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Andrew, Jr. 11-04-2009 09:50 PM

The Paranormal
I am seriously interested in the paranormal. I love to read or watch everything I can about conspiracy theories, realitivity. dead time, creatures, ghosts, haunted places, demons, to aliens & Area 51.

Anyone else?

Leigh 11-05-2009 11:35 PM

I am very much into this kind of stuff too Andrew. Ghosts, anything haunted, aliens, crop circles, I'm into alot of that as well as I love watching shows like Paranormal State :)

Cyclopea 11-05-2009 11:47 PM

<<<into it!
I'm especially into it if it is really, really stupid!

Jet 11-06-2009 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Andrew, Jr. (Post 643)
I am seriously interested in the paranormal. I love to read or watch everything I can about conspiracy theories, realitivity. dead time, creatures, ghosts, haunted places, demons, to aliens & Area 51.

Anyone else?

You've always been into this, bro. have fun!

IrishGrrl 11-06-2009 01:24 AM

My husband and I are TOTALLY into this stuff. We watch ghost hunters every wednesday. We watch every scary movie that comes out. We are nuts for it.

We also like to jump outta closets and scare the crap out of each other on a regular basis.

Hella fun!

Andrew, Jr. 11-06-2009 03:27 AM

Shadow People
I have always seen shadow people since elementary school. They never were close to me. Always at a distance. For example, my earliest memory is when I was in first grade, I saw this shadow person outside the doorway and then disappear into a corner. Another example, is when I was working in a warehouse as a forklift driver, I would get off my truck to hand someone a box, I would catch a shadow person out of the corner of my eye. They would be 25 to 30 feet from me. The aberition (sp??) would disappear into a steel rack.

What are these beings? Are they ghosts?

I am so addicted to Paranormal State, Extreme Paranormal, and Ghost Lab. I just love shows like that.

dixie 11-07-2009 06:07 PM

I'm with ya on this one. I'm really into anything on the subject. I've even taken classes in Paranormal Studies. I also belong to one of our local ghost hunter groups, Go Dark Paranormal. Yes, I am officially a ghost hunter. ..lol I am fascinated by anything paranormal.

Jet 11-07-2009 06:10 PM

Every time Poltergeist is on, I watch it.

Andrew, Jr. 11-07-2009 06:27 PM

Ok, what are shadow people? Any ideas?

Does anyone watch Ghost Lab? I love that show.

Bit 11-08-2009 10:40 AM

More than likely, Andrew, your shadow people are ghosts.

Andrew, Jr. 11-08-2009 05:19 PM

I had no idea that they would be ghosts. However, eversince I retired, I haven't seen any. Not one. The only paranormal I have witnessed along with a friend of mine was the black cloud or fog that came up on my porch, and left. And fast. It was really strange.

I spray Holy Water from various Shrines and Church's all over my lawn, and home. I give it to all of my pets. I had someone laugh at me for doing it, but I believe in the power of Holy Water.

I also believe in taking salt and shaking a bit out at all 4 corners of my property. And I also believe in burning sage to clean a home.

There was a woman at my Parish who's husband left her because he was born in the Domin. Republic. He believed in bleeding chickens to death, cutting himself, and offering goats to G-d. I cannot remember the name of this religion. But he pays someone $500 in NYC to come to his apartment (where he now lives) for a vile of chicken blood, and to say their chant, and offer G-d some prayer. When he travels to visit his children, he gives them the symbolic items of his religion, and tries to teach them the chants & prayers. He can afford to do this, but cannot afford to pay child support, or give any money towards their food. No comment from me. Long story short, the woman has had the Priest and 2 Deacons to her apartment to bless it, and to wash away the negative energy that he leaves there. It so happens that when he leaves, they experience something horrible from a water heater rusting thru, to children getting sick, to the wife getting colon cancer. That is what her husband wishes upon them. Nothing but evil. Sad.

Andrew, Jr. 11-08-2009 07:12 PM

Anyone want to talk about 2012, The New World Order, a 1 world currency, or the End of the World as we know it?


TCB 11-08-2009 07:52 PM

I am very much into the paranormal myself. As a matter of fact, I'm going back to the Queen Mary (long beach, CA) for the parnormal shipwalk again tonight.
I've had some interesting experiences, but I'm not sure what to make of them. Paranormal? Maybe...but maybe not. I'm really fascinated with it all.
I watch ghost hunters, paranormal state, most haunted, etc.

I want to be a ghost hunter!

Greyson 11-08-2009 09:40 PM

LOL about Paranormal. AKA Dating? Okay, bad joke. On the serious side, I would very much like to hear about your adventure on the Queen Mary Paranormal tour tonight. Good to see you TCB.

Andrew, Jr. 11-08-2009 09:44 PM

I had a friend of mine who was scared to death after his experience on the Queen Mary. In fact, so scared, he won't watch anything on tv about the paranormal anymore.

Please post about your experience on this trip. I would love to go!:)

TCB 11-09-2009 02:25 AM

I just returned home from the Queen Mary, sometime tomorrow I will come back and post my experience. Good to see ya too Greyson!

Andrew, Jr. 01-24-2010 11:06 AM

I am waiting for the details of that adventure!

SweetChrissy 01-24-2010 12:40 PM

I love watching anything on paranormal......Ghost Advenures on friday nights on travel channel is on my DVR but I love watching the other ones too. I am getting ready to move to St Petersburg, Florida and I cant wait they have a really good ghost tour and that is my first thing I do when I get there.

My first experience with ghost was when I was living in Missouri when I was little and I had a ghost or a shadow person open my door look at me and close the door. It was an elderly lady that couldnt of been more then 5 ft nothing and in 1940s wear. When it first happened it scared the crap out of me but then I realized that she was just checking up on me. Just thought I would share

Andrew, Jr. 01-24-2010 12:52 PM

Yes, they do that. Some don't know they have died.

SweetChrissy 01-24-2010 12:57 PM

yah i figured out now that she was playing out her life and i was just lucky enough to be able to see her

Andrew, Jr. 01-24-2010 01:10 PM

I enjoy anything related to the paranormal. I also go cemetaries, and have seen things that I just can't explain. Gettysburg is a really neat place to go. If anyone ever has the opportunity - GO! I can pretty much guarantee that you will see something. It is just that haunted.

Just be patient, is what I tell newbies, who are truely interested. I can tell if someone is being true or if something is up. But I have to see them in real time. Not online.

My gay brother and his partner were driving thru Gettysburg with a friend of theirs. They were the only ones on the road. The 3 of them witnessed UFO's, and other things. Now, this was 10 years or more ago, and they talk about it like it was yesterday. That is the impact it had on them.

Skeptics and non-believers will try to write everything off. Now, kids are a different story. I think it is because they are closer from the other side. They have too much of a connection. I really enjoyed Psychic Kids on SyFy. That was a fabulous show.

SweetChrissy 01-24-2010 01:18 PM

The show psychic kids on a&e with new shows on mondays i believe if you interested and then they show another paranormal show but i cant remember the shows name

Blade 01-24-2010 01:23 PM

I love the paranormal and have had several experiences. Most of them in the past 3 years. I may have had more and not realized it at the time. According to Mom I had an imaginary friend as a child, we even made room for her at the table some nights but not every night. Reading much and looking back Mom wonders if it was a ghost that only I could see, as it's believed children are more in tune with these things.

I just finished a book Called "When Ghosts Speak" by Mary Ann Winkowski. Very enlightening book, wish I could share it but it is Mom's and if she can't come by your house she don't share LOL

DELSDAUGHTER 01-24-2010 01:30 PM

well i live near one of the most haunted places in the country for sure....Gettysburg, pa

Have had several experieces some more intense then others....

I do believe that i heard that some believe that until the age of about three therre is a clear path between this world and the other from whence we came....ere go why children can see thing s we can not.....

and if you have noticed that animals can see and sense things we as adults usually can't as well...

SweetChrissy 01-24-2010 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by DELSDAUGHTER (Post 38523)
well i live near one of the most haunted places in the country for sure....Gettysburg, pa

Have had several experieces some more intense then others....

I do believe that i heard that some believe that until the age of about three therre is a clear path between this world and the other from whence we came....ere go why children can see thing s we can not.....

and if you have noticed that animals can see and sense things we as adults usually can't as well...

i have heard that about children and animals...i would love to visit Gettysburg someday

Blade 01-24-2010 01:39 PM

Charleston and Savannah are also good ghost places.

DELSDAUGHTER 01-24-2010 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by SweetChrissy (Post 38526)
i have heard that about children and animals...i would love to visit Gettysburg someday

you definitely should its amazing........

SweetChrissy 01-24-2010 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by DELSDAUGHTER (Post 38785)
you definitely should its amazing........

maybe that will be my next vacation you never know

o222Good 01-24-2010 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Andrew, Jr. (Post 38507)
Yes, they do that. Some don't know they have died.

I love that movie The Sixth Sense!
Thanks for the great topic!

TCB 01-25-2010 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by Andrew, Jr. (Post 38466)
I am waiting for the details of that adventure!


Originally Posted by Andrew, Jr. (Post 38516)
I enjoy anything related to the paranormal. I also go cemetaries, and have seen things that I just can't explain. Gettysburg is a really neat place to go. If anyone ever has the opportunity - GO! I can pretty much guarantee that you will see something. It is just that haunted.

Just be patient, is what I tell newbies, who are truely interested. I can tell if someone is being true or if something is up. But I have to see them in real time. Not online.

My gay brother and his partner were driving thru Gettysburg with a friend of theirs. They were the only ones on the road. The 3 of them witnessed UFO's, and other things. Now, this was 10 years or more ago, and they talk about it like it was yesterday. That is the impact it had on them.

Skeptics and non-believers will try to write everything off. Now, kids are a different story. I think it is because they are closer from the other side. They have too much of a connection. I really enjoyed Psychic Kids on SyFy. That was a fabulous show.

My apologies! I totally forgot to come back here and post.

I have done the Queen Mary paranormal shipwalk 4 times now. Now that I literally live 5 minutes away, it makes it much easier to visit :)
My first visit there I didn't experience much of anything. Wasn't sure what to expect really. However, I did use the dousing(sp?) rods my first visit and had success. Interestingly enough, after my first visit I had at least two odd experiences in two different locations. One down in San Diego while staying in a friends condo. I witnessed a figure of a tall man standing in the bathroom doorway. 2nd was in a hotel in Joshua Tree, CA. Just minutes after laying in bed, I heard a loud breathing get closer and closer to my ear that made me jump out of bed. (yes I was alone, lol)
I went back to the Queen Mary and had many questions for the "medium" who was guiding the walk at the time. She's actually been on a few of the ghost hunters shows. I asked her if it was possibly to "take spirits home with you." She said it's possible, but rare. More likely I have become more in tune with spirits after experiencing the energy at the Queen Mary.
Nothing took place outside the ship after my second visit. However, during my second visit I got extremely nautious in the Dressing area of the 1st class pool room. The medium informed me that this feeling is not uncommon for some people in that area. Oddly, I didn't experience that the first time. Also had much communication using the dousing rods the second time around.
3rd visit I grew extremely sick in the lower deck holding chamber. Something (don't know what or if it was my imagination) touched my shoulder and scared the crap out of me. Mind you, there was 8 of us in a small group....sitting in the pitch black. All of us seated and very much spread out. Suddenly, I didn't feel sick anymore. I felt my feet grow very cold, almost a numb/tingly feeling. Then stopped after about 30 seconds. Another individual picked up on this before I said anything. Again, much activity with the dousing rods. I will note though...did not feel nausea in the changing rooms of the 1st class pool room this time.
My 4th most recent visit I felt another great presence in the cargo hold at the bottom of the ship again. It was pitch black, but kept seeing a black presence on the stairwell. Something kept making me turn my head, it was very strong. Experienced only minor movement with the dousing rods this time.
Overall, it seems that I experience more and more every visit I make there. However, I'm thinking I may need to spend some time away for a while :) I don't mind spending the night on the ship and having a drink (or 3....) and cruising the halls with friends :)

On a side note...Gettysburg is high up on my list of places to visit! Not only for the historical factor, but the presence of spirits must be unbelievable!

I can't say I believe or don't believe. What I will say is that I'm fascinated and very open to learning so much more about the paranormal. What I've experienced I don't know how to explain it, but that doesn't mean there isn't an explanation. *Shrugs*
It sure is fun to think about though :P

Rockinonahigh 01-25-2010 11:47 AM

Some years age I went on a civle war site trip..not shure what I expected but I know I felt and saw things that other ppl who were with me didnt.In Gettysburg I got so nauseated and wiped out I had to go back to the RV,it was a cloudy day and it wasnt what I ate that made me feel bad.On the drive thrue the park I sensed shadows in places..at Mannases I know I smeled black powder...in Vicksburge it was sureal at dawn with the fog off the river...no sound at all it was like watching a silent movie about the event somewhat in slomo.Hear at home they recently found battle ramparts and trenched where the battle in Shreveport was..Rumor is there is a sunken steamer in the river that had confederate payroll in it.Ppl have found canon balls and shot in the dirt on and off for years,self included.I woule love to go on anothre trip again but this time without distractions.

Andrew, Jr. 01-27-2010 08:34 AM

Has anyone seen the movie "Paranormal Activity"? It is about a young couple who move into a house in the suburbs. All of the paranormal things that happen take place while they are sleeping. It was rated R in the movie theatres.


Andrew, Jr. 01-27-2010 09:34 AM


Have you witnessed ufo's at all? I heard thru the grapevine that is the hot spot for them. Also, in the movie "Out on a Limb" by Shirley MacLaine, she proclaims that Gettysburg is one of her favorite places to visit because of this. Have you seen her there? She lives full time in Sedona (sp??), New Mexico (I think that is where it is). She is involved with a channeler now from what I have heard.


SweetChrissy 01-27-2010 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Andrew, Jr. (Post 40049)
Has anyone seen the movie "Paranormal Activity"? It is about a young couple who move into a house in the suburbs. All of the paranormal things that happen take place while they are sleeping. It was rated R in the movie theatres.


no but i wanted to go and see it really bad!!! it is good?

TCB 01-27-2010 05:58 PM

I saw Paranormal Activity. I'd say that I enjoyed it, but it wasn't the scariest thing I've ever seen. It's 2009's Blair Witch minus the excessive camera shaking.
I think most people would say it was quite scary for them, but it was just "alright" for me. My .02

Andrew, Jr. 01-27-2010 08:44 PM

"Paranormal Activity" - the movie
Well, for me it was cheesy. I rented it today, and watched it. I was bored with it. It had a very slow beginning. I was waiting and waiting and waiting until I realized that the "paranormal activity" started. I stopped it, and turned it off.

It just didn't do it for me because of what I have experienced. I really thought it was going to be different than what I really expected. :alieninjar:

Now, some may think it was scarey. And that is ok. Everyone has different tastes.

Just my :2cents:


SmoothButch 09-22-2010 07:36 PM

Overnight ghost hunt

We have booked an overnight ghost hunt. Ten of us will be driving up to WVA. If you're interested check out the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum (formerly Weston State Hospital). We will be locked inside from 1130 until 0600 the next morning. Ghost Adventurers and Ghost Hunters have both filmed episodes there.

We go at the end of October, should be quit the experience.

TCB 10-20-2010 10:50 PM

I'll be hitting up Boston and Minnesota in a few weeks and I'm wondering if anybody knows of any haunted places to visit in either of these areas?

I'm thinking St. Paul may have some (I'll be in MN longer)

CherryFemme 10-21-2010 02:20 AM

For Normal
We live with a little dead girl who haunts the upstairs of the shelter we live in.

She is rather mean.

What I find fascinating is her <insert appropriate word here>

"attacks" or "attention seeking behaviors."

If you ask the residents who were seriously scratched up on their torsos, necks, and faces and freaked out by her moving items about their room while slamming doors-- they say "attacks". Some residents try to switch rooms, but she follows them from room to room.

If you ask me, I say attention seeking. I sleep upstairs from time to time-- especially during mid-term weeks and finals. If we have an empty room, it is nice to have a space where I can study and not be bothered. On the other hand, I tried spending the night last week-- and she she kept taking all of the hangers (about 20 hangers) in the open closet and moving them from one end to the other--- over and over and over. I cannot study with that nonsense! The full apparition thing is a little bit much to take, but I try to chalk it up to social work burn out and over-exhaustion. If I was the only one to actually see her, she would be a little bit easier to dismiss. I really do not want to live with a ghost who is 9-10 years old. I find her exhausting at best-- and downright scary at worst.

If you ask the residents who live upstairs with her-- well now, they get special permission to sleep downstairs for a while...because let's face it-- seeing a little dead girl ghost peek at you from around the corner could be a little upsetting if you are just trying to get your life in order.

She really does NOT LIKE butches and tg folk. It seems that they get the worst of the marks, scratches, and "suffocation" tactics. Femmes, babies, and non-butch /tg folk have pleasant interactions with her-- not scary at all. They do not get marked or scratched-- they get things moved in their room and occasionally bothered when they are trying to sleep. It feels like someone is touching your face-- but she is not actually leaving marks or scratches on them. She never scratched me like she has some butches who have lived with us.

We are very lucky. She is only upstairs and to date and never comes downstairs. (We live downstairs) If I had to deal with hangers moving every night... well, I don't think I could take it.

I will say this, I get very irritated when I am home alone and it sounds like someone is moving beds into the hallway-- but when I go upstairs, everything is in order. I spend my time running up and down the stairs checking on the persistent crashing noises when I should be writing a paper or doing other things. Very irritating. I have tried informing her she was dead and she should go into the light, cursing at her, pleading with her, and nagging at her. None of the above has worked or stopped her from her shinanigans.


She needs to go to the light already.


MysticOceansFL 10-21-2010 03:31 AM

I've always been interested in ghost's and yes I watch ghost hunters.

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