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-   -   Woman aims for 1,000 pound weight goal (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1051)

Leigh 03-18-2010 01:25 PM

Woman aims for 1,000 pound weight goal
I don't know what to think of this story, but figured I'd share it with everyone to get your opinion on what this woman is doing to her body:


IrishGrrl 03-18-2010 02:05 PM

This is where putting aside your own wants for the sake of your children come into play. Clearly this woman needs some major therapy and fast. I dont think taking her children away is the way to go. Family and personal therapy could really help though.

Apocalipstic 03-18-2010 02:08 PM

Not sure what I think either, I have issues around weight myself.

Several of the on line comments call for her children to be taken away. I guess this worries me most, are fat people going to start losing their children? What is the line?

Also, I must say that I have never seen an artcle or TV show where it mentions how much sushi someone can eat. Usually it is fried stuff. Just a random observation.

Leigh 03-18-2010 02:19 PM

I don't agree with them wanting to take the children away, but I do think that what she is doing to her own body is sending an unhealthy signal to her children about their own health. Why would someone want to gain weight this way? Therapy certainly would be a good way to go, but lets just hope that she can get help to see that what she is doing isn't healthy not only for her but also for her family.

Medusa 03-18-2010 02:24 PM

I support this woman's right to choose the weight that she feels comfortable and sexy with.

Women in this country do dangerous shit every day to lose enough weight to be on the other end of the weight spectrum. i.e. "If I only eat ice cubes for the next week and take these diet pills that have been shown to damage my heart and liver, I can get to my goal weight of 135 pounds!"

I'm itchy around the idea of taking someone's children away because they want to be super-sized. I'm itchy around the whole "fat = unhealthy" thing. Part of my scab is that I, too, am a biggo fat woman and I don't want people making judgments on my ability, health, or love of my family if I choose to gain or lose weight, have my breasts removed, have a hystorectomy, etc.

I'm also interested in the parallels around women who undergo elective cosmetic plastic surgery and who are not seen as putting their children in danger every time they go under the knife.

Apocalipstic 03-18-2010 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 69343)
I support this woman's right to choose the weight that she feels comfortable and sexy with.

Women in this country do dangerous shit every day to lose enough weight to be on the other end of the weight spectrum. i.e. "If I only eat ice cubes for the next week and take these diet pills that have been shown to damage my heart and liver, I can get to my goal weight of 135 pounds!"

I'm itchy around the idea of taking someone's children away because they want to be super-sized. I'm itchy around the whole "fat = unhealthy" thing. Part of my scab is that I, too, am a biggo fat woman and I don't want people making judgments on my ability, health, or love of my family if I choose to gain or lose weight, have my breasts removed, have a hystorectomy, etc.

I'm also interested in the parallels around women who undergo elective cosmetic plastic surgery and who are not seen as putting their children in danger every time they go under the knife.

Thank you so much for this post!

It freaks me out to think that people judge our worth by our weight. It seems so invasive. I have issues about how I should feel about my own weight, I certainly am not about to make a judgment about anyone else...except you do make a great point. What about mothers who don't eat and are cadaverous? Is this better somehow?

I know someone like you describe. She is 5'5", 45, weights 95lbs, has had several face lifts, lip augmentations, at least 3 boob jobs (she does not have enough fat for them to look right) and is on tons of medication. Both of her daughters are size 22 and she berates them daily.

Which is healthier?

I try to be as fat positive as possible, but with so much in the media about how horrific it is to be fat, I get down on myself sometimes, especially if I gain. Yes, I weighed less when I drank all the time like a damn fish and even less than that when I did cocaine...but was that healthier?

Cyclopea 03-18-2010 03:00 PM

Smart lady- taking it all the way to the bank:

OLD BRIDGE -- Donna Simpson, an Old Bridge resident who hopes to become the world’s heaviest woman, was looking for publicity. And she is getting it, big time.
Two days after the 42-year-old Simpson announced she intended to eat her way into the record books, "Entertainment Tonight" was at her door. Her manager was fielding phone calls from "Oprah," "Dr. Phil," and "Inside Edition." And she’s been offered a reality show and book deal.
Her newly assigned manager, Michael Taub, said the offers were in the mid-five figures range.

At her modest, sparse brick home on Pleasant Valley Road, a half-dozen camera crew members from television’s "ET" hauled video equipment from their cars to Simpson’s house in preparation for an interview today. In Simpson’s kitchen, a broadcast reporter was getting her hair and makeup done.
Simpson, dressed in a white tank top and black stretch pants, sat in a chair in her living room. She was on her phone and laptop. "You have to leave now," she said, referring all inquiries to "her representative." Simpson declined requests from The Star-Ledger to be interviewed and photographed.
Taub, who is based in San Diego said although "ET" was filming at Simpson’s house, the program would not necessarily air because no exclusive deal had been struck.
"Nothing has been finalized," said Taub,..."
I don't really care what anyone does with their body but I do enjoy it when people can turn social prejudice and hypocrisy into coin. You go Donna!

always2late 03-18-2010 03:00 PM

I do not think this woman's children should be taken away, any more than I think someone should remove children from the home of someone who smokes. Same difference. We cannot start dictating who should or should not be a parent based on an action we perceive to be unhealthy, unless it is directly endangering the child.

I do not know why this woman is doing what she is doing, and I can't say that I personally agree with it. Not because of any societal notion of beauty, but because she is shortening her life significantly. I am a big girl...and I will always be a big girl...but I am also a nurse. And I see daily the result of being overweight. She is courting diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, renal failure, stroke...just to name a few. However, it is her right to do with her body as she sees fit. I just wonder why she wants to do it.

Soft*Silver 03-18-2010 03:03 PM

this woman runs a website for people who like to watch her eat. She is called a Gainer. The people who watch her, or actually help her eat, are called Feeders.

There is a movie about this fetish ...its on Netflix and its called Feed. Her is the summary of it:

After uncovering a sexually charged Web site that features morbidly obese women being held captive and taunted with fattening food, Australian cop Richard (Jack Thompson) travels to Ohio to investigate. Viewing the Aussie's appearance as an opportunity for a fun game rather than a reason for him to go offline, the site's sadistic webmaster (Alex O'Loughlin) lures Richard into a dangerous game that's unappetizing, to say the least.

I had never heard of this before, and when I ran across this movie, I was simply, stunned. I investigated the web for more details..and its a thriving community.

Do I agree with her right to gain weight. Absolutely. Do I think her children will be depended upon to do her role of caretaker so that SHE can be taken care of, instead of her taking care of them. Absolutely. Is this grounds for removal of the children. Depends. Just because someone lives differently than us, and does things that we might find odd, doesnt mean we are right and she is wrong. (not that anyone was saying that) She just needs to make sure the kids are taken care of and they arent forced into a role reversal.

Olivia_Kay 03-18-2010 03:11 PM

If she wasn't a mother I would say let her do whatever she wants its her body. The fact that she is a mother makes me furious. That has to be the most selfish thing you could do to yourself. She will not be around to watch her children grow up and thats sad.

suebee 03-18-2010 03:11 PM

I'm a big-boned gal myself, but this story doesn't have as much to do with weight as it would seem on the surface. This woman's addiction just happens to be food. In some twisted psychological self-enabling she's found a way to justify not only continuing her addiction, but raising it to a level where it could - and will kill her. There's no way this is well-adjusted behavior.

As for the kids (and I didn't read the comments - they're usually pure venom in a story like this) the article didn't say anything about her neglecting them in what would be normally considered a matter of child welfare, but it's obvious she doesn't have their best interests in mind if she is deliberately engaging in behavior that will limit her ability to be an active mother to them and most likely make them orphans at an early age.

And that's the way Sue :floatbee: sees the situation.

Daywalker 03-18-2010 03:20 PM

To me, although her choices are subject to public opinion and apparently
encouragement as well...it is but another unusual story of life and love.
It puts me in mind of the 90's movie 'Gilbert Grape'.
The Mother in that movie never once stopped
loving her children, no matter her size.

And folks depicted in that movie never stopped...twice, to think
of how it would make her feel when they take pictures of her
during rare public appearances. Anyway, this woman in the
article...seems to thrive on it...and that is HER choice.

Oh, and for those who never saw the Gilbert Grape Classic:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6sLIP3908w"]YouTube- 1993: What's Eating Gilbert Grape Trailer HQ[/ame]


Laidbackgrly 03-18-2010 03:37 PM

shes a lil nuts ive seen people who cant get out of bed they were'nt happy and you can be skinny and have high bp ,diabeties,strokes and other major problems I think she is being selfish to her kids cause they will be waiting on her hand and foot! shell be lucky to be breathing at 1000 pounds how sad. All she cares about is being in the guinness books she should be thinking about being in her kids lives for a long time.

Apocalipstic 03-18-2010 03:42 PM

Maybe she will make enough money to hire someone to take care of her and her klids....sounds like she might. :)

Softhearted 03-18-2010 04:03 PM

As we say where I live : "Trop c'est comme pas assez" meaning

"Too much is as bad as not enough" ...

It is sad to see that the media will exploit this story, her and her children...

Medusa 03-18-2010 07:32 PM

She apparently owns several websites for fatties, feeders, gainers, and FAs (Fat Admirers). Im kinda with Cyclo on the "business woman" aspect of this one ;)

Enchantress 03-18-2010 07:51 PM

And yet I continue to be amazed...
This is sad and simply disturbing. I won't even go into how I feel or what I think about the web site. Such drive and determination should be used to better oneself, become healthy and healthful, not destructive and death enhancing(edited to state that I believe she has the right to do as she wishes, but not to the detriment of her children). I can't even begin to conceive how an individual could begin to cope with 600 pounds let alone 1000. Although, odds are she won't make it to her goal(before dying). At what point do we (used universally) say this is not okay? Should Child Services be brought into the picture? I think possibly yes. She is purposefully setting out to harm herself and by proxy her children. It's obvious that an individual who chooses such a life (and goal)is not happy. There must be a great amount of self loathing and sadness in such a person and this is what the focus should be on. All in all an extremely disheartening story.

Enchantress 03-18-2010 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by apocalipstic (Post 69334)
Not sure what I think either, I have issues around weight myself.

Several of the on line comments call for her children to be taken away. I guess this worries me most, are fat people going to start losing their children? What is the line?

Also, I must say that I have never seen an artcle or TV show where it mentions how much sushi someone can eat. Usually it is fried stuff. Just a random observation.

I don't believe this about fat people possibly losing their children. I believe this is about the safety and well being (both physical and emotional) of the children. Obviously, this household is not healthy (in my opinion). I am not advocating taking the children away, instead on Child Services stepping in to administer much needed (again in my opinion) assistance. I believe that all could and would benefit from therapy. However, I do believe that something should be done.

Gemme 03-18-2010 08:03 PM

Okay, I'm all for free will and whatnot, and I've actually known some Feeders and Gainers, but think about this....how will she move around at half a TON? She's already in a scooter. What comes after that? How will she leave her home? I still have visuals of an Oprah show (I think it was Oprah) when a gentleman's home had to be cut up so they could lift him up and out to get out of his own home because he could not walk out due to physical contraints and being larger than the doorway. How will she care for her children at 1000 pounds? Or will the 14 year old boy be the actual, hands on caretaker for the toddler? That sure seems fair for the children, doesn't it?

I understand one's need to reach some sort of goal, I do.
I understand one's desire to bring income into the family.
I do NOT understand how putting her health in jeopardy more than it already is, is a good thing, in any regard.

The strain put on the heart to sustain a person of that size would be tremendous! I do hope, that if she continues with this fiasco, that she has a will drawn up and a loving, support home for her children to go into.

If it were just her, that would be one thing. But she has children, one of whom is not even in school, and they need her. They need her to be there for them as they grow up and to do her part as a parent to teach them how to make their way through this world. There are some very scary lessons being taught now, like money is more important than health and her children are not as important to her as her own personal goals.

I'm just very, very upset by the selfishness I feel eminating from this story. I don't see a BBW with ambition. I see a couple of children that folks won't have to worry about taking away from their mother; she's working on that all by herself.

Soon 03-18-2010 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Softhearted (Post 69396)
As we say where I live : "Trop c'est comme pas assez" meaning

"Too much is as bad as not enough" ...

It is sad to see that the media will exploit this story, her and her children...

How is the media exploiting this story when she runs websites that focus on this part of her life, and her stated intention--in interviews--is to make the Guinness Book of World Records (again)?

Isn't she the one inviting the media into her world?

Soft*Silver 03-18-2010 08:23 PM

playing advocate
I see its hard for some people to wrap their minds around the fact that she is mindfully doing something harmful to herself.

Could this not be said about people who practice BDSM?

The audience of the public, who is often uneducated about BDSM, often speaks lowly of people who practice this lifestyle. They cant get past the concept that they allow people to push pins in them, hang weights off their balls, are flogged and beaten and ask for more....

the audience of the public sometimes believes that women and men who do this, are not mentally healthy and should not be allowed to have children, especially if they live the lifestyle 24/7.

so how is this any different than her festish lifestyle?

Gemme 03-18-2010 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by softness (Post 69603)
I see its hard for some people to wrap their minds around the fact that she is mindfully doing something harmful to herself.

Could this not be said about people who practice BDSM?

The audience of the public, who is often uneducated about BDSM, often speaks lowly of people who practice this lifestyle. They cant get past the concept that they allow people to push pins in them, hang weights off their balls, are flogged and beaten and ask for more....

the audience of the public sometimes believes that women and men who do this, are not mentally healthy and should not be allowed to have children, especially if they live the lifestyle 24/7.

so how is this any different than her festish lifestyle?

No, those who practice BDSM are not doing something that WILL kill them. They are doing something that does carry a risk, but it's not guaranteed.

Medusa 03-18-2010 08:34 PM


Wondering if folks feel the same way about smokers?

Gemme 03-18-2010 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 69613)

Wondering if folks feel the same way about smokers?

Personally, no, because smoking is not a guaranteed death. Just like non-smokers get lung cancer, smokers may get something else that is not related to their smoking at all.

Our bodies are fragile. They are simply not designed to bear that much weight. It seems almost like a game to her (to me). My concern lies with her children.

Soft*Silver 03-18-2010 08:38 PM

I am not saying that in MY opinion, they are one and the same. In fact, I know they are not...as you said, her behavior could kill her. But the audience of the public will jam these two together...and say what she is doing is the same as those who practice BDSM

and as Ms Medusa just posted..is this in the same line as smokers? Honestly, I dont get why people are burning $6 a day habit that will eventually kill them. Now that is MHO.


Originally Posted by Gemme (Post 69607)
No, those who practice BDSM are not doing something that WILL kill them. They are doing something that does carry a risk, but it's not guaranteed.

Gemme 03-18-2010 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by softness (Post 69620)
I am not saying that in MY opinion, they are one and the same. In fact, I know they are not...as you said, her behavior could kill her. But the audience of the public will jam these two together...and say what she is doing is the same as those who practice BDSM

and as Ms Medusa just posted..is this in the same line as smokers? Honestly, I dont get why people are burning $6 a day habit that will eventually kill them. Now that is MHO.

My post about the smoking is above. I was addressing your post in general, not necessarily as if it were your line of thinking. :)

Soft*Silver 03-18-2010 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Gemme (Post 69619)
Personally, no, because smoking is not a guaranteed death. Just like non-smokers get lung cancer, smokers may get something else that is not related to their smoking at all.

Our bodies are fragile. They are simply not designed to bear that much weight. It seems almost like a game to her (to me). My concern lies with her children.

so...is there a cut off level of who much fat is too much fat? Is 50 lbs overweight enough? 100? 200? When do we say its too much?

and what about those who dont eat enough...arent they also doing something extremely unhealthy?

Smokers not only affect their lives but also their family and friend's lives that they smoke around. And you say smoking is not a guaranteed death...neither is overeating. They are SLOW deaths...and yes, some other factor will take them down death's lane but it most surely will be related to their habit of choice...

Medusa 03-18-2010 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Gemme (Post 69619)
Personally, no, because smoking is not a guaranteed death. Just like non-smokers get lung cancer, smokers may get something else that is not related to their smoking at all.

Our bodies are fragile. They are simply not designed to bear that much weight. It seems almost like a game to her (to me). My concern lies with her children.

Smoking is not guaranteed death but being fat is?

(not snark, just trying to follow the thought on this)

Soft*Silver 03-18-2010 08:43 PM

thanks...just wanted to make sure I wasnt misunderstood...


Originally Posted by Gemme (Post 69622)
My post about the smoking is above. I was addressing your post in general, not necessarily as if it were your line of thinking. :)

Gemme 03-18-2010 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by softness (Post 69624)
so...is there a cut off level of who much fat is too much fat? Is 50 lbs overweight enough? 100? 200? When do we say its too much?

and what about those who dont eat enough...arent they also doing something extremely unhealthy?

Smokers not only affect their lives but also their family and friend's lives that they smoke around. And you say smoking is not a guaranteed death...neither is overeating. They are SLOW deaths...and yes, some other factor will take them down death's lane but it most surely will be related to their habit of choice...

I don't know where the line lies and I'm certainly not the one to figure that out.

I didn't say that the guaranteed death would be quick. It's just guaranteed, like if all men lived long enough, they would absolutely get prostate cancer. I picked that nugget of information up in some journal several years back and it surprised me, and made me wonder about other 'inevitable' illnesses.

But I digress...

It's not about fat for me. It's about this woman purposely creating a body that will break her down from the inside out, until she's unable to BREATHE. For me, it's about the teenage boy and his little sister being without a mother.

I admit it; I'm approaching this completely from the mindset of the kids. I don't want them taken away from her. I don't want her to stop her affliliation with her fetish. I would like for her to consider her children's lives without her, because that is what she is planning and preparing for.


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 69626)
Smoking is not guaranteed death but being fat is?

(not snark, just trying to follow the thought on this)

Smoking definitely contributes to ill health. My mother died from complications due to advanced emphysema after smoking for more than 40 years, so I get this. But it's not guaranteed. There are smokers who exercise and eat well and are healthy in other aspects.

What I am saying is that it is impossible to live, to exist....at a weight of 1000 pounds. Our bodies are not designed to withstand bearing half a ton of weight. The heart, the muscles, the bones, the organs....they just aren't. They will shut down, one by one.

I have no issue with her wanting to do something to make her mark in this world. Her weight now is pretty heavy but I do think she's living and doing the things she needs to do to be a good parent. The damage that another 400 pounds would do to her body would most likely be irreversible. If she gets there...then what? She's very likely to be bedridden and on oxygen. What kind of a life is that?

I still keep coming back to 'what about her kids'?

Like I said, if it were just her, I'd say...it's your body, do what you want with it...but as a parent and one of a very small child....it doesn't seem to me as if the magnitude of this decision has dawned on her.

DapperButch 03-18-2010 09:17 PM

For me it is the simple issue of her having children.

If she wants to gain weight to hit some sort of record, potentially to the detriment of her own health, that is her issue. People do crap all the time that puts them at risk, for various reasons. Her choice to gain weight is her choice. For whatever reason (fame, money, she thinks she would be happier at that weight, etc.). That is all cool.

However, I really don't think that it is too much to ask that when someone is a parent they attempt to meet their child's physical and emotional needs to the best of their ability.

I don't really think it is very common that we find a person who sanely goes in the opposite direction. This woman will NOT be able to care for her toddler physically if she weighs 1,000 lbs. It will not be physically possible. Period. And this is the choice that she is sanely making. Her need to get whatever it is she will psychologically get out of weighing 1,000 lbs outweighs her desire to care for her children. It is that simple.

And that sucks for her kids.

But no, I don't think that anyone should attempt to take her children. She is currently able to care for her children (or at least we haven't heard otherwise).

Soft*Silver 03-18-2010 10:02 PM

"this woman will NOT be able to care for her toddler physically if she weighs 1,000 lbs. It will not be physically possible. Period" Dapper Butch

so...the mother who becomes incapacitated for some reason, and is no longer able to care for her child...should she have her children taken from her? Is it the INTENT of her actions that make it wrong for her and not wrong for the mother, who for the sake of arguement, gets MS after she has had children? I am just real curious because we draw the line with her, but I see examples all over my little world, of parents who should not have kids...and yet they do. People who dropped out of high school, work at minimum wage jobs and are having kids. People who drink like fish but hold down jobs.People who are of the generational welfare poverty community who have kids. These are all deliberate actions that truly do affect the lives of the children.

She wants to get fat. And she is supporting her family by doing so. How is that any different than the woman who is a strip artist or the high end prostitute who does it so she can support her childen.

I dunno...I think if she wants to get fat so she can support her family and her own desires, who are we to say she cant AND she cant be a good mother in doing so.

Personally I am appalled she is doing this. I cant understand why she would want to outsize herself that much. I couldnt imagine giving up my mobility. And I cant imagine not being able to shave my own legs. I am sorry..I am a practicle girl.

But .... she is her own person.

Softhearted 03-18-2010 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by HowSoonIsNow (Post 69594)
How is the media exploiting this story when she runs websites that focus on this part of her life, and her stated intention--in interviews--is to make the Guinness Book of World Records (again)?

Isn't she the one inviting the media into her world?

She might be the one inviting the media into her world but I don't think that her children invited the media into their world...


Originally Posted by softness (Post 69624)
so...is there a cut off level of who much fat is too much fat? Is 50 lbs overweight enough? 100? 200? When do we say its too much?

I believe when someone has mobility problems, breathing problems, that begins to be too much.

and what about those who dont eat enough...arent they also doing something extremely unhealthy?

Not eating enough is as bad as eating too much

Smokers not only affect their lives but also their family and friend's lives that they smoke around. And you say smoking is not a guaranteed death...neither is overeating. They are SLOW deaths...and yes, some other factor will take them down death's lane but it most surely will be related to their habit of choice...

There is no guarantee of an imminent death, but I believe it will bring a pre-mature death

Of course that is her business and who am I to judge her... Hopefully she will live long enough to see her children become adults.

DapperButch 03-18-2010 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by softness (Post 69690)
"this woman will NOT be able to care for her toddler physically if she weighs 1,000 lbs. It will not be physically possible. Period" Dapper Butch

so...the mother who becomes incapacitated for some reason, and is no longer able to care for her child...should she have her children taken from her? Is it the INTENT of her actions that make it wrong for her and not wrong for the mother, who for the sake of arguement, gets MS after she has had children? I am just real curious because we draw the line with her, but I see examples all over my little world, of parents who should not have kids...and yet they do. People who dropped out of high school, work at minimum wage jobs and are having kids. People who drink like fish but hold down jobs.People who are of the generational welfare poverty community who have kids. These are all deliberate actions that truly do affect the lives of the children.

She wants to get fat. And she is supporting her family by doing so. How is that any different than the woman who is a strip artist or the high end prostitute who does it so she can support her childen.

I dunno...I think if she wants to get fat so she can support her family and her own desires, who are we to say she cant AND she cant be a good mother in doing so.

Personally I am appalled she is doing this. I cant understand why she would want to outsize herself that much. I couldnt imagine giving up my mobility. And I cant imagine not being able to shave my own legs. I am sorry..I am a practicle girl.

But .... she is her own person.

Hi, Softness. I think that you are taking the above statement out of context which really gives the reader a completely different impression of what I was trying to get across in my post, and what my post was about.

And I think that you are aware of this, and that you already know the below, but I will clarify, just in case:

I did not say in my post that this woman's children should be taken away, so I have no idea why you implied that I said this somewhere in my post. In fact, if you want to get technical, I said, "But no, I don't think that anyone should attempt to take her children away."

Soft*Silver 03-18-2010 10:57 PM

Dapper..my apologies for my post seeming to imply this. I did NOT mean to do that at all. I am merely posing questions...thinking out loud, so to speak. And I dont want you to think I was intentionally misconstruing your words. I wasnt.


Originally Posted by DapperButch (Post 69719)
Hi, Softness. I think that you are taking the above statement out of context which really gives the reader a completely different impression of what I was trying to get across in my post, and what my post was about.

And I think that you are aware of this
, and that you already know the below, but I will clarify, just in case:

I did not say in my post that this woman's children should be taken away, so I have no idea why you implied that I said this somewhere in my post. In fact, if you want to get technical, I said, "But no, I don't think that anyone should attempt to take her children away."

DapperButch 03-18-2010 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by softness (Post 69725)
Dapper..my apologies for my post seeming to imply this. I did NOT mean to do that at all. I am merely posing questions...thinking out loud, so to speak. And I dont want you to think I was intentionally misconstruing your words. I wasnt.

Ok. Thanks.

Bit 03-18-2010 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by DapperButch (Post 69719)
I did not say in my post that this woman's children should be taken away, so I have no idea why you implied that I said this somewhere in my post. In fact, if you want to get technical, I said, "But no, I don't think that anyone should attempt to take her children away."

But you DID strongly imply it, Dapper, whether you meant to or not.


Originally Posted by DapperButch (Post 69651)
But no, I don't think that anyone should attempt to take her children. She is currently able to care for her children (or at least we haven't heard otherwise).

I bolded for emphasis to point out that whatever you meant, it came across as if someone who is not able to personally care for her children should have them taken away. And I think softness had a valid point: what if instead of being fat, she had MS?

Where do we draw the line, especially if she's supporting her family doing this? How do we know she won't make enough money to hire a nanny? I personally think it's a very slippery slope when we start talking about whether someone who is not, by any account at all, abusive deserves to have her children live with her or not. I understand that you don't think she should lose her children for this behavior--yet--but where do we draw the line without stepping on all their rights?

Gemme 03-18-2010 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Bit (Post 69737)
But you DID strongly imply it, Dapper, whether you meant to or not.

I have to disagree, Bit. Hy said, very clearly, that hy didn't think anyone should attempt to take the children from her. It's at the end of Dapper's post, which is why it might have been missed.

Hy's saying, I believe, that being that size and dealing with the health complications that are sure to arise, that caring for her children will become more difficult for her.

I bolded for emphasis to point out that whatever you meant, it came across as if someone who is not able to personally care for her children should have them taken away. And I think softness had a valid point: what if instead of being fat, she had MS?

Where do we draw the line, especially if she's supporting her family doing this? How do we know she won't make enough money to hire a nanny? I personally think it's a very slippery slope when we start talking about whether someone who is not, by any account at all, abusive deserves to have her children live with her or not. I understand that you don't think she should lose her children for this behavior--yet--but where do we draw the line without stepping on all their rights?

Oh, you hit a sore point with me here (I must be uber sensitive tonight). So, anyone who has the money should just hire a nanny and not have that one on one quality time with their children? I respectfully disagree.

For myself, the point is not about her and her desires at all. It's about the FALLOUT from those desires upon her children. How many people do anyone of us know that are at or near 1000 pounds and living life as actively as most of us do? I don't know of any at all. Those folks that I have heard of that are in the 600-700-800 lb. and up range or that I have seen have immense health issues and have suffered a decrease in the quality of their lives.

Her choice to feed herself until she reaches 1000 lbs. will definitely affect her children, and not in a positive way. "Oh, look! Mom's getting money from strangers to eat and eating is robbing her of her mobility and now she doesn't have the ability to go anywhere with us and do stuff with us. We sit around her bed and hug and talk sometimes but I really wish I had my old mom back."

I see that happening, at the very best possibility.

MS, as we all know, is not a choice. This woman is making a CHOICE to do this to herself, with no apparent regard for her children. That is what gets my goat.

suebee 03-19-2010 12:52 AM

There's no beating around the bush for me: this woman WILL NOT be able to take care of her children. She will be bedridden. The human frame cannot support 1000lbs. This woman WILL die. The human heart cannot supply blood to a 1000lb. body without being overworked and eventually stopping. Becoming disabled to the point of NOT being able to care for her children is a choice for this woman. Leaving her children orphans is a choice for this woman. If she is mentally competant then she is making choices that will leave her unable to care for them. At the point she is unable to carry out her parental duties that will become neglect. If she's not mentally competant than she is not capable of making decisions that will enable her to look after the children.

MInd, there is a lot of information missing in the article. I don't think it said anything about who was the primary caregiver (though she did mention her children keeping her busy), nor did it mention if there was anybody else who was involved in their lives.

Sad situation all around.

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