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Medusa 11-02-2009 10:47 AM

What Are You Thankful For?
Im just a tiny bit early for Thanksgiving but I think it's a good habit to give 'Thanks' when you think of it. So here it is:

I am thankful for all of you. So. Very. Thankful.

Just_G 11-02-2009 01:52 PM

I am thankful for:
feeling the love
giving the love
chosen Family
my pups that make me laugh and keep me warm
and for the best cast of friends ever assembled in my life!

PinkieLee 11-02-2009 01:58 PM

It's never too early to be thankful and count our many blessings ~ each and every day.

I am thankful for...

My family ~ dysfuctional as it may be, but filled with unconditional love.
My friends near & far ~ who bring joy, happiness & love to my life.
My chosen family ~ that surround my life with happiness, love & acceptance.

Enchantress 11-02-2009 05:20 PM

I am thankful for:

new places and people.
Old friends and faces.
Puppy kisses
sparkly things that make me smile

SuperFemme 11-02-2009 05:44 PM

I am thankful for the most amazing partner a girl could ever dream of.

I am thankful for the love and support of my community.

I am thankful that I get one more Thanksgiving.

I am thankful for this website.

I am thankful for the amazing people that have made the transition from people online to beloved family members.

IrishGrrl 11-02-2009 06:59 PM

I am thankful for my children..and my husband.

I am thankful for this site.

I am thankful for femme friends..

And kittens.

Andrew, Jr. 11-04-2009 09:35 PM

Daily Gratitude...
I am so very blessed. I have reconnected with some of my friends from years gone by. Thank God above that we are back together. :)

I am grateful for my family of choice.

I am grateful for my home.

I am grateful for my pets.

I am grateful for having healthcare benefits.

I am grateful for being accepted for being who and what I am.

I am grateful for being loved, and never realizing it.

I am grateful for my life. Life is a gift. It is hard, but it is a gift.

apretty 11-04-2009 09:48 PM

cool faces, voices, fonts from the past.

4 crazy and adored dogs

that sexy pompadour

Mel C. 11-04-2009 10:05 PM

so so much
I am thankful for so many things..

this site (cuz I haven't felt like I "belong" anywhere else for awhile)
this thread (cuz it is ALWAYS good to remember what wonderful things I have in my life)
my family (blood and chosen)
my friends
my job (pisses me off quite a bit but I really am thankful for it)
my home
basically...my life...I am very very lucky :)

thank you to all who are a part of my life

I'mOneToo 11-14-2009 01:27 AM

Still standing upright! That's the short list. Longer list to come, maybe.

Leigh 11-14-2009 01:41 AM

I am thankful for:

~> Medusa and Jack creating this fantastic website
~> My friends here that make everyday absolutely wonderful
~> My mom and sister, true blessings in My life
~> Finally having a good job and working with good people
~> Smilies, new and old

Sam 11-19-2009 03:57 PM

thankful for Avery
thankful for kellie
thanksful for my health right now

JustLovelyJenn 11-19-2009 07:16 PM

Today I am really thankful the power is still on!!

Surayna 11-19-2009 07:32 PM

Today I am thankful for a Daddy that keeps me on track. After a blissful afternoon nap, I am awake, and ready to get out the books while she is curled around me still half asleep. She will stay curled around me until my homework is done. :) Life is good!

Just_G 11-19-2009 07:45 PM

I am thankful for
* friends that always have my back when I need it.
* friends that keep an eye on my heart, and make sure that I am doing okay.
* the peacefulness that I have in my life.
* the business that comes our way...thank you god.
* my BFFF and the great relationship we have!
* the dog known as Frankie...she is teaching me patience
* the dog known as Vinnie....he is my cuddle buddy.

Novelafemme 11-19-2009 07:52 PM

~ my two beautiful daughters who make me laugh every single day and are also accountable for each and every grey hair on my head.

~ olive. who is always on patrol and ready to snuggle in a moments notice.

~ my health and that i have health insurance.

~ my dear friends. they may be few but they are near and dear and i love them with all my heart.

~ my love. thank you for being a part of my life and allowing me to be a part of yours.

girl_dee 11-19-2009 09:13 PM

I am thankful for folks who truly try to build up our community through learning and respect

Leigh 11-19-2009 10:14 PM

I am thankful for being alive, for having a good job, for family and friends and this site that gives Me so many smiles everyday :)

Waldo 11-19-2009 10:32 PM

I am thankful for a great chiropractor and the fact that tonight I have feeling in all but HALF my thumb. It's a weird sensation but it's an improvement.

violaine 11-19-2009 11:49 PM

things [have a way of] falling into place
acquiescing to the universe :candle:

Gemme 11-20-2009 01:05 AM

I'm thankful for the guy who took a chance, my friend who encouraged him, friends who love and support me from all distances, housemates that are genuinely good human beings, two goofy pups that have no ulterior motives other than getting an extra scrap or scratch now and then, this site, my freedom as given to me by this country and those before me, and a world where the war waged between good and evil tends to lean toward the former.

MainelyButch 11-20-2009 01:14 AM

Today I am thankful that I finished the painting in my new place and am ready to move in tomorrow!

I am also thankful for the moving crew that is coming....and thankful that I could come up with the cash to pay a moving crew instead of relying on friends and family this time!

I am thankful for my girlfriend putting up with me through the stress of this move...I do love her so much.

I too am thankful to the people who created this new site! It's awesome! :bandana:

JustLovelyJenn 11-20-2009 09:04 AM

I am thankful for my beautiful home... and the opportunities that it is now providing me. Never in my life did I imagine I would live in this wonderful home. Now, my mom and I are taking on a few private tutoring clients, made possible by the room off the kitchen that is to be "The School Room"

T D 11-24-2009 01:17 PM

I'm thankful for this new b-f site to come too. Thank you!!! :thumbsup:

Just_G 11-25-2009 03:13 PM

I am thankful for so many things in my life...
*my family
*my friends
*unconditional love
*my BFFF
*my Nizzle
*my Bestie
*my Muffin
*my house
*my health
*my family's business
*my puppies
*this place that is full of friends, silliness, and great discussions
*most of all I am thankful that my heart is full of love!

always2late 11-25-2009 03:57 PM

My wonderful, beautiful son
My health
My friends
Unconditional love
The admins of bfplanet for creating and fostering a wonderful sense of community
Linus for the excellent smilies!

Lips 11-25-2009 04:02 PM

I'm thankful for:

Friends that love me
Being back home
Slow dances in the living room and kissing until dawn
Unexpected opportunities
My ability to write
For being able to make people laugh.

JustLovelyJenn 11-25-2009 04:57 PM

This years goal has really been to turn as many negatives as I can into positives... I have done a pretty good job... So... I am going to add to the list.

I am thankful for my anxiety, to remind me when I am pushing myself and help me find ways to do as much as possible.

I am thankful for fights with my brother, to teach me patience and tolerance for those I do not agree with.

I am thankful for screaming kids, to remind me I didn't always see the world like I do now.

of course, there are many many other wonderful things I am thankful for...
My Home
My wonderful children
My supportive family
Food on the table
My work
The ability to learn
Sunrises over the mist
The knowledge that I can always make it through
Memory of those loved and lost
My computer
My friends... All over the world.
And oh so much more.

Gemme 11-25-2009 05:48 PM

I'm thankful for:

friends and family that continually support me
an incredibly intuitive guy who loves me
a job that helps me provide for myself
those that have taught me lessons in life, both good and bad

Mr. Moon 11-25-2009 05:55 PM

I'm thankful for today.

Jet 11-25-2009 06:16 PM

My health.

Kim 11-25-2009 06:34 PM

I'm thankful for my guy, love in so many forms, a purring cute little kitten, upcoming "appt" at 8:00, sweet memories, birds eating berries off my tree, my family, this site, delicious food, hunkering down, blissful nesting, femmes, Alton Brown, Dr. Drew.

Andrew, Jr. 12-08-2009 10:19 PM

My daily gratitudes...
My faith in God
My family, friends, pets
My health
My home, car, food on the table, health insurance

Corkey 12-09-2009 12:49 AM

I am thankful for my wife:rrose:

Queerasfck 01-30-2010 11:25 AM

On the sunny side of the street
Coffee, made by an expert.
Computer games.
Keely Smith.
Someone who fits my arms like a glove.

Blade 01-30-2010 12:27 PM

My real friends
My on line buddies
And my anal, idea that a boy scout is always prepared.
Yeah I still have power and water and everything I thought I wouldn't by this time today, I'm thankful for all that too.

curlyredhead 01-30-2010 12:30 PM

To be thankful!
I have a list here:
1. My family
2. My health
3. My friends
4. Wondeful community we have to share our lives with.

DELSDAUGHTER 01-30-2010 12:40 PM

my family....
my pup....:doghead:.
my job.....:pcthink:
having a roof over my head....

hot cocoa.....
fresh homemade apple pie.....

Gemme 03-12-2010 03:48 AM

I'm thankful for my friends, who make my life full and interesting. :)

~Bo 03-12-2010 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by Gemme (Post 65413)
I'm thankful for my friends, who make my life full and interesting. :)


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