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WildOrchid 11-16-2009 11:02 AM

1. I do not like to drive.
2. I am 6' tall.
3. I can cook anything but my passion is for pizza.
4. My restaurant is named after an artist who in NOT my favorite.
5. I can cry at the drop of a hat.

KayCee 11-16-2009 11:05 AM

Don't like to watch the news..freaks me out!
I can't eat Sugar Daddy's..stick to my teeth!
Won't listen to stupid people..giving me a hard time!
Drinking black tea..makes me feel sick!
Took off with my boi friend at age 16!

WildOrchid 11-16-2009 12:07 PM

One more thing...I taught Ol' Jet to cook over the telephone...

NJFemmie 11-16-2009 12:50 PM

  1. I want to see 2012.
  2. I really, truly hate Mondays.
  3. I only crave tea when I am really super sick.
  4. I have issues eating meat off of a bone.
  5. I love, love LOVE lima beans.

Just_G 11-16-2009 01:05 PM

*I cut my own hair...have for years because all of the people that cut my hair at one time said I am too picky. :eek:

*I moonwalked Saturday night

*I fire up a mean grill, but cannot use an oven to save my life!

*I have always wanted to go white water rafting but can't find anyone that wants to go.

*I miss parachute pants...I loved having all those zipper pockets!:nerd:

Dean Thoreau 11-16-2009 05:47 PM

1. I never burp in public.
2. I am a very shy quiet person.
3. I wear patent leather sneakers or skateboard shoes that are shiney gold or silver or have foot skeleton imprints on them to work...but never anyplace else.
4. People under the age of 10 think I am cool.
5. I can quote einstein better than I can quote uncle henry.

JustLovelyJenn 11-16-2009 07:30 PM

1. I lack self confidence when I start something new, but once my foot is in the door, I will do whatever I have to to see it through.

2. I think cowbois are really sexy.

3. I sang my first solo at the age of 11, for the governor of Utah

4. I am addicted to Lindts White Chocolate Truffles

5. I have been belly dancing for more then 10 years.

evolveme 11-16-2009 07:33 PM

1. I am learning to rest if the kitchen isn't clean yet because it is the girl's chore and who really wants to be a nag?

2. I've woken the girl up twice from napping to remind her to clean the kitchen.

3. I read Brian Greene's The Elegant Universe several years ago.

4. I attempted to watch NOVA's 3 hour video production of Brian Greene's The Elegant Universe last week, but my computer was having issues and I nearly lost my mind during Part II, where we learn more about String Theory.

5. String theory is the part I really, really want to understand. Understand?

LadyFlamezzz 11-16-2009 08:29 PM

I'm a very aware person, ppl think i may not see or know something and typically i'm two steps ahead in my head..why speak it and blow my cover,lol :shocking:

I am an introvert /extrovert...i know huh...you figure it out and lemme know !:worried:

Philosophy of life is a passion of mine and i over analyze every word spoken to me, for content < like reading between the lines.>.....Daywalker says everything to me is global...what's that suppose to mean ? Ha Ha:huhlaugh:

Mice and Snakes just the mention of them makes my ankles paranoid to the point of extreme anxiety.:eek:

I am vain !:angel:

SassyLeo 11-16-2009 08:34 PM

my cat snores.

i have 4 tattoos. :beatnik:

i love " antiques roadshow". :nerd:

i saw my first concert at 8 years old: peter, paul and mary.

i have an addiction to cheese.

Sam 11-16-2009 08:34 PM

i LOVE my son and my g/f more than life
i am smart
i am intelligent
i love my job
im very serious in nature

NJFemmie 11-17-2009 11:56 AM

I love my Lady more than anything in this world, and would unquestionably take a bullet for Her. (Let's hope I never have to, but I would, you get my drift...)

I am a Star Trek fan. Not like totally-geeked-out-go-to-conventions-avid, but I've seen every movie and TV show in existence.

I think brussel sprouts are nasty, slimy, huge snot looking vegetables.

I hate finding toothpaste in the sink.

My boy cat snores too.

christie 11-17-2009 12:24 PM

The food on my plate cannot touch, unless its a cassarole or salad. We have scads of tiny bowls.

I do not eat meat on the bone, with Memphis dry ribs the only exception.

I believe the only good snake is a dead one. (Daddy, back up the car and run over it again!)

I read a lot. Sometimes, 4-5 books at a time.

I think that the theme from Out of Africa by John Barry is one of the most beautiful pieces of music I have ever heard.

Just_G 11-17-2009 01:02 PM

*I hate when people cancel on me because of the weather. (it is only drizzling...wimp!)

*I want to go to Mexico for my 40th birthday and don't care if I have to go alone!:eek: I am going!!

*I am not really sure what this: :sock: is all about.

*I wake up every morning 5 minutes before my alarm goes off.

*I wear a hat around my house every night....tonight I think I will go with a stocking cap!

NJFemmie 11-17-2009 01:09 PM

I've been missing a :sock: for weeks - how did it get here?

I've recently discovered that I have fallen in love with key lime pie.

I do not like sushi.

I have a fish pond filled with koi and goldfish.

I'm addicted to the Simpsons. :worried:

Gemme 11-17-2009 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Just_G (Post 7169)

*I am not really sure what this: :sock: is all about.

I asked Linus for a sock icon since I couldn't get one at the other place.


Originally Posted by NJFemmie (Post 7177)
I've been missing a :sock: for weeks - how did it get here?

I've recently discovered that I have fallen in love with key lime pie.

I do not like sushi.

I have a fish pond filled with koi and goldfish.

I'm addicted to the Simpsons. :worried:

Key lime pie knew long ago that you'd be a great match, it told me so as I was eating it years ago.

That's okay; more sushi for me, then.

Your :sock: and my :sock: could be mates.

Simpsons = love.

Math has never been my strongest subject (does this count as 5 now?).

NJFemmie 11-17-2009 07:21 PM

If I could live on pepsi, I would.

My favorite ethnic foods are Mexican and Italian.

The show "Do You Think You Can Dance" really gets on my nerves.

I taught myself how to drive. (Damn chickenshits, lol). And to this day, (knocking on wood), I have never been in an accident as the driver).

I have a box obsession. All kinds of boxes - wooden, puzzle boxes, you name it.

FeminineAllure 11-17-2009 07:45 PM

I swallow my Vicodin with Vanilla Coke.

I can not fall asleep or sleep in total darkness.

I collect handmade sterling silver jewelry and consider them pieces of artwork.

My current haircolor is an eggplant color.

I am allergic to cats and chocolate <but have one domestic cat and 5 ferals> and I eat Herseys Symphony bars with almonds and toffee sometimes.

Jess 11-17-2009 08:05 PM

I have a huge fetish for linens..
I am fairly OCD about organization and can go into complete shut down mentally in the midst of chaos...
I am a tender delicate flower...
I love antique mechanical toys...
I have never felt more loved than I do by my perfection...
Bonus: My" inner child" loves adventure and sci fi flicks and childrens books

always2late 11-17-2009 08:26 PM

1 - I am quite intelligent, bordering on geeky (don't let the hair color fool you)
2 - My favorite book of all time is "The Velveteen Rabbit"
3 - I am an avid reader and get twitchy if I don't have something to read
4 - There are times that I just ADORE my rose-colored glasses
5 - When cornered, I bite

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