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cinnamongrrl 11-10-2013 07:14 AM

Going hiking today! :)

Now I just have to do Sophie's choice and decide which dogs should go with.... :blush:


Seldom visited...that's the best part about it :) I've been hiking here since I was 19. I could re-write the trail maps! lol

Kelt 11-10-2013 08:15 AM

I've gone and done it. Made a command decision about the gym. Cancelled the membership.

Even with all the tearing up and construction the last couple of months I've still been managing to get out on the beach regularly and make it to the pool frequently too.

My issue seems to be exercising indoors. It just doesn't seem to happen for me. I have a home full of goodies from 20+ years of physio and and plenty of room to do things right here. I was thinking location would help, having somewhere to go and something to do when I got there. Nope, my lazy streak overrides that too.

So, I think what I need to do is get off my bum here at home and use what I have and with the substantial amount of money I will save I can easily increase my pool visits.

New plan, it's the implementing that's a bitch.


ProfPacker 11-10-2013 08:27 AM

Omg went to gym at 7:00 AM. New personal best: swam 50 laps

Chancie 11-10-2013 08:38 AM

I am headed to the gym today for Deep Water Running and Cardio Abs.

If I can still (lift my arms and) turn on my iPad later,

I'll let you know how it goes.

Kätzchen 11-10-2013 12:43 PM

We have sunshine today! *YAY* :)

Yesterday, I went to a favourite shopping district, and walked up and down streets, window shopping, I even stopped at a cafe I use to frequent and got myself a Mexican Mocha, several papers and sat by the window reading and recharging my energy.

This morning, when I rose for the day, I could tell it was going to be a perfect fall day, so I walked to a nearby golfcourse and walked up and down their joggers/walkers path (it's a 2.5 mile loop) for about 3 hours (7 miles?), then continued my walk home, which rounds it up to a ten mile walk! My legs are on fire. :blush:

Maybe by the time I get back home from my day, I will have walked about 15 miles. It's soOoOoOOOooo gorgeous today: There's *Sunshine*, the last of the leaves on trees are brilliant yellows and reds, bare tree limbs are becoming part of the visual candy on foggy, crisply cold mornings....

But, Today? Sunday? We're going to have 66 degrees of Sunshine!


ProfPacker 11-10-2013 02:46 PM

glad I achieved my personal best but really can't move, lol. I am feeling the swim in my abs. It is actually a good feeling to feel them tightening up and my legs feel like jelly but I see the shape of my body tightening up and I like seeing results to my hard work. Still look like an old lady, but a trimmer one?

nycfem 11-10-2013 08:11 PM

Yesterday after a very busy work week I felt like I might be coming down with something, but with some rest, I rallied and had a great gym day today. I did three hours on the Beast, Level 10, 1 hr strength, 1 hr hill interval, 1 hr strength (that order). I watched Dance Moms. Sometimes it's nice to watch people engaged in a physical challenge while I am doing the same. Jill was on her favorite elliptical which happens to be right behind my favorite Arc Trainer (providing for an ongoing waft of her perfume as I exercise).

I admit that I called someone out at the gym today. Perhaps I was a bitch to do so but I did. I *think* it was someone from the hotel next to the gym (They get free passes.). She was a gorgeous young woman on the Arc Trainer next to mine. She was not using the Trainer but instead sitting on one of it's side railings facing me and just watching television. She was engaged in a productive cough and not covering her mouth. She was also wearing one of those mud face masks where you let it dry and then peel it off, like an exfoliating type deal. She started to pick it off and drop the horrid bits right onto the carpet. I didn't like the idea that someone would have to clean up these skin like dirty peels of hers. She was also doing a subtle flick of them into the air, and along with her hacking cough, I felt myself leaning as far away as I could, but she wasn't picking up on my reaction. This was probably because she was also on the phone (She had a pretty, foreign accent which is part of why I figured she might be one of the guests of the hotel next to the gym, in addition to never having seen her before.). It all got to be too fucking much. I said to her, "Maybe you should go do that in the bathroom because it's falling on the carpet?" [the zombie like removal of the face mask]. To her credit, without a word (maybe a little huff at most), she left (I means, hers would be a hard case to argue). Later she briefly reappeared on a tread mill in a row ahead of me. I tried to figure out what her deal was. She looked like a model, just strikingly tall and beautiful. I imagined that perhaps she had a terrible cold but just had to do her thing (work out, exfoliate, whatever). That probably wasn't the case but when on the Beast too long while watching a reality show about dancing ten-year-olds there is not much to do besides muse about the people at the gym in my line of vision. I wonder if I'll ever see her again.

After the zombie model left, a regular parked herself on the Beast next to mine. She looks very much like my friend Island Scout. In fact it's almost uncanny. She's very pretty and always -always- has a big smile (not true of Scout, though she does have a nice smile). She was teaching a man next to her, a friend or something, how to use the Beast. She put in her weight, and the man and I both watched her do it: 130. The man said, "You really weigh 130? It must be all in your breasts." The man and I looked at her breasts, which were nice and full and seemed to smile just like her. She said, "I've got muscle." She kept her smile.

Then I did an hour of weight lifting, abs, and yoga. I stayed in the section with no music and no television and no conversation. Bliss.

Rockinonahigh 11-11-2013 12:15 AM

Yesterday I play basket ball for a half hour,then played ball with the fur kids.
We played tennis ball pitch then chase the foot ball till we all were breathless,as for exersiseing I ride the bike then do a fue lifts along with the epilitical thing for a while.I need to be careful cause i'm haveing problems with my right shoulder with a pain issue but I am watching what I am doing so I won't make it worse by just haveing short workouts with liter weights...so far so good.

Daktari 11-11-2013 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Kelt (Post 861793)
I've gone and done it. Made a command decision about the gym. Cancelled the membership.

Even with all the tearing up and construction the last couple of months I've still been managing to get out on the beach regularly and make it to the pool frequently too.

My issue seems to be exercising indoors. It just doesn't seem to happen for me. I have a home full of goodies from 20+ years of physio and and plenty of room to do things right here. I was thinking location would help, having somewhere to go and something to do when I got there. Nope, my lazy streak overrides that too.

So, I think what I need to do is get off my bum here at home and use what I have and with the substantial amount of money I will save I can easily increase my pool visits.

New plan, it's the implementing that's a bitch.


Bloody brilliant mate! Save the money, you'll get just as slim/fit.

I'm currently indulging in a wee experiment. Whilst I have real strong cycling legs to start with, I;m aiming to further increase that strength.

Yassee, I have that pesky lung disease thang and it turns out that my body can do way-way-way more activity than my lungs can cope with.

The experiment is to ascertain if even stronger legs and core muscles can help the lungs work that little bit less, then I may not feel like I'm gonna pass out and die when going fast or up inclines.

So, it's squats and planks at home whilst watching Sons of Anarchy or other such trash telly :cheesy:

Kelt 11-11-2013 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Daktari (Post 861998)
Bloody brilliant mate! Save the money, you'll get just as slim/fit.

I'm currently indulging in a wee experiment. Whilst I have real strong cycling legs to start with, I;m aiming to further increase that strength.

Yassee, I have that pesky lung disease thang and it turns out that my body can do way-way-way more activity than my lungs can cope with.

The experiment is to ascertain if even stronger legs and core muscles can help the lungs work that little bit less, then I may not feel like I'm gonna pass out and die when going fast or up inclines.

So, it's squats and planks at home whilst watching Sons of Anarchy or other such trash telly :cheesy:

You are quite correct. Besides, if I hadn't already done it, Jennifers 'zombie model' encounter would have pushed me the rest of the way. :blink:

A stronger core makes a happy body pretty much no matter what yer doin'.

Planks away!


P.S. I've already got 3/4 of the beach back and they will be done in 3 weeks, so now I just build back up my distance. I don't know who will be happier, me or the birds.


Chancie 11-11-2013 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Chancie (Post 861808)
I am headed to the gym today for Deep Water Running and Cardio Abs.

If I can still (lift my arms and) turn on my iPad later,

I'll let you know how it goes.

I survived both classes, but I was very tired and very sore afterwards. I tweaked the Deep Water workout by using (foam) resisters and I could barely hold up the little storm window that Pete was installing on our little kitchen window yesterday afternoon. I went to my usual stretch and Group Power classes this morning and I had to take off a couple of little weights; my arms were so sore and tired.

WingsOnFire 11-11-2013 10:10 AM

We started a weight loss challenge at work for the next6 6 weeks. We put in 10 dollars and who ever loses the most pounds get the pot!! I am soooo ready! So today I begin eating healthier and working out again.

I need to start my Yoga again..

nycfem 11-11-2013 07:52 PM

Since it was a school holiday today, I got in a nice, long work-out at the gym. I did the Arc Trainer, Level 10, for 2.5 hours, with 1 hr of the strength program, followed by 1 hr of the hill interval program, and a final 30 minutes of the strength program.

Jill was next to me on her Arc Trainer. It seems to always be a school holiday for her. She was doing her thing where she wears a wool cap like one wears if it's winter or the individual is very hip. It offers a little variation for her from her usual baseball cap.

While on the Arc Trainer, the zombie model was nowhere to be seen. There was one woman on a Stair Master who was doing that thing where the person has headphones on and bursts out in excessively loud song. It's more common than one might think.

As I finished my time on the Beast, one of the basketball court regulars came up to me and said, "You have two little kids, right?" Of course, I had to say, "No, I think you've confused me with someone else." He nodded and walked off. Then I wondered if my imaginary two kids behaved badly yesterday during family day at the gym. It'll remain one of life's little mysteries, like how old Jill is.

Then I did an hour of weight lifting, abs, and stretching. I've settled back into the "uncool" area of the gym for this, the area where there is no music and it has not been redecorated for thirty years. I realize I feel much more at home there. I like to just count in my head to go with each exercise. It's very calming.

Daktari 11-12-2013 07:21 AM

Jeepers! I'm impressed you have the time and inclination to spend 3+hrs in a gym.

To paraphrase Shirley Conran, "...life's to short to stuff an arc trainer!" ;)

PwrFemme 11-12-2013 08:47 AM

lack of exercise
Hi All,

New to this thread but hoping to be encouraged by reading what all of you are experiencing. I turned 49 in September and for the most part have spent the last 22 years of my life overweight. I use to say I had no time for exercise. In some ways, being a full time mother and also working full time that was a bit true. I know, they say, fit in 3, ten minute walks. Well, that all sounds good but not easy to do and maintain. These days while looking for a job I have nothing but time on my hands. Joining a gym is not possible (see the reference to a job in the previous sentence), nor would it be wise because I don't really like working out in gyms. I have supported many a gym over the years by paying for a membership I used a handful of times.

I am looking for suggestions of things I can do outside, for the most part. I live in a somewhat rural area in North Carolina that doesn't have walking/bike trails and I don't own a bike. I am in good health so have few limits. Anyone have ideas they would like to share?


Kelt 11-12-2013 09:24 AM

Yesterday I did all the things I told myself I should do. WOW! I am sore to say the least.

NO gym even though I still have access for another 30 days (it's not like I was going anyway). I had gone around the place for the last couple of days deciding things like 'this is where I will do the push-ups' and so on in various places I have added a little bit of what I might need like a pull up bar in a doorway, a rolled up mat in the corner over there, couple of resistance bands tied off over at the end of the hall, that kind of thing. Now I have a circuit of sorts.

So, morning, mid-day and evening I walk around and stop off at each 'station' and do a set or two of 15 reps per. By the end of the day I had done 45-90 reps of each major bodyweight exercise without really noticing it too much. Just add my walk or swim and I'm good for the day. I can ramp that up pretty easily.

I think I just had to set things up right so that it isn't a big deal to get out and put away things. Not that there is much to it, maybe it is just having the reminders here and there.

We will see.


cinnamongrrl 11-12-2013 09:38 AM

I'm going in Kelt's direction and doing my own thing.

I know what my weaknesses are and what I need to fix. I know what goals I hope to obtain. Sooo who better to train me than me??
I do use free weights...and I do get some good cardio...and I will get more soonly. Gonna start the couch to 5k thing...
AND I'm considering riding my bike to work...since I'm working more locally now... :)

Gemme 11-12-2013 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by PwrFemme (Post 862234)
Hi All,

New to this thread but hoping to be encouraged by reading what all of you are experiencing. I turned 49 in September and for the most part have spent the last 22 years of my life overweight. I use to say I had no time for exercise. In some ways, being a full time mother and also working full time that was a bit true. I know, they say, fit in 3, ten minute walks. Well, that all sounds good but not easy to do and maintain. These days while looking for a job I have nothing but time on my hands. Joining a gym is not possible (see the reference to a job in the previous sentence), nor would it be wise because I don't really like working out in gyms. I have supported many a gym over the years by paying for a membership I used a handful of times.

I am looking for suggestions of things I can do outside, for the most part. I live in a somewhat rural area in North Carolina that doesn't have walking/bike trails and I don't own a bike. I am in good health so have few limits. Anyone have ideas they would like to share?



You have a lot of options. Gyms are good and have their place but some folks, Kelt for example, prefer to be outside.

Some things you can do outside of a gym are: walk, run (long distance or sprints), strength training (buy a couple of weights when you can but in the meantime use big cans of food or other cylinder shaped objects in your home), jump rope, skip, plyometrics (jumping over a stick from side to side, for example...or jumping up onto a low surface....great way to sweat!), exercise videos from your local library, sit ups while watching TV, hiking, creating your own obstacle course with fences/rocks/clotheslines/etc.


Good luck and have fun!

Kätzchen 11-12-2013 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by PwrFemme (Post 862234)
Hi All,

New to this thread but hoping to be encouraged by reading what all of you are experiencing. I turned 49 in September and for the most part have spent the last 22 years of my life overweight. I use to say I had no time for exercise. In some ways, being a full time mother and also working full time that was a bit true. I know, they say, fit in 3, ten minute walks. Well, that all sounds good but not easy to do and maintain. These days while looking for a job I have nothing but time on my hands. Joining a gym is not possible (see the reference to a job in the previous sentence), nor would it be wise because I don't really like working out in gyms. I have supported many a gym over the years by paying for a membership I used a handful of times.

I am looking for suggestions of things I can do outside, for the most part. I live in a somewhat rural area in North Carolina that doesn't have walking/bike trails and I don't own a bike. I am in good health so have few limits. Anyone have ideas they would like to share?


Good Afternoon, PwrFemme,
Greetings and Belated Birthday wishes to you and Welcome to our online community (The Planet).

You mention that in your area that there's no walking or bicycle paths and that you live in a rural area and you also mention the idea that taking ten-minute walks 3x/day might be a good way for you to increase your exericise activity. I don't know if mobility issues might be a barrier issue for you, but sometimes arthritis (in my bones and joints and connective tissues) are issues for me -- which impacts my ability to increase levels of mobility and overall pleasure of getting in some extra exercise. I have good days and not so good days, which depends on current weather conditions.

Also, I don't know what kind of resources are available in your area or what kind of resources you already have at home, but because we get lots of inclement weather here (Pacific Northwest - Portland, specifically), I have ways of incorporating a bit more exercise: For example, I have a small indoor trampoline and listening to music and dancing (a combination of any kind of jumping or 'twist and shout' kind of moves, etc) is one way I am able to work off some pent up energy and I love to do that, as long as I feel I can 'work out' on my trampoline. When the weather is nice (summer-like) and our community pool is open, I go out to the pool and do a combination of water-aerobic-like-exercise (for a long as I can stand, without pushing it too far), then I float in the pool as a way to come down from strenuous exercise in the water. I try to find ways to make getting exercise fun and pleasurable, so I'm more likely to want to do it again because if I'm not enjoying whatever kind of exercise I get, then most likely I won't want to do it again (for awhile). Most often, though, for me, I walk a lot, which I always have in the past, but because I walk a lot, it's important for me to push past prior achievements in walking distances (safely, of course). To give you an idea: I've always been able to walk about 2-3 miles consistently, on a daily basis. I try to aim to expand past that base line distance in regular ways. On a good week, for me, if I can get in more than ten miles of walking (in a single event) and still be able to walk the next day, then I'm in good shape. *lol*

I hope the ideas I am leaving for you help :)

Most of all, I hope you're able to find some activity that is appealing to you because that's important, doing something that you find rewarding and helps you in your particular situation.


Daktari 11-12-2013 05:54 PM

Hey Pwr

Get yourself a gym quality skipping rope. Great cardio. Fun too if you make it so. Also something you can do at home.

How about a punch-bag? Great when yer having a bad day. It's also good exercise if you give it a good errrm going over. :cheesy: I'd love one but my poor, multi operated on shoulders won't let me.

Hardest (scariest, funniest) exercise and best ever, apart from pilates, for building core muscles...learn to ride a unicycle. :| I need to get out on mine again. It's actually not too hard to step off and out of trouble quite easily, once you got a few pedal strokes going. It might take a wee while to get to that point. It feels like a real achievement once you sorta get it.

Question to all exercisers: Has anyone tried slack lining?

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