Butch Femme Planet

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-   -   How to hypnotize a Butch... (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=361)

morningstar55 11-22-2009 09:36 AM

How to hypnotize a Butch...

1) click on the link below

2) Click on the picture, and drag it a little to the right, or left, or up,

right .. what ever you prefer! and then drop it....... and watch...


Blaze 11-22-2009 10:49 AM

:happyjump: Now you got me in trouble lmao. I clicked on the link right when the Doll came in, and umm she thought I was searching a porn site, :waitinggirl:Now she keeps looking into the room :4femme:
Your sooooooooooooo not right, and I bit right into it :freak:<~ I'm gullable:rofl:
Gotta admit, your good at the hypnotism thingy:bowdown:
You rock Morningstar

Scorp 11-22-2009 11:28 AM

LMAO...now that is pretty funny...(ETA the quote below that is)



Originally Posted by Blaze (Post 10083)
:happyjump: Now you got me in trouble lmao. I clicked on the link right when the Doll came in, and umm she thought I was searching a porn site, :waitinggirl:Now she keeps looking into the room :4femme:

Toughy 11-22-2009 11:39 AM

didn't hypnotize me at all..........nor did I find it funny...it has a sexist misogynist objectifying feel to me.......

not a way to get this butch's positive attention.......

sorry I clicked on the link

but then I am a humorless feminist who is tired of misogyny in my butch/femme/trans community.........

HumV4me 11-22-2009 11:52 AM

hmmmmmmmm... access denied. Oh well.

Hey Morning! How have you been sweetheart? Glad to see you again!

Ryobi 11-22-2009 12:02 PM


Doing circles cracked me right up! I like the spring action when you let go too.


Blaze 11-22-2009 12:03 PM

In truth; the way to hypnotize this ol kid at heart is to:
Give me a pass to go fishing. I can't resist a beautiful day out on the shoreline.
Have a meal waiting and ready, or better yet, let me plan a delightful meal to cook up for you.
Share your day with me, in detail, so I can relate to what you've been through.
Back rubs.
A conversation over a good cup of coffee.
A sexy comment about what one is wearing.
A very mesmerizing perfume worn to entice the senses. And im done for, hook, line, and sinker.
I could think of a few more things, but I don't want to bore all of you...

Medusa 11-22-2009 12:17 PM

I would REALLLLLLYYYYYYYY like to see folks do some thinking around objectification and sexism. :explode:

Blue_Daddy-O 11-22-2009 12:42 PM

OMG...the clicky thing is hilarious!!!!! (made me smile) hahaha!!! ....and yes that would get my attention EVERY TIME!!!!!! :daddy:

apretty 11-22-2009 01:13 PM

i wonder why more of us aren't disturbed by these kinds of images (a headless woman reduced to just an ass/a hole to fuck) or at the very least have thoughts about what it means about us as a society that this is *not* disturbing/we don't, as a collective, concern ourselves with what these messages mean, why they aren't 'funny' why this is/was/and always will be a 'joke' for a MALE (one who is sexist, does not love females and does not educate himself about gender/feminism/women's rights/equality) to find humor in and not a *BUTCH*, however they may identify.

the very much not humorless, apretty (i think we should realize when the joke's on us)

BullDog 11-22-2009 01:23 PM

I agree with Toughy and apretty. The headless part is particularly disturbing.

Dean Thoreau 11-22-2009 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by morningstar55 (Post 10057)

1) click on the link below

2) Click on the picture, and drag it a little to the right, or left, or up,

right .. what ever you prefer! and then drop it....... and watch...


Ok morningstar, after 45 minutes i got a little dizzy tho :fallenangel:

blush 11-22-2009 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by apretty (Post 10165)
i wonder why more of us aren't disturbed by these kinds of images (a headless woman reduced to just an ass/a hole to fuck) or at the very least have thoughts about what it means about us as a society that this is *not* disturbing/we don't, as a collective, concern ourselves with what these messages mean, why they aren't 'funny' why this is/was/and always will be a 'joke' for a MALE (one who is sexist, does not love females and does not educate himself about gender/feminism/women's rights/equality) to find humor in and not a *BUTCH*, however they may identify.

the very much not humorless, apretty (i think we should realize when the joke's on us)

I agree. This is, at best, tiresome. It's insulting to butches because it assumes that they are that shallow and mindless. It's REAAALLY insulting to femmes for reasons apretty has already covered.

morningstar55 11-22-2009 01:31 PM

lol Dean...........
im sorry for those whom did not find it humorus.....
didnt mean to offend.....
someone sent it to me and just wanted to share a lil chuckle....
i know everyone is different.

Dean Thoreau 11-22-2009 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by morningstar55 (Post 10184)
lol Dean...........
im sorry for those whom did not find it humorus.....
didnt mean to offend.....
someone sent it to me and just wanted to share a lil chuckle....
i know everyone is different.

There is no reason to be sorry. no matter what a person posts, or says , or does someone will find it insulting, annoying, politically incorrect, or some other something. that is life in the cosmos. And sometimes u just have to do three things:

1. say wtf
2. not be afraid to laugh at yourself
3. Look at it and say in the greater scheme of things does it really matter.

and sometimes u just have to put on your teflon suit and stand proud.
Morningstar..allow me to say that if by laughing at the website you posted I am now considered an insensitive, sexist, umannerly, stupid dick head.....so be it.....I am sure it will not be the last time....and frankly i dont give a :crap:

love ya morningstar and keep on postin funny stuff



BullDog 11-22-2009 02:06 PM

So many opportunities to address misogyny come up every day.
So many opportunities to reflect on the collective messages that get sent out constantly about women every day- see apretty's post.
So many opportunities to stand up and say no we aren't going to settle for this bullshit. We are better than this.
Hell, we are even funnier than this. A lot funnier.
Tick, tick, tick.

Selenay 11-22-2009 02:20 PM

Actually, that guy does lots of those and wouldn't you know, they're all women. . . .


Toughy 11-22-2009 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Dean Thoreau (Post 10196)
There is no reason to be sorry. no matter what a person posts, or says , or does someone will find it insulting, annoying, politically incorrect, or some other something. that is life in the cosmos. And sometimes u just have to do three things:

1. say wtf
2. not be afraid to laugh at yourself
3. Look at it and say in the greater scheme of things does it really matter.

and sometimes u just have to put on your teflon suit and stand proud.
Morningstar..allow me to say that if by laughing at the website you posted I am now considered an insensitive, sexist, umannerly, stupid dick head.....so be it.....I am sure it will not be the last time....and frankly i dont give a :crap:

love ya morningstar and keep on postin funny stuff



The truth is there is not a damn thing funny about any of these kind of images. Anyone who finds them funny really ought to do a bit of thinking about misogyny. Saying that anyone who objects to this crap is being politically correct is offensive on so many levels. Saying that I (or anyone) should somehow find these images as a way to laugh at myself is dishonest and lacks any kind of character.

How are you perpetuating misogyny by posting this crap? Why would crap like this hypnotize a butch? What are we butches.....a bunch of knuckle draggers who yuck it up over degrading and objectifying women?

Who in the hell would want to stand proud around this kind of degrading objectification of women?

Be warned. I will call out this shit every single time someone posts it.

I am truly truly sick and tired of this. I am truly not going to allow this to go on without saying something.

It would be my sincere hope that the administrators will do something to address misogyny on this website. I am also reporting the original post. I want everyone to know that.

Dean Thoreau 11-22-2009 05:21 PM

The truth is................. this thread is in the section called:
FUN FLUFF LIGHT...........................

and since we have been given a wonderful selection of smilies I will merely say:


it time to stop :soapbox: :deadhorse:

and how long before PETA Butches or Femmes or Trans complain about the deadhorse smiley? dont you get it....no matter what anyone says someone wont like it! Its called having a little tolerance, and if you expect tolerance its a good idea to give it!

Legendryder 11-22-2009 05:44 PM

Wow. I gotta go look at those new smilies!! I love that dead horse one.

Admin 11-22-2009 06:09 PM

Sexism isnt a matter of someone's personal preference. It is an ingrained thought process and way of being that has to be actively worked on to overcome.

Is the video sexist? Yes.

Do I think Morningstar is a bad person? Nope. Quite the contrary, I think she is quite lovely.

Do we ALL need to think about how watching a random woman's torso wiggle reinforces the "it puts the lotion on it's skin" type of thinking? Yes.

When women's bodies are objectified as a disconnected body v. person dichotomy, it affects ALL of us. The disconnected body mindset helps contribute to sexual abuse, rape, assault, and sexual compromise.

It is simply NOT ok chalk humor that is based on sexism up to "just a joke", especially not on this site where women, queers, and genderfluid folks need to feel some semblance of respect.

I will be addressing this issue in another thread and the TOS.

Until then, (T-u-f-f-y), please understand that moderating people will not force an evolution in thinking. We have to find ways as a community to uplift one another without making it personal, ways to illustrate the damage that sexism causes to us, and ways to educate instead of separate. This CAN and WILL be done.


Mister Bent 11-22-2009 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by blush (Post 10182)
I agree. This is, at best, tiresome. It's insulting to butches because it assumes that they are that shallow and mindless. It's REAAALLY insulting to femmes for reasons apretty has already covered.


Originally Posted by Dean Thoreau (Post 10196)
There is no reason to be sorry. no matter what a person posts, or says , or does someone will find it insulting, annoying, politically incorrect, or some other something. that is life in the cosmos. And sometimes u just have to do three things:

1. say wtf
2. not be afraid to laugh at yourself
3. Look at it and say in the greater scheme of things does it really matter.

and sometimes u just have to put on your teflon suit and stand proud.
Morningstar..allow me to say that if by laughing at the website you posted I am now considered an insensitive, sexist, umannerly, stupid dick head.....so be it.....I am sure it will not be the last time....and frankly i dont give a :crap:

love ya morningstar and keep on postin funny stuff



There may not be reasons to be "sorry" wtfuckever that means, but there are reasons to step back and consider what Medusa said,

D O S O M E T H I N K I N G around objectification and sexism

I mean, come on. What are we, a bunch of stupid dick head frat boys? I like to think being butch means I am a more highly evolved creature than one that listens to the head-with-no-brain in his pants.

As the step parent to a teenage girl, I consider it my duty to protect her from sexist and objectifying :crap: (placing request for garbage can emoticon).

I get what you're saying, Dean, about not taking ourselves too seriously, but there are certain VALUES we should strive to uphold.

QueenofQueens 11-22-2009 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Dean Thoreau (Post 10352)
The truth is................. this thread is in the section called:
FUN FLUFF LIGHT...........................

and since we have been given a wonderful selection of smilies I will merely say:


it time to stop :soapbox: :deadhorse:

and how long before PETA Butches or Femmes or Trans complain about the deadhorse smiley? dont you get it....no matter what anyone says someone wont like it! Its called having a little tolerance, and if you expect tolerance its a good idea to give it!

With all due respect, Dean, cruelty should never be tolerated. It should especially not ever be tolerated in the form of sexism and misogyny, especially not within the context of a queer website created by female bodied people. The link Morningstar posted is a subtle expression of violence toward women, which is what makes it unacceptable.

I know that Morningstar is a kind person who would not intentionally promote cruelty or perpetuate this type of damaging, sexist imagery. The problem with what she posted, is that women worldwide are still dehumanized and their bodies treated as objects every single day. Our only value, in many places, is measured as a sexual commodity. The type of image that Morningstar linked to, perpetuates this cycle and has no place in an equitable space that values women.

When we look at a picture that truncates a woman's head from her torso, she becomes nothing more than an object existing to facilitate the sexual pleasure of the dominant culture. She is, in essence a disposable collection of body parts. We don't even think about her parts as belonging to a real, whole, human being.

It's easy to giggle at silly shit in a superficial way without ever taking a minute to read a little deeper into its meaning. It's easy, but it doesn't change the very grim reality that so many women face every day, nor does it eradicate the deeply entrenched sexism and misogyny we've all been raised with.

Just take a minute to really think about what you're putting out there and who it might hurt. It will ultimately make all the difference in the world.



Legendryder 11-22-2009 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by QueenofQueens (Post 10390)
With all due respect, Dean, cruelty should never be tolerated. It should especially not ever be tolerated in the form of sexism and misogyny, especially not within the context of a queer website created by female bodied people. The link Morningstar posted is a subtle expression of violence toward women, which is what makes it unacceptable.

I know that Morningstar is a kind person who would not intentionally promote cruelty or perpetuate this type of damaging, sexist imagery. The problem with what she posted, is that women worldwide are still dehumanized and their bodies treated as objects every single day. Our only value, in many places, is measured only as a sexual object. The type of image that Morningstar linked to perpetuates this cycle and has no place in an equitable space that values women.

When we look at a picture that truncates a woman's head from her torso, she becomes nothing more than an object existing to facilitate the sexual pleasure of the dominant culture. She is, in essence disposable. We don't even think about her parts as belonging to a real, whole, human being when we see it, because it's all we see.

It's easy to giggle at silly shit in a superficial way without ever taking a minute to read a little deeper into its meaning. It's easy, but it doesn't change the very grim reality that so many women face every day, nor does it eradicate the deeply entrenched sexism and misogyny we've all been raised with.

Just take a minute to really think about what you're putting out there and who it might hurt. It will ultimately make all the difference in the world.



Now this is the way to explain it. Thank you for your subtle and kind words.

blush 11-22-2009 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Dean Thoreau (Post 10352)
The truth is................. this thread is in the section called:
FUN FLUFF LIGHT...........................

and since we have been given a wonderful selection of smilies I will merely say:


it time to stop :soapbox: :deadhorse:

and how long before PETA Butches or Femmes or Trans complain about the deadhorse smiley? dont you get it....no matter what anyone says someone wont like it! Its called having a little tolerance, and if you expect tolerance its a good idea to give it!

I think we've all tolerated enough of these kinds of threads and this kind of response. If we are going to move past the drooling butch stereotype, then we have to quit "tolerating" this type of humor.

IMO, this is flagrantly offensive. I have no beef with Morning, I don't know her. I do think this is a poor choice.

Toughy 11-22-2009 06:27 PM

I truly appreciate all the reps I'm getting. Instead of repping me........why not post what you said to me in this thread.

Thanks to the Admins for stepping up and addressing this. I look forward to the new thread and discussion and seeing how the TOS will address this.

QueenofQueens 11-22-2009 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by Legendryder (Post 10391)
Now this is the way to explain it. Thank you for your subtle and kind words.

I think it's an important part of being a community member to be able to call each other out on our mistakes in a way that is respectful, and allows us to be human and grow.
No one should be vilified because there are things they need to learn. We all have things we need to learn and that will only happen if we respect each other enough to give a heads up when it's called for.

It's one way to have each others backs.

Legendryder 11-22-2009 06:40 PM

I agree with you, totally. I would say something mildly intelligent, however, I got my brain melted today. My goofy butt picked "Does Media in the Courtroom Effect 6th Amendment Rights" as an expository essay topic. I couldn't have picked the 14th Amendment, no......I had to pick the least relevant one. So, finding resorces to cite was like pulling teeth out of a horse. Took me eight hours to write a 500 word paper. So, I be fried.

Arwen 11-22-2009 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Dean Thoreau (Post 10196)
There is no reason to be sorry. no matter what a person posts, or says , or does someone will find it insulting, annoying, politically incorrect, or some other something. that is life in the cosmos. And sometimes u just have to do three things:

1. say wtf
2. not be afraid to laugh at yourself
3. Look at it and say in the greater scheme of things does it really matter.

and sometimes u just have to put on your teflon suit and stand proud.

Or you can do a fourth thing and take a step back from your self and see why others would find it offensive. Then you can actually try to think about it from a different POV.

Dean, your response is what set my teeth on edge. If you honestly do not see anything wrong with objectifying women as well as being demeaned as a drooling fool, then that's your choice. However, I'm sure there are far more accepting places for that kind of attitude than this Planet.

Barb, I do know you and I do not think you did this for any reason other than you found it funny. Sometimes, you have to rethink what is funny and examine things a bit, right? You are not a stupid or uncaring woman. So do know that.

My thought would be this...if I am going to post something I think is funny, then I examine it to see if it really would be.

People get offended by things I never see coming. My family thinks I'm a humorless beeyotch because I will send things back and tell them why it is not funny. And that's okay. I'd rather be thought of as unfunny than see/read the constant barrage of mean-spirited jokes.

Back to you, Dean. Your response came across as very defensive. Did you stop to consider what was being said about the link or did you just kneejerk your reaction? I ask that in all sincerity because I know that I have kneejerked a reaction or two (hundred) in my day.

So which is it, Dean? Are you a thinking, caring butch or are you the misogynistic jerk you have portrayed yourself as here?

Andrew, Jr. 11-22-2009 06:53 PM

Jack and Medusa,

Thank you. I know I struggle with oral and written communication. I know what I say comes out wrong or strangley sometimes. But I do appreciate what you are doing here. Thank you from my heart and soul. I don't feel alone anymore. I feel like I have a family again. When you are a shut-in, and have little to no bf community, you have no idea of how lonely it gets.


morningstar55 11-22-2009 07:14 PM

all i can say .after reading all these response's is..
this was just so suppose to be just a lil funny thing to post...
its been posted in a lot of bf places.. and this is the 1st time. it has goten soo many negitive reviews........
i am sooooo sorry it offended some of you..... i say some
cause some did find it funny and some didnt
sometimes i feel i cant win for losing.......(w)

Legendryder 11-22-2009 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by morningstar55 (Post 10435)
all i can say .after reading all these response's is..
this was just so suppose to be just a lil funny thing to post...
its been posted in a lot of bf places.. and this is the 1st time. it has goten soo many negitive reviews........
i am sooooo sorry it offended some of you..... i say some
cause some did find it funny and some didnt
sometimes i feel i cant win for losing.......

Betcha didn't know you were going to open a------->:canoworms:

Jet 11-22-2009 07:19 PM

Not my cup of tea, sorry.

WILDCAT 11-22-2009 07:54 PM

I just deleted a post I had written, by bumping something...?! Darn it!

In a nutshell, I DON'T care for that "beating a dead horse" emoticon - at all. And I'm personally glad there are programs/organizations for protecting animals against abuse, just sayin'...

Just goes to show ya, where we are all at different places in our realities with varying values and such... (and I think I have a pretty good sense of humor too).

And I also wrote that with ALL that has been hashed out in previous "community" sites on this type of topic or "issue of concern" over so many years, I would hope that a BRAND NEW SITE nips the sexist, anti-woman shit right away! Unfortunately, it will probably be an ongoing struggle though. Folks do need to speak out, or we just won't be as special as we truly know that we are. I'm proud to be queer.

It has all been so hurtful to so many - for WAY TOO LONG NOW. Is it worth a "laugh", that causes so much pain? And why would anyone be acting/feeling challenged here to anyone standing up against this? (Women feeling hurt, or someone thinking/believing something is uncomfortable for them to see or if it feels misogynist to them, that is.) What kind of energy is that to put out here, or anywhere? I don't understand that, really (?)

This site WAS started by two women, inviting everyone to join. How considerate.

Now, the link was not showing a rape, but yes to women as simply a piece of ass. That is where the atrocities against women are continually encouraged, with beginning disregard for being a human being at all, and often utilizing humor to get this message out "non-offensively"... (?) I didn't laugh at it, but can see how someone might find it humorous, the "joke" hypnotizing part of it... but, then where and why did we develop to finding this funny? That is what folks are asking others to consider and really think about here, IMHO. What perpetuates this mentality?

One way of thinking does lead to women being hurt, to varying degrees. It really does. Some ways are very "subtle". Is the blatant the only thing that needs to be addressed?

I don't want to support that, which is against me - and especially not in our community. I find it very sad actually.

And yes, this is just a "fun and fluff" thread. Passing a joke about is not the same as opening a thread - that is for the world now historically representing (NOT!) what the founders of this site are trying/hoping/wishing to send as a positive message in our community and to the world at large - or showing us "going at it" with each other over these kinds of demeaning against women topics. And for us also to have a respectful place, to and for ourselves. Feel safe. Comfort. Home away from home...

Plus, I believe if any part of our community is "hurt" we all suffer - in so many different ways. It diminishes us as a whole for one, that is for certain. We should be strong for having suffered, and this just further weakens us (again in my humble opinion). It's like throwing our own, to the "bad guys". How pleasant.

I truly hope some folks don't think new site = green light to come and be "piggish" and/or disregard people's feelings. That is so OLD. Changes should bring about new opportunities for growth and understanding, I would hope so anyway. (And this is not about the opening poster at all! Just my response about reactions and concerns folks have - which I completely understand, support and agree with.)

And I can see why some "butches" would also take offense to this on another level as well.

So, it's about sensitivity and "representing" mostly to me here at this point...(?)

Hope this made any sense. Good luck everyone!



QueenofQueens 11-22-2009 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by morningstar55 (Post 10435)
all i can say .after reading all these response's is..
this was just so suppose to be just a lil funny thing to post...
its been posted in a lot of bf places.. and this is the 1st time. it has goten soo many negitive reviews........
i am sooooo sorry it offended some of you..... i say some
cause some did find it funny and some didnt
sometimes i feel i cant win for losing.......(w)

Morningstar, no one here is questioning your intentions. We all get that you were just trying to share a joke. But now, those of us that found your joke hurtful are asking you, as part of our butch and femme family, to take a look at it and try to understand why we weren't amused and why it really isn't funny.

We aren't taking you to task, I promise. We just would really appreciate it if you would look at what you posted with a critical eye. A joke like that isn't harmless, especially when it goes viral, and is seen by thousands of people, many of whom will not be viewing it with good intentions at all.

Sexism is so well entrenched in our society that most of us just take its many manifestations for granted. For example, advertising utilizes sexist imagery constantly, which reinforces the idea of women as second class citizens. We all have helped perpetuate this notion at some point, therefore the responsibility belongs to all of us to help dismantle it.

morningstar55 11-22-2009 08:09 PM

I AM .. sorry ....... for offending .... some of you...
i say ... SOME...... cause some found it funny....
i did think it was kinda funny ......... maybe i have a wierd sense of humor i dont know.......
i guess i need to get approval to post other funny video's........
here is a link......... of something else..... I and some others thought was funny.
but i suppose it might offend someone as well.


ya know..... i have said i was sorry and thats the end.,,zippin it

Legendryder 11-22-2009 08:28 PM

All I can suggest is kill this thread. Before it gets TOTALLY out of hand.

WILDCAT 11-22-2009 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by morningstar55 (Post 10477)
I AM .. sorry ....... for offending .... some of you...
i say ... SOME...... cause some found it funny....
i did think it was kinda funny ok.......... i maybe i have a wierd sense of humore i dont know.......
i guess i need to get approval to post other funny video's........
here is a link......... of something else..... I and some others thought was funny.
but i suppose it might offend someone as well.


ya know..... i have said i was sorry and thats the end.,,zippin it

I didn't open this yet, I just wanted to say that I do not find you offensive at all. And the short video can and will be seen as "funny" by many - I'm sure. I think when folks say they are "hurt", and or feeling "objectified" by stuff out there and now here, where this is posted... is what I am going to take a good look at then, try to understand and do my best to help support.

It's all about learning and growing together. We are a large and very proud community.

And many are wounded, and trying to seek refuge from that which hurts us out and about in the real world. And also, this connection to community, for many of us, is what we have right now. I live in a very rural place. (NO COMMUNITY HERE in my neck of the woods!! LOL!!)

I just hate to see anyone hurting, and that includes you. Just try and let it go perhaps - you didn't see any harm in this and now others have explained "why 'tis so" for them. People's expressions are not always directed at someone sharing about something, but rather the source and reasoning being it.

So, all in all, I should "thank you" for posting the link. Good lesson for a new baby site! Right?

Now I will open up your other "funny link", and I may laugh! Who knows? Consider where and what to share publicly, I try and think to myself. But, we don't know what we don't know, until we "know it". Ya know?! And yes, I have "knee-jerked" on the internet myself on occasion. Guilty. It's going to happen, for we are HUMAN.



QueenofQueens 11-22-2009 08:37 PM

I think this thread can be useful as a learning aid regarding all manner of important issues as well as examining social behavior versus antisocial behavior.

Morningstar, no one has asked for an apology. We're asking that you take a look at why you found this particular image funny and why others do not.
Dig a little deeper. This is not a question of taste. It's a question of perpetuating a deep seated prejudice against women via supposedly "harmless" means.

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