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MsTinkerbelly 09-22-2016 03:40 PM

Once I came out and divorced my daughter's father, I never went back into the closet.

Anya has a point....

My last place of employment (before I became disabled), was a 10 year run at a company where it was not completely safe to be out and loud about it. It was an engineering firm/manufacturing plant where a large portion of the workforce were very macho men, of many races and nationalities.

My employer and all of the office people knew, but my employer actually told me that it would probably not be safe for myself or my car to have rainbow stickers and such. When I began in 2003 it was good advice, and by 2013 when I left it was still something I kept in mind. I had let a few people know when they saw a picture on my desk, and I was made aware that I was an oddity to be gossiped about.

In any case, I probably should have shoved it in their faces...but being queer is only a part of me, not who I am. It was my place of employment, NOT my home.

TL1 09-22-2016 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Orema (Post 1095129)
I'm lucky too, T1. And, things weren't like this 20 years ago where I work. No one was out, though there were whispers and probably campaigns to prevent lesbians and gay people from advancing.

The first person who came out where I'm employed was a manager in the technology department. He came out during a black-tie event. Employees were allowed to bring guests and he brought his partner. They did a slow dance that was very nice. Thank goodness no one applauded.

Yeah, I'm lucky too.

That took guts for him to do that. There are many brave and strong souls in our community and it's because of those people things are how they are today.

many places of employment are accepting now. And I'm thankful to be in the now and not as you said..... 20 years ago. (And beyond)

Yes we are very lucky indeed. :)

catlady 09-22-2016 06:21 PM

I wish I can be out, but it's not "safe" around my environment which is conservative.

So I pretend to be the single business woman cat lady who wants nothing to deal with relationships :lol2: My boss thinks that I'll meet "Mr. Right" one day and want to start a family hahaha. Little does he know I'm a lesbian engaged to my tom and both of us plan to start a family of kittens in the future.

Maybe in my future next job, I can comfortably be out.

Gayandgray 09-22-2016 06:49 PM

Yup, I'm out at both my jobs and have been from the start. However, I'm NOT out to my patients. I'm a cna in a nursing home and a lot of the elderly patients are not accepting of homosexuality at all. I can remember about 12 years ago at another nursing home I worked at, one of my idiot coworkers decided to tell my 90 year old patient and her daughter that I was a lesbian. It did not go over well at all! The patient refused to let me bathe her or take her to the restroom, and her daughter made nasty comments and my Director of Nursing told me not to take care of the woman anymore, to not even go in her room. So I just don't tell my patients that I'm a lesbian, but everyone else knows including the corporate office. :hangloose::hangloose:

FireSignFemme 09-22-2016 06:57 PM

Sometimes, for some people, it is not to live in "opulence and splendor" to remain closeted; it is simply to survive.

Well, I don't know about what other people need to survive. I only know for myself I couldn't be tempted to live in the closet for all the money in the world. So I sure as heck wouldn't be tempted to do it for fair to middlin or even worse - lousy wages.

stargazingboi 09-22-2016 07:05 PM

My theory is this..I'm at work. I'm not there to date, hit on or even be friends with them..so, I don't tend to talk about my personal life. I am there to work.

That being said; if I in fact I do become friends with someone at my place of employment, then I may confirm their suspicions or answer question they may have regarding my life. I also have an open door policy. If you have balls enough to ask me in a respectful manor, then I have the balls enough to tell you who I am.

Mind you, I'm TG....I medically can not take hormones. So, if they can't figure it out my looking at me and don't bother to ask, then they don't need to know. *shrugs*

easygoingfemme 09-22-2016 07:05 PM

I recently added in some work hours at an inner city after school teen drop in center. There are rainbows and gender neutral/trans acceptance stickers and posters everywhere. So I have a rainbow GBLTQ safe zone poster on my office door and a rainbow flag on my desk but so does everyone else there so it doesn't out me. I love it. Not that it doesn't out me, but all of the staff are waving the flag for any of the kids who need it.But it's funny that my "signal" isn't a signal there!

Chancie 09-25-2016 08:11 AM

As many of you know, I'm a public high school teacher in a small town in Western Mass. Pete worked for a locally owned lumber yard for about five years, though she's back in school now. She's knows almost every contractor and handy fixit homeowner around.

I guess I'm outish. We attend school events together, and she occasionally goes grocery shopping with me, which is very exciting to my students, when they catch us fighting over canned tomatoes or frozen vegetables.

I mostly look like a chubby middle aged math teacher, though I have a tattoo climbing up my left leg and purple highlights in my hair. I wear a traditional wedding band and an engagement ring. I suspect many are stymied.

Slow breath 09-25-2016 08:44 AM

To my school staff, absolutely. There was a time at the beginning of my career I wasn't, but I was young and naive. I bought my house with a "friend." Then it became difficult to tell a staff, that I loved, the truth. I had a lesbian principal for a few years, and through her visibility learned just how important it is to be visible to others who struggle with coming out at work. It is so important to be able to see ourselves in our leadership. So I don't look back and proudly share my life.

Because I work with little people, I don't hide who I am, but I don't advertise it to them. Although, if you stay at a school long enough, parents start to figure it out, and it has never caused a problem. I look forward to the day where I do share that part of me with my students.

My classroom has Pride safe space posters, and I have a collection of Pride buttons on a board that is visible to all, and it becomes a safe haven where I do discuss LGBTI issues, but I mediate and let the kiddos do the talking.

afrcnqueen 09-25-2016 09:27 AM

Yes, I am OUT at work.
I am OUT to friends and family. I have also lived for a few years (teen until I was 22)denying who I was, but once I came out I can't imagine my life any other way. I know not everyone can for many reasons. I'm very happy where I am :-)

Shystonefem 09-25-2016 11:15 AM

I don't walk around with "I'm a lesbian" pin or anything. If someone asks, I will tell them. I love in NH and I believe it is easier in the Northeast than some other places.

Stone-Butch 09-25-2016 11:36 AM

Out at work
People have asked me when I came out, I just say I was never IN. I think I am obvious enough that people know what I am. I don't offer but if you have to ask I will be honest. Back in the day you payed dearly for being out and many times I have been struck or spit on or otherwise engaged especially with men. Go figure. It was very hard back then but you were either who you were all the way or were considered a tweener and that was not a good position to be in. It was butch and femme and easily recognizable unless the femme was alone and mistaken for straight. All my buddies dressed as they wished, mostly on club night suit and tie. Bars were hectic at times LOL. I could never have hid who I was as I wore it on my sleeve. Take it or leave it. I think my family always knew and aside from my parents my siblings said little. Yes I was to grow out of it and get married. I think not. Never dated a man, I am queer but not that queer.

Bubala 09-25-2016 02:01 PM

I'm a very private person. I do not share any personal items at work. That said I'm starting to wonder just how much this wall I have built is helping my career and how much it's hurting it at the same time...

I guess people take one look at me and just assume that I'm straight. I'm don't like to mix personal data with business so I stay clear from any and all personal conversations.

On the other hand, when I started this (my current) job, about 1 week in, my assistant (a sweet, chatty girl, who was never introduced to basic etiquette and does not have much respect for code of business conduct... who I've later learned is the giggling office bimbo, with skirts and cognitive ability always falling a bit too short... etc.) bluntly asked me in from of my entire team : "so are you married? I see you have a wedding ring on your finger, its a nice ring...so who is he when are we going to see his picture!?" Call me a bitch but I resounded with a cold stare (while screaming inside and wanting to run the F*&$ out of the office with my hair on fire! lol) and said "yes, I am, however, I'd prefer not to bring my personal life into work, so let's keep that separate.".

Ever since then, this person has speed the "news" that I'm married, so everyone throughout the company now "knows" that I have a "husband" .... It's annoying... I am not going to fight them, or hit anyone with a hammer over their stupid little head to sober them up from making assumptions. I feel trapped at times and think that at 31 years of age I have decided that once I switch companies again I will just bluntly tell them that I'm a lesbian straight up... maybe even at the interview...so the air is clear.

However, then again why should I make details of my personal life a cornerstone of my existences in a company? Take me for my education, my knowledge and my skills.... I prefer to take those into work with me... I don't bring my work home nor my home to work. Why can't we have it simple as that? :blink:

girl_dee 03-10-2017 07:57 PM

i am not out at work, it feels weird but then again why would I be?

I have been there less than a month, and so far I see no need to come out as queer, none of the others have come out as straight or queer or anything else to me.

It would be nice to be amongst family at work but I am extremely private as the norm.

*Anya* 03-10-2017 08:30 PM

Yes, I am out at work to co-workers. It used to be harder/less comfortable when I was younger because it was a federal production with the usual femme bull-shit of "Oh my gosh, I had no idea, I never would have guessed, blah, blah..., etc."

Now that I am older, I don't hear that any more and it is a relief.

I do not discuss my sexuality or private life with clients (and neither does my uber-butch coworker). She told me clients ask her all the time if she is gay as it is pretty obvious that she is butch.

It is not therapeutic and we keep tight boundaries; clinically, it is not appropriate to get into personal information.

My straight co-workers pretty much respond the same way.

I simply say, when clients ask if I am married or have a husband, "We are here to discuss your concerns and your issues. How are you doing today?".

That gets them back on track.

kittygrrl 03-10-2017 10:07 PM

I usually am "out" sooner or later but I've never felt the need to announce it, it just comes out when you talk about about your life outside work. Sometimes it can create problems if you live in a conservative area (even in this day and age) but as a general rule I don't think about it as a worry...of course with Trump in office people may feel the need to go back in the closet for safety reasons....honestly, this is the most stress I've ever felt about a president. I can only believe he is the result of our own lack of moral principal or a general ambivalence regarding evil-

girl_dee 03-10-2017 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by kittygrrl (Post 1132652)
I usually am "out" sooner or later but I've never felt the need to announce it, it just comes out when you talk about about your life outside work. Sometimes it can create problems if you live in a conservative area (even in this day and age) but as a general rule I don't think about it as a worry...of course with Trump in office people may feel the need to go back in the closet for safety reasons....honestly, this is the most stress I've ever felt about a president. I can only believe he is the result of our own lack of moral principal or a general ambivalence regarding evil-

Yes exactly. I don't feel a need to *out* myself but if it comes up I am not going to deny it.

Blade 03-11-2017 01:44 AM

That is the thing in a nutshell. I am a private person and have always been. I do not feel the need two discuss my private life with my coworkers. That said I also do not feel it is any of their business who I date or who I sleep with. It has nothing to do with my job or my performance at my job all it is is an item for gossip.

JDeere 03-11-2017 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 1132664)
That is the thing in a nutshell. I am a private person and have always been. I do not feel the need two discuss my private life with my coworkers. That said I also do not feel it is any of their business who I date or who I sleep with. It has nothing to do with my job or my performance at my job all it is is an item for gossip.

I feel the same way, I work with ALOT of gossipy/nosey type women. It is hard for me not to say anything but again with me, it's obvious what I am, when I walk in the room.

girl_dee 03-11-2017 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by JDeere (Post 1132720)
I feel the same way, I work with ALOT of gossipy/nosey type women. It is hard for me not to say anything but again with me, it's obvious what I am, when I walk in the room.

yes thats the thing, Its NOT obvious for me, although if one wanted to they would figure it out. I am tossed between wanted to represent and keeping my privacy. At this place I don't think anyone cares one way or another.

I am lucky at this company because they do not seem to be the gossipy nosey women I worked with in NOLA. I came out right away there for some reason.

WolfyOne 03-11-2017 12:08 PM

I have never worked in a place where I felt it was any business to anyone. I never denied it when asked, though. I think I'm pretty obvious in my manner of dress, walk and talk. I'm a person that separates my work life from home life. When at work, I leave my home life at the door, no matter what's going on and when home, it's the same way, work stays at work.

Mel C. 03-11-2017 12:17 PM

I'm totally out everywhere. I think it's pretty obvious as a butch. I have short hair, wear men's clothing, etc. so it would be odd to me if someone didn't at least presume. In terms of discussing personal life at work, I don't much, but if the topic comes up I am not subtle. We (one of my direct reports) joke that the gay quota has already been met. One day, my boss commented on my being the "straight man" in regards to my sense of humor. He then apologized for the male reference, to which I responded "it is the word straight that I take issue with." Yep, I'm out and nobody seems to mind.

girl_dee 03-11-2017 12:23 PM

in a way I totally envy butches for being obvious. Having to *out* yourself is not fun. Especially depending on the other people at the workplace,

My last job in NOLA it was totally cool. No biggie. The job before that I became the subject of daily comments and sexual harassment. The owner/boss was the worst, I wished I had come out right away on one hand, because time had gone by when they found out, on another I wish I had never come out, On the third hand i WANT to represent the community! i am tired of hiding!

Note: I do get the struggle of being visible and being discriminated against, I do not envy that.

easygoingfemme 03-11-2017 01:55 PM

I'm out to my co-workers but even with that I think a lot of them just still think I'm straight. I'm not out to clients because there's no talking about my personal relationships/family with them regardless. But I do keep a very visible rainbow flag in my office which could be interpreted as one wants to- I like my GBLTQ clients, esp emergency walk-ins to know it's a safe space.

girl_dee 05-01-2017 01:22 AM

Oh i am out now and i do speak about my Big Butch Daddi at times....:awww:

The best part is one in my office then came out to me! So of a team of 5, 2 are queer, that i know of.

cathexis 05-01-2017 02:45 AM

Both my Partner and I were very out at work (before becoming disabled). How can you hide it when your Partner brings you hot home cooked gourmet food each shift with treats like BBQ ribs or deviled eggs for your co-workers.

If that weren't enough, neither of us could pass for straight if we tried. We're definitely not lipstick lezzies or even gender neutral. lol

We both busted the closet door down, shredding the scraps!

Kätzchen 05-07-2017 03:20 PM

In my former years long career, almost everybody I worked with or served knew my specific orientation. Mostly because people would share some personal facet of their life, while performing an service, which would give me an oportunity to disclose my own life experience. Of course, coworkers or clients would always express surprise, to some degree, because on the surface, my physical appearance gives no clue that I am of any persuasion other than straight --- which has always been my experience, people assuming I am straight.

And, after leaving that particular safety of my years long profession as an hairdresser, stylist, colorist, etc., and merging my skills into a completely different work force, people would still most always learn in face to face encounters about my kind of orientation, due to people disclosing some form of work place harassment and needing to know how to handle it, who to report it to, stuff like that.

I think that's one of the particular un-asked for situations that presents certain challenges, which is not always the challenge for people who are easily read as being lesbian or dyke or some other form of obviousness (in my own opinion, my own experience in life). My own kind of orientation (bisexuality) is not easily understood, even by others who might be of similar persuasion. And, most often, it's awkward (for me) to always seemingly be in a position where it seems like I'm forced into doing someone's homework for them, which I don't relish at all.

Anyway, thankfully my employer does have an enforceable diversity policy and it's never become an issue for me at my workplace campus. Most anyone who knows me, knows me in personal ways. And for the most part, I'd say the workforce on my work campus is heavily represented on the LBGTQ side of life. Probably more so for L G and Q; with probably an smaller representation for those who are B and/or T.

Ender 05-31-2017 02:33 PM

No, not at work, some of the people I work with are pretty right wing, but a few people at the University I'm attending suspect I'm gay... ;)

Breathless 05-31-2017 03:44 PM

For me.. It feels like a million years ago that it was such a stressful big deal to come out at work. Now I just dont care what people think in that way. I work in a fairly small office, 1 other gay person- transgendered, and one cute curious girly girl.. who is straight, until she drinks.. The drivers I work with -a few know, usually brought up in conversation when they ask about my husband, (lol) others don't and thats fine, I wouldnt deny it to anyone who asked, I just dont feel the need to announce to everyone like a flashing neon sign. I also work in a very multiracial company, many different beliefs, but I am thankful that I get the same high level of respect that I give.

Gayandgray 06-12-2017 11:28 AM

When I start my new job on the 27th of this month I will definately be out!!!!! I already let the management know.

cathexis 06-12-2017 12:39 PM

When I was still working, it was simply an understood thing. I never said anything to folks about it, but never hid it anyway. She would come to the hospital about every night to have dinner with me at 0200-0400. If it was a particularly crazy night, She brought in a big bowl of Tuna Helper or such for the whole unit. If someone would have asked, I would have told them. It just never came up, but I wouldn't have hidden anything.

Being into leather is something I would not have denied either. In order to express empathy to a patient, I have come out to individual patients about both things when appropriate.

How's that saying in 12 step groups go? Basically, you're only as sick as your deepest secret.

Logicaly 06-14-2017 12:56 AM

I am out to a few select people at work. My company is very inclusive, and very open minded so it is not a fear of being treated properly. I just choose not to openly out myself in the work place to everyone.

We have quite a few people that are out though, extremely diverse, some people even openly announce their transition in a company wide e-mail, in which they receive praise from other employees for being brave.

ksrainbow 06-22-2017 06:44 PM

I have 2 Facebook accounts ...

Living in a very rural and red state: professional survival vs professional suicide.

One of us pays the bills.


girl_dee 06-22-2017 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by ksrainbow (Post 1150715)
I have 2 Facebook accounts ...

Living in a very rural and red state: professional survival vs professional suicide.

One of us pays the bills.



Kosmo 06-24-2017 08:45 PM

I am out to coworkers that know me and probably to others that would pick up on it.

Lyte 06-24-2017 09:01 PM

I've always kept my personal and professional lives very separate. I never discuss my home life or weekends or really anything not work related. Even so, I think it's common knowledge ... or perhaps common assumption... that whatever I am... I ain't straight! ;)

JDeere 06-25-2017 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by ksrainbow (Post 1150715)
I have 2 Facebook accounts ...

Living in a very rural and red state: professional survival vs professional suicide.

One of us pays the bills.


Same with me I have 2 accounts one is for online and one is family and high school and neither of them say where I work, I tend to keep it that way, even though the company I work for is inclusive, I still don't want any issues.

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