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JakeTulane 02-03-2010 09:25 PM

I had a great interview. A surprise conversation. Today was a great day and through it all I was grateful that I was given the day.

Diva 02-04-2010 07:15 AM

Every day I dance with the angels. Angels uplift me out of despair.

violaine 02-04-2010 05:21 PM


Diva 02-06-2010 11:30 AM

Today's sunshine envelopes me and permeates me....she is my shield against the stormy, grey attitudes of others.

Mitmo01 02-06-2010 11:59 AM

I will listen when the birds sing...I will remember that the universe sends it gifts in all forms and if i listen i will be able to hear...thats how im feeling at this moment

Diva 02-07-2010 10:24 AM

I will Sing like no one is listening, I will Dance like no one is watching and I will LOVE like I have never been hurt before... I will Live life to the fullest.

Nina 02-07-2010 10:31 AM

I will find Cake even where there is no Cake ! ;>

Forgetmenotfemme 02-07-2010 11:12 AM

Thou art in me

Eternal joy.
Eternal youth.
Eternal wealth.
Eternal health.
Eternal love.
Eternel life.

Diva 02-09-2010 10:38 AM

I stand tall proudly. I walk with confidence. The winds of optimism push me gently forward. The sun warms my face.

Diva 02-10-2010 02:11 PM

This too, I shall survive, as the alternative is not acceptable to me.....not just yet. And I'll be damned if THIS is what takes me down. No way. No how.

Diva 02-11-2010 08:34 AM

Today I am strong and empowered with the knowledge of what I need to accomplish this day. I can do this!

Diva 02-12-2010 10:13 AM

Divine Healing now flows abundantly throughout every aspect of my being! Wellness now dominates my mind, body, spirit, emotions, relationships, and career.

JakeTulane 02-12-2010 01:22 PM

Today will be a wonderful day. Filled with warmth.. comfort...peace.. all I have to do it make it so.

Legendryder 02-12-2010 02:15 PM

I will finish the outline for my research essay class before my head explodes!!!

Diva 02-13-2010 12:19 PM

I choose my words carefully to create postive experiences for myself and all the people I share moments with. My words are powerful and loving!

Diva 02-15-2010 08:41 AM

I keep true to myself every minute of everyday.

Spirit Dancer 02-15-2010 08:50 AM

For today i'll not allow worry to cause me woe.

JakeTulane 02-15-2010 09:31 AM

Nothing, nor no one will break Me down.Words as weapons can be battled with the mind. I find peace and the day is Mine.

Gemme 02-15-2010 05:55 PM

I am responsible for only my actions and will not let the actions of others deter me from my goals.

Diva 02-16-2010 04:35 AM

This moment is filled with happiness. I now choose to experience the sweetness of today!

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