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-   -   The Femme Continuum: The "Highs" and "Lows" of Visibility (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1390)

Medusa 05-17-2010 09:15 AM

The Femme Continuum: The "Highs" and "Lows" of Visibility
There was some discussion going on over in another thread about Female masculinity and how there is a certain "celebration" around a Butch person moving toward a "more masculine" way of being with adopting male pronouns, transitioning, etc.

That discussion sparked me to start thinking a little more critically about how the Femme community impacts and is impacted by this same continuum of "being more homogenous/acceptable/feminine (and insert any number of things that mean "more than what you already are")".
How do we as Femmes impact the visibility of Female Butches?

Do we, as Femmes, have a continuum in our own community where the hyper-feminine is more valid/valued? What does that look like to you when it's in action?

How does this continuum affect our visibility or does it?

There was also some discussion around pronoun usage and several folks brought up what it might look/feel like to a Femme if she were "he'd" on a regular basis out in the world but also (and especially) in this community.
Thoughts on this?

I'm having some thoughts on visibility and the celebration of movement toward each end of the spectrum for both Femmes and Butches. Particularly Im thinking about how there is something going on with Butches being celebrated as they move toward a more masculine presence and Femmes being celebrated if they maintain a more "hyper" Femme way of being. (Although I will say that I personally don't feel a huge push in our community to be more "valid" as Femmes by being "more" Femme)

Im thinking about how all of these things might affect our visibility as Femmes and how much we do/should care if we are invisible to the outside world. Do you think it is important for people to see you as Femme? Do you feel seen as a Femme in this community? How do you think your experience as a Femme with invisibility is affected by the marginalization of Female Butches?

I realize this is kinda random but I wanted to at least start the discussion and throw some questions out there to get us rolling. I havent had coffee this morning so I apologize if this is jumbled.

Chancie 05-17-2010 10:05 AM

Interestingly enough, here in Western Mass, behind the tofu curtain, I am seen as extra feminine, whatever that means.

I don't think of myself as a high femme, since I generally associate that with a choice of gender markers, but others have said that I am in fact a hippy-flavored high femme.

adorable 05-17-2010 10:09 AM

I think it's interesting to see how many views people get on their pics depending how masculine or feminine they appear. It's not a scientific study, but it does seem that the MORE of the societial standard of feminine and masculine the more views people seem to have.

Enchantress 05-17-2010 10:43 AM

I'll say it again!

Originally Posted by June (Post 108142)
I don't care for the way "we" are censored due to language or perceived lack of decorum by other members of our community. As though we were not ladylike enough, or genteel enough.

I want to have strong opinions, strong language and strong emotions without someone shaking their goddamn finger at me and trying to shame me into hushing. I want people to stop acting like they're my "Daddy" just because I am a Femme. I want us to be able to fuck whomever we want, whenever we want and not be called Whores or Sluts and have our morals called into question*.

I want us to stop apologizing because we pass as straight much of the time. It is what it is, and we have nothing to explain or apologize for.


*June isn't allowed to date


Jett 05-17-2010 10:55 AM

I do see a hierarchy in the femme "realm" just as I do with butch.

It's appears to me to not only have to do with outdated policed perceptions of femininity in mannerisms and appearance, but also how you identify- a to z, lesbian to transsensual... high to low... and strangely enough sometimes to where you're partner falls in the "butch hierarchy".

Oh let's not forget... how a femme behaves in the bedroom, because god forbid she top a butch... or straps (eta: or has so-called "lesbian sex").

Good thread... I'll be interested in hearing more.


Medusa 05-17-2010 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Metropolis (Post 108156)
Oh let's not forget... how a femme behaves in the bedroom, because god forbid she top a butch... or straps (eta: or has so-called "lesbian sex").

Good thread... I'll be interested in hearing more.


And don't even get me started on the idea that Femmes are somehow "damaged" straight women.
Or straight women who are too fat or ugly to "get a real man".

I feel a tangent comin' on.

Nat 05-17-2010 11:06 AM

What an exciting thread topic - I'm really looking forward to reading everybody's responses.

When I first entered the femmebutch community, I felt lots of pressure to be more feminine. At first, it was also rather fun to get all dolled up. Also it felt freeing to play with beauty, style, femininity and know that my intended audience was queer - I felt a lot of release from the male gaze when I first entered the community.

But I'm afraid I also transferred that internalized male gaze onto butches and felt somewhat oppressed because of it.

As far as pressures go, I have over time become more frustrated with not being interpreted as queer at all - which in a way counterbalances the other pressures. *

I do resent what I see as pressure from within the community to be as straight-seeming or straight-looking as possible in order to have femme cred, but I haven't encountered that message overtly all that often.

These days I just am myself. I am feminine (I think), but not super-feminine. I just try to be authentic and I avoid people who would not appreciate me for that.

BullDog 05-17-2010 11:11 AM

There seems to be awful lot of rules for what women can look like (and act like) and be seen and taken seriously as queer/lesbian.

It seems hyper feminine is seen as the top of the femme hierarchy (most valued) but at the same time seen as the most suspect (supposedly more straight appearing), in terms of being legitimately queer/lesbian.

Why is feminine associated with straight and masculine associated with lesbian/queer when it comes to women?

SuperFemme 05-17-2010 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 108094)
There was some discussion going on over in another thread about Female masculinity and how there is a certain "celebration" around a Butch person moving toward a "more masculine" way of being with adopting male pronouns, transitioning, etc.

That discussion sparked me to start thinking a little more critically about how the Femme community impacts and is impacted by this same continuum of "being more homogenous/acceptable/feminine (and insert any number of things that mean "more than what you already are")".
How do we as Femmes impact the visibility of Female Butches?

I wonder WHY it is that some Femmes default to He/Hy? In doing so we absolutely impact the visibility of Female Id'd Butches because we are putting the entire community into that heteronormative continuum.

Do we, as Femmes, have a continuum in our own community where the hyper-feminine is more valid/valued? What does that look like to you when it's in action?

It looks to ME like *good girls* are the preference, and outspoken, opinionated Femme's with a swagger are immediately suspect. After all, isn't swagger the property of Butches? When I see it in action to me it looks like the othering (in a negative light) of Femme's who are not traditionally feminine.

How does this continuum affect our visibility or does it?

Being named a slut, scary, loud, and even being named *butch* affects visibility on a very personal level. On a community level is keeps us subscribed to very binary standards.

There was also some discussion around pronoun usage and several folks brought up what it might look/feel like to a Femme if she were "he'd" on a regular basis out in the world but also (and especially) in this community.
Thoughts on this?

*I* would be at most confused if somebody "he'd" me. That comes with the caveat that I've never been read as having masculine traits, affect, or what have you. It's not a struggle I've had, and probably never will.

I'm having some thoughts on visibility and the celebration of movement toward each end of the spectrum for both Femmes and Butches. Particularly Im thinking about how there is something going on with Butches being celebrated as they move toward a more masculine presence and Femmes being celebrated if they maintain a more "hyper" Femme way of being. (Although I will say that I personally don't feel a huge push in our community to be more "valid" as Femmes by being "more" Femme)

Im thinking about how all of these things might affect our visibility as Femmes and how much we do/should care if we are invisible to the outside world. Do you think it is important for people to see you as Femme? In the world at large, I'd love it and for political reasons I try to make myself visible. There are a lot of people that will not go further than "Lesbian", which I do use. Do you feel seen as a Femme in this community? Yes. How do you think your experience as a Femme with invisibility is affected by the marginalization of Female Butches? The marginalization of any faction of our community affects us all. My specific experience as a Femme who has struggled with invisibility in relation to a Female Id'd Butch having their femaleness erased is not that different at the end of the day, is it?

I realize this is kinda random but I wanted to at least start the discussion and throw some questions out there to get us rolling. I havent had coffee this morning so I apologize if this is jumbled.

I wonder if there is some kind of internal homophobia in play around specifically Femme's defaulting to He/Hy. Before I get jumped on I want to say that I am married to a Transperson. Falling in love with and staying with hym took a LOT of self examination on my part. The only way it works for "us" is that we remain Queer, that neither of us change identities for the other and that we communicate. A lot. For instance: I don't feel comfortable calling my Beloved my Husband. I've tried it on a few times and it doesn't feel right. Sometimes I say things like "I'll talk to my wife about it and see what hy says.." but for the most part I am stuck with partner. Because we are in a Queer marriage. I WISH there were words to encompass the many gender id's, but since there isn't I am willing to do the work and ask. I think I am getting off point here and not communicating what I wanted to, so I'll break now.

Liam 05-17-2010 11:36 AM

Perhaps I am the anomaly or I simply had the misfortune of trying to be a part of lesbian communities that were just nasty, but when I identified as Butch and lesbian, I was constantly told that I was, "not feminine enough," that I was, "too much like a man." I have never experienced a Butch/Femme community except as an online community and the few days I attended the BASH in Oakland, an experience that I enjoyed very much. I'm sorry to interject a post that is not about femmes, but I wanted to point out that femmes are not the only ones, who get this sort of grief. I'll shush now.

The_Lady_Snow 05-17-2010 12:06 PM

I went to an event once, as I walked in the elevator I stepped in front of 2 butch/femme couples, I did not know them, personally, I knew their names, but had never had any kind of r/t experience till that very day. I smiled and said hello and introduced myself to one couple, as I extended my had I noticed couple on the right, the femme was clasping her partners arm like she was in terror, she pulled him slightly away from me as he extended his hand to shake mine. I pulled back right away, and turned to the other couple, they too had the same look, though the femme partner did address me saying," yeah we know you", I turned my back to them and faced the doors, both women whispering to one another, how I was known for *flipping* good butches and having several sex partners at once, and then a comment about how I had no regards to even those who are partnered.

Another time, I went on a date, with a butch, she had heard I was poly, as she walked me to the car I went to hug her, she slammed me up against the car, and tried to kiss me, I pushed her off and asked wtf she was thinking. Her response, "don't be so coy, you're into that leather shit, what's a lil rough out in the parking lot?"

Then there was the time I went out with my then husband, we did a poker run, as I sat at the Dew Drop, a couple came up to me, they wanted to know if I was up for a quick switcharoo in the back of the bar, see they assumed because I was in a poly relationship with my husband, that I was interested in quick rolls in the back of bars.

I am a masculine/feminine Leather Femme Daddy. I am leather first, since that is what is mostly engrained to me, that comes with me being very sexually open, I have no issues using words such as cunt, vagina, pussy, penis, dick, cock, ass, etc etc. I am very sexually fluid, I don't care about gender I will fuck, boys, guys, FTM's, bois, girls, butches, be they masculine, female, transgendered identified or what have you. What that DOES mean is I don't fuck ALL of them at one time, or that I think they are all mine, OR that I am after your man. I am not shy about sexual talk, topics, conversations and anything else sexual. I am a firm believer that a good fuck is that a GOOD fuck and that everyone should participate in a good orgasm at least 4 times a week.. I know I will.

As a Femme, for me it has been a slow and wonderful evolution, I have found and embraced my femininity 100% and that was a slow and painful process because of the above, I did not fit into a mold that kept being shoved down my throat. In the beginning how I am now and have been was not *femme* enough. You see the idea of femme that kept being presented to me was that of soft spoken, submissive, fluffy and giggly. I found this to be confusing since the *few* femme's I did know personally were nothing like this, even if they were in a D/s enviroment, these femme's were power and did not fit this more how do I describe this, *stepford* kind of femme. It took years for me to watch, learn, get to know, and accept all kinds of femme's even though some not all would me. In my experience we as femme's are a lil more vicious when it comes to the hierarchy of femme when we decide to attack one another we tend to do it and go for the jugular, coming in forms of, innuendos, rumors, and attacks on our moral character if one is more sexual than the other.

I am a Daddy, and I ooze masculinity in my everyday life, I am very much an reflection of my Mentors, the men, dykes, butches in my life. I tend to think alot more like a guy, like more male perceived oriented things and probably have more male presenting, id'd born friends than anything else. I am Master, Sir, Daddy and Papa to the boys, and Cassandra. I strap, so I put this example here since *cocks* are more male prone then they are female prone according to the assumptions of both online, straight and b/f standards. I don't have any rules, I don't have any gender expectations and I don't assign man as default to my butch counterparts. I own 2 boys who are self made men, they are my property I am their Sir.

I don't know where I fit on the scale of Femme, I know I am one, I know that no matter who tries to tell me it's not. I am a Power Femme, my power comes from within, it's a natural part of my dominance. I don't subscribe that because I am this that anyone is lower in the femme status. Femme is femme it's not a scale of low and high, it's my gender, and I don't see gender as something you can put a scaled value, it should have *value* period, not fucking degrees of it.

This will be a great thread if we can all come from our Femme experience and without a *set* of guidelines on what femme is, because honestly what I have learned that within our Queerdom is we are so fluid all of us in gender that it evolves every day, and instead of doing the better than thou thing, we should celebrate that maybe one day gender isn't just about the F or the M we are assigned, and that it's perfectly fine to live out of the binary and for fucks sakes that EVERYONE should fuck till they are sweaty, cotton mouthed, and a lil bloodied if that so pleased you!!!

The_Lady_Snow 05-17-2010 12:16 PM

Liam can you share with us how this experience fits in the Femme Continuum? Do you have any other thoughts about the Femme experience?

AtLast 05-17-2010 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by June (Post 108142)
I don't care for the way "we" are censored due to language or perceived lack of decorum by other members of our community. As though we were not ladylike enough, or genteel enough.

I want to have strong opinions, strong language and strong emotions without someone shaking their goddamn finger at me and trying to shame me into hushing. I want people to stop acting like they're my "Daddy" just because I am a Femme. I want us to be able to fuck whomever we want, whenever we want and not be called Whores or Sluts and have our morals called into question*.

I want us to stop apologizing because we pass as straight much of the time. It is what it is, and we have nothing to explain or apologize for.


*June isn't allowed to date

No, not one thing to apologize for!

I am so glad for this thread. It often feels like we take the full spectrum of femme identity for granted and are terribly narrow in what we consider femme. Compare the number of threads about butch identity to femme identity in terms of stereotypes predicated on the B-F dynamic.

Thanks to all in advance and I am listening to you all! This is a great opportunity for butches to get the facts!

Liam 05-17-2010 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by The_Lady_Snow (Post 108190)
Liam can you share with us how this experience fits in the Femme Continuum? Do you have any other thoughts about the Femme experience?

My post was in response to Bulldog's...


Originally Posted by BullDog (Post 108167)
There seems to be awful lot of rules for what women can look like (and act like) and be seen and taken seriously as queer/lesbian.

It seems hyper feminine is seen as the top of the femme hierarchy (most valued) but at the same time seen as the most suspect (supposedly more straight appearing), in terms of being legitimately queer/lesbian.

Why is feminine associated with straight and masculine associated with lesbian/queer when it comes to women?

particularly the statement I bolded. My experience has been that masculine is not associated with lesbian, and that is the only point I was making. As I stated earlier, that is the only comment I would be making in this thread, but thanks for asking.

BullDog 05-17-2010 01:28 PM

I believe you may have misunderstood me, but there is an entire thread already discussing how masculine women are seen. I believe that women that have what is perceived to be a feminine appearance are usually read as straight.

SuperFemme 05-17-2010 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by BullDog (Post 108211)
I believe you may have misunderstood me, but there is an entire thread already discussing how masculine women are seen. I believe that women that have what is perceived to be a feminine appearance are usually read as straight.

That is how I read it. That Femme is perceived and read as straight, whereas Butch seems to be read as Queer most times.

BullDog 05-17-2010 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by SuperFemme (Post 108214)
That is how I read it. That Femme is perceived and read as straight, whereas Butch seems to be read as Queer most times.

Yes and many masculine women who are not butch or lesbian/queer are often read as lesbian/queer as well.

I guess my point was, the standard for lesbian/queer seems to lean more towards the androgynous/masculine side than to the feminine side.

SuperFemme 05-17-2010 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by BullDog (Post 108216)
Yes and many masculine women who are not butch or lesbian/queer are often read as lesbian/queer as well.

I guess my point was, the standard for lesbian/queer seems to lean more towards the androgynous/masculine side than to the feminine side.

I wonder why that is? Is it just THAT ingrained? Remember when K.D. Lang was on the cover of some magazine with Cindy Crawford giving her a shave?

On one hand it was kind of hot, just because I adore K.D. Lang. But it kind of pissed me off that she was up there with a hyper feminine straight girl. I felt uber icky about that.

Linus 05-17-2010 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by SuperFemme (Post 108220)
I wonder why that is? Is it just THAT ingrained? Remember when K.D. Lang was on the cover of some magazine with Cindy Crawford giving her a shave?

On one hand it was kind of hot, just because I adore K.D. Lang. But it kind of pissed me off that she was up there with a hyper feminine straight girl. I felt uber icky about that.

What femme lesbians existed back then? How would you know? (and I'm thinking mainstream media models -- IIRC, this was for a fashion magazine)

I think that was one of the prime examples of femmes being invisible (I know Crawford -- or at least I believe she isn't -- gay but how would we know?).

Mrs. Strutt 05-17-2010 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by June (Post 108142)
I want us to stop apologizing because we pass as straight much of the time.

And I would like others in our very own community to stop looking right through us when they meet us on the street in automatic assumption we are straight.

SuperFemme 05-17-2010 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Linus (Post 108222)
What femme lesbians existed back then? How would you know? (and I'm thinking mainstream media models -- IIRC, this was for a fashion magazine)

I think that was one of the prime examples of femmes being invisible (I know Crawford -- or at least I believe she isn't -- gay but how would we know?).

What mainstream media models of femme exist NOW for that matter?

Linus 05-17-2010 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by SuperFemme (Post 108225)
What mainstream media models of femme exist NOW for that matter?

True. If they are there, we don't know or they choose to keep quiet.

SuperFemme 05-17-2010 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Linus (Post 108229)
True. If they are there, we don't know or they choose to keep quiet.

I can't think of any. Not that I don't sometimes want to label somebody, like say...Portia Derossi and Ellen. The thing is, they haven't mentioned it and though I'd love it, it's not so. The very FACT that I want to label them a cute Butch Femme couple is wrong. I think it comes from desperately wanting role models and people "like me" in my every day media.

Linus 05-17-2010 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by SuperFemme (Post 108230)
I can't think of any. Not that I don't sometimes want to label somebody, like say...Portia Derossi and Ellen. The thing is, they haven't mentioned it and though I'd love it, it's not so. The very FACT that I want to label them a cute Butch Femme couple is wrong. I think it comes from desperately wanting role models and people "like me" in my every day media.

I don't think that's wrong. I know that Kirsten Vangsness is gay and for some reason struck me as femme but not sure why. (I don't believe she's in a B-F relationship however). I think the media is stuck on the idea that a femme is a non-existent being (being lesbian and being feminine is not allowed as far as the MSM is concerned -- unless it's pr0n.)

SassyLeo 05-17-2010 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by June (Post 108142)
I don't care for the way "we" are censored due to language or perceived lack of decorum by other members of our community. As though we were not ladylike enough, or genteel enough.

I want to have strong opinions, strong language and strong emotions without someone shaking their goddamn finger at me and trying to shame me into hushing. I want people to stop acting like they're my "Daddy" just because I am a Femme. I want us to be able to fuck whomever we want, whenever we want and not be called Whores or Sluts and have our morals called into question*.

I want us to stop apologizing because we pass as straight much of the time. It is what it is, and we have nothing to explain or apologize for.


*June isn't allowed to date

There is a person I have met on several occasions, who lives in the area. She identifies as a top/daddy type. The first time I met her, I walked into a gay bar where I was meeting others...she immediately bombarded me a VERY assertive schpeel... -was I new in town-, -where was I from-, -am I kinky-, etc. Upon further conversation, she asked me if I had gotten involved in the local BDSM scene. At the time, I had been to a few meet-ups and networked a bit... but wasn't really "in" it. She proceeded to try to "top" me... and I don't mean in a physical sense, but energetically and verbally. I don't even know if I could explain it, but I could just feel it, almost like a predator. She gave me her business card and said if I "really wanted to get connected to the "right" scene, to call her. The other groups in town were a "mess", "too soft" etc. She asked for my info and I said, "Look, I'm not a bottom and I do not give out my number." She gave me a shocked look and said, "Well, keep my card, you'll change your mind" and winked at me.

Now I realize we are all not like this... (Looking at Snowy :king:) ;)

I am femme. Probably considered very femme, by appearances. It pisses me off that there is a stereotype attached to us, that we are all bottoms/subs, etc. I can be whatever the fuck I want.

In the world we all make assumptions about people, everyday. I wish that in my OWN community this didn't happen... but I don't know if that is possible.

Medusa 05-17-2010 02:55 PM

I'd like to explore how Femme Top energy isn't always in a masculine or "Daddy" form.

But yes, Femme often equals "fuckee" in a lot of people's minds. Even when it does, I don't think it should equal "less than".

Pretty Woman 05-17-2010 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by SuperFemme (Post 108230)
I can't think of any. Not that I don't sometimes want to label somebody, like say...Portia Derossi and Ellen. The thing is, they haven't mentioned it and though I'd love it, it's not so. The very FACT that I want to label them a cute Butch Femme couple is wrong. I think it comes from desperately wanting role models and people "like me" in my every day media.

But Portia Derossi isn't femme! She is a straight chick that was looking for a publicity boost! But did anyone see the Cynthia Nixon interview last week where she referred to her butch fiancee as 'a man with boobs'? Honestly, I was offended as it struck me as apologetically homophobic!

Originally Posted by Linus (Post 108234)
I don't think that's wrong. I know that Kirsten Vangsness is gay and for some reason struck me as femme but not sure why. (I don't believe she's in a B-F relationship however). I think the media is stuck on the idea that a femme is a non-existent being (being lesbian and being feminine is not allowed as far as the MSM is concerned -- unless it's pr0n.)

I couldn't disagree more. I often feel that the only 'acceptables' are femmes...the straighter looking the better. And that butches only get noticed by the MSM when the media wants us for a freak show. Sort of analogous to when the local news only shows the Radical Fairies at gay pride.

The_Lady_Snow 05-17-2010 03:16 PM

I've no clue if Portia is a Femme, or uses that gender identity, I believe though she has been dating women since 04 how long do we hold on to the straight chick label before we are ok'd to be gay, queer etc?

SuperFemme 05-17-2010 03:17 PM

From the Advocate interview:

"Christine would probably kill me for saying this, but my daughter said one time that if you really had to break this down, [it looks like] she would be butch and I would be femme…but really once you get to know us it’s really the opposite.”

Does this out them as a Butch-Femme couple? Or not? Curious.

Semantics 05-17-2010 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Mrs. Strutt (Post 108224)
And I would like others in our very own community to stop looking right through us when they meet us on the street in automatic assumption we are straight.


I'm never recognized as queer unless I'm on the arm of a butch. It's kind of a drag for a single person. :lol2:

Short of wearing a rainbow jumpsuit I'm not sure what to do about it.


Originally Posted by Pretty Woman (Post 108271)
[COLOR="Blue"]But Portia Derossi isn't femme! She is a straight chick that was looking for a publicity boost!

Oh. Do you know her?

She's married to a woman. I don't really know how either she or her wife identify but I think it's unkind to reduce a couple's relationship to a "publicity boost".

Linus 05-17-2010 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Pretty Woman (Post 108271)
But Portia Derossi isn't femme! She is a straight chick that was looking for a publicity boost! But did anyone see the Cynthia Nixon interview last week where she referred to her butch fiancee as 'a man with boobs'? Honestly, I was offended as it struck me as apologetically homophobic!

I couldn't disagree more. I often feel that the only 'acceptables' are femmes...the straighter looking the better. And that butches only get noticed by the MSM when the media wants us for a freak show. Sort of analogous to when the local news only shows the Radical Fairies at gay pride.

But do they see them as femmes or feminine lesbians??

Apocalipstic 05-17-2010 03:27 PM

Do we know Portia? How do we know she is straight? I mean, she had a pretty great career before Ellen being in Ally McBeal, and had a G/F even back then.

Isn't this what we are talking about? How unless we look Butch people think we are straight women? Taking Butches away from 'real" Lesbians.

I had other things to say, but this stopped me in my tracks.


The_Lady_Snow 05-17-2010 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Semantics (Post 108290)

I'm never recognized as queer unless I'm on the arm of a butch. It's kind of a drag for a single person. :lol2:

Short of wearing a rainbow jumpsuit I'm not sure what to do about it.


Hi Semantics!!

My experience has been that if you get to know me as a femme, person or in an intimate relationship, you are gonna know I am queer. My language, ideals, politics, religion, sex, I know for *me* once you start a conversation it sounds nothing like that of a straight woman. Make sense?

Pretty Woman 05-17-2010 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Semantics (Post 108290)

Oh. Do you know her?

She's married to a woman. I don't really know how either she or her wife identify but I think it's unkind to reduce a couple's relationship to a "publicity boost".


Originally Posted by The_Lady_Snow (Post 108281)
I've no clue if Portia is a Femme, or uses that gender identity, I believe though she has been dating women since 04 how long do we hold on to the straight chick label before we are ok'd to be gay, queer etc?

To both, I do know (of) her in the one degree of separation kind of way. Do either of you?

SassyLeo 05-17-2010 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Pretty Woman (Post 108271)
But Portia Derossi isn't femme! She is a straight chick that was looking for a publicity boost!

I cannot tell if you are being glib? Because I don't believe that at all. Are you sure you don't mean Anne Heche?


Originally Posted by Pretty Woman (Post 108271)
But did anyone see the Cynthia Nixon interview last week where she referred to her butch fiancee as 'a man with boobs'? Honestly, I was offended as it struck me as apologetically homophobic!

Uh, yes. There is a whole thread about that here: http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/foru...ead.php?t=1357


Originally Posted by Pretty Woman (Post 108271)
I couldn't disagree more. I often feel that the only 'acceptables' are femmes...the straighter looking the better. And that butches only get noticed by the MSM when the media wants us for a freak show. Sort of analogous to when the local news only shows the Radical Fairies at gay pride.

Apocalipstic 05-17-2010 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Pretty Woman (Post 108301)
To both, I do know (of) her in the one degree of separation kind of way. Do either of you?

How come she had girlfriends before Ellen?

The_Lady_Snow 05-17-2010 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Pretty Woman (Post 108301)
To both, I do know (of) her in the one degree of separation kind of way. Do either of you?

No, I have no friends who know of her, know her, so no I don't know her enough to say if she is Femme, straight, or if she is out to trick the world with her wiley straight ways and pretend she is gay.

I am clueless... I just figured she was married to Ellen, dated some singer in 04 who happened to be a woman, made her a lil on the gay side of the spectrum.

I am wrong, I guess?:tiredcomputer:

SuperFemme 05-17-2010 03:35 PM

I'm not willing to denounce any Queer's membership to Queerdom, especially when they've come out in Hollywood. I wish MORE people in the entertainment industry would be out...I really do.

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