Butch Femme Planet

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-   -   The Loft: Butches and Femmes in their 40s, 50s and over. (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=317)

Wryly 05-04-2010 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Incubus (Post 98724)
ahaa I forgot the major sports; here it's the F.A Cup (or whatever they call it nowadays), major domestic soccer championships. Oh yes, putting the heavier of the winter wear away is always good too. Have you had your spring trip to see your nephew?

The spring sap is rising huh? :groucho:

Incubus - I'm enjoying my visit right now! Matter of fact - I just extended my time here. We've been busy, busy, busy - seeing the sights, going places. Plus you add in the activites for his daughters. Having a great time.
I've been to London a few times. Once I was lucky enough to see a women's FA Cup final - I remember one of the teams was Everton. A good time.


Originally Posted by fever (Post 98735)
The lilacs are coming out now too, Wryly, and they are my favourite bush/flower. Where are you travelling to visit family? If you come to BC, please give me a shout. But, bring your rubber duckie boots, it has been raining here way too much! lol

Good afternoon to all the lofters. Ruthie, I am sending you big hugs. You are one terrific femme. Maybe YOU need to come to BC for a visit. I have a few butch friends that would love to meet you. :-)

Fever - sorry my friend, I'm unable to visit BC anytime soon. Hope to someday. My family is in southern California. Beautiful weather here - except for the earthquakes. Apparently there was an aftershock last night - but I slept through it.
Oh my! Lilacs are one of my faves! When I was a kid we had a row of lilac bushes growing by the house. I remember them being quite tall. Sadly, they are no longer there.

Jet 05-04-2010 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Wryly (Post 98839)
....... a row of lilac bushes growing by the house. I remember them being quite tall.

one of my favorite floral scents...

Daktari 05-04-2010 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Wryly (Post 98839)
Incubus - I'm enjoying my visit right now! Matter of fact - I just extended my time here. We've been busy, busy, busy - seeing the sights, going places. Plus you add in the activites for his daughters. Having a great time.
I've been to London a few times. Once I was lucky enough to see a women's FA Cup final - I remember one of the teams was Everton. A good time.

I'm glad you're enjoying your visit...it sounds like it's a mile a minute having fun. Hoping you enjoy the rest of your stay.

I have no idea what's happening with the major soccer competitions this year sadly. Although I am looking forward to the World Cup later this summer.

Rockinonahigh 05-04-2010 05:10 PM

Afternoon lofters,hope u all are doing well this fine day.I had a eye appointment today for glases...dam the stuff they put in your eyes to dialate them..wish it would go away its already been more than the two hours they said it would last.
Spring is definatly hear in the south,everythig is in bloom,pollen is every where,birds a building nest all around hear.This morning it was 60 then by afternoon was 89..summer aint far off.

Lady_Wu 05-04-2010 05:38 PM

Feeling tired...and have some VERY bad news
Nihaoma, all? (How is everyone doing?) To answer Jet's post about age... I am going to be 49 on May 15th. I still look very young apparently. When I dress in a hoodie and jeans (only to go walk in the field by the house-snakes are rampant here, the kids across the street yell at me to come and play! I still get carded when buying wine for a friend. I shop,excepts for dresses, in the girls department. BUT
I have MS as well as a series of other autoimmune diseases. It seems that have one predisposes you to having others. In my youth I was quite athletic. I walked 10 miles per day, worked out with weights several times per week, did yoga (still do), meditated (still do), did/do not drink nor do drugs or smoke. So this was NOT a "lifestyle" choice. Now I find out that I will be losing the vision in my right eye. We can prolong it for a little while. The optic nerve is almost gone, though. MS-related probably. There is a good chance that I will lose the vision in my other as well, just not as soon. I am trying to look at this in the best possible light (pun intended). Having just found out, though, makes it difficult. I'll be able to do so soon, just not yet. I'm still in shock.:seeingstars:
Lady_Wu (w)

Jack 05-04-2010 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Lady_Wu (Post 98912)
Now I find out that I will be losing the vision in my right eye. We can prolong it for a little while. The optic nerve is almost gone, though. MS-related probably. There is a good chance that I will lose the vision in my other as well, just not as soon. I am trying to look at this in the best possible light (pun intended). Having just found out, though, makes it difficult. I'll be able to do so soon, just not yet. I'm still in shock.:seeingstars:
Lady_Wu (w)

Dont know what to say, but have a strong feeling that I want to respond to your post. I am very sorry you are having to go through this. Please , (if not so forward a thing to do)...but , have a hug from me ((( Lady_ Wu)))

Love and Light

Jet 05-04-2010 11:40 PM

g'night all.

ruthie14 05-05-2010 04:07 AM

Morning all.. Things at the new job slightly better. Will have to see. Still unbelievably tired and hurting in places I have never been hurting before. 1 year olds are a lot of work. lol

Have a great day everyone!


Isadora 05-05-2010 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by ruthie14 (Post 99171)
Morning all.. Things at the new job slightly better. Will have to see. Still unbelievably tired and hurting in places I have never been hurting before. 1 year olds are a lot of work. lol

Have a great day everyone!


I hope you are feeling better, Ruthie.

I went to a new stylist and said, "I want it shorter but keep the curls longer." I even showed her a picture. So I take my glasses off (instant blindness) and the next thing you know all my long curls are on the ground. :4femme:

I have, as my co-worker described, perky curls. Perky. Sigh. :whine:

I would rather think of my short curls as those of Ava Gardner in 1955. No one would ever describe Ava as "perky". But then I have red curls. sigh

morningstar55 05-05-2010 05:22 PM

evening Lofters
hanging here in . Erie Pa . tonight...

sorry to read of whats happening with you . (((Lady Wu.))).. hope things get better....

im just peeking in here........ been kinda busy

miss entycing 05-05-2010 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Isadora (Post 99682)
I hope you are feeling better, Ruthie.

I went to a new stylist and said, "I want it shorter but keep the curls longer." I even showed her a picture. So I take my glasses off (instant blindness) and the next thing you know all my long curls are on the ground. :4femme:

I have, as my co-worker described, perky curls. Perky. Sigh. :whine:

I would rather think of my short curls as those of Ava Gardner in 1955. No one would ever describe Ava as "perky". But then I have red curls. sigh

Ms Isa...
you're gorgeous no matter what length the curls are-
no way round it-
but I am sorry that your stylist didnt listen to you.
I hate it when they do their own thing.. oy vey.

my mama is a fiery gorgeous redhead as well-

evenin Lofter's,
hope everyone is smiling and well this evening.

for you, Lady Wu.
contentment and divine bliss to you

Packin'Boi 05-05-2010 07:05 PM

Good Evening All!

miss entycing 05-05-2010 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Packin'Boi (Post 99807)
Good Evening All!

bout time you brought yourself in here!

LotusFlower 05-05-2010 07:18 PM


I'm 55! And still perky.

Where do I sign up for the reunion by the way?

Love ya all,
Lotus Flower

miss entycing 05-05-2010 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by LotusFlower (Post 99823)

I'm 55! And still perky.

Where do I sign up for the reunion by the way?

Love ya all,
Lotus Flower

good evening,
there is a link on the home page I believe... click on the big green circle.
have a lovely evening!

ruthie14 05-05-2010 07:20 PM

Isa lol.. went in for a trim on monday.. Now I look like a butch!! :buzz cut: Why don't they ever listen? Gonna have to buy some little kid barretts to put in my hair to femme it up a bit.:blueheels: What do ya think? lol Ruthie

I went to a new stylist and said, "I want it shorter but keep the curls longer." I even showed her a picture. So I take my glasses off (instant blindness) and the next thing you know all my long curls are on the ground. :4femme:

WingsOnFire 05-05-2010 07:22 PM

Hello everyone... Its been a long time since I saw this thread elsewhere.. glad to re-find it... Just tipping the scale over 40 so I fit right in!

Hello Ruthie!! Hope your week at your new job gets easier and you get the weekend off!! Miss talking to you..


Jet 05-05-2010 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by ruthie14 (Post 99827)
Isa lol.. went in for a trim on monday.. Now I look like a butch!! :buzz cut: Why don't they ever listen? Gonna have to buy some little kid barretts to put in my hair to femme it up a bit.:blueheels: What do ya think? lol Ruthie

I went to a new stylist and said, "I want it shorter but keep the curls longer." I even showed her a picture. So I take my glasses off (instant blindness) and the next thing you know all my long curls are on the ground. :4femme:

you're funny ruthie, i look like a femme.:spruceup:
hopre you are feeling better.

ruthie14 05-05-2010 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by MidnightBlueEyes (Post 99829)
Hello everyone... Its been a long time since I saw this thread elsewhere.. glad to re-find it... Just tipping the scale over 40 so I fit right in!

Hello Ruthie!! Hope your week at your new job gets easier and you get the weekend off!! Miss talking to you..


Hey Becca.. still have your number in my phone. Text or call anytime. If you can't find mine let me know and I'll send you a text. I miss talking to you too! Everything good with you?

Hey Jet,

Ya, you are! I love that bow in your hair. lolol :princess:

Rockinonahigh 05-05-2010 08:23 PM

Once I went to get a hair cut,I at the time kept it a bit longer than collar length.The beautichian(sp??) was about done when she urned to say something to someone and the clipers bumped into the back of my head then cut a bare patch to the skin that no amount of triming would fix,I ended up with a flat top cut.I was not happy at all,it shure was cooler tho.

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