, Peel sessions on BBC radio

Saturday nights at the skating rink

When kids behaved and respected elders because 1) everyone told mom what you did wrong before you even got home 2) mom always told dad and you knew what that meant 3) spanking and anything rougher than a time-out were not considered archaic and a form of child abuse 4) kids were not given so many choices when they had no idea how to make them yet

Block parties

Having to write 500 times "I will not talk in class" over the weekend because I wanted to socialize instead of listening to the teacher

Emergency Broadcast System tests on TV on a regular basis

Every dad got soap-on-a-rope and/or Old Spice every Christmas

Hearing Eddie Murphy's comedy album "Raw" for the first time

When Studio 54 was still going strong

Girls/Women laid out in the sun until they got burnt to a crisp, using nothing but baby oil on the skin

Sock Hops after school in Jr. High

Listening to your grandparents talk about the good 'ole days when couples courted on front porches, kids were respectful and everything was made better (and everything was made better)

Awesome thread!

Chad 02-18-2016 12:48 PM

I would have loved to have gone to Studio 54, that would have been awesome!

meridiantoo 02-19-2016 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Chad (Post 1045923)
I would have loved to have gone to Studio 54, that would have been awesome!

Me, too! I was only able to listen to people talk about it.

Greyson 02-19-2016 12:16 PM

I remember "paper boys" that sold newspapers on the corner or in front of the grocery store. I was one of them, every weekend I sold the Los Angeles Herald Examiner and the grown up always asking me if I were a boy or a girl.

I remember watching my grandma take out her teeth and putting them into a glass of water to sit overnight. :blink:

I remember always challenging my mom about her letting my brothers stay out later and they never had to do any house work, cooking or babysitting.

I remember listening to Wolfman Jack on the radio.

I remember Tommy's Hamburger stand at the corner of Beverly and Rampart.

I remember $2 night at the drive in theater.

I remember home made skate boards and concussions.

I remember ice cream was 5 cents a scoop.

I remember walking into the Wilshire Bullocks store with my parents and being asked to leave.

I remember watching the funeral procession of President John F. Kennedy pass along the screen of our Black and White T.V. screen.

I remember the eery silence of the grown ups as we watched with reverence.

I remember stepping outside the front door to go to school and seeing National Guard troops deployed on the streets of Los Angeles in response to the Watts riot.

Gayandgray 08-26-2016 08:18 PM

I remember watching the tv shows Family, The Waltons, Welcome Back Kotter, Family Affair, The Secret Garden, Captain Kangaroo, Captain Noah and his Magical Ark, Barnaby Jones, The Courtship of Eddie's Father. Tv was so cool back then.:hangloose::hangloose::hangloose:

introverted1 11-24-2016 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Gayandgray (Post 1086298)
I remember watching the tv shows Family, The Waltons, Welcome Back Kotter, Family Affair, The Secret Garden, Captain Kangaroo, Captain Noah and his Magical Ark, Barnaby Jones, The Courtship of Eddie's Father. Tv was so cool back then.:hangloose::hangloose::hangloose:

Gayandgray, I think we are in the same age group!

I remember Captain Kangaroo, Family Affair...I loved public television and was a faithful watcher of Kukla, Fran and Ollie...

We had S & H green stamps and gas stations had promotional giveaways.

There was layaway in those days, and I bought my first ten speed bicycle at the age of fourteen by depositing five dollars at a time from my babysitting jobs at Haack's Cycle shop near my house. I wonder how many miles I put on that bike! It was a sky blue Schwinn Traveler.

In those days, kids were outside as many hours as possible and we had neighborhood wide games of hide and seek and kick ball. I was sports dyslexic and shy, but was never excluded by the neighbor kids because of this.

When I was ill, I read the Sears catalogue for entertainment, LOL! I was fascinated with the women's lingerie...now I know why. ; )

homoe 11-24-2016 05:58 PM

I also must be in the same age group!

I remember when the A & P gave dishes ,a piece a week, when you spent over a certain amount in groceries. Most all businesses gave their patrons a calendar. A service man ran out and filled up your tank, checked your oil, and washed the windshield. I remember when repair men showed up to fix things we now simply toss away and re-purchase.

I remember all the above mentioned tv shows as well as Perry Mason, Gunsmoke, and Rawhide!

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