Butch Femme Planet

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-   -   What does the "B-F Dynamic" mean to you? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=718)

Andrew, Jr. 04-27-2010 08:11 PM

B-F for me is the ying/yang of living. It just is. Everyone has their own id, and finding the right mate for yourself is something that takes compatability, love, and work - hard work. All relationships require that.

Kate09 05-05-2010 03:36 PM

The butch/femme dynamic, for me, is where i feel perfectly at home. It feels right, and makes sense to me. I've dated people who dont identify as butch, and it's not the same. There is a certain..balance..to things when i am in a b/f relationship.

I do not believe b/f relationships have to mirror male/female relationships. I HATE being asked who's the guy, or even worse, just having someone assume the person i am with "obviously is". I hate having to justify that being with a butch woman is NOT a small step away from being with a man. And I also hate explaining that just because my date has short hair and wears mens clothing does not mean she wants to be a man. (even tho her dick is prolly bigger than most of those inquiring..)

What burns me the most are some of these comments coming from people with whom i supposedly share a community.

I like what I like. I prefer a b/f dynamic in my relationships. It may not be "hip" and it may not be in fashion, but it's what feels good, and i think that's what really matters.

AtLast 05-25-2011 02:50 PM

The B-F "dynamic" for me is really based on mutual energy that meets each other and well... clicks. In no way do stereotypical roles fit within this dynamic for me.

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