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JrzyButch 08-15-2013 10:18 PM

Does a Soulmate really Exist?
Is there such a thing as a Soul mate? If so, Do they really Exist?

Girl_On_Fire 08-15-2013 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by JrzyButch (Post 834314)
Is there such a thing as a Soul mate? If so, Do they really Exist?

A question that has been asked many times, JrzyButch. I do believe soul mates exist. However, from what I understand about them, soul mate relationships are not the happy stroll-through-a-field-of-flowers relationships they're portrayed to be. Soul mates meet each other to tear down walls, confront major issues, and help their partners grow in significant and often very painful ways. They are incredibly intense but they're not meant to last.

I think soul mates are often confused with twin flames, who are supposed to be your partners for life. And yes, I believe those exist as well. I think we have to go through a lot of soul mates before we find our twin flame.

Virago 08-15-2013 10:30 PM

I agree with Girl. I believe our soul mates help us work things out, confronting major issues.
And how wonderful if you can find your twin flame.

LaneyDoll 08-15-2013 10:31 PM

My answer is a little contradictory...

I think that we DO have soulmates. But, I think that the person we are connected to changes at various stages of our life.

For example, the person who we were meant to be with at 16 is perfect for the adolescent us and probably not who we are going to be with as we age. As we mature and we grow, we often part ways with the person we are with and find the next person we are destined to find. This cycle may repeat several times during our life.

I think that the person we are with, for good or bad, whether soulmate or not, is who we are meant to be with, to help guide us to where we are supposed to be, to teach us lessons along the way and to learn from us at the same time.

I also do not think that our soulmate is necessarily a love relationship or one where love extends beyond a platonic type. Friends can be soulmates just as easily as lovers can. I think soulmates are connected in a variety of ways, not just the sexual ones.

It may sound weird to think that way because many people think that a soulmate is one person, typically a lover, forever. But, as we change, do our souls not change too? Therefore, would our soulmate not change with it?


Artzy76 08-15-2013 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by JrzyButch (Post 834314)
Is there such a thing as a Soul mate? If so, Do they really Exist?

I Do believe soul mates exist. I also believe that soul mates come into our lives in many forms not just romantically!
I believe that people are brought into our lives for specific reason to help us accomplish life lessons or us to help them.
In my opinion, its an ever-flowing exchange of energy. If we pay attention we can learn from and become a higher self. Everyone we meet or come across has the potential to touch our lives or you to touch theirs. Paying attention to those energy exchanges and greatly increase your self awareness & the awareness of those around you.

I agree with what "Girl on Fire" said also about twin flames. I don't know much about it but am on a mission to learn more about it now... lol

Ty for the post :)

peachy 08-16-2013 02:27 AM

Oh yeh I believe in soulmates and it's a subject that is really close to my heart because I met my twin flame soulmate and it's a bit like giving birth in terms of intensity and bonding. It's also confusing because it usually involves telepathic experiences with the person, so if this is a new experience - which it was for me - that can really take some time to get your head around. My ex husband the man I married is also a soulmate. I believe everyone is a soulmate to some degree because everyone has the ability to touch one's soul. There are two kinds of soul mate experience where the mate either supports your soul - or drags it out of your chest for an overhaul. Both are beneficial in the end. The thing I know about twin souls is they set something in momentum, an inner transformation that is sometimes beautiful, sometimes awe inspiring, sometimes agonising and unstoppable.

I will have a think about this and add more later.

Siren's Song 08-19-2013 07:23 PM

Do soul mates exist?
Rumor has it. It's a lovely dream. I'm not sure if soul mates exists or not. I do know that I can be my sweetest love and give myself what I dream of. I do know that I own the love that lives inside of me, and I can give it to myself. In reality I have control over this. If someone comes a long that is my perfect fit, well that's sugar in my cup.

macele 08-19-2013 08:29 PM

like others have said, a soulmate does not guarantee you'll be together forever. a soulmate is a connection that is truly madly deeply. friend, lover, or maybe i've never met them face to face. but if my soul is touched, then well, my soul has a mate. i've be fortunate to have had more than one. i like to think of the soul as a vessel. the soul gives the spirit a means of transportation. when i think of those that have took my spirit for a "ride", ... o my how i miss them and love to think about. blessed. a soulmate makes you a better person via the connection.

NorCalStud 08-19-2013 08:46 PM

Found. There is no doubt in my mind that I have found my soulmate. We are . We just are. Nothing else compares!

sierragirrl 08-19-2013 09:31 PM

you would be soul mates when you are together, for the time..no one is put into your life by mistake. you learn from it, you grow from it, you love from it, you hurt from it.
feeling giddy and full of "love" is great we all like it. it has our souls feeling good and it improves our self esteem, puts a skip in our step.

could it be forever?
sure if you can work on issues together.
unfortunately it doesn't always work out that way.

then its time to sit down and revaluate things, work on ourselves, and when the right person steps into your life & you are willing to try again.
cowboy up, and have fun!

Allison W 08-19-2013 10:11 PM


I'd explain why, but Tim Minchin does it better, so I'll let him do it.

gaea 08-19-2013 11:32 PM

I have met more than one in this lifetime however the blue eyes one I have waited and looked for .......hy is here in my arms my soul knows this connection better than any other and there is no explaining to the human what the soul already knows.

the one I sought has finally arrived.

RockOn 08-20-2013 04:36 AM

My opinion on soul mates ...

Yes, I believe they exist.

I also believe they are people who sincerely love and care for each other to the point of working through each others difficult issues without bailing out. They grow together in similar directions and stay together. (If the relationship is built on a healthy basis, I like to see people stay together and work things out.)

I think many times the grass looks greener on the other side, and then people find, after a while, that "greener grass" was not all that.

Maybe I am a fairy tale butch. Though I am not in the market and am not looking around at the present, I do still believe in the existence of the type soul mates I described. Just for me, if I stopped believing it, I would become a very hard person. I am not there ... yet? :)

Mormegil 07-15-2014 08:40 PM

i sure hope so

RockOn 07-15-2014 08:50 PM

Another thought ... I think they can also serve to be change agents.

Okiebug61 07-15-2014 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by JrzyButch (Post 834314)
Is there such a thing as a Soul mate? If so, Do they really Exist?

My answer is YES! Red loves me despite my many imperfections. It is not ever been about me or her, it has always been about us. Today is always easy to get through, it is the out of the blue WTF do we do now that has solidified who we each are and how important we are to each other!

starryeyes 07-15-2014 09:52 PM

I used to think so, but every time I think I have found that person, it isn't. Or, if they were, they haven't stayed in my life for whatever reason.

Soo.... I don't know? It nice to think about one existing and having that complete half... but the jury is out for me.


Mel C. 07-15-2014 10:00 PM

Totally.....in movies, books and television!

MrSunshine 07-15-2014 10:05 PM

No. But succubi do and they want your soul and to mate. So there is that.

imperfect_cupcake 07-15-2014 10:05 PM

I don't believe in souls so the term is problematic. No, I don't believe I have a soul so it cannot have a fated mate for it.

I believe very much in strong partnership built on companionship and trust. And playfulness, compatibility and deep friendship as well as mutual lust.

I don't think that's any less beautiful or rare.

No I don't believe. But that doesn't mean I dont love or cherish someone else or don't want it to last a lifetime.

CyberStud 07-16-2014 02:40 AM

I believe in connections, that special bond you feel for another living being. We speak of friendship and/or love, of people who give out good vibes, who are on the same wavelength, of people who “light up a room.” All of these for me are examples of energy in motion. We are drawn to it. But every now and again there are people whose energy attracts us so instantly, so strongly, that it seems almost magical. We speak of an “instant connection” to another person. Whatever label you put on this energy source, soul mates, twin flames, the ying to my yang..it is undenial when it happens and what you put out there in terms of emotional energy will come back to you but only if you are 'tuned in'.

~ocean 07-16-2014 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by CyberStud (Post 921554)
I believe in connections, that special bond you feel for another living being. We speak of friendship and/or love, of people who give out good vibes, who are on the same wavelength, of people who “light up a room.” All of these for me are examples of energy in motion. We are drawn to it. But every now and again there are people whose energy attracts us so instantly, so strongly, that it seems almost magical. We speak of an “instant connection” to another person. Whatever label you put on this energy source, soul mates, twin flames, the ying to my yang..it is undenial when it happens and what you put out there in terms of emotional energy will come back to you but only if you are 'tuned in'.

I agree w/ u cyber :) and I would like to add that it's not just a romantic: a soulmate can be in a friend or family member as well. A spiritual connection ~

SirenManda 07-23-2014 12:49 PM

I do.

But not in the terms of "24/7 happiness never an argument just perfect" concept. I believe a soul mate is someone who creates a positive tide in your life. They push you to reach your goals and embrace your nature. I think its a feeling you get that reflects your soul finding it's other half. I do believe it can also be something you find in a friend. My husband is my soul mate, but my best friend also holds a soul mate status because of the same reasons.

MysticOceansFL 07-23-2014 02:05 PM

---------- Yep ------------

EnchantedNightDweller 07-23-2014 04:09 PM

Yes. :love1:

*Anya* 07-23-2014 04:22 PM

Thanks to Wiki:

In his dialogue The Symposium, Plato has Aristophanes present a story about soul mates. Aristophanes states that humans originally had four arms, four legs, and a single head made of two faces. He continues that there were three genders: man, woman and the "Androgynous". Each with two sets of genitalia with the Androgynous having both male and female genitalia. The men were children of the sun, the women were children of the earth and the Androgynous were children of the moon, which was born of the sun and earth. It is said that humans had great strength at the time and threatened to conquer the gods. The gods were then faced with the prospect of destroying the humans with lightning as they had done with the Titans but then they would lose the tributes given to the gods by humans.

Zeus developed a creative solution by splitting humans in half as punishment for humanity's pride and doubling the number of humans who would give tribute to the gods. These split humans were in utter misery to the point where they would not eat and would perish so Apollo had sewn them up and reconstituted their bodies with the navel being the only remnant harkening back to their original form. Each human would then only have one set of genitalia and would forever long for his/her other half; the other half of his/her soul. It is said that when the two find each other, there is an unspoken understanding of one another, that they feel unified and would lie with each other in unity and would know no greater joy than that.

My perspective:

I researched Wiki because I had wondered where the concept of a soul mate originally came from.

I like Plato's concept of unity.

I think that if one finds a love that complements the self, that is as close to a soul mate that one could hope for.

I have had relationships in which we were so much alike I often did not know where I ended and the other person began. My 19 year relationship was like that. By the time I finally ended it- I did not know who I was as a person anymore.

I believe it was more enmeshment than that of soul mates.

My current girlfriend and I are in love and I love her as a person.

I don't know that she is my other half. I don't really even know what that means any more.

We are so different in the things and ways that my long-term ex and I were so much the same.

We don't like the same movies, TV shows, books. We have philosophical arguments that are ridiculous sometimes.

We both have a terrible need to be right until we have to laugh (if we did not already piss each other off).

Where we do totally connect is in our mutual respect, values, beliefs, sexual attraction and love.

For me, that is unity that I can live with- without losing myself.

Femmadian 10-14-2014 06:39 PM

While I respect those who disagree...
I don't think soulmates exist. I find the alternative is much more romantic.

For me, I think the concept of soulmates can be very seductive in that it kind of absolves us of responsibility for looking after our relationships, sticking it out in the tough times, trying to understand the aspects of our partner we might not otherwise want to understand, and it also allows us to more readily wash our hands of someone or something with the idea that "oh, if s/he were really the right one or if this were really the 'right' relationship, we wouldn't fight (or at least not this much) and it wouldn't be so hard. I guess we're not really 'meant to be.'" I think it also keeps us in relationships or with people with whom we otherwise might not (or should not) remain.

I think it's far more romantic to not have the belief in a soulmate but to give it a go anyway despite all the odds. To recognize each other's flaws, wake up each and every morning and make the conscious choice to love and be with someone, to acknowledge the fact that those initial giddy, feverish feelings of infatuation will eventually (and quite naturally) fade a bit with time and to be patient and aware enough to see and feel the deep, abiding love which replaces them... to make the decision to create a life together and respect and love each other as best you are able while accepting each other, warts and all... that, to me, is romantic.

I think the sticking point for me with the concept of soulmates (aside from, you know, being an atheist and all) is the idea of choosing vs being chosen. I want to be with someone who chooses me for who I am and what I am to them (and vice versa), how we mesh and who we are as a couple, and to not feel as though they think I was chosen for them according to some ethereal concept that neither of us can really adequately define. I need something concrete, tangible, and real. If you tell me you love me because the stars are aligned and you "just knew" upon meeting that I was "the one"... well, maybe that sounds nice in poetry and it works for some people but it doesn't really pass the smell test for me. If, however, you tell me you love me because you've seen me at my worst, now know my flaws, and you still want to be with me in spite of everything because you still get that ache when I walk through the door, to me that's love.

imperfect_cupcake 10-14-2014 07:29 PM

Anya that's fantastic.

After being married to someone who "understood everything about me" - for real - and had so much in common... That deep click...
It didn't matter.

And recently being challenged by someone... I loved it.

But this is really a great research study on those attitudes about "soul mates"
And how it reflects on a relationship


JDeere 10-14-2014 07:31 PM

IMO... no they do not exist!

Blaze 10-14-2014 07:42 PM

It's something that has to be worked at...
Just my opinion... I have yet to be proven wrong.
And I want to be proven wrong.

Logicaly 01-03-2015 12:39 AM

I feel like they do exist. In my opinion at least, its when you meet someone, and the click just happens, and things just happen naturally. I know some people say things shouldn't be effortless, but I feel like some things can be. Then before you know it, you two are together, and you don't even know when it happened, just that it did, and it was so natural, like breathing.

And when you are with that person, its amazing. The world doesn't stop spinning, in fact, the world starts spinning. Life even though it was good before, becomes even better, when you get to share it with the person whom you have connected with in such a way, that its a special, deep, intense, mind blowing bond.

The way they get you, understand you, participate in your life. They move, you move, you move, they move, and its all very fluid. They let your true self shine through, and it only enhances you.

Just my opinion.

Play 01-03-2015 11:11 AM

My possible soulmate just brought me blueberry pancakes and bacon in bed.

I do believe in soulmates, I just think we might not recognize immediately
when we've found one. Some sneak up on you, some come in guns blazing,
and some have been there all along.

For me a soulmate is that person who just "gets" me. Not to say there aren't
some obstacles to get over, under or around, just that they make you want to
work to overcome the obstacles. When I find someone who makes me want to
be a better person that speaks volumes to me. Mainly because I feel really
good about the person I am already.

Now I'm off to do an equally kind gesture for her.

Isn't that what it is all about?

Bèsame* 01-03-2015 01:17 PM

You won't believe until it happens. Then suddenly everything you thought you knew feels totally different. Feelings become alive. Emotions appear. Actions become effortless.

Thank you for bumping into me ♡

rkim33 01-07-2015 09:02 PM

I have not believed in such thing... Until I met her this summer. It was a very strange feeling, a feeling I have never had in my life.

It was as if I knew her for the longest time even though I barely knew her. We just connected in a very emotional and physical way. We shared many interests. She just made me into a much better person overall. She opened my eyes to new things and helped me see myself much more clearly.

It seems like story of soul mates never end well though and I wasn't able to dodge the bullet either...Perhaps we just met at the wrong place and the wrong time but the time we spent together I would not exchange for anything in the world.

I miss her daily and she will always be in my heart. I am however, moving on... no matter how painful it is =)

Bèsame* 01-20-2015 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Blaze (Post 942274)
It's something that has to be worked at...
Just my opinion... I have yet to be proven wrong.
And I want to be proven wrong.

Need more proof?

Ginger 01-20-2015 09:08 PM

IMO, a soul mate is someone who really "gets" you, sees your strengths without idealizing you and accepts your flaws without contempt.

Someone you can be yourself with, who makes it easy to be your best self.

On top of that, you share surface things with this person, like activities and aesthetics and ways of being in the world, not to mention, sexual energy.

I don't think everyone will experience that dynamic or have what we're calling a "soul mate."

I believe we do everything in our power to be open and true to ourselves etc. but there are things we aren't in control of, being in the right place at the right time to meet that person.

I don't mean to be negative, I just think that's the way it is. It's part of being alive, to accept this. IMO.

puddin' 01-20-2015 09:15 PM

i believe a soul mate is not a sexual partner, per se. it can be but it's not mutually exclusive.

it is way beyond sexual, in my opinion.

TIMBERWOLF 01-27-2015 06:11 PM

I have looked for many years for my soul mate. And have dated a few but it wasn't until I quit looking for a couple of years ,that I realized that a very good friend that I loved as a friend for 12 yrs, was actually my Soul mate. We married 11/2-14 with no regrets . I love her with every being in me. We have actually been together since Aug,but it seems like just yesterday. Being married though seems like we have been together forever and don't know of another life before. I think that means she is my soul mate to me.

Daniela 01-31-2015 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by puddin' (Post 964557)
i believe a soul mate is not a sexual partner, per se. it can be but it's not mutually exclusive.

it is way beyond sexual, in my opinion.

This is interesting...I've never heard anyone express that before.

But does this mean, then, that your soulmate could theoretically be your Mom or Dad? :|

KayCee 01-31-2015 07:08 AM

The 'thing' with your soulmate is that you just can't go out and try to find them somewhere.

No, you find EACHOTHER..out of nowhere and at the weirdest places and in times you would have never expected. And you just know in a split second even only after sharing a few thoughts.

You know they are your soulmate because they resemble everything and everybody to you.

They are your father, mother, sister, brother, your best friend and even your puppy dog you never really had.

They are the best lover because they just KNOW what you need, feel and think right in that moment.

They look in to your eyes and see YOU for what and who you are and accept you just the way you are. Your looks, the way you laugh, talk, your voice, mind..they adore everything about you although you're not at any means 'perfect'. It doesn't matter.

A soulmate guides you through life, criticizes where it's needed and reels you back in when go too far and out of line, but always in a loving, protective way and always for your own good.

They support you in anything you put your mind to, because they believe in you.

With a soulmate on your side you have a HOME for life, in your soul and in your heart, forever.

They give you wings to fly out to the world so you can thrive and become a better person for yourself, them, your life and their's....

....only to come back home to the warmth and security of their arms.

It's absolute unconditional love for as long as you both live..and beyond.

That's my soulmate.

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