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FeminineAllure 12-12-2009 11:05 AM

Love is...<3
Share what love is to you?

How to Dance in the Rain

It was a busy morning, about 8:30,

When an elderly gentleman in his 80s arrived

To have stitches removed from his thumb.

He said he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 am.

I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would to able to see him I saw him looking at his watch and decided, since I was not busy with another patient, I would evaluate his wound.
On exam, it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors, got the needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound.

While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry.

The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife. I inquired as to her health.

He told me that she had been there for a while and that she was a victim of Alzheimer's Disease.

As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late.

He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she had not recognized him in five years now.

I was surprised, and asked him, 'And you still go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?'

He smiled as he patted my hand and said,

'She doesn't know me,

But I still know who she is.'

I had to hold back tears as he left,

I had goose bumps on my arm, and thought,

'That is the kind of love I want in my life.'

True love is neither

Physical, nor romantic.

True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be.
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything;

They just make the best

Of everything they have.

FeminineAllure 12-12-2009 11:19 AM

Love is..."Friendship caught fire."

sharonsuburbia 12-12-2009 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by FeminineAllure (Post 20555)
Share what love is to you?

How to Dance in the Rain

It was a busy morning, about 8:30,

When an elderly gentleman in his 80s arrived

To have stitches removed from his thumb.

He said he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 am.

I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would to able to see him I saw him looking at his watch and decided, since I was not busy with another patient, I would evaluate his wound.
On exam, it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors, got the needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound.

While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry.

The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife. I inquired as to her health.

He told me that she had been there for a while and that she was a victim of Alzheimer's Disease.

As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late.

He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she had not recognized him in five years now.

I was surprised, and asked him, 'And you still go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?'

He smiled as he patted my hand and said,

'She doesn't know me,

But I still know who she is.'

I had to hold back tears as he left,

I had goose bumps on my arm, and thought,

'That is the kind of love I want in my life.'

True love is neither

Physical, nor romantic.

True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be.
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything;

They just make the best

Of everything they have.

i just got teary - i hope im loved like that:choir:

Tommi 12-12-2009 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by sharonsuburbia (Post 20564)
i just got teary - i hope im loved like that:choir:

YEP..Me too.That is powerful..

Love is my girl ...sharing fun You Tubes to cheer me up when she knows I have had a hard day.It does lighten the load, and she always finds one to make me smile. Hope this makes you all smile...Go ahead ..play it
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oADfmYQWmW8"]YouTube- Love Is All[/ame]

Jet 12-12-2009 11:37 AM

...something unconditional.

FeminineAllure 12-20-2009 07:07 PM

"Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end."

Gemme 12-21-2009 06:18 PM

I like this thread!

Love shows itself to me daily in a hundred different ways. When my guy is extra patient with me because he knows I feel like crap and am crabby as crabby can be, that's love. When the puppies stop in the midst of their playing to come romping towards me because they see me getting ready to go to work and don't want me to leave without kisses, that's love. When I take a deep breath and think of the reasons NOT to go :batmoose: on my coworkers, that's love. When my guy cackles in glee because of the weight of the Christmas box he sent out, that's pride...and love....showing itself.

I'm a semi-romantic. I like :bouquet: but don't require them to know that someone cares. The same goes for the other usual schmoozy stuff. I recognize love when someone takes a few extra moments out of their day to think about me and do something for me that will save me a little bit of time, when they pick something up for me at the store because it "looked like me", or when I'm being thought of and I know it. That's some of the different shades of love.

Diva 12-21-2009 07:01 PM

These are so lovely.....it would be lovely to have this in my life.......

I remember when my Mom no longer recognized my Father.....her last birthday, he gave her a card and then opened it for her and read it to her because she didn't know what it was or what to do. And to see the love he had for her made me know that THAT was the kind of love I wanted and needed in my life.

Love for my Heart of Hearts is unconditional. That doesn't mean doormat. I enjoy their attention.....I enjoy hearing those priceless words "I love You". Like Gemmie, I love flowers, too, but I don't require them all the time. Love is being able to speak my heart and have it interpretted with love. And love it not having to say anything at all and feel that same love.

I love reading some of the comments between couples in love on various threads here and being able to witness the love growing.....and of solid love. It warms my heart.

Dean Thoreau 12-21-2009 07:23 PM

Love is:

when your are sick as a dog and she wipes your forehead with a cool
cloth; even tho u are blessing the porcelain goddess

not wondering what its like on the otherside of the fence.

accepting the annoying crap like toothpaste cap left off, toilet paper put on the roll the wrong way, bathtowels lying on the floor, car always left with an empty tank, always burning my grill cheese sandwich, leaving a 1/16th of a teaspoon of juice in the container and putting it back in the fridge, shrinking my silk suit in the washer, turning all my white undershirts pink, calling me 3 hours after i fall asleep when she is away cause she is lonely, dropping my cell phone in the ocean....and knowing in the greater scheme of things I will miss every one of the stupid things if something were to ever happen to her.

not expecting her to be any more perfect than I am....and

accepting the fact that we can be assholes, jerks, inconsiderate idiots at times cause we are human.

love is.... just saying screw it and taking each others hand and continuing thru the muck and riding the roller coaster of life.


Gemme 12-21-2009 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Dean Thoreau (Post 24189)
Love is:

when your are sick as a dog and she wipes your forehead with a cool
cloth; even tho u are blessing the porcelain goddess

not wondering what its like on the otherside of the fence.

accepting the annoying crap like toothpaste cap left off, toilet paper put on the roll the wrong way, bathtowels lying on the floor, car always left with an empty tank, always burning my grill cheese sandwich, leaving a 1/16th of a teaspoon of juice in the container and putting it back in the fridge, shrinking my silk suit in the washer, turning all my white undershirts pink, calling me 3 hours after i fall asleep when she is away cause she is lonely, dropping my cell phone in the ocean....and knowing in the greater scheme of things I will miss every one of the stupid things if something were to ever happen to her.

not expecting her to be any more perfect than I am....and

accepting the fact that we can be assholes, jerks, inconsiderate idiots at times cause we are human.

love is.... just saying screw it and taking each others hand and continuing thru the muck and riding the roller coaster of life.



Love this!

violaine 12-21-2009 11:35 PM

! guinea pigs !

Softly 12-21-2009 11:44 PM

I am so in love.
love is....
when she kisses my eyelids before bed and holds me, playing with my hair until I fall asleep.

when she cooks amazing dinner she knows I will like when I had a long day at work.

never judging me for mistakes I have made in the past.

always accepting all I have and all that I am.


Softly 12-23-2009 08:16 AM

LOVE is our cat Kingsley giving me kisses in the morning and talking my ear off...(he just wants his food but I like to pretend he just likes to talk to me)

Meeeeeeeeeeow meow MEEEEOW meow!!! meow.

AND :sushi: is LOVE.

Andrew, Jr. 12-23-2009 08:49 AM

Love is Unconditional Even Among Strangers
During the time my sister was at NIH, she endured several rounds of chemo, stem cell therapy, experimental drugs, and other therapies. However, she wasn't the only patient there. When you are there, you see others suffering, and you meet other families. At first you are strangers, then within minutes you are family.

We all seemed to help each other out, with caring for our loved ones who were terminally ill. We would do everything from wiping their butts from severe diarreha, to getting buckets of ice chips to share, to bottled water, to taking the time to sit with their loved one while they took a break to get a cup of coffee or eat a quick meal. It was a balance of love, knowledge, and strength.

Some would bring in lap tops and share new information on such and such. And find out who was doing the cutting edge medicine and drugs of whatever disease their loved one had.

Unfortunately, we all shared in the mourning of the loss. It gave us more strength. We ended up going to the many many funerals. And some even spoke at them. It was about forgiveness. For the doctor not being able to get there in time. For the treatment not working. And the list can go on and on. It is all about finding a place for the ugly side of being sick to be. It is love. Life shared is more rewarding than when you are alone. It shows your spirit.


apretty 12-23-2009 10:35 AM

the dogs all tucked in around me and snoring. :stillheart:

Locutus 12-23-2009 10:51 AM

Giving someone you love the space they need...

FeminineAllure 12-23-2009 08:06 PM

Love is...Not always about the smiles and laughter but really being fully present to wipe away your lovers tears when necessary.

FeminineAllure 12-27-2009 11:29 PM

Love is...Acceptance that loving another involves loving the whole person with all of their imperfections.

Gemme 12-28-2009 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by FeminineAllure (Post 26555)
Love is...Acceptance that loving another involves loving the whole person with all of their imperfections.


FeminineAllure 12-29-2009 04:18 AM

In my dreams I'm always with you.

Love is hope. Hope is faith. Faith is trust. Trust love.

Wait for the one you can't live without.
Love is amazing....
You find it in people you least expect to.
And see it in people you often reject.
How often do you find love when you're not looking for it?
But you know you've found it when your knees turn numb.
Love is something some people try to ignore,
They are afraid of loving and what it opens their heart for.
Love is something some people try to find,
And when they find something close to love, they fool themselves sometimes.
Love must be a coincidence, or an unexpected event,
A surprise in its happening, and heaven sent.
You must not rush it or plan the road you wish it to lead,
Let the feeling take its course, in any way it needs to.
You'll know when the feelings there, and when its completely right,
From there on, just let that feeling go, totake you to an unreachable height........

If love is... not a game, then why are there so many players?

If I had a rose for every time I thought about you, I'd be sitting in a garden~

When in search for that perfect bloom we often misss the smell of the roses.

Kiss me and you'll see the stars...

..Love me and I will give them to you

Theres a sparkle in your eye that only I see, and theres a place in your heart where only I want to be.


always2late 12-29-2009 06:16 AM

I have a story similar to the one that started this thread. I am a nurse, and several years ago I worked on an Alzheimer unit. The husband of one of our patients would come every day to feed her breakfast, visit with her, and feed her lunch. She was in end-stage Alzheimer's, nonverbal, and had no sign of recognition that she knew who he was...and yet every day, without fail, there he was. He would talk to her, sit with her, feed her, and every day tell her he loved her. He told me the story of how they met...at a dance on a naval base. They met in January, and he married her that June. He said she was the love of his life.

One day we had a blizzard, it was a state of emergency and the local news channels were warning that no one should be out on the roads. I was sitting at the nurse's station and to my surprise, I looked up and saw him walk through the doors. I said to him "Mr *, what are you doing out! You shouldn't be driving in this weather!" He just looked at me, smiled and replied "Well, I couldn't leave my girl alone now could I?"

That is love

Inuus 12-29-2009 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by FeminineAllure (Post 26555)
Love is...Acceptance that loving another involves loving the whole person with all of their imperfections.

Priceless :)

Softly 12-29-2009 08:31 AM

Love is taking the Christmas tree down together and not wanting to kill kill kill xoxo (because my asthma was getting bad we had to take the tree down)!

Love is cuddling close to my lover when the alarm goes off and I feel our cat jump right into the space on the other side of me...lol makes me all happy thinking about it ! warm body on one side and handsome black cat on the other xoxo


Love is feeling warm inside when I hear our songs...

Love is want, not need.

daisygrrl 12-29-2009 08:43 AM

Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense.
~Mark Overby

Tommi 12-29-2009 09:43 AM

Love is talking before the game, her being there at half-time :football: and waiting to talk till the game is over, :football: and still there when it's :football::football: OT which "goes till the next day". :3femme:

Words 12-29-2009 09:52 AM

Love is...
...knowing when the O/other needs a cup of tea but doesn't have the energy to make it.

Of all the things Hy does for me - and Hy does a lot - it's those cups of tea that make me feel loved the most.

violaine 01-08-2010 12:34 AM

outside, when it's far too bright in the middle of the night
tree arms, shoulders, and quiet ground blanketed in white
then a bird appears - a most unexpected sight .

Dragonfly 01-09-2010 12:46 PM

Love is...
Love is a verb, not just a noun. Most people think of it as a noun. But it is like the word seat. You sit on a seat (n), or you Seat the customers. One is a word describing something the latter is the action of putting people in their seat.

When you say I love you to someone, it is a verb in that sentence. Its the actions you make. Things like giving a massage to ease their pain, celebrating special days, and even just working on the relationship talking. They are all actions that show love. Everything you put in the category of things you do FOR that loved one to Show your feelings. Love just isnt some vague undefined feeling that there are never enough words to describe... the feelings are different for everyone so the dictionary references as a noun are only a foundation basic explanation. Love used as a noun is subjective and interpretation is different for everyone. So if it isn't something you can touch like a seat... how is it real?

For me it is because Love as a verb is factual. Tangible. Really easy to prove because as a verb, the actions are the proof. You experience it as it happens outside of one's mind and in the real world. Love as a verb is what makes love real. If its not a verb, then when it is used as a noun we would all think of it (world wide) as a FICTIONAL or Mythological thing.

Most of the world can recognize a fictional character or make believe item like invisibility cloak of Harry Potter for example. Author imagined and not "real". Maybe the subject and plot had realistic aspects, it was make believe by Rowlings and she gets paid a lot of money too I might add. Love is not supposed to be in this category is it?

Love is a verb for me.

FeminineAllure 01-09-2010 06:42 PM

"Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it...It really is worth fighting for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk everything, you risk even more." - Erica Jong

violaine 01-14-2010 07:15 PM

love is at the check out - trying to hold a mini telephone conversation with love and too many things going on at once -


Blade 01-14-2010 07:21 PM

Love is letting go
Love is looking back, and realizing it really wasn't worth it, and being ok with that.
That is love of self.

Gemme 01-14-2010 07:28 PM

Love is working through the shit.

labete 01-14-2010 10:12 PM

Love is allowing vulnerability and trusting it will be okay.

Love is being accepted and appreciated for who I am/she is, and being completely ourselves, unselfconscious, uncensored.

Love is honoring boundaries, mine and hers.

Love is the drive to seek solace in her arms above anywhere else, and to fulfill the same need for her.

Love is intimate connectedness, attuned to one another.

Love is a gift from us to both ourselves and each other.

Love is the look in her eyes when she catches and holds my gaze.

Love is the cocoon that surrounds us and mutes the rest of the world when we're in each other's arms.

HeartBreak Kid 01-16-2010 10:16 AM

I had to keep coming back to this thread...
my reflex was to write something bitter and angry, not becuase I am but because Love Hurts......even when it's good.
Then My friend(and I suspect, guardian angel) sent me a Poem that elequently explained love as I see it.
So to answer the question What is Love?
It is asking the Impossible........

I ask the impossible: love me forever.

Love me when all desire is gone.

Love me with the single mindedness of a monk.

When the world in its entirety,

and all that you hold sacred advise you

against it: love me still more.

When rage fills you and has no name: love me.

When each step from your door to our job tires you--

love me; and from job to home again, love me, love me.

Love me when you're bored--

when every woman you see is more beautiful than the last,

or more pathetic, love me as you always have:

not as admirer or judge, but with

the compassion you save for yourself

in your solitude.

Love me as you relish your loneliness,

the anticipation of your death,

mysteries of the flesh, as it tears and mends.

Love me as your most treasured childhood memory--

and if there is none to recall--

imagine one, place me there with you.

Love me withered as you loved me new.

Love me as if I were forever--

and I, will make the impossible

a simple act,

by loving you, loving you as I do

~Ana Castillo, "I Ask the Impossible"~

Peace and Love

sylvie 01-16-2010 10:26 AM

love is... honesty
love is... embracing all imperfections
love is... feeling safe

Sachita 01-16-2010 10:35 AM

I've been thinking about this a lot lately. My life, once again going through changes and processing lessons, keep them, leave the past. I've thought a lot about love and this is what it means to me.

Love is enduring and it doesnt go away. It evolves and deepens if in fact its real. Seeking love is all about conditions, however when love plants it seed the conditions start to disappear. When I love someone they become a priority in my life and I make a commitment to always be there even when its hard to sometimes. I have never fallen out of love, just changes and to date I have truly loved three people. Even today, although we've all moved on I would turn heaven and earth to be there for them.

The friends and family I love... sometimes I don't like them and they make me angry but somehow love always heals this and it never goes away.

Love is tolerant. This doesn't mean you put up with shit but that when you love you learn a whole new level of compromise.
You cant walk away from love. You can try but its an essence that can't be extinguished.

Everyone loves differently but the essence of love is total, unconditional and pure light. We decide how it will manifest in our life and we give love permission to reside and grow.

The moment you realize there is only one of here and you erase the separation, love becomes part of everything around you. When your heart and spirit lives in love, you love everything around you but there are soulful connections that make you soar and teach you lessons. Love is all about growth and learning to love yourself and your connection to all that is.

FeminineAllure 01-16-2010 12:30 PM

Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two."
-St. Augustine
from the movie Captain Corelli's Mandolin:

Sachita 01-16-2010 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by FeminineAllure (Post 34824)
Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two."
-St. Augustine
from the movie Captain Corelli's Mandolin:

Thats beautiful BUT in translation sounds like lust, which we all know too well! Then we decide if love exist and how it will exist for us.

Thank you for posting it.

Beau 01-16-2010 10:33 PM

at least you're an original
.. is twirling you while savoring the delicious moments of your mm mm mm.:bunchflowers:

:: ahem :: love really is the laughter you evoke daily :stillheart:

FeminineAllure 01-21-2010 11:36 PM

Love is... Sometimes wanting what is best for yourself. Even it that means saying goodbye and walking away while your still in love with someone.

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