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miss entycing 12-29-2010 10:10 PM

leaving this for those here who are seeking solace, comfort and strength.
all of you are in my prayers.


Spirit Dancer 12-30-2010 07:12 PM

Jagg's Dad and family
Daywalker's Niece and Family
Blaze and Doll
Graphiteta and Family
Lady P and family
Ladt D and family
Wolfy and R
Wax and family
Theo and Ivan
Strappie and Zoe
For healing, peace and strength
lighting candles with a prayer.

Miss Scarlett 12-30-2010 07:30 PM

:vigil:Lighting candles of peace, comfort, love and healing for:

:candle: Abby
:candle: Jagg and his dad
:candle: Jet
:candle: Lady Pamela
:candle: Daywalker
:candle: Graphiteta2s
:candle: Spirit Dancer
:candle: and anyone else in need tonight

Miss Scarlett 12-30-2010 07:38 PM

:vigil:For my special friend, lighting incense & candles of healing, comfort, strength & positive energy. Wrapping them in a comfy blanket of warm, peaceful, loving, healing energy for a restful night and relief from the aches and pains. :vigil:

miss entycing 12-30-2010 08:42 PM

nycfem 12-30-2010 10:39 PM

Lighting a candle for Abigail Crabby, the sweetest femme ever. She is in hospital.


theoddz 12-31-2010 12:32 AM

I took Ivan to the frog doctor today and spent most of the afternoon there.

We're thinking now that Ivan has some sort of an intestinal blockage going on. The doctor gave him some contrast dye to swallow and he will be getting another x-ray in the morning. The doctor felt it best to board little Ivan overnight, in order to get the x-ray first thing in the morning, so I left him there at the hospital. I wish now that I hadn't, and had decided to drive him back over, first thing in the morning. I hate to think of him there, alone, sick and away from Myra and me, and not understanding why.

I feel sick inside for Ivan and I'm worried beyond all belief. Poor Myra is sitting in the waterfall, waiting for Ivan, as I type this, and I'm sure she doesn't understand where he's gone. She just keeps sitting there, and turns to look at me when I approach. She seems to know there's something wrong, and I wonder if I will be able to bring Ivan home tomorrow. I know what bowel obstructions are to humans, and I can only think that it must be near to impossible to treat the condition in an animal as small as a frog. I know, too, how painful it is for humans, and I don't want my poor little frog to suffer.

Tomorrow may well be the last day......


JustLovelyJenn 12-31-2010 12:43 AM

I light my candle tonight for those forgotten or unseen.

Miss Scarlett 12-31-2010 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by JustLovelyJenn (Post 256641)
I light my candle tonight for those forgotten or unseen.

Jenn, that is just beautiful.

:vigil: Adding a candle to Jenn's :candle:

Miss Scarlett 12-31-2010 05:16 AM

:vigil: In love and light as 2010 concludes I light candles for everyone for:

:candle:Good Health





:candle: Joy






Spirit Dancer 12-31-2010 07:50 AM

From Miss Scarlett's
I light mine'
Wishing everyone a new year filled with
peace, love, hope and happiness.

WolfyOne 12-31-2010 10:15 AM

Peace and prayers for better days ahead in the coming year

Those drinking tonight and not staying home, please find a designated driver

miss entycing 12-31-2010 12:08 PM

Here's to a beginning of the end of the darkness this year-
new light for a new year.
blessings to us all on this eve.


theoddz 12-31-2010 02:57 PM

Good news....or as good as it can be now. :)

I'm going to be picking up little Ivan from the froggie hospital this afternoon, around 4. I talked to his doctor twice this morning and she tells me that he does have a blockage in his digestive tract, but she doesn't think it's in his stomach. She thinks it is in his colon now, which means that there is a strong possibility that he may pass/poop it, eventually. She doesn't think that he's in a lot of pain, but he is probably having some definite discomfort. She will be giving me some anti inflammatory medication for that, along with some topical antibiotics for Ivan. Even better news is that Ivan is not really doing any mouth breathing now, so maybe any potential respiratory complications are not anything to worry about anymore.

The doctor instructed me to set up the little frog house for Ivan to stay in, until he passes/poops the problem out. I'm going to be busy this afternoon doing just that and getting it nice and comfy for him to come home to. I'm going to be setting it up right beside the big frog house so that Ivan and Myra will be able to see each other. I plan to put Ivan in the big frog house with Myra when he first returns, so they can see each other and Myra will know that Ivan is back home and all right. Ivan will also be able to see Myra and visit with her a bit. I think that might lift his spirits, too, and if he wants to nap on her back, well, that'd be just fine, too. Bottom line is, Ivan will, undoubtedly, feel better when he gets home to his Myra and his loving, devoted Dad.

I will feel much better having him home, too, and at this point, we'll just hope and pray that Ivan can pass/poop his problem out and that he'll be just fine soon. :awww::frog::heartbeat:

I have been absolutely worried out of my mind about Ivan, all during these holidays. I have prayed and prayed that G-d, the Great Healer, will step in and make my little fellow all better. You all have been such a bastian of support and love, too. I so appreciate everyone here and all of the support, prayers and healing light given to both Ivan and myself. This is why you all are my chosen family and are so very dear to me. Thank you all again, for being there.....for everything. :) :bouquet:

Ivan, Myra and I are so very thankful. :):frog::frog::cheer:

~Theo~ :bouquet:

Daywalker 12-31-2010 03:04 PM

Yea for Ivan


My Niece opened her eyes a little today.
I think about that and you know, when she went
under she thought she was not coming back.

I can't wait to share Pringles with her when she recovers.


Miss Scarlett 01-01-2011 10:16 AM

:vigil:On this first day of 2011, I light candles of positive energy, love, joy, healing, power, harmony & abundance.:vigil:


:vigil: In my mind's eye I see my friends here & in R/T; I ask the Universe to bless them, keep them safe & grant each their hopes, dream & desires in 2011. :vigil:


miss entycing 01-01-2011 12:01 PM

JAGG 01-01-2011 10:09 PM

Thank you
I wanted to thank everyone who said a prayer or lit a candle for me and my family. It worked!!! My dad is doing good and will probably be out of ICU tomorrow. Thank you for your healing energy, and thanks for caring enough to take time our of your day, to show concern. I am very grateful.

theoddz 01-02-2011 10:31 AM

Update on little Ivan....
Ivan is doing very poorly again.

I'm going to be packing him up this morning for another ride to the froggie doctor. She's on duty at the animal hospital today, thank G-d, in His infinite mercy. When I brought Ivan home on Friday evening, I thought he might perk up and I was hoping that his stress level would go down, with being home and all, but he's gasping again and grimacing with pain.

The plan, as I had left it with his doctor, was to give him some rest, some topical antibiotics and a calcium soak each day, which I've done. If he hasn't pooped, and looks worse, to bring him back to the vet and get another xray to see if the obstruction had moved at all. He's still got the barium contrast in his tummy, as he hasn't pooped, so we should be able to tell if the blockage has moved at all. If not, then I am going to ask the doctor to put Ivan down.

Every time I look at little Ivan now, my heart breaks. If that blockage hasn't moved, then I really think I owe this little guy, this little green "child" of mine, a final act of kindness and love. It's going to break my heart, but I am determined that he NOT suffer anymore. Ivan is such a unique little fellow, full of personality and a zest for life. He's been fighting this like a little trooper. I so admire his tenacity and his strength. He is very, very special, and I think he knows how much his dad and his lady, Myra, love and adore him. It's been the good fight.

Thank you all for all of the love, support, kindness, prayers and healing light/energy you've given to Ivan, Myra and myself. We all do so appreciate it. :bunchflowers:

~Theo~ :bouquet:

Miss Scarlett 01-02-2011 11:06 AM

:vigil: Lighting incense and candles of wisdom, peace, healing and power for Theo and Ivan. :vigil:

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