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-   -   If You *REALLY* knew Me... (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1874)

FeminineAllure 08-14-2010 06:19 AM

If You *REALLY* knew Me...
This idea came from a show on MTV that encourages High school students from different cliques to challenge their views of each other. Most all of us are out of high school for years and years now but this thread is here to allow a space for safely sharing ones vulnerabilities and to encourage mutual respect and a deeper understanding of the lives of other community members.
Lets respect the extent that people will feel comfortable divulging as much or a little information as they choose to share.
This is NOT a space for personal issues with any other member/s on this site.


If you really knew me...
You would know I have had a very stressful 2 years. I moved from N.J. to PA to take care of my 84 year old father who is going blind. I also took on the responsibility of 8 feral cats out back.
If you really knew me you would now I am somewhat shy and this sometimes hinders me in meeting new people.
If you really knew me...You would know I have been contented being single the last few years but would like to make some new friendships and start dating again.
If you really knew me you would know they found a lesion in my brain last month on the frontal lobe and are doing another test in 6 months to monitor me for MS.
If you really knew me you would know I have a slipper fetish. I own many, many slippers!!!

I think you get the idea...

Sachita 08-14-2010 06:48 AM

great idea for sharing but also affirmations. I've been using a lot of self hypnosis and meditation lately.

If you really knew me you'd know that 10 years ago something happened that devastated me, changed my view of myself and world. Every year after seemed to spiral out of control and although I still achieved many goals there was a constant void , pain and fear within me. If you knew me before that you would have seen a vivacious woman that had an unreal zest for living. Strong, capable, beautiful and seductive.

If you knew me you'd see how very hard I've worked to escape this doubt and heal. Today I am not the same woman I was even 2 months ago. If you knew me you'd see that finally, after so many years I have thrown off the weight of fear and liberated myself pain. If you knew me you'd see the sparkle starting to return and you'd feel the passion for life starting to brew. you'd know that its all me, no one that walks on this planet can make me happier then I can myself.

If you knew me you'd know that animals are a very important part of my healing and should the truth be known I like then better than humans.

MysticOceansFL 08-14-2010 08:03 AM

If you really knew me: You would know that I am a carrying person and I chat with many people and that doesn't mean I'm " doing" anyone. I think it's healthy to have many friends but if someone is sulking over how many one person has friends then get out and make more friends yourself don't be jelious of someone else.

Because if you really know me: This time last year I wasn't a talkitive chatter.

Pixie 08-14-2010 08:36 AM

If you really knew me, you would know that I strive to make everyone I meet feel accepted, understood, and respected.

If you really knew me, you would know I do this to receive the same in return.

If you really knew me, you would have seen the growth I have done and the healthier and more confident person I have become, cherishing the scars of the past, to keep me from returning to that lower self.

If you really knew me, you know that my trust, once given runs thick with love and protection.

If you really knew me, I would really know you!

WolfyOne 08-14-2010 10:26 AM

If you really knew me, you'd know my outward appearance doesn't match how I've felt inside for almost a year now

If you really knew me, you'd know that it's hard for me to communicate in crowded rooms, on the phone and sometimes one on with a person
if you don't speak loud enough or clear enough or don't annunciate your words

If you really knew me, you'd know I'm a kind, caring person that can be a jerk at times and not realize it

If you really knew me, you'd know I was an animal lover and would rescue them all if I had the time, money and room

Diva 08-14-2010 12:44 PM

~If You really knew me, You'd be surprised.

WingsOnFire 08-14-2010 01:14 PM

If you Really knew me... you would know that under this sweet loving confident personality is a woman who has overcome huge obstacles and used to be completely beaten down emotionally.

If you Really knew me... you would know I protect those that I love fiercely...

If you Really knew me... you would know that I am usually the peace maker which can drive people nuts sometimes :giggle:

If you Really knew me... you would know that I would buy a farm and adopt every unadoptable or lost animal there is.. thank goodness I cant afford a farm!

Boots13 08-14-2010 01:17 PM

blowing the image -
If you really knew me you'd see me
in Birkenstocks
eating veggie sandwiches
and playing fetch with my cat

...see, not so tough.

bigbutchmistie 08-14-2010 01:35 PM

If you really knew me you would be shocked at all thats been in my life and all Ive been through to make me the person I am today.

If you really knew me you'd know how the death of my mother in 2001 changed me. And I havent been the same since. It left a hole in my soul.

If you really knew me you would know I have a rough exterior but a huge heart.

If you really knew me you'd know how it hurts me not have my brother in my life.

If you really knew me you would know sensitive I can be.

If you really knew me you'd know how loyal I am.

If you really knew me you'd know how understanding I am

If you really knew me you'd know how I dont tolerate b.s.

If you really knew me you'd know how shy I am. How I almost pass out to be in crowds.

If you really knew me you'd know how hard it is for me to talk to a beautiful woman.

If you really knew me you'd know how trust is a big t hing for me.

If you really knew me you'd know how I think Im 10 feet tall and bullet proof during the day, but crash at night :)

If you really knew me you'd know how complex and yet simple I can be

If you really knew me you'd know I am an honest person

If you really knew me you'd know that Simon is my world. I love that little dog so much. He keeps me from closing my heart.

FeminineAllure 08-14-2010 06:43 PM

Thanks for the sharing so far! Reading the responses made me smile and warmed my heart.

Corkey 08-14-2010 06:57 PM

If you really knew me..you'd understand I really have no use for drama or those who perpetrate it.
If you really knew me you'd see a man who loves his wife beyond measure.
If you really knew me you would have a friend for life, cause we are all human.
If you really knew me you would see though I'm differently abled, my mind is intact and I am not a fool nor suffer fools easily.
If you really knew me we'd go have a beer and talk about fishing, food, football, and life in general.
If you really knew me, you'd understand I accept you for who you are, all I ask is the same.
If you really knew me.

Gemme 08-14-2010 07:00 PM

My housemate LOVES this show and she's made me sit through a few episodes. It's not bad at all. There have been a couple kids that really pulled on my heartstrings.

If you really knew me....

you'd know to expect the unexpected.

you'd know there's just as much, if not more, darkness than sunshine within me

you'd know that I am a lost soul

you'd know I require but loathe change

FeminineAllure 08-14-2010 09:31 PM

If you really knew me... you would know I have insomnia often. It gives me way too much time to think...Yet I am a night person and love the evening. It is such a peaceful, quiet time for me to relax and unwind.

bigbutchmistie 08-14-2010 09:38 PM

If you really knew me you'd know how much I love hockey and football and cant stand baseball, basketball, golf or NASCAR...

If you really knew me youd know I love to be cold in the summer and luke warm in the winter. Hell, I dont own a coat

If you really knew me you'd know that I have been out of the closet for 18 years and have been single for all but a year of that combined.

If you really knew me you'd know Im a survivor

Laerkin 08-14-2010 10:11 PM

If you really knew me you'd know that it's way past my bedtime and I'm yawning up a storm. Trying to keep my eyes open and failing...zzzzzz.

DamonK 08-15-2010 12:44 AM

If you really knew me... you'd know I'm a fighter.

If you really knew me... you'd know I've overcome amazing obstacles.

If you really knew me... you'd realize why I do some of the things I do.

If you really knew me... you'd know I'm hard as steel... down to the core.

If you really knew me... you wouldn't be reading this. You'd just know.

T D 08-15-2010 12:54 AM

If you really knew me......

You'd know that you will never "really" know me unless I want you to ;)

Kobi 08-15-2010 01:53 AM

If you really knew me....you'd know I can't fall asleep unless a dvd of Friends is playing on the tv.

If you really knew me....you'd know I sleep with ear muffs on. Blocks out the noise from the youngster next door.

If you really knew me....you'd know I am becoming more and more conservative as I age. At this rate, I figure to be Bill O'Reilly by 2015. Oy.

If you really knew me....you'd know my trust is something you will have to earn.

If you really knew me....you'd know a good friend is more important to me than a partner.

If you really knew me....you'd know I am at the age where I believe little of what I hear and half of what I see. It is a fun era.

If you really knew me....you'd know I call 'em like I see 'em. After all, bullcrap is still bullcrap no matter how nicely you dress it up.

If you really knew me....you'd know I love my space and freedom.

If you really knew me....you'd know I can live in shorts and a tank even in the middle of winter.

tiggs 08-15-2010 02:43 AM

If you really knew me?

You would know that I find the greatest joy in the simplest of things

You would know that when I love it is fiercely, passionately and completely without reservation and that I will lay my life down for those I love

You would know that if you betray me I will walk away, no questions or explinations and I will never look back

You would know that I still LOVE cartoons and will laugh out loud at I Love Lucy re-runs

You would know what complete and utter acceptance is

Converse 08-15-2010 04:12 AM

If you knew me you’d know that I seek not to agree but to understand.

That its not that I want to save the world but that witnessing bullying, intimidation and misuse of power will always make me rise.

That love changed me.

That I will begin to pace if I can’t see the sky.

That I can often forgive but never forget.

skeeter_01 08-15-2010 06:31 AM

If you REALLY knew me you'd know that...
- I can be painfully shy or the life of the party
- I like dogs better than I like alot of people
- I was in recovery from addiction for 20+ years
- I recently switched from mid-night shift to days and I love it!
- I'm crazy in love with someone I've never met in person

sweetfemme247 08-15-2010 07:09 AM

If you knew me you would know that I am a very shy person who wont go up to a stranger
that I would rather read a book then go to a party
that I dont drink alcholo
that I am short standing at 5'0
that I like bright colors

Blade 08-15-2010 07:29 AM

If you really knew me you'd know.............

I am not available from 12 pm to 12 am every Saturday during NCAA football season

I'm a lover not a fighter, I will not argue with anyone over anything

I do not yell, nope not at an animal, a child or my partner, I just don't do it

I don't bite much but when me or mine is bitten I bite back

I love all of the critters God sends to me and they are welcome in my home always.

I am loyal to my family, friends, my Southern heritage and my American heritage

I require very little sleep

I'm always in motion even when I sleep

I'm pretty sensitive, you can hurt my feelings fairly easily

I try to be fair but sometimes my view is clouded, work with me.

dixie 08-15-2010 08:30 AM

If you really knew me you'd know...
...I am an animal lover and would take in every stray and homeless animal I could if I had the means.

...I used to drag race when I was younger, but later on I didn't drive for a long time because even sitting in the passenger seat would give me panic attacks, and it still happens on occasion.

...I got the back of my head split open from being thrown from a bucking horse when I was 17.

...I started as a First Responder for the volunteer fire department when I was 16 because I like to help folks.

...I fall asleep best when there's heavy metal blasting through my mp3 player headphones.

...I would take a Dodge Ram pickup over a luxury car any day.

...I have a "degree" in parapsychology. :|

...I thrive on the unique and unusual.

Laerkin 08-15-2010 08:56 AM

If you knew me you'd know that pancakes are sacred food to me. So when you f*** up my pancakes, you offend my sensibility. (I'm looking at you, Mimi's Cafe - not cool.)

Spirit Dancer 08-15-2010 09:30 AM

If you really knew me,
you would know I'm complex, yet caring
and private.
If you really knew me, you would know
I protect those I love and am fierce about it.
If you really knew me,
You you know that i'm not a fluttery butterfly, am a woman of size
and am rooted deep in my native ancestry.

bigbutchmistie 08-15-2010 04:54 PM

If you really knew me you'd know how Ive made all my dreams come true except the one I want the most. To be someone's partner. To have found my soulmate.

If you really knew me you'd know I love animals but am very partial to dogs.

If you really knew me you'd know Im very allergic to cats.

If you really knew me you'd know I love Lifetime Movies

If you really knew me you'd know I cry at romantic movies

If you really knew me you'd know I dont have any patience

If you really knew me you'd know all my friends are coupled

If you really knew me you'd know Im a great person to know

If you really knew me you'd know how it scares me to be vulnerable to anyone.

If you really knew me you'd know that they just found my 20 year old neighbor dead from apparent suicide. He hung himself. He has been dead for at least 3 days before he was found.

If you really knew me you'd know this has made me cry these last few days. Feeling so sad for this young man. And it really hitting home to me. Knowing that is my greatest fear to die in my apt and no one finding me for days.

If you really knew me you'd know that I am ten feet tall and bullet proof as I stated before but Im so much more than that. Im very very tenderhearted.

bigbutchmistie 08-15-2010 08:52 PM

If you really knew me you'd know I love music.

If you really knew me you'd know Im truly headed to bed :)

SimpleAlaskanBoy 08-15-2010 11:48 PM

that I have a chronic medical condition called hydrocephalus.
That I hate canned green beans.
that I love baseball.
that I am a dedicated Daddy/husband, brother and son
that I love video games, and would own every platform *if* I could afford it
that lately, I've been falling asleep with the tv on


FeminineAllure 08-16-2010 11:25 AM

If you really knew me you would know I am not a morning person and it takes me some time to fully wake up in the morning. I can not just jump out of bed and off I go unless I wake up late for something.

If you really knew me you would know I have some issues about my body and weight. If you really knew me you would know I have just recently lost 30 pounds. If you really knew me you would know I would love to learn to love the body I am in.

If you really knew me you would know I am very genorous to a fault and need to learn to say "no" to people sometimes.

If you really knew me you would know how much I adore cats. I get up every morning to feed the ferals Cilla, Zach, Gracie, Juliet, Sneaky, Romeo, And two unamed as of yet. And my inside ex feral Punkin I have had for over 6 years now.
If you really knew me you would know how hard it was this summer to get them all trapped, spayed and nuetered, shots, etc... And that 6 kittens had to be put up for adoption and I miss them but know I did the right thing. One was sick and I had to nurse him back to health. I named him Willie because he had the Will to live. It is so important to spay and neuter.

If you really knew me you would know that I adore Butch Women. The more masculine the better. I find it very hard to meet them. I never rule out any human being I am attracted to but that is my preference. I have only had past relationships with very stone butches and I feel limited physically with them. I am not generalizing this was just my experiences.

If you really knew me you would know I was married for four years back in 93 and I am still very good friends with my ex to this very day. He is very kind and totally gets and supports who I am. Most of my exes thought he was a great guy.

If you really knew me you would would know I am a very open minded individual and need that same quality in my friends and partners. I share things about who I am and what I am about easily.The truth and honesty are very important to me. I have pretty good intuition but tend to believe everyone is a good person until they prove me wrong.

violaine 08-17-2010 09:17 PM

i always carry fruit with me wherever i go, and in the car at a stop, after separating orange segments, i like to hold them up to the sunlight and look at them.

Packin'Boi 08-17-2010 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by violaine (Post 176934)
i always carry fruit with me wherever i go, and in the car at a stop, after separating orange segments, i like to hold them up to the sunlight and look at them.

I do that too!! Lol..

chefhottie25 08-20-2010 11:20 PM

if you really knew me...
you would know that i struggle with my mental disorder daily
you would know that i am passionate about cooking
you would know that i have become a good listener in the last few years
you would know that i love to cuddle

Abigail Crabby 08-21-2010 12:59 AM

If you really knew me

You'd know I can forgive anything but cheating

That I look for the best in people even when they hurt me

That I will stay in and work to make it right if I love you

That I can be painfully shy - and have a negative side I work on constantly.

That I've been a doormat and a chamelon for love but that I found my backbone and haven't the patience for that in my life anymore

That I am very good friends with my exes - except for one - that relates to the cheating.

That I still have a child like vulnerablity and tend to be gullible

That I hate arguing and will just go silent rather than throw epitaths and add fuel to the fire. But if I'm doused with a molitov cocktail of verbal abuse my silence will end very abruptly

If you knew me, you'd know I'm loyal - to my partner, family and friends.

That I wear my heart and sometimes my hurt on my sleave

If you really knew me. you'd know that I've overcome some major obstacles these past few months, and I've come out a stronger person and I'm not as gullible as I was once.

Soft*Silver 08-21-2010 01:18 AM

you would know I want my bacon hard and my hashbrowns as brown and hard as my bacon. Eggs sunny side up and peppered so much you sneeze when you cook them

you would know I am winter...cold and hard and hard to take....

and I am summer...hot and ripe and playful

and I am autumn...colorful, tantalizing and good enough to eat

and I am spring...forever a new beginning and a giver of life and love

if you knew me you would cross your legs when I came into the rooms because I am fierce and take no hostages

but if you knew me better, you would slide your hand to the small of my back and watch as my lips part and you and only you would know the softness of my heart

AtLast 08-21-2010 02:30 AM

You would know that honor is important to me...

I am introverted...

I believe manners are important...

I love mint chocolate chip ice cream...

I am goofy silly about dogs...

I am the marrying kind....

I'm extremely loyal...

I can be stubborn....

Noise and loud voices bother me (just happens, not a judgement thing)...

I am willing to take a chance with love but not with someone that can't see that I am not the ex that hurt her.... we all get hurt, why let jerks take our future away....

You would love to come to my home for dinner!

afixer 08-21-2010 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by dixielady (Post 175235)

...I have a "degree" in parapsychology.

that is interesting. what does one do with said degree?

Abigail Crabby 08-21-2010 10:26 AM

If you knew me

you'd know I long to be a wife in a happy marriage

that I love learning new things and am thinking I'd bungi jump :goodluck:

I can be stubborn

that I like my bacon crispy but my hashbrowns close to burnt

I enjoy the feeling of a strong hand on the small of my back guiding me

I enjoy taking care of people

I hate washing floors

I miss my fur babies and will regret to my dying days that I gave them up and would do anything to get them back and shall.

lipstixgal 08-21-2010 10:40 AM

If you knew me I love all kinds of animals and would take in strays if I could and had the means to doi it.

If you knew me I am very loyal friend
If you knew me I have a degree in EE and Biology and one in medical Assistant soon.
If you knew me I would like to be with my soulmate
If you knew me I like to cook and bake
If you knew me I want to be a nurse
If you knew me I am have a disability and try to to things like everyone else but it is hard sometimes...

SuperFemme 08-21-2010 10:51 AM

If you really knew me?

You'd stop with all those crazy stories.

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