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-   Fine Wine: Folks Over 50 (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=88)
-   -   old chicken makes good broth :) (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=59)

Vlasta 11-03-2009 10:26 PM

old chicken makes good broth :)
nobody posted in this thread yet ... I am hoping more people will post here since I have the need to talk about my pains and aches ;)

The_Lady_Snow 11-03-2009 10:35 PM

Girlll lemme tell you I have had some good chicken soup in mah lifetime:p

Vlasta 11-03-2009 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Jackhammer (Post 342)
Well, Im not 50 yet.

So I'll come back in 6 years.

But my eyes are going bad, and my back hurts and I wake up grumpy.


lol ...well jack we can lower the age limit here just for you since you fit the category ;)

WolfyOne 11-06-2009 08:19 PM

Vlasta, in less than a month, I'll be celebrating the 30th anniversary of my 21st birthday. I'm guessing, I fit in just fine around here. I can match aches and pains with you as long as neither of us have to pole dance :D

Mindy 11-08-2009 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by WolfyOne (Post 1418)
Vlasta, in less than a month, I'll be celebrating the 30th anniversary of my 21st birthday. I'm guessing, I fit in just fine around here. I can match aches and pains with you as long as neither of us have to pole dance :D

Hey now, I come here to see you stealking my lines? The 30th anniversary of your 21st birthday? You laugh at me when I say it, and I find you hear using it. Real nice smartypants! lmao :eek: :D

Angelika 11-09-2009 11:02 AM

I just turned 45 last week, and while I do not technically qualify for this group :p, I certainly do not fit into the under 30 *chuckles* ... and personally I have always been drawn to the generations that were ahead of me, not behind me ... so if nobody minds, can I come in and play too? I have been known to beg if I feel it will get me somewhere!


Andrew, Jr. 11-09-2009 11:10 AM

Oh Lord...
I'm in my late 40's and my health is not what it used to be. I have had 2 heart attacks, and everything seems to have gone to he** in a hand bag. I wake up, and am glad I wake up. :D

Aches and pains...mainly my lower back after playing golf. :(

30 seems such a l o n g time ago. :eek:

WolfyOne 11-09-2009 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Angelika (Post 2341)
I just turned 45 last week, and while I do not technically qualify for this group :p, I certainly do not fit into the under 30 *chuckles* ... and personally I have always been drawn to the generations that were ahead of me, not behind me ... so if nobody minds, can I come in and play too? I have been known to beg if I feel it will get me somewhere!


I think anyone that wants to come play in folks over 50 thread, should. Nothing here locking anyone out, lol. Besides, it seems like Vlasta and I are the only ones admitting it.

WolfyOne 11-09-2009 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Andrew, Jr. (Post 2347)
I'm in my late 40's and my health is not what it used to be. I have had 2 heart attacks, and everything seems to have gone to he** in a hand bag. I wake up, and am glad I wake up. :D

Aches and pains...mainly my lower back after playing golf. :(

30 seems such a l o n g time ago. :eek:

Andrew, I know what you mean about aches and pains. I just wished I had the get up and go I had at 30.

Angelika 11-10-2009 04:44 AM





Originally Posted by WolfyOne (Post 2534)
I think anyone that wants to come play in folks over 50 thread, should. Nothing here locking anyone out, lol. Besides, it seems like Vlasta and I are the only ones admitting it.

pajama 11-10-2009 06:28 AM

Hell at the rate I'm going, if i wait 'till I'm 50, I will have forgotten that I meant to post in this thread.

I have the aches some, and the lack of energy, but what is really bugging me is the loss of short-term memory....or long-term memory for that matter.

A (who is also not yet 50, but waaaay past 30)

little man 11-10-2009 08:58 AM

when i was a kid, i couldn't understand why "old" people used to talk so much about bowel movements. now i know. nothing like a good BM to make your day right.

i'm over 50 and paying for all the foolishness when i was younger and more flexible. youth really *is* wasted on the young.

T D 11-28-2009 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by little man (Post 2852)
when i was a kid, i couldn't understand why "old" people used to talk so much about bowel movements. now i know. nothing like a good BM to make your day right.

i'm over 50 and paying for all the foolishness when i was younger and more flexible. youth really *is* wasted on the young.

I couldn't agree more, with both LOL

Way over 50 here, and yup I have aches and pains. Of course I didn't believe anything I was told about getting older when I was younger, and now here I am. There's something about experiencing things you were told about and didn't believe that just isn't at all pleasant *chuckling*.

I might be old, but I can BBQ a mean tri-tip :thumbsup:

Turino 12-01-2009 01:05 AM

ah yes... waking up after a good night sleep and being in more pain than when you went to bed...good times

Daryn 12-11-2009 10:00 PM

Double nickels here and this cold spell is making everything in my body ache. Also, have some ex-jock gone to hayseed issues... mostly caused by a broken ankle years ago. It never healed right.

Dean Thoreau 01-05-2010 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by little man (Post 2852)
when i was a kid, i couldn't understand why "old" people used to talk so much about bowel movements. now i know. nothing like a good BM to make your day right.

i'm over 50 and paying for all the foolishness when i was younger and more flexible. youth really *is* wasted on the young.

amen to that littleman...
I actually stay up late at night to watch the infomercials on colon cleansing now instead of to go out dancing......(ok truth is i set my alarm so I wake up to watch it) :grandpiano:

Every morning I go get the paper check the obituaries if I am not in them I head off to work :ymca:

suebee 01-05-2010 08:08 PM

Whoaaaaaa! Wait a minute now! You mean I'm not the only one? Praise prune juice! :sermon:

Dean Thoreau 01-07-2010 05:18 PM

i have found consuming 8 ounces of fresh blueberries every day...or 4 ounces of fresh blackberries seems to do the job..... :duct: course I am developing this blue tint...... :crap:

Andrea 01-07-2010 06:15 PM

55 years here and excited I am now eligible for some senior discounts. :cheerleader:

There are drugs (Aleve) for the knee pains but I am really unhappy when I can't find simple, every day words in my vocabulary any more. I am blessed that Rene is younger and fills in my words. :heartbeat:


Galahad 01-07-2010 06:23 PM

Old fashioned oats every morning with a teaspoon of oat bran and another half teaspoon of flax seeds. No butter,sugar or milk. Getting old takes a strong will. Like Andrea, a dictionary, thesaurus and a long list of common nouns would help.

WolfyOne 01-07-2010 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Andrea (Post 30966)
55 years here and excited I am now eligible for some senior discounts. :cheerleader:

There are drugs (Aleve) for the knee pains but I am really unhappy when I can't find simple, every day words in my vocabulary any more. I am blessed that Rene is younger and fills in my words. :heartbeat:


LOL at your excitement over discounts. Heck, I was excited when I hit 50 and could join AARP. I really like the AARP magazine. Now you're saying when I hit 55 I can get senior discounts, too.......I'm thinking I'm not sure I want to be called a senior at 55.

~Bo 01-10-2010 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by Jackhammer (Post 342)
Well, Im not 50 yet.

So I'll come back in 6 years.

But my eyes are going bad, and my back hurts and I wake up grumpy.


You should never wake up Grumpy. Let her sleep. :superfunny:

Corkey 01-10-2010 04:06 PM

Just turned 51 this last year, boy am I feeling it. Still want to do things like I'm 30, but the paying for it later sucks dogs toes.

WolfyOne 01-10-2010 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by ~Bo (Post 31665)
You should never wake up Grumpy. Let her sleep. :superfunny:

See Bo....all this funny and we've missed it. Next time, you won't be late.

jezabela55 03-02-2010 06:38 PM

I am sitting here reading these posts and laughing!

I think its time to segway past BM's and hell lets talk about
how great it is to be over 50, past my childish insecurities, on to my growing ability for appreciation of the width of my hips, that sexy smile I can still manage to muster up for a swaggering butch.
That I have gotten past quickies and developed an appreciation for savoring those slow Sunday mornings.

I like being my age, I am smarter, prettier and hell a lot nicer now that I have mellowed.

What do you like about being this age?


Dean Thoreau 03-22-2010 06:06 PM

i get a discount at the good will store on wednesdays!!
i can oder the senior meals and not have the waitress roll her eyes

i can say outrageous things and people chock it up to age not insanity :thumbsup:

when i say "go F yourself" younguns smile and think i am cool....

i love being this age .....if i sit on a parkbench and set my coffee cup down people put change in it (got 3 dollars yesterday) when i was young they would just say..Get a job bum!

i love being this age

fever 03-24-2010 02:18 AM

Dean, I really do think You should have a thread all Your own, with "Dean's ditties". You have one of the best senses of humour ever, and You always make me chuckle.

I am now on 3 months leave from work, and I am going to be walking, talking, swimming, and educating myself about diabetes. After all that I will be glad to go back to work!!!

Waving at grandpa,

Tess 11-23-2010 01:57 AM

Over 50

Originally Posted by little man (Post 2852)
when i was a kid, i couldn't understand why "old" people used to talk so much about bowel movements. now i know. nothing like a good BM to make your day right.

i'm over 50 and paying for all the foolishness when i was younger and more flexible. youth really *is* wasted on the young.

I'm Tess and over 50 too. I'm new to this board and have been hiding out playing in the arcade, this thread caught my eye and I thought it was time to introduce myself and join in. Some times I feel my age some times I don't when I wake up all sore and stiff I take 2 Alieve and feel good again, but the bowel movements..that's a different story used to be I never thought of it, never had a problem now I think of it all the time and am always looking for things to make it better...oh well enough about that. I looked at your pictures and must say you have a great eye for beauty, fabulous pictures!

Katalina 03-27-2011 12:21 PM

A few months past 50 myself, and I'll step into the 'aches and pains' line with ya'll! This weekend, we've hauled landscaping bricks, cleaned the house, cleared the irrigation ditch, and loaded the pickup for the dump run. Not only does every muscle in my body hurt, I still have stuff to do.

My mantra: "Ibuprophen is my friend...and eventually, it will be time to go to bed."

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