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-   -   How do you nurture yourself? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1925)

socialjustice_fsu 01-29-2011 05:29 PM

Ironic this thread is up today.
How do I nurture myself?

Yoga. This practice requires one to slow down, get focused, stretch, release, meditate and brings balance to this life.

It is a whole lot better than xanax, sleeping aids, alcohol...well, wine after yoga is really a super combination.

Corkey 01-29-2011 05:30 PM

I sleep if I'm not feeling well.
Wood work when I feel creative
Take photos when I'm happy
Workout when I feel really good
Snow shovel when it needs it
Cook when hungry
Love my wife like there is no tomorrow.

sylvie 04-21-2011 07:42 PM

nurturing myself:

this is something quite new to me, actually..
over the years i've taken care of everyone but myself..
and learned at the beginning of this year that it's important to take care of me too... so this is something i've been working on, lots..

i've a high need to take care of people - so putting myself on that list was a difficult task... but taken very seriously..

i'm rewiring my healthy eating plan - taking new steps each week to put myself on the path for a healthier lifestyle and healthier ME!

good night's sleep..
daily exercise..
treating myself to a hot relaxing bubble bath..
painting my fingernails & toenails..
finding ways to destress, constantly!
quiet time with a good book
reading the newspaper first thing in the a.m..
getting outdoors and enjoying the fresh air, LOTS..
hiking, walking, swinging at the playground, skipping rocks on the water, star gazing, so many little things that bring me joy & peace..
and mostly, laughter! lots & lots of laughter!

All ways of nurturing myself ♥ and it feels GOOD, to make time for these things...

Turtle 04-22-2011 11:22 PM

I nurture myself by
Taking a hot soak in the tub

sleeping in

going to the farmer's market, taking my time getting fresh produce and flowers

reading something that feeds my soul


going for walks and looking at the moon

conversating with good friends ;-)

cinnamongrrl 04-17-2013 03:41 PM

Reading...nurtures my brain

Yoga...nurtures my body and emotional well-being

Hiking... nurtures my soul

Girl_On_Fire 04-17-2013 10:50 PM

1. Do you nurture yourself? If so, what are the ways you do so?

Oh, yes. In every way possible. I don't even know how to describe how I do it. It's just second-nature to me.

2. Do you rely on your partner/family/friends to nurture you?

I wouldn't even know how.

3. Do you feel that you adequately learned how to nurture your self when you were growing up?

I had no choice.

4. Do you feel any sort of discomfort about nurturing yourself?


5. Do you think that this whole self nurturing thing is just new age stuff and not even something worth talking about?

I think it's absolutely essential to health and well-being. Wanting to be close to others and share experiences, stories, and lives makes sense but depending on others, unless the situation is emergent, is, in my opinion, a recipe for an unhappy and unfulfilled life.

TheMerryFairy 04-17-2013 11:01 PM

Self-care and positive thought/energy

Self- care is more than a physical ritual, really. Yes I drink herbal teas and take care of my skin/body with healthy food but I also meditate, spend time outdoors, make fun whatever I do, I dream and follow my gypsy soul passion.

I spend time with friends, community and I try to experience and learn as much as I can about other cultures.

I choose to be happy.

Rockinonahigh 04-17-2013 11:34 PM

What I do to care for myself is for the most part choose to be happy,another thing I do is keep negetive people out of my life as much as possable,I also allow myself to have things I want without guilt.I went through some therapy to beable to finaly release whatever was holding me back from injoying my life.I have always taken care of everyone but me,now I can relax then have some fun.

Kätzchen 07-18-2015 01:36 PM

I try to take good care of me, most days. But I find that getting enough rest (sleep) and finding time or making time for quiet time -- reading a book I have put aside, or wandering outdoors for a walk by myself, or even pampering myself with a long bath and giving myself a pedicure and manicure or trimming up my hair just a skosh -- is something that aids my sense of "doing something good for me" kind of thing.

I also like it when home life is relatively quiet because my work day can often be quite hectic. So coming home to a quiet household is precious, to me.

I also, because it has always been like this for me, seek out others who are quiet like me, ensuring somehow that notion that centers itself on the quiet side of the spectrum.

But I also practice mindfulness, and I try to be mindful of myself and others in my life. It's not always easy to do, so when life seems to complicated or I feels stressed out by life itself, I just commit to make time for me. To make sure I feel like I am getting what I need, making sure I can meet my own perceived needs. That way, I am not wanting for much and it helps to know I can meet my own needs.

When I can't meet my own needs or wants, then I just have a long talk with myself and find a place in my mind where I feel things can be okay.


Thanks for the forum topic to share, Jesse.

Tuff Stuff 07-22-2015 10:52 PM

I do plenty now days to nurture myself,get away from 'ALL OF IT'.I slept too much today but I really needed it.Last weekend was a gathering of lost souls.."snort".You know the kind.It's a place where we try to run away from all of it by camping,swimming,drinking,smoking,listening to one another.I will also fish and shoot guns and take long walks through the forest and listen to silence.My heart is good so i'm not afraid to be alone with myself while out in the woods.I also try to get 1 hour of excercise every morning to get the old heart pumpimg,keeps you strong and limber.I also love writing,typing,taking pictures.I'm also a sex maniac,but lets not go there :eatinghersheybar:

Tuff Stuff 11-01-2015 05:51 PM

One with myself
Sometimes I will just shut it all out,sitting alone and by myself.I've been told when i do this i look spaced out..but believe me,that's when i'm at my most awake.It's just that i'm thinking really hard,coming up with my next plan,my next best idea..bare with me and try not to interrupt.

In other words...i'm drowning you out on purpose,but for a good reason...to listen to my own inner voice,my own thoughts.

Then,I come back..rejuvenated..of course,a hot cup of black coffee can give me a similar buzz.

Relax,the world will still be there,waiting for you...

homoe 11-01-2015 05:54 PM

every day I tell myself I am good, I am kind, I am important!

cinnamongrrl 11-01-2015 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by homoe (Post 1023580)
every day I tell myself I am good, I am kind, I am important!

don't forget...I'm good enough, I'm smart enough...and gosh darn it! People like me :)

homoe 11-01-2015 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by cinnamongrrl (Post 1023590)
don't forget...I'm good enough, I'm smart enough...and gosh darn it! People like me :)

OMG it's Stuart Smalley!

Gayandgray 04-16-2017 11:38 AM

I'm starting to do this a lot more now. Nurturing myself is something I've always done but I've been kind of neglecting myself this past year. So now I'm making more ME time.

Soft*Silver 04-16-2017 12:13 PM

one of the most difficult decisions I had to make about nurturing myself was to rehome my horse. It was taking too much out of me physically to warrant keeping her. I was depleting myself to keep my love of her around. I finally submitted to reality and rehomed her into a fantastic forever home. And I am feeling the physical benefit of it. I have so much more energy now. I can do more because I am not laboring myself to death.

additionally, I garden, and I garden differently now. I have raised beds. I hire someone to do the heavy weeding and mulching, tilling, etc. To be in my garden fills my soul. I cant wait for the roses to bloom this year!

Chad 04-16-2017 01:08 PM

I like to be alone in nature.

Working on the ranch mowing, clearing brush, and gardening all feed my soul.

Being on the water boating or on the beach rejuvenate me.

Spending time with with my kitties or outside with wildlife calms me.

I am a nature guy.


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