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-   -   For those for whom Mother's Day is not a Good Day (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1298)

RockOn 05-07-2011 09:45 PM

For those of you who, for various reasons, experience difficulty regarding Mother's Day, I send you my compassion. Hugs too!

My mom passed in '84. I don't think anything about Mother's Day except it is just another day. Both my parents were alcoholic. Charlie (father) was very violent and physically abusive. How sad to live life so mad and angry all the time. It was a hell of a ride growing up with those two clowns - you never knew what was about to happen. Dull moments were unheard of. These poor souls never sought recovery - their choice ... so the insanity rocked on.

I will be 55 years old this summer. When I was about 31 years old, I am so thankful I had a moment of clarity and sought help ... started my recovery path for my alcohol/drug addictions. I cut the demons off at the pass.
Recovery is a pretty good deal! :)

Mtn 05-07-2011 11:15 PM

I lost my beautiful, amazing, oldest daughter this past July to ovarian cancer, 2 days short of her 32nd birthday. I have been in major denial about it being Mother's Day, so much so that I failed to plan a Mother's Day Special for the little restaurant I run, oops. I was a "step-parent", but she was "mine". After she got sick, was when she started calling me "Ma". Sweetest word I ever heard. I would like tomorrow to pass quickly, please and thank you. I also recently had to send my mother to go live with my brother, after caring for her for over 20 years. Her dementia is progressing rapidly and I just couldn't keep her safe with me anymore, and unfortunately the transition is not going well on that front, my brother tells me she cries for me. I am grateful for the loving understanding people I have in my life (love you Syl) that are gonna let me take a pass on the day. Hugs around to all that feel pain on this day... and squeeze them (Mothers and children) if you can! PEACE

Gráinne 05-07-2011 11:52 PM

I always get weird and weepy around this time. My mother died April 28, 1996-yeah, two weeks before Mother's Day, and on her birthday to boot. She had cancer; one month from discovery to death. It was the nasty one that got Michael Landon and Patrick Swazey-pancreatic. I miss her a lot, and I can't tell you how many times I used to go to the phone to call her, before I'd remember. I did that for nearly a year.

She and my dad are both buried in Ohio, so I can't get back up there to "see" them.

My daughter is 12 and it still feels weird when the kids take me out. I have to remember that I'm "the mom" now. Their dad's mom is only in her early 60's, so we'll be calling Grandma, too. Sometimes I feel almost jealous that my kids' dad has both his parents and both his siblings, and I don't have any, plus I've lost two brothers. Irrational, but it's how I feel.

I'm already dreading Father's Day. My dad went almost the same way-throat cancer, two weeks from discovery to death! He was 92, and very ready, I think. He lived in Oregon, and I'm glad I got to see him before the cancer, when he was "with it" and able to get around. At least we had that last good visit.

Goodness, sorry for rambling!

ruthie14 05-08-2011 04:20 PM

Almost over... dinner done... mom watching the news. Just a few more hours and the day is done.

ruthie14 05-08-2011 09:02 PM

Well friends, I'm off to bed. This day has finished for me. It wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be.. which is good. No phone/text/email message from my former stepkids. They are grown and make thier own choices. I am not one of them. No way to adopt a child with my life the way it is. No way to really change it, so there it is. My annual whine! The one day a year I allow myself to feel really shitty, really angry, really sad and really empty. I can only allow them this day... for I need to be about the task of living day to day, and allow the positives of THOSE days, push out the negatives of this one.

I would wish that this day could be good for everyone, but since it isn't, I thank all those who have posted this year and last. For being part of each other's journey to healing and hope. For allowing each other the time and place to be mournful,sad and angry... and also to be encouraged, supported, and understood.

Blessings to you all,:praying:

Bard 05-09-2011 08:48 AM

Well Abigail called to sing happy mothers day to me and make me laugh.. I also got some very sweet texts from the guys at work and a hug and flower from my 1stSGT when we signed in at drill. Desd took me to dinner on the way home and I had a wonderful talk with Jenn my step- mom on the way home. I tried in my rater clumsy way to express to her what she means to me Bu I think she gets it.. when she and my Dad come for the wedding we are going to see skyler so I can show her the four legged grandchild..

Apocalipstic 05-09-2011 09:11 AM

Well, we made it another year!

Love to all of us! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoox

ruthie14 05-10-2012 08:14 PM

Feeling the need to bump this thread. Mother's day is upon us. I am blue, weepy and edgy. Trying to keep the positives in mind and the negatives in perspective. I know it will be better next week... but right now.. not so much. It just never seems to get easier.

Post your feelings, rant and rage. This is the place to get support. My wish is that some of us are having an easier time of it this year. If not, know you have my ear and my heart is with you.


Licious 05-10-2012 08:20 PM

Thanks. It is not a great day. She died 20plus years ago and there were mixed emotions there, though I did love her. I don't like Mothers day and sometimes other holidays too much and try to shut them out mentally every year as they pass. For those who recently lost their mothers, it does get better, but I think it never goes away.

Rockinonahigh 05-10-2012 08:50 PM

Mothers day was always about my mom and grandma,just like fathers day was about my grandpa.When I had kids I really never felt it was a day for me and it was ok.Both my grannie and mom are gone now so I do think of them on this day.My son takes me out to lunch or dinner or not but always gives me a hug and love you mom on this day(he dose this every day any how).Nither of us are scrooges, its just not that big a day for me.

ruthie14 05-12-2012 12:09 PM

Having a hard time. One of my good friends daughter had a baby last weekend and her other daughter is due this week. Another friend had a grandbaby born last week as well. Getting hard. Went out to get myself out of the house. I went to he farm market that I love. Bought some wonderful lemon/rosemary soap called bliss... all natural etc. Visited with 2 friends. Home and going to have some lunch and clean out my trunk. Party tonight. Tomorrow is going to be rough but at least I have things to keep my mind occupied for today.

aishah 05-12-2012 12:57 PM

my mom passed away six years ago (my dad also). most years the birthdays and deathiversaries are the worst. mother's day and father's day aren't quite so bad if i can pretend they're not happening. i can't have children and i'm deeply conflicted about wanting to be a mother, which makes this day difficult, too.

i honestly would rather just ignore mother's day altogether because emotionally it's easier for me that way, and it makes the day less painful. but i feel bad because it makes me not so conscientious about doing nice things for the other mothers in my life - my sister and my friend's mom, who has kind of become like my second mom.

Miss Scarlett 05-12-2012 02:52 PM

Yesterday i was telling Clay how much i missed my Mom and that i wasn't going to post in this thread this year...but i changed my mind. Instead of posting how much i miss her i want to post some of the fun things about her...

One year my baby brother gave her a copy of "More Dirty Jokes" by Mr. J for Mother's Day...i think he was about 13 at the time...Mom loved it! Only my family...lol

When we were in high school my big brother had the most infamous and extensive porno mag (Mom only allowed Playboy, Oui and Penthouse - all others were forbidden and he complied) collection in the neighborhood - Mom and i would about every week or so retrieve the collection and read them together...commenting about the articles & photos, laughing at the cartoons...

When my middle brother was playing American Legion baseball i found a pouch of chewing tobacco in his uniform when i was doing laundry...naturally it led to a discussion with Mom and some experimentation by the two of us...it was nasty...LOL

When Mom said she'd always wanted to try :cannabis: my baby brother and i were more than happy make sure she did...it was so funny...especially when Dad came home from work and caught us but he didn't find it nearly as funny as we did...LOL

We'd have really bizarre "what if" conversations...like "What if people had tails? What would be the etiquette?"

If one of us saw something really crazy on TV or in the paper we'd call the other to say "OMG quick put on channel ___ " or "Look at page __ in the ____ section of the paper!"

The awesome day we spent together the day before her law school graduation that began with us taking a Trailways bus from Charlotte to Durham and ended with a pizza and champagne celebration at her apartment...she was (as am i) convinced she tipped the Dominos dude $50 that night...LOL

When i was growing up Mom said if we wanted to smoke or drink do it at home so she knew where we were and didn't worry about us...She was a pretty amazing parent - giving us freedom that our friends' parents did not give them...her philosophy was if the parents made it ok the lure of rebellion or secrecy was gone...fortunately for her it worked.

She encouraged us to be free spirits...to march in our own parade rather than in lock step with the world...So it was really funny when i came out to my parents and reminded her of this...her response cracked us both up..."I didn't expect you would listen!"...LOL

So this Mother's Day i am not mourning my loss. Rather i am celebrating the incredible woman who helped make me the person i am today...and Clay, Honey, now you know who is to blame...LOL

Happy Mother's Day Mom and thank you! :wine:

ruthie14 05-13-2012 04:48 PM

Almost over... took mom out for dinner and that was lovely. Still having a hard time. My friends 2nd grandbaby of the week was born today.. a girl. I have to say I don't know which is harder, when my friends were having babies, or now that they are having grandbabies. I have not heard a word from my former stepchildren... didn't really expect to ... but I always have a tiny morsel of hope that maybe they will. Why I don't know. I wonder if they even think of me on days like today. Will let myself have a good cry after mom goes to bed. Don't want to upset her. She knows it's hard, but that would just be too much. Wish I had some vodka in the house. lol oh well, it is what it is.

deedarino 05-13-2012 06:31 PM

(((( HUGSSS )))) to you all...

When I was 7, my mom bailed. She was and still is a miserable human being, and I hate feeling obligated to call her. So this year I didn't.

fever 05-13-2012 06:44 PM

Missing Mom
This is the first Mother's Day without my mother. She passed away last July 30, and I have missed her every day. I wanted to call her today and tell her how sorry I was for not listening to her stories more, for not calling more, for not sharing the special moments of my life with her.

But, I have rallied, and have decided to have a little section in the garden of the new house that will represent what she loved. Flowers and figurines. I look out at a beautiful two toned liliac tree. I am going to fix the area underneath so that every time I am outside, she will feel closer. Where she is buried is too far for me to drive to every time I want to give her some special talk time.

My own children? Oh, daughter came by with a card and a quick hug, and my son breezed in, gave me a plant and card, and went off with his friends to enjoy our sunshine.

So, I am sitting and watching House Hunters and other such shows so I can travel via my comfy chair. I am happy with my current life, and I know it is okay to grieve for my wonderful mother and best friend.

Blessings to all,

nycfem 05-13-2012 08:35 PM

Mother's Day today was not an easy one.
Family dysfunction and blow-ups.
I held my fragile 97-year-old grandmother's hand, as she shook and tears ran down her face. Her daughter, my aunt, yelled and read from a paper all of my grandmother's failings. My aunt J refused to return all that she's stolen from my grandmother's now nearly empty apartment. My uncle D yelled at me. When my aunt and her family left in a rage, we went inside and had tea and cake. Said my brother, "This all feels so bizarre." Yet he made me a nice cup of Chamomile tea, and I sipped it until it was time to leave.

aishah 05-13-2012 08:42 PM

i've been working all day because i am really stressed about money this week and i have to make a certain amount by tuesday and i'm afraid i'm not going to make it :\ i did call my sister and my friend's mom. my sister gave me a pep talk and i left a 'happy mother's day' message on my friend's mom's voicemail. i've been sad and stressed but...it's okay. i'm still here. tomorrow's another day.

NJFemmie 05-13-2012 08:59 PM

Mother's Day isn't as bad as it used to be for me. I lost my mom when I was 14, and the years that followed were pretty rough until I got older - and it got better ...

Each year I just light a candle, send a prayer and move on with my day ...


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