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Medusa 01-18-2014 11:16 PM

Part of my New Years promise to myself this year was to start incorporating more natural herbal alternatives into my health routine to replace OTC meds.

So here's a thread to talk about all things herbal! (NO, Not 420!)

Do any of you take valerian root to sleep? or is there something more affective?

Violette 01-19-2014 01:31 AM

Calcium, magnesium, and iodine blend supplement has worked well for me for sleeping. Valerian root didn't work for me, but others I have known have had success with it.

Also, depending on what is keeping me up, reading spiritually based literature has helped me fall asleep.

Meditation has also helped me fall asleep. Often, I use a combination of all of the above.

Gráinne 01-19-2014 01:44 AM

I don't know if melatonin is considered an herb, but I use it occasionally for insomnia with my doctor's blessing.

Smiling 01-19-2014 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 881117)
Part of my New Years promise to myself this year was to start incorporating more natural herbal alternatives into my health routine to replace OTC meds.

So here's a thread to talk about all things herbal! (NO, Not 420!)

Do any of you take valerian root to sleep? or is there something more affective?

Hi Medusa,
If you are having trouble sleeping, be sure you aren't mineral deficient. That makes a huge difference, believe it or not. Valerian root is okay in my experience, but it didn't really make any appreciable difference in my insomnia.

By the way, it can be addictive. Please take care with the amount you use as well as how often.

A few years ago, I was lucky to have a kinesiologist work on me. He really honed right in on my problem areas just like a laser beam. I found his subsequent nutritional recommendations as well as his suggested vitamin and mineral regimen to be superlative.

Of course, like anything, you need to really look into the background of your practitioners as well as their experience level. YMMV, but if you have someone reputable in your area, it is a great thing to do for yourself.

Great thread! :)

Julie 01-19-2014 08:03 AM

I take a number of natural remedies and herbs. But for sleep.
I used Dr. Dave's Best *Sleep Wizard* and it is amazing.

It contains Suntheanine, Gaba, Melatonin and 5-HTP.

What I have found about this little miracle worker (for me). If I only get 4 hours sleep, I don't have brain fog and I don't get cranky. The longer I take it, the more sleep I am getting. I wake up feeling rested, regardless of the hours slept. Last night I got 8 hours and I am going through menopause, so sleep does not come easy.


Medusa 01-19-2014 08:07 AM

Hey Huge-Smile!

It's actually for Jackhammer - Her work hours are crazy so she isn't really able to have a sleep schedule and I suspect that is the biggest culprit. While I only need 5 hours of sleep to function, she needs closer to 7 or 8 and sometimes her work schedule is such that she only gets 4 or 5 at the most.

She has done the ZQuil sleep stuff (which is basically just diphenhydramine) and Melatonin and several other herbal remedies and all have mild success for a short period of time.

Thanks for the head's up on valerian being addictive! I had no idea!

Smiling 01-19-2014 08:18 AM

Magnesium is the mineral I was specifically trying to think of....


DapperButch 01-19-2014 10:26 AM

My contribution to the thread/topic
I am a STRONG believer that inflammation in our bodies is the root of most diseases. If there was only one herb/supplement I was allowed to take, it would be turmeric/curcumin.

Oh, and drink lots of water to get rid of toxins. That is free!

DapperButch 01-19-2014 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 881117)
Part of my New Years promise to myself this year was to start incorporating more natural herbal alternatives into my health routine to replace OTC meds.

So here's a thread to talk about all things herbal! (NO, Not 420!)

Do any of you take valerian root to sleep? or is there something more affective?

I think it is great that you are looking for natural sources for sleep. OTC for sleep can be so addictive. I have heard valerian root to help some people. I did not know it was additive, as Huge-Smile said, which is interesting. The best thing we can do for sleep is to go to bed at the same time every night. It sounds like that is not an option for Jack, so that makes it so much worse.

Uli 01-19-2014 11:58 AM

Valerian gave me crazy nightmares. Melatonin works great so long as I don't take it too many nights in a row.

I have itchy skin issues, so I just switch between Benadryl and Melatonin when I can't sleep. Both of them will stop working well if I take them every night.

Thankfully, I can fall asleep on my own at least half the time.

easygoingfemme 01-19-2014 07:28 PM

Valerian has given me crazy nightmares too.

My daughter takes melatonin once in a while. She says it doesn't work, but I think she sleeps a little better with it.

I find Magnesium is great for quieting the mind and body. When I am taking it regularly, which I try to do when I am in PMS mode when everything is just kind of uptight, I sleep and feel better.

Skullcap is good both for headaches and as a relaxation aid/sleep aid.

Rescue Remedy for anxiety/relaxation

My daughter and I both use red raspberry leaf and find it really helps regulate hers, and shorten both of our menstrual cycles.

Ginger and or peppermint for stomach ache issues. Either as a tea, or rub some of the oil on your belly.

Lavender for calming.

Turmeric indeed for inflammation. We have also used it in wound care. Make a paste out of it and put on open area.

Echinacea for boosting the immune system. Tea or a tincture if you are fighting or trying to prevent something.

Tea tree as anti-bacterial topical, also good for "blemishes"

Eucalyptus in a hot steam vaporizer for congestion

So... that's kind of what my medicine chest looks like :)

It would be good to also learn about homeopathic remedies. Many of them can come in handy when you have them around!

Medusa 01-19-2014 07:43 PM

I have a tincture brewing right now that has some chamomile, lavender, lotus leaf, and passion flower. It has to steep for a couple of weeks but I'm excited to see how it turns out.

Tea tree oil is truly amazing as well! I love putting couple of drops of it in my shampoo and for spot acne treatment. I read that it's also good for athlete's foot and crusty feet! LOL

Soft*Silver 01-19-2014 09:33 PM

Sweet Annie was often placed over tops of cribs to help babies sleep better, but it can have a reaction with some people. Mostly dermal but some can breath it in. It is extremely calming and worth exploring.

Smiling 01-21-2014 06:40 AM

Magnesium Oil Recipe
Excerpted from: http://wellnessmama.com/5804/how-to-...magnesium-oil/

How To Make Your Own Magnesium Oil

[....]Every cell in the body needs magnesium in some way, and it is vital for bone, tooth, muscle, and joint health as well as for optimal sleep and stress reduction.

Deficiency of magnesium is widespread because many of us have lifestyle factors that actively deplete magnesium such as lack of sleep, excess stress, or alcohol/caffeine/sugar consumption. On top of that, many natural sources of magnesium are becoming depleted (such as the soil due to over-farming and high pesticide use) and water filtration systems remove much of the naturally occurring magnesium in water.

The ocean is still a wonderful source of magnesium and trace minerals, but for those of us who don’t have daily access to a beach, transdermal magnesium oil can be the easiest and most effective way to increase magnesium levels. I’ve recently seen some research that adequate magnesium can do everything from reduce stress to improve sleep and even eliminate morning sickness!

What you need:

1/2 cup Magnesium Chloride Flakes
1/2 cup distilled water
A glass bowl or glass measuring cup
A glass spray bottle (plastic will work too)
What to do:

Boil the distilled water. It is important to use distilled to extend the shelf life of the mixture. Put the Magnesium Chloride Flakes in the glass bowl or measuring cup and the pour the bowling water over it.

Stir well until completely dissolved. Let cool completely and store in the spray bottle. Can be stored at room temperature for at least six months. I keep in my bathroom to use daily.

To Use:

Spray on arms, legs, and stomach daily. I use 10-20 sprays per day. It will tingle on the skin the first few times it is used, and this is normal. It should fade after a few applications, but you can dilute with more water if it bothers you too much.

You can leave on the skin or wash off after 20-30 minutes. I usually apply after a shower and then use coconut oil or a lotion bar to moisturize about 5 minutes later.

As I sit here after yet another sleepless night, I've decided that I'm going to make this spray. I thought I would share with anyone else who might be interested in trying this. I like the idea of transdermal absorption rather than swallowing a pill. Just my preference; you may feel differently. :)

Nat 01-21-2014 08:52 AM

Nettle tea makes me feel well-rested, well and less depressed

Rugged 01-21-2014 09:55 AM

I have nothing to add, but I want to thank everyone
For the helpful info

Martina 01-21-2014 11:30 AM

Suntheanine by itself is a good anti-anxiety treatment. Again, by itself, it does not sedate, but does give a little bit of relief for anxiety. It's one of the few herbals that I have found to be helpful for any issue.

My health is not good now, but when I exercise, meditate, drink water, eat little sugar and flour -- and, most importantly, sleep well -- I get a lot better.

ahk 01-21-2014 04:04 PM

I believe what you put in your body is how your body will react.

If you eat crap, you'll feel like crap.

We (my wife and I) eat so much better than we ever did before. For the past 4 months, we've been eating the lifestyle of Primal/Paleo/Low Carb/High Healthy fats. We basically have cut out refined sugars, all wheat products, most grains (sometimes a quinoa salad sneaks in or a few corn chips), cut back on potatoes, not much rice and just eat more "real" food. If you can't pronounce the ingredient, I doubt you should be eating it. The more research you do, the more you find out what's good for you and what's not good for you. A lot of food causes a lot of issues-- acne, migraines, arthritis, sleep issues, weight gain, inflammation, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, thyroid issues... etc, etc.

We also believe in herbs and vitamins and minerals. We visit the acupuncturists once a week for a 2 hr treatment.

We take vitamin D, which is good for many things, its key role in regulation and differentiation of immune system cells, and it supports cardiovascular health and normal functioning of the nervous system. And if you have an upper respiratory cold taking a few extra a day helps.

Magnesium helps in so many ways-- as others have described above. Plays a role in your body's detoxification processes, and helps prevent sudden cardiac arrest and stroke.

Zinc accelerates the activity of approximately 100 different body enzymes, promotes immune function to fight illness, supports healthy cell growth and development and ensures proper sense of taste and smell just to name a few.

Omega 3s.
Vitamin C with grapeseed oil.

We use rescue remedy to calm our nerves and help us at night to rest. Just a few drops under the tongue helps a good night sleep. We also brew a good night tea that is full of wonderful herbs (Organic chamomile flower, skullcap herb, catnip herb, linden flower, peppermint, stevia, spearmint, passion flower lemon balm, lemon grass, lavender).

I'm sure there is more-- but this is all I can think of now. Great thread, btw. I look forward to hearing others recommendations and stories.

joyfulfemme 01-21-2014 05:52 PM

Hello Medusa ~s

Before adding things to the body, try eliminating some....Insomnia can be a side effect of a food allergy/sensitivity. Look into elimination food plans. Should you need more info, I'll be happy to share.

joy ~s

Medusa 01-21-2014 08:37 PM

And while we're at it, I read up on apple cider vinegar and all of the supposed health benefits. One of my girlfriends also said she had success with it for inflammation.
I have been taking a tablespoon in the morning and a tablespoon at night and I swear I feel like my knees are happier. I also seem to feel less bloat in the stomach area. Don't know if this is psychosomatic or what but it's cool nonetheless.

Anyone else tried it or have a vinegar routine they'd be willing to share?

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