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bkisbutchenuff 05-10-2012 03:15 AM

Educators with PRIDE Unite
I wanted to start a thread where educators can share ideas, tell stories, network, share current educational trends, share how the GLTB lifestyle impacts your career and/or your career impacts your lifestyle...

bkisbutchenuff 05-10-2012 03:28 AM

I am completing my 24th year as an educator. For at the first 15 yrs or so., I was terrified about how my lifestyle could impact my career negatively. In GA., we can't unionize - I know I would not get fired for being gay...another reason would be created. However, over the last 24 years, I have made myself indispensable and have gained a reputation for being one of the best in my field - Middle School Orchestra Teacher. I do not flaunt my lifestyle, but my colleagues and admin know. My students...well - its not in their face, but they either suspect or figure it out once they reflect years after leaving my class. I, to my knowledge, have never had any negative repercussions...


bkisbutchenuff 05-10-2012 09:45 AM

170 teachers did not receive contracts for next year in the county where I teach....smh!

Julien 05-10-2012 01:28 PM

I taught at the Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee for 10 years in the areas of Film Studies, Women's Studies, and LGBT Studies. I am happy to say I was out in the Department and in class. I have PhD in Modern Studies which include the previous areas. I was lucky in the fact that I could create my own courses and teach many of them with LGBT topics and perspective. My most challenging course dealt with being a Trans individual. It was especially personal because I was in the first steps of transitioning. (But that is another topic). UWM and Milwaukee in general is more open to LGBT people (than where I live now) and my time at the university reflects that. I do miss the university, Milwaukee and the people I met there both in class and outside it. :glasses:

bkisbutchenuff 05-11-2012 02:51 AM

I egt a panic call yesterday...inventory needed fro all the programs getting axed...
Well - unless they can meet me terms...not happening.
13 Middle Schools in 8 hrs...LMAO!

bkisbutchenuff 05-12-2012 01:39 AM

Is anyone familiar with Core Curriculum? Thoughts or ideas on the latest 'fix' in education?

bkisbutchenuff 05-13-2012 05:53 AM

5 more with kids....5 extra with adults...then hitting the road!

Ready for summer!!!

bkisbutchenuff 05-14-2012 04:09 AM

A few colleagues got contracts Friday.... slow painful torture....

5 more with the kiddies, Road trip, 5 more with adults, Road trip!

Hard to believe I've been able to do what I love for 24 yrs. If it had not for having music in my life, I'm certain I wouldn't be here today! Thank God! I know I have been able to give that back to so many young people...

Last week, as part of teacher appreciation week, a few LA teachers had their students write about teachers who had made a difference in their life...I received several extremely sweet letters...pretty awesome from Middle School kids!

bkisbutchenuff 05-17-2012 02:18 AM

Bittersweet...tomorrow is the last day with students! But also, the last time I will see many...I so love my students...teaching them to love music...but more-so - making them laugh and look at life differently!

Next week - Packing up for renovations - including a NEW ROOM! - leadership retreat and saying bye to many colleagues who will reassigned

Having said that....so ready for the break!

spritzerJ 05-17-2012 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by bkisbutchenuff (Post 586282)
Bittersweet...tomorrow is the last day with students! But also, the last time I will see many...I so love my students...teaching them to love music...but more-so - making them laugh and look at life differently!

Next week - Packing up for renovations - including a NEW ROOM! - leadership retreat and saying bye to many colleagues who will reassigned

Having said that....so ready for the break!

Wow congratulations for making it to the end of another school year. Sounds like trying times in your county for jobs and the impact will be big on students next year. I hope the break is enjoyed to the hilt.

We are out on June 15th, last contract day. I go back 10 days later for summer school. I am teaching summer school for the first time in years. It has been a doozy of a financial meltdown year so it is necessary. I think I will enjoy it though. No crazy administrators to worry about. Just fun and learning with the kids.

spritzerJ 05-17-2012 04:40 AM

A bit about me as an educator....

I am finishing up year 14 as a special education teacher. I've worked in many buildings and placements/types of classrooms. Taught in Oregon, Idaho and now New Hampshire. I adore teaching unique learners. I enjoy the variety of places I have been. It is amazing to reflect on how I've grown professionally.

I have to say this year is one of the bottom 3. What should be an easier job (low caseload numbers, tons of resources, well behaved kids) is harder do to lack of clarity and inefficiency. However, this job may be the push I need to move on out of the classroom.

bkisbutchenuff 05-17-2012 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by jenna8987 (Post 586299)
A bit about me as an educator....

I am finishing up year 14 as a special education teacher. I've worked in many buildings and placements/types of classrooms. Taught in Oregon, Idaho and now New Hampshire. I adore teaching unique learners. I enjoy the variety of places I have been. It is amazing to reflect on how I've grown professionally.

I have to say this year is one of the bottom 3. What should be an easier job (low caseload numbers, tons of resources, well behaved kids) is harder do to lack of clarity and inefficiency. However, this job may be the push I need to move on out of the classroom.

I understand....while you may have small classes - the pressure of moving those kids forward is tremendous...then the meetings, interventions,paperwork, legalities....an extremely hard job!
I'm at a point that I can't leave....if they go to 25 year retirement....I'm outta here....and not because of the children! Love my classroom!

On another note...our district is in the news...some dumb ass sniper pointing a rifle at a bus....psst...superintendent is not on the bus - leave the children alone!

bkisbutchenuff 05-18-2012 03:12 AM



spritzerJ 05-18-2012 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by bkisbutchenuff (Post 586319)
I understand....while you may have small classes - the pressure of moving those kids forward is tremendous...then the meetings, interventions,paperwork, legalities....an extremely hard job!
I'm at a point that I can't leave....if they go to 25 year retirement....I'm outta here....and not because of the children! Love my classroom!

On another note...our district is in the news...some dumb ass sniper pointing a rifle at a bus....psst...superintendent is not on the bus - leave the children alone!

LOL about the superintendent not being on the bus.... if I had a nickle for every time I would have thrown on of the Powers That Be under a bus I could retire!

I used to feel the pressure when taught to get kids to perform, be all legal, intervene. However, small town NH is apparently not so into legalities and thinks that NCLB is just well not so serious. For some strange reason I thought NH as more "enlightened" and it really is like walking into classrooms from 1975. Weird.

bkisbutchenuff 05-19-2012 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by spritzerJ (Post 587088)
LOL about the superintendent not being on the bus.... if I had a nickle for every time I would have thrown on of the Powers That Be under a bus I could retire!

I used to feel the pressure when taught to get kids to perform, be all legal, intervene. However, small town NH is apparently not so into legalities and thinks that NCLB is just well not so serious. For some strange reason I thought NH as more "enlightened" and it really is like walking into classrooms from 1975. Weird.

As you know...NCLB is being fazed out....but look at the time and money wasted on the bureaucratic ideals given to us by Washington - by politicians who have never been in the trenches! GGGRRR!
We will still have indicators of progress - schools the that exceed - meet or don't meet...but judged on more than attendance and test scores.
The new initiative - seeing commercials now - is what's called in GA - Core Curriculum...National Standards to make all states equal...but once again - they are attempting to level the playing field when you just can't compare apples to oranges...the good part of this initiative appears to be that it will focus on the basics, reteaching concepts, much more emphasis on early childhood and elementary, giving teachers a little more flexibility (as opposed to scripts and drop dead bench marks), etc.
Also, in GA, education is moving toward a more corporate structure and attitude...and when you're working with young people and their minds and brains - its just not a corporation!

We will see...I figure between now and when I retire, I will see at least one more cure all - fix for our educational system....

This is mostly my opinion...thoughts and other opinions are VERY welcome and Wanted!


bkisbutchenuff 05-23-2012 02:36 AM






spritzerJ 05-23-2012 04:30 AM

Congrats BK on another year survived and no fatalities! Have a fabulous summer break!

I used to wonder how I was going to teach an entire career with out any fatalities. I know know it isn't the kids one should worry about but the grown ups ;) .

We are in the last few weeks of school and it gets frantic. I am looking forward to summer and teaching summer school. I do hope next year brings administrative changes, new leadership or even some leadership skills to the current leadership.

bkisbutchenuff 05-30-2012 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by spritzerJ (Post 590229)
Congrats BK on another year survived and no fatalities! Have a fabulous summer break!

I used to wonder how I was going to teach an entire career with out any fatalities. I know know it isn't the kids one should worry about but the grown ups ;) .

We are in the last few weeks of school and it gets frantic. I am looking forward to summer and teaching summer school. I do hope next year brings administrative changes, new leadership or even some leadership skills to the current leadership.

No fatalities...lol. Amazing in itself...lol

I hope you have an outstanding summer and get rested for next year!

Every year has been different and involves changes...so pleasant and some not so pleasant....Hang in there!

bkisbutchenuff 05-30-2012 05:57 AM


bkisbutchenuff 06-12-2012 06:28 PM

With each passing day....remembering why I love one small perk of being an educator....LOVE SUMMER TIME!!!!

bkisbutchenuff 06-12-2012 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by spritzerJ (Post 590229)
Congrats BK on another year survived and no fatalities! Have a fabulous summer break!

I used to wonder how I was going to teach an entire career with out any fatalities. I know know it isn't the kids one should worry about but the grown ups ;) .

We are in the last few weeks of school and it gets frantic. I am looking forward to summer and teaching summer school. I do hope next year brings administrative changes, new leadership or even some leadership skills to the current leadership.

Enjoy your summer!

spritzerJ 06-12-2012 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by bkisbutchenuff (Post 601238)
With each passing day....remembering why I love one small perk of being an educator....LOVE SUMMER TIME!!!!

almost there. i think i can, i think i can!

bkisbutchenuff 06-19-2012 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by spritzerJ (Post 601252)
almost there. i think i can, i think i can!

Sounds like you are having an awesome summer! Congratulations on your relationship...you both appear to be in Love and Very Happy!
BTW - Pizza was not delivered at 3:00am....but thanks for the rep!

spritzerJ 06-19-2012 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by bkisbutchenuff (Post 604017)
Sounds like you are having an awesome summer! Congratulations on your relationship...you both appear to be in Love and Very Happy!
BTW - Pizza was not delivered at 3:00am....but thanks for the rep!

Why thank you BK! Lots of love and happiness for sure (Hy is the best ever). I see you are having a blast this summer too! Wonderful!

So far so good on the summer front. This week off then summer school for 5 weeks. Not bad at all! Summer school is way more fun!

bkisbutchenuff 07-10-2012 06:33 AM

Back to the Mill in a month....so many challenges and changes...new principal, new assistant principal, new curriculum, new schedule, new classroom....no raise but higher expectations...ugh!
It will be a good year nonetheless...and yr. 25!


spritzerJ 07-13-2012 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by bkisbutchenuff (Post 613222)
Back to the Mill in a month....so many challenges and changes...new principal, new assistant principal, new curriculum, new schedule, new classroom....no raise but higher expectations...ugh!
It will be a good year nonetheless...and yr. 25!


Oh I hear ya! We go back August 20th or something. I refuse to look at the start date for a few more days.

That is a lot of changes coming up! I wish you peace and luck in handling them. I am sure in 24 years you have learned a thing or two about when to roll with the changes and when to step up to the plate and lead. Do you have a personal goal for 2012/13? Among all the changes do you have a plan for self care?

I am still working summer school. Which is a blast, I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy it. I thought I was past the needing to work summer school years. And it is so much better than school year school! Since we are a special program we make our own rules. First we do our academics then out social skills. It is a blast. The kids have so much fun. I am grateful I get to see them like this. No meetings with teachers about what they can't do and how they aren't conforming. They just shine and grow and it is amazing to witness. I definitely needed this experience.

I am sincerely hoping 2012/2013 will be my last year teaching as I do now. I need to prepare for what I want to do next and it is time to move on. Going back to school, relearning about teaching or moving in a different direction. No matter what, it is time.

The school/district I am currently at is perfect for teaching me to let go and take the risk to move on. I am going to work at keeping that perspective so I don't get too full of myself and miss the lessons I can learn from where I am at. Sincerely I work with some wonderful professionals and some very unwonderful ones.

The principal made a statement this week that sent me reeling and wanting to resign immediately. It just triggered me personally, ethically and I really had to talk myself down. It was said in passing, not at work, and was a personal belief of the principal. I am sure she thought nothing of it (which is one of the scarier parts of it). And I thought too much of it. I don't want to work with a person like that.

bkisbutchenuff 07-17-2012 04:32 PM


Martina 07-17-2012 05:16 PM

A couple more weeks before I return. I took the summer off. Much needed. I already feel refreshed and determined to keep up self-care during the school year. That is such a challenge.

I am looking forward to my new job. I can't say much about it online for reasons I won't go into. But it's ideal in many ways. Less stress, but still interesting.

I feel for anyone with a bad administrator. People who pontificate about education have no idea what that is like. Thank god for our unions.

bkisbutchenuff 07-18-2012 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by Martina (Post 616609)
A couple more weeks before I return. I took the summer off. Much needed. I already feel refreshed and determined to keep up self-care during the school year. That is such a challenge.

I am looking forward to my new job. I can't say much about it online for reasons I won't go into. But it's ideal in many ways. Less stress, but still interesting.

I feel for anyone with a bad administrator. People who pontificate about education have no idea what that is like. Thank god for our unions.

Yes...sadly just a few more weeks...I plan to live it up while I can....Hopefully one more trip South.

Even though Administrators come and go, they can do great harm in a very short amount of time if they are incompetent!

The general public had NO idea what we go through to educate today's children....and finally...

We can't Unionize in GA.! I could share stories that would make you cringe and throw up....


Enjoy what you have left of the summer everyone!!

bkisbutchenuff 07-23-2012 06:01 PM

Appropriate as summer break comes to an end....


bkisbutchenuff 07-24-2012 06:16 AM


bkisbutchenuff 07-24-2012 06:21 AM


bkisbutchenuff 07-24-2012 06:47 AM


Martina 07-24-2012 06:53 AM

I was assured that I will not have to teach Art this year. Halleluiah!!!

I like looking at art, but not making it or teaching it.

bkisbutchenuff 07-30-2012 02:10 PM

Naming new Principal tonight...not like we don't know already...can't do any pre-prep/preplanning because of renovations...ugh...well...let the fun begin!

bkisbutchenuff 07-31-2012 05:38 AM


bkisbutchenuff 07-31-2012 05:46 AM


bkisbutchenuff 08-02-2012 06:58 AM


bkisbutchenuff 08-04-2012 08:59 AM


bkisbutchenuff 08-04-2012 09:03 AM

Time to reflect, focus and get a move on....yr. 25 here I come...ready for the challenges of another year of teaching and learning...I am excited to know I will see my kids soon and we will be making beautiful music together within a few weeks...

I do love my career...when all else fails me - its always there to challenge me, pick me up and fill my voids!


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