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Okiebug61 07-04-2011 09:33 AM

Transgendered Furry Slave
Ok! I have to admit I had never heard of this identity until my brother-in-law brought his girlfriend over and introduced her to us. She identifies as a Transgendered Furry Slave!

I'll cut to the chase and just say it. It's bugging the living hell out of Red and myself. Not because her brother is into this but because he is pushing his 12 year old son to accept this without any questions. The poor kid is in the middle of full blown puberty and is having a huge problem with all of this. The furry wears a tale in public and the slave collar with a huge lock. The brother wears the key to the lock around his neck. It's embarrassing poor Nick and he doesn't want to go anywhere with his dad and the furry in public.

I do not want to offend anyone but seriously, why should a child be forced to deal with this. Our hands are tied and Red is seriously upset and I haven't a clue what to do.

The furry also has drama issues that are way beyond my tolerance zone! She claims to suffer from major fainting spells due to an head injury as a child, which I won't question the truth of this matter, however her fainting spell in the middle of our party last night was more than overboard for me. It was at best the worst rendition of a silent movie faint I have ever seen, oh but the lit cigarette never left her hand. The brother ran to her rescue brought her inside and well the rest is just more BS.

My question is how would any of you handle this situation?

morningstar55 07-04-2011 09:56 AM

i know this is hard to do with a family member
think of your nephew .... you would be his voice call SS / child protective dept... you dont have to tell them who you really are.
I did .... with a member of my family....... my sister cuz she had a drinking problem and would drive to get her son from school and among other things.
just my 2 cents ... but no your nephew being a minor should NOT be subject to his dad's sexual/fetish life style.
where is your nephews mom???
maybe offer your home to your nephew to come too... ?? just a thought

Apocalipstic 07-04-2011 10:03 AM

While I admit to being amused about the trangendered furry...a lot of people think being gay is just as disgusting.

Calling DHS seems really harsh.

It will pass.

Drunk driving children is illegal and dangerous, wearing a tail is not placing anyone in danger.

morningstar55 07-04-2011 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by apocalipstic (Post 371774)
While I admit to being amused about the trangendered furry...a lot of people think being gay is just as disgusting.

Calling DHS seems really harsh.

It will pass.

Drunk driving children is illegal and dangerous, wearing a tail is not placing anyone in danger.

.. a tail in public.. i heard about this furry stuff... and thought these tails were ahh well umm butt plugs?
mayb some intervention with the father ??

Corkey 07-04-2011 10:26 AM

The child should not have to suffer for the fathers relationship in public. However the adult has every right to his relationship. I think someone should talk to the adult about it, but really it is no ones business what the adults do, but the child should not have to be involved if the child doesn't want to be.

Apocalipstic 07-04-2011 10:28 AM

I don't think the narcoleptic GF should actually drive.....but otherwise

does it matter if tail is butt plug?

Andrea 07-04-2011 10:34 AM

Perhaps a reminder to the pre-teen's father about how hard it is to be seen in public with your parents at that age. Throw in parents marching to a different drummer and the embarrassment (coupled with possible bullying) could feel devastating to the child.

Have the father and child had a heart to heart open discussion about this?

I would find some alone time with your nephew and tell him nearly all parents do something to embarrass their children. Some more painful than others. Make yourself available to your nephew whenever he needs someone to talk to.

This may not be your cup of tea and it may not be how you would handle things but your nephew should make it to adulthood with a minimal amount of therapy even with this in his life.

As to your discomfort and the fainting..... ummm... I think I would avoid them if possible. I certainly wouldn't enable the drama queen's fainting spells by offering attention.

Good luck with this,

girl_dee 07-04-2011 10:34 AM

That is such a tender age, I would think the father would have more respect for his son and realize that being such an object of attention while in public is hard for any 12 year old.

The father has a right to whatever lifestyle he chooses but forcing his son to agree with it and be part of it while in public is unfair.

Okiebug61 07-04-2011 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by apocalipstic (Post 371774)
While I admit to being amused about the trangendered furry...a lot of people think being gay is just as disgusting.

Calling DHS seems really harsh.

It will pass.

Drunk driving children is illegal and dangerous, wearing a tail is not placing anyone in danger.

We would never call DHS unless the Furry tries to hurt Nick!

I have to disagree, about it not being dangerous. We live in Oklahoma and the rednecks aren't too crazy about certain things. Nick is also bi-racial and that has been a big issue for him at times because when he with his Dad's side of the family he feels people stare at him cause he doesn't look like anyone.

Okiebug61 07-04-2011 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Corkey (Post 371787)
The child should not have to suffer for the fathers relationship in public. However the adult has every right to his relationship. I think someone should talk to the adult about it, but really it is no ones business what the adults do, but the child should not have to be involved if the child doesn't want to be.

The father has already told Nick and us that it's a packaged deal. Nick's mother has custody and she is not aware of the situation.

PaPa 07-04-2011 11:05 AM

Bingo! Mom needs to know..... Ever hear the saying, "if momma ain't happy ain't nobody happy"?

Corkey 07-04-2011 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Okiebug61 (Post 371809)
The father has already told Nick and us that it's a packaged deal. Nick's mother has custody and she is not aware of the situation.

There would be your answer then, yes?

Lynn 07-04-2011 11:09 AM

If his father isn't open to discussion about it, then maybe it would be good to offer to have him spend more time with Aunts Red and Okiebug. Just having other role models and an opportunity for venting and asking questions may help mitigate some of the discomfort or trauma he may be experiencing.

Blade 07-04-2011 11:14 AM

Nick might need counseling or even family counseling to help him/them work thru the issues he is obviously facing. Depending on how he absorbs and accepts these issues, he could easily be headed down a self destructive path in the future. The various ways children act out in response to things going on in their lives can make for an ugly experience transitioning from preteen and all of its pressures and peer pressure to teen to young adult with unresolved issues.

If I were the custodial parent, I certainly would want to know. At least it would give me the chance to talk to him and to the noncustodial parent and see if we could work out something in the best interest of the child.

Okiebug61 07-04-2011 11:40 AM

I think his mom should know. I think Red should tell her brother he as a certain amount of time to tell Nick's mom what is going on or she is going to tell him. I think her biggest fear right now is not getting to see Nick!

Thanks for everyone's great advice.

morningstar55 07-04-2011 11:43 AM

i agree ... mom should know.....
if the father is doing this going out in public... can't imagine what goes on in front of his son behind closed doors...

morningstar55 07-04-2011 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Okiebug61 (Post 371848)
I think his mom should know. I think Red should tell her brother he as a certain amount of time to tell Nick's mom what is going on or she is going to tell him. I think her biggest fear right now is not getting to see Nick!

Thanks for everyone's great advice.

why would she not get to see him?? if its ok to ask

Gayla 07-04-2011 11:57 AM

To me, this has very little to do with anyone's personal ID and everything to do with what is appropriate, or rather inappropriate in this case, behavior to display in front of a 12 year old.

It's one thing for a person to say that they are staying true to their personal ID and proudly displaying that for the world to see but something completely different when that ID impacts a child. It takes it to yet another completely different level when the people involved are actually raising the child and not just walking past them on the street.

Claiming that a 12 year old is just going to have to deal with it, is so beyond wrong that I really don't even have words for it.

Although, I'd be happy to go for hours about the long term affects of the "dealing" options.

Andrea 07-04-2011 12:29 PM

To those that find this situation offensive:

How is this any different than people who are offended by gay parenting and how much that is harmful to the children?

The idea of a Transgendered Furry Slave makes me go yewwww but I fail to see how this is anymore harmful for the child than other things parents do.

Please help me see what you see.

Thank you

DomnNC 07-04-2011 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Okiebug61 (Post 371848)
I think his mom should know. I think Red should tell her brother he as a certain amount of time to tell Nick's mom what is going on or she is going to tell him. I think her biggest fear right now is not getting to see Nick!

Thanks for everyone's great advice.

Personally, I don't think he should be given a warning. I'd just call the mom and tell her. If you wanted to see your nephew then I'd just call the mom and ask if you could see him, I'm sure she'd respect ya'll more for coming straight to her with the info and would allow ya'll to see him because she would know ya'll had his best interests at heart. No child should be subjected to their parents/caregivers kink and sexual fetishes, it is abusive at best. A child should not have their sexual identities shaped by their parents, this is something a child should explore and define for themselves just like we all did.

Corkey 07-04-2011 12:40 PM

For me it is offensive because the father is not respecting his child. Just because he wants to live his kink, it doesn't give him the right to force his child to live it with him. That is child abuse.

Gayla 07-04-2011 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Andrea (Post 371882)
To those that find this situation offensive:

How is this any different than people who are offended by gay parenting and how much that is harmful to the children?

The idea of a Transgendered Furry Slave makes me go yewwww but I fail to see how this is anymore harmful for the child than other things parents do.

Please help me see what you see.

Thank you

Andrea - Do you really not see a difference between exposing a sexual kink to a 12 year old and gay parents raising children?

Ebon 07-04-2011 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Okiebug61 (Post 371758)
Ok! I have to admit I had never heard of this identity until my brother-in-law brought his girlfriend over and introduced her to us. She identifies as a Transgendered Furry Slave!

I'll cut to the chase and just say it. It's bugging the living hell out of Red and myself. Not because her brother is into this but because he is pushing his 12 year old son to accept this without any questions. The poor kid is in the middle of full blown puberty and is having a huge problem with all of this. The furry wears a tale in public and the slave collar with a huge lock. The brother wears the key to the lock around his neck. It's embarrassing poor Nick and he doesn't want to go anywhere with his dad and the furry in public.

I do not want to offend anyone but seriously, why should a child be forced to deal with this. Our hands are tied and Red is seriously upset and I haven't a clue what to do.

The furry also has drama issues that are way beyond my tolerance zone! She claims to suffer from major fainting spells due to an head injury as a child, which I won't question the truth of this matter, however her fainting spell in the middle of our party last night was more than overboard for me. It was at best the worst rendition of a silent movie faint I have ever seen, oh but the lit cigarette never left her hand. The brother ran to her rescue brought her inside and well the rest is just more BS.

My question is how would any of you handle this situation?

The poor kid is embarrassed like any normal 12 year old would be and the lady sounds like a drama queen but I don't understand how her wearing a tail is damaging him. The lady herself sounds ridiculous and hilarious but I mean have you ever seen them doing anything inappropriate in front of the kid besides being a transsexual furry? Wearing a lock and key, how is that damaging to him do they make him wear it? Being 12 is rough and having an odd parent is even more rough but I'm sure if the furry lady wasn't so outlandish and just kind of "normal" and up to everyone's standards would it be ok then? I don't know the full story just going on what I know.

Andrea 07-04-2011 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by gayla (Post 371889)
Andrea - Do you really not see a difference between exposing a sexual kink to a 12 year old and gay parents raising children?

I truly believe there are many people who think being gay is a sexual kink. In addition, I am not in the position to determine that this situation is one of sexual kink. It could well be sexual kink but is the child being exposed to sex or is the child only being exposed to someone wearing fur? Should parents into leather or BDSM not wear anything that indicates their kink when spending time with children?

I am not trying to argue. I find this situation icky too. I just don't believe it is that harmful to the child.


Corkey 07-04-2011 01:01 PM

Perhaps because none of us are a 12 year old straight boy it is hard to understand. Quite frankly, I get it. I as a parent would not expose my kid to my kink, it's mine, I own it.

WolfyOne 07-04-2011 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Ebon (Post 371893)
The poor kid is embarrassed like any normal 12 year old would be and the lady sounds like a drama queen but I don't understand how her wearing a tail is damaging him. The lady herself sounds ridiculous and hilarious but I mean have you ever seen them doing anything inappropriate in front of the kid besides being a transsexual furry? Wearing a lock and key, how is that damaging to him do they make him wear it? Being 12 is rough and having an odd parent is even more rough but I'm sure if the furry lady wasn't so outlandish and just kind of "normal" and up to everyone's standards would it be ok then? I don't know the full story just going on what I know.

Ebon, I could see it not being a problem in a big city where anything goes any day of the week. In Oklahoma, however, depending where you live, it could be a problem. By her wearing it in public, it is damaging to his mental growth. At school he could get teased or even worse, beat up because of her. Kids can be quite cruel to other kids when they find what they consider an oddity or a weakness.

Ok and on the funny side, I'm surprised wearing a tail in Oklahoma, a hunter hasn't wanted to declare open season on her.

I'm all for different strokes for different folks as long as children aren't involved.

The_Lady_Snow 07-04-2011 01:16 PM

I have to ask as everyone goes ewww and ickie, has anyone considered that we may have furries in this very community..

How do we know this 12 year old is straight?

Why isn't the mother being told?

Why is it wrong for an adult to wear a tail?

Has the father taken time to talk to his kid?

What does public mean? Is the furrie going to a school function in furrie wear?

Is the issue cause the person is transgendred? A slave? Or a furrie?

I'm curious as a slave Owner with kids.

scootebaby 07-04-2011 01:16 PM

some random thoughts
If the father was taking the sons feelings and thoughts into consideration,and having an open,honest conversation about it instead of saying"the kid just has to deal with it" then i would be less apt to have the knee jerk reaction that i had. Personally i think it sets a bad example to expose a child to any out of the norm behavior without at least some conversations/explanations concerning it.

To me it reads as the childs feelings,thoughts etc do not count--at the very least that is telling the child he does not count.

As a mother i would want to know what my child is being subjected too...hell my son is 16 and i STILL worry about what he is exposed to,as well as worry about how things affect him--emotionally,personally etc etc

I think communication is key in EVERY relationship...mother or father/child husband/wife, girlfriend/girlfriend etc.

sidenote: when i say "out of the norm behavior" i do not mean it in a derogatory manner,but honestly there are things that are deemed norm/not norm in EVERY group of ppl and society.

Corkey 07-04-2011 01:23 PM

[QUOTE=The_Lady_Snow;371902]I have to ask as everyone goes ewww and ickie, has anyone considered that we may have furries in this very community..

Not icky or eeewwwing personally.

How do we know this 12 year old is straight?

We don't, it is however assumed

Why isn't the mother being told?

Good question

Why is it wrong for an adult to wear a tail?

It isn't

Has the father taken time to talk to his kid?


What does public mean? Is the furrie going to a school function in furrie wear?

Unknown, don't know where the public exposure is.

Is the issue cause the person is transgendred? A slave? Or a furrie?

I think the issue is the boy being exposed to the person against his will, from what I got from the OP

I'm curious as a slave Owner with kids.

The_Lady_Snow 07-04-2011 01:25 PM

The mother should be called if she doesn't know what is going on with her child, and why isn't the kid talking to his mom?


Oklahoma's kink community is HUGE they have one of the BEST Leather/BDSM events in the Midwest,;)

Andrea 07-04-2011 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by The_Lady_Snow (Post 371902)
I have to ask as everyone goes ewww and ickie, has anyone considered that we may have furries in this very community..

I'm curious as a slave Owner with kids.

I have considered that we may have furries in this community but it still isn't something I find interesting to me so, as in I don't like Swiss Chard, I find it icky. I am not intentionally pronouncing judgment on others. It just doesn't float my boat.

Very good questions, Ms. Snow.


The_Lady_Snow 07-04-2011 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Andrea (Post 371907)
I have considered that we may have furries in this community but it still isn't something I find interesting to me so, as in I don't like Swiss Chard, I find it icky. I am not intentionally pronouncing judgment on others. It just doesn't float my boat.

Very good questions, Ms. Snow.


I don't particularly like vanilla Andrea or creamed corn yet I'm not gonna go ewwwww ickie and not consider folks that do.

atomiczombie 07-04-2011 01:37 PM

I think it is so wrong to expose a 12 year old to your kink if that 12 year old is distressed by it. Kink is an adult domain. If the kid is uncomfortable, why expose him to it? The duty of a parent is to protect the child. Exposing the kid to your same-sex or trans partner is one thing, cause that is not a kink. And, the mother should know what is going on, for sure. I would tell her, Okie, if I were you, and have a talk with his dad about it.

There is nothing wrong with this kind of kink, but it should not be exposed to a kid who feels uncomfortable with it.

Corkey 07-04-2011 01:38 PM

I personally think we are missing the point. Adults can do as they wish, a kid has no business in an adults kink. That's my POV. What adults do with other consenting adults is hunkie dory. From the OP I get that the kid is not consenting, nor an adult.

Julie 07-04-2011 01:39 PM

Look - I am not going to defend the parents here or the child... Because all we have is a brief synopsis from the OP Okie.

Once upon a time my eldest was unhappy that I was a lesbian and had a very butch partner. I forced my child to live with this. I am/was the custodial parent. Was I being an abusive parent? Should they have been taken away from me, because I lived as an open out there militant dyke.

There are people in this world that feel my children were being abused by being subjected to my homosexuality.

How does this really differ? Who are we to say what is right and what is wrong?

Kids will have issues. We sometimes as parents add to their issues, but it is our responsibility as parents to be sensitive and have communication.

That would be the question for me. Are the parents being open with this child and are they hearing him and explaining things in a form which might make the child understand more?

In some communities in society - being gay or lesbian is considered deviant and kinky.

The_Lady_Snow 07-04-2011 01:42 PM

I'm confused as why the OP didn't go or hasn't gone to the unknowing mom, yet now all of us and the internets know. How unfair that the Mother has no clue yet we do.

JustJo 07-04-2011 01:43 PM

As the mom of a (presumably) straight 13 year old boy, I think Mom should definitely be told...and someone needs to be talking to Dad also.

As parents, it's our responsibility to make sure that our kids are okay...and anything that makes them embarassed or uncomfortable should be talked about - whether it has to do with sex or anything else.

For me, this shows that dad is being incredibly insensitive to his child's needs and feelings.

If the child is actually being targeted by his peers, then it's even worse than insensitivity on Dad's part.

atomiczombie 07-04-2011 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Julie (Post 371913)
Look - I am not going to defend the parents here or the child... Because all we have is a brief synopsis from the OP Okie.

Once upon a time my eldest was unhappy that I was a lesbian and had a very butch partner. I forced my child to live with this. I am/was the custodial parent. Was I being an abusive parent? Should they have been taken away from me, because I lived as an open out there militant dyke.

There are people in this world that feel my children were being abused by being subjected to my homosexuality.

How does this really differ? Who are we to say what is right and what is wrong?

Kids will have issues. We sometimes as parents add to their issues, but it is our responsibility as parents to be sensitive and have communication.

That would be the question for me. Are the parents being open with this child and are they hearing him and explaining things in a form which might make the child understand more?

In some communities in society - being gay or lesbian is considered deviant and kinky.

That may be in some communities, straight ones, but it is not true. Homosexuality isn't a kink. It is about who you are attracted to and who you love, not what gets you off or what you do in the bedroom, or dungeon, etc. Kink is an erotic category. Like Corkey said, this kid is not a consenting adult. Big difference!

The_Lady_Snow 07-04-2011 01:49 PM

Is the child being educated that current partner is transgendered? I feel THAT in itself is a topic they should be discussing, the slave tail part would be the least of my worries.

Julie 07-04-2011 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by atomiczombie (Post 371920)
That may be in some communities, straight ones, but it is not true. Homosexuality isn't a kink. It is about who you are attracted to and who you love, not what gets you off or what you do in the bedroom, or dungeon, etc. Kink is an erotic category. Like Corkey said, this kid is not a consenting adult. Big difference!

In many communities homosexuality is considered deviant sex and kink.
Gay men are still placed along side with pedophilia.

I am not disagreeing - I think the parents need to speak with the child, if they have not already done so. We really do not have all the details and all we are doing is judging.

Do you not see the judgment here? And all this based on a few lines of text.

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