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nycfem 03-05-2013 02:42 PM

What are your faults?
What are some of your faults, as perceived by you or by others? Feel free to clarify, if you want, whether this is something you've been told by others or whether it's something you came up with by yourself.

This is a listening thread so please do not respond to posts by others.

Also, please try not to disguise compliments as faults, tell where you think your faults stem from, or justify or add a "but" when describing a fault.

I don't think of this as a negative exercise. I think it shows an ability to be humble, reflective, and aware. It's hard to acknowledge and let stand one's weaknesses for the world to see, and I think it takes courage and is worthy of respect. I think it's an intimate and vulnerable way to get to know someone else.

Here are some of my faults, just off the top of my head:

1) I've been told that at times it's hard to bring up any minor criticism of me or issue of conflict with me because I tend to react unnecessarily strongly about it, crying and wanting to go over every aspect of the issue. People close to me have said that it creates an effect of needing to "walk on eggshells" or a desire not to even bring up a small issue because I will turn it into a big deal.

2) When someone else brings up an issue of conflict or I do, I've been told that I ask a lot of questions at once and very detailed and that it feels like being on trial with no right answer, that it's exhausting.

3) I'm often controlling.

4) I take on too much with the wish to please others at my own expense.

5) I'm overly anxious.

There's more but that's a good start :)

Ciaran 03-05-2013 02:57 PM

I can be incredibly intolerant of those whose perspective on life or belief system differs significantly from my own.

I tend to be very judgemental - both of myself and others around me.

I'm not good at communicating my mood - a lot of people, unless they know me well, think I'm constantly in a bad mood.

Talon 03-05-2013 02:58 PM

I can be emotionally distant, which can hurt people's feelings.

I can become distracted, and that can cause people to feel neglected.

My standards can be too unachievabley high, at times...for myself as well as others...and this causes undo pressure.

I'm not comfortable with showing my feelings...or talking about them.

*Interesting thread idea, nycfembbw.

meridiantoo 03-05-2013 03:02 PM

My faults include, but are not limited to:

1) Indecisiveness (I think? Maybe? Not sure? Well, okay, sometimes) :blink:

2) Prone to stick my head in the sand like an ostrich when conflict surfaces until I am ready to deal with it :bolt:

3) Emotionally reactive/Defensive :explode: :overreaction: :furious:

meridiantoo 03-05-2013 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Ciaran (Post 761974)
I can be incredibly intolerant of those whose perspective on life or belief system differs significantly from my own.

I tend to be very judgemental - both of myself and others around me.

I'm not good at communicating my mood - a lot of people, unless they know me well, think I'm constantly in a bad mood.


Oh, you mentioned 2 others I (conveniently) omitted:

4) Intolerant of people who do not agree with me :getout:

5) I can be judgmental also :kettlepot:

Gráinne 03-05-2013 03:10 PM

*I'm very quiet and don't show feelings often.

* I can be hassle-adverse and avoid conflict, even if when this is a bad idea and I need to act.

* I can be introverted to the point of being a hermit. (Introverted itself isn't a fault, but tending not to hold up friendships is).

* I've been told that I can't walk through a room without leaving some trace of my presence. My home life can be very disorganized without effort, while I'm the opposite at work. That one's getting better, though.

Gráinne 03-05-2013 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Ciaran (Post 761974)
I'm not good at communicating my mood - a lot of people, unless they know me well, think I'm constantly in a bad mood.

Me also, probably partly from upbringing, and always had problems getting my facial expression to match what I actually felt. I tend to smile too much regardless of my real mood, though.

~ocean 03-05-2013 03:39 PM

I look threw rose tinted glass' too much
very sensitive
emotional and emotionaly needy at times when i am feeling down
defensive when i feel threatened
passive to the point where i let ppl walk all over me
I like to kiss alot
my own worst enemy

StrongButch 03-05-2013 03:42 PM

1) Im very strong and want others to be the same way 2) I was spoiled as a child and still am 3) Im stubborn. Theres more gotta think awhile. (lol)

nycfem 03-05-2013 03:46 PM

When someone suggests a different way of doing things, my initial reaction is to become very defensive of why that would not work and why things should stay the same. I'm initially jarred by having to consider a change and express it by becoming verbally aggressive.

deb0670 03-05-2013 03:48 PM

i trust first, 100% then ask questions later.
i am too emotional
i do not think that highly about myself.. much

Ciaran 03-05-2013 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by nycfembbw (Post 762022)
When someone suggests a different way of doing things, my initial reaction is to become very defensive of why that would not work and why things should stay the same. I'm initially jarred by having to consider a change and express it by becoming verbally aggressive.

That's a good point. I'm not sure if it's necessarily under the banner of verbal aggression and it can as often be in written form as verbal, but I will often use innocuous language in a calculated way to express disdain at at viewpoint I disagree with.

My instinct is often to look for the worst in people.

I tend to react uncomfortably rather than with compassion when people are upset.

I can lose patience with people very quickly and appear dismissive.

I often put work interests in front of friends.

macele 03-05-2013 04:33 PM

sometimes, not all the time, i don't stand up for myself. and sometimes there's a build up. if i don't speak up and then finally do (may not be about the same issue), ... i could possibly show a little bit of anger. i don't want to hurt others feelings. so i suffer. it's not a good thing. NO! i need to say that more often.

i am probably in the worlds worst category to procrastinate.

insecurity. i have been dishonest because i don't want to seem weak. because i don't want to look like i don't know what i'm doing. age has helped with this.

laughing at the wrong times LOL. like right now. someone told me one time that i hurt their feelings. i didn't mean too. it's a habit. i'm working on that. maybe.

there's more!

BBinNYC 03-05-2013 06:06 PM

1. I can be conflict averse, trying to walk away instead of engaging. I have to force myself to stay in the room and engage.

2. I don't reach out to people, including friends, the way I once did.

3. This relates a bit to #1. I have trouble giving people (mostly my staff) criticism. I tend to emphasize the positive more than I should in some cases.

4. When I get really angry, it can be almost paralyzing. I have trouble seeing any other perspective.


BowtiePrincess 03-05-2013 06:07 PM

I am stubborn to an extreme.
I trust very little.
I want most everything my way.
Im very close minded depending on the subject.
Im a spoiled brat.

thedivahrrrself 03-05-2013 06:08 PM

hahaha.... listing all my faults could crash your server!

TheMerryFairy 03-05-2013 06:15 PM

I crave touch, intimacy and while it's not necessarily sexual - sometimes people can't handle how sexual I am.

I am flirty, friendly and I crush on people all of the time which can cause people to become jealous or to get the wrong impression of me.

I am really bold. I have a Scots temper and while it usually comes out constructively it can be intimidating for some, especially upon meeting or after I have been with somebody for awhile and I become comfortable sharing a big part of my emotional interpretings.

I take a lot of pride in myself and in my work and sometimes it gets mistaken for being self centered

I can focus intensely on an issue or I can become distracted when I get too overloaded with thoughts or emotions. It's been said that people don't know how to open the lines of communication with me.

I can become emotionally distant when I am feeling moody

I don't always remember dates but I am great with names and faces

I have a gypsy soul. My concept of space is always changing and if I am in one place longer than I feel is right for me, I feel confined. This scares people because a lot of people feel secure being in one place.

Smiling 03-05-2013 06:21 PM

OK, I have issues. Don't judge me, lol!
1. I put up emotional walls when people get too close. [I'm going to tell you that I am gritting my teeth while I write this, BTW! lol]. That was difficult for me to even admit in public!

2. I'm flaky sometimes and ultra-responsible other times and I cannot always accurately predict when the flake-out is coming, lol.

3. Sometimes I expect people to just "get" what I am thinking without my having to say it and when they don't it silently annoys me. To expound upon that, I don't always speak in complete thoughts. That really isn't fair!

4. My face is way red now, lol.

I'm not all bad; just a work in progress. :)

TheMerryFairy 03-05-2013 07:14 PM

I am goal oriented but money hardly ever comes into mind when I think about accomplishment or the things I want.

I am stubborn

Sometimes I really enjoy the company of others and other times I would prefer to do separate things

I sing very badly to the cheesiest radio songs

I am very open so sometimes I will just expect somebody to know what I am feeling or thinking since I don't always have the temperment to talk about things.

When I get flustered, it's usually obvious

I am not the femme who only has dresses and skirts in her closet. Once or twice a year I like to wear a tie or a button up shirt, even if it isn't a "mens" shirt.

I don't need to go out to have a good time but I don't always like to stay in either. I need a really good balance between getting out to socialize/let loose and staying in to feel relaxed with friends.

Any partner of mine needs to be a fan of John Hughes movies, even moreso than Tim Burton films. It might sound silly but I have been with way too many people who have criticized my love for 80's classics. I do not see this as a fault. Is that a fault?

StrongButch 03-05-2013 07:26 PM

1) I would rather take pictures then hang out with people 2) I research everything 3) I am a perfectionist when it come to my photography 4) I want coffee and a kiss first thing in morning 5) I clean my house everyday hate a dirty house 6) My boots always need to be polished

BowtiePrincess 03-05-2013 07:46 PM

This just pointed out by someone else........I am bossy ( My explanation...if I ask something of you that I do not mind doing (dont leave your shoes in the middle of the floor) and I even put a please on the end of it just pick your shoes up
I prefer to call this TIDY

JustBeingMe 03-05-2013 07:53 PM

I've been told that my need to "fix" things for others is an overwhelming aspect of my personality. I own this one for sure. I am working on toning that down .
I come across as demanding at times when I am not actually, it just comes out the wrong way i say things.
I see myself as a selfless person, always ready to help anyone in need if I can truly help them.
I've been called a doormat for my past relationships I've been in and I OWN this one too. I've let people in my past walk all over me. I'm learning to change this about me.
I am constantly looking at who I am and trying to figure out if there is anything else I notice about myself, that may need to change.
I am not able to focus enough to even read a sentence and have it make sense in my own mind so I can keep reading. It sucks too. I'm constantly trying to work on this issue.
I'm sure there is more, but my brain is on overload from the yelling at me my sister did tonight. If I remember anymore then I will come back and post herere.

little_ms_sunshyne 03-05-2013 08:03 PM

This is a great thread idea :)

Ok here goes *deep breath*

1) I tend to shut down when I am hurt. It is me defense mechanism. It is as if though I go into somewhat of a survival mode. Before that moment, I am 100% open, the second I get hurt, it is like a light switch. It is incredibly difficult for me to get back to normal.

2) I work too much! I mean really! I take on too and neglect myself. I have to work hard at making time for me. My past relationships have suffered some because of this. Learning how to actually leave work at a decent hour, and accept that the work will be there in the morning.

3) Forgiving is easy....forgetting has always been quite hard for me.

4) I am my toughest critic. I beat myself up for so much.

5) somedays I feel fierce and beautiful...most days, I don't even like to look at pictures of myself. I struggle with my self esteem.

6) I can be a cynic.

This is just to start....I will be back!

little_ms_sunshyne 03-05-2013 08:10 PM

Thought of another....

It is hard for me to accept any type of help even if it is minor! I remember a friend of mine offered me hys hand when we were walking down a rocky path. I refused it. I don't know why I do things like that! Even something that little!!!

TheMerryFairy 03-05-2013 08:14 PM

I can be really competitive, especially when somebody is bragging.

JustBeingMe 03-05-2013 08:17 PM

I've been told that I am too emotional to be butch. That I over emote. wtf is that shit? anywho.......
I've been told that how I show my emotions, usually crying, is over reacting.
Do I see these as faults, no but in a past relationship she did and I think it's because she's never dealt with anyone that showed such raw emotion, she usually shut down.
I see them as being human and being able to express pain or deeply felt love, something soo deep it's like it runs through my veins because it's soo very very deep in my heart.

Miss_J 03-05-2013 08:21 PM

I believe in people, even when its proven they cannot be trusted I still try to believe there is good in there somewhere. This can be to my detriment often.

I like things done my way, don't ask, don't suggest, just DO.(grin)

I often choose to stay at home in my comfort zone instead of hanging out at/with friends.

Soft*Silver 03-05-2013 08:27 PM

I have been told I dont clean the house as well as they expected. My fault is that I dont give a rats ass about this. I use to clean my houses until they were spotless. That was when I was more able bodied and not hurting all the time everywhere. My attitude is a fault as well as not keeping up the house like I use to. I am too damn old and too damn much in pain anymore to care if there are dishes in my sink overnite.

I shame easily. Boy does it piss me off now when I realize I am accepting someone else's shame.

I have a wicked tongue. I do not hold back. I am 85% of the time easy to get along with, and kind and sweet. But god help you if you snark at me. The more you deserve it, the more you get it.

I procrastinate.

I am disorganized.

I dont eat well. I have started some bad eating habits..I eat boxed things, like rice a roni. (high salt and chemicals), lots of sugar, aspartame, caffeine and high cholesterol foods. My Dr just scolded me for this.

KCBUTCH 03-05-2013 08:40 PM

I have a huge need for structure and the leads to frustration if I feel disorganized
I expect a lot of myself
I can be selfish (but catch it quickly)
I can be really direct
I can easily get caught up is things that pleasantly distract me and then find myself retracting when I come down from the rush having over spent my time and resources.
I shut down when I am trying to support someone I care for.
I have yet to master my own compromises (I still find myself at times trying to adjust my life to get what I think I need from someone) example: wanting to get in better shape because maybe then she will respond to me the way I hope.

spritzerJ 03-05-2013 09:07 PM

I can be very literal and miss spontaneity.
I don't play "the game" even when I know it needs to be played just to prove a point. Which is taken as difficult.
I can avoid what I don't want to do or am nervous about doing by doing everything else. Even when what I am avoiding is the priority item. I'm working on this one.
I am sparse with my encouraging feedback to adults I am work with or that I am in relationships with. Again working on it and making headway!
The expectations I have for myself are high, very high. And I have them of others too. Oh especially of folks in positions of power/authority/leadership.
I am slow to adjust to changes in plans and directions.
I have a sharp tongue and quick wit that is imbedded in my typical speech and missed by many or taken as serious (when clearly I am being facetious or sarcastic).
I am disorganized or overly focused on organizing. I don't seem to balance the parts of this well.
If I am overwhelmed nothing is getting done until a bolt of clarity occurs. Might as well wait for it cause you can't rush it.

Elijah 03-05-2013 09:17 PM

I am an isolater.

I have difficulty making friends.

I tend to expect people to have the same standard as I do and am often disappointed (Mostly in a work setting).

Sometimes I think I am tragically unique.

What do you mean the world doesn't revolve around Me???

Sarcasm is my second language.

Blue_Daddy-O 03-05-2013 09:41 PM

I have none. Absolutely not one.

TheMerryFairy 03-05-2013 09:43 PM

When I haven't been able to get out in awhile, I REALLY embrace the freedom LOL

Hollylane 03-05-2013 10:25 PM

I drop the F-bomb in inappropriate places (like work), frequently.

I interrupt people too much (while on the phones at work, this is necessary, a lot. Not so, with loved ones and friends).My mind is going 100 miles a minute, every moment that I'm awake (and probably while I'm sleeping too). I tend to anticipate (mostly correctly, but not always) what someone is trying to tell me, and I make them feel less valued by finishing their thoughts, with my words.

I have a constant need for instant gratification. I want answers, and I want them now.

I speak my mind, often, and sometimes without realizing my bluntness may anger or hurt people. Not intentionally, I just speak before thinking sometimes, and assume that what I am saying is as clear to the person I am speaking to, as it is to me. This leads to a lot of explaining.

I hyper focus on things. Sometimes, this keeps me from moving on to other tasks/responsibilities/activities that need my attention too.

Sometimes, I talk myself out of accomplishable goals.

I am the queen of procrastination, I seem to like speeding around and doing things at the last possible second. When I take on tasks at a reasonable pace, I tend to get distracted easily by other things.

I can be overly kind to others who have been extremely hurtful to me, out of a sometimes misplaced wealth of empathy for what they may have experienced in life.

When someone that I care about, or have respect for, thinks I have done something, that I know I have not done, and it is a mean or hurtful thing that they have assumed I am guilty of, I try to explain, but end up in a torrent of tears/sobs, because I can't believe someone that I care about, or who truly knows me, would think I was capable of such a thought or action. This is followed by me clamming up, and shutting down. I have a tendency to then try to blame myself for their assumption, which takes up a lot of emotional energy. Eventually, this leads to an "ah ha" moment, when I realize I am doing that co-dependent thing my mother does, and I am feeling guilty for their thoughts and ideas about me, that have nothing to do with who I am, or any action of mine. This moment sometimes takes way too long for me to get to.

I write/type run on sentences constantly, and I am stubborn enough not to care (See above), because it is also the way I express myself in person, and no one ever complains about my punctuation then. :)

I am stubborn, resistant to change, and my mother has often told me I would be willing to debate with a stop sign, if I felt that I have a valid argument. Sometimes she appreciates this about me, and says she admires my backbone, sometimes not so much.

Cailin 03-05-2013 10:33 PM

its so nice and gloomy
walling up, and pushing people away before they have a chance to hurt me

overly considerate to the point that it debilitates me (i.e. i need help moving, but dont want to inconvience anyone cause i know they have their own lives and have their own things to worry about and i dont want to ask for help and add more on their plate, so i wont ask and then they get mad cause i dont ask for help and i feel bad for not asking cause then i feel like i made them feel bad.. vicious damned cycle)

still learning emotions, and often been seen as aloof.

and many many more....

Ciaran 03-05-2013 11:21 PM

I often hold grudges long & hard.

I find I have the propensity to take a strong dislike to certain people, even where they have not shown me any ill will or harm.

My instinct is often not to respect other cultures or backgrounds and I have a difficulty embracing many forms of cultural assimilation.

TheMerryFairy 03-05-2013 11:44 PM

As strong and independent as I am, sometimes I can be needy especially when I am feeling a little lost. That doesn't last long before I am back to being in the saddle and on my merry fairy way.

I can also play the other role, being the one to be there for somebody else even when I have my own things to concentrate on.

Ciaran 03-06-2013 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by StrongButch (Post 762169)
1) I would rather take pictures then hang out with people 2) I research everything 3) I am a perfectionist when it come to my photography 4) I want coffee and a kiss first thing in morning 5) I clean my house everyday hate a dirty house 6) My boots always need to be polished

Please don't think I'm being confrontational in anyway as I am not meaning to and, furthermore, my query is not only for you but some others who have posted on this thread.

However, I am wondering if some of these are necessarily faults? Rather, some appear to me more as characteristics - for example, I would guess most people want a coffee and kiss in the morning (of course, whether they get either is another matter) and I am not sure how it is a fault, per se, unless there's an additional context or layer?

In her post, Cailin used the word "debilitating" in relation to one of her faults and I've been thinking of faults within that context as, if it's not debilitating in some way, I'm not sure it's a fault?

starryeyes 03-06-2013 12:18 AM

<---- messy!! I can't help it! Clothes belong on the floor... Lol :)

TheMerryFairy 03-06-2013 12:22 AM

When I am in procrastination mode I can become easily addicted to activities. For instance the forums or watching youtube cat videos. I am hoping this fault regulates as I work towards other goals.

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